The Eye of Luvelles

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The Eye of Luvelles Page 33

by Phillip Jones

  “Alistar and Mosley are looking for something sinister, not something that cries and soils its diaper.”


  “But nothing,” the Mischievous consoled. “Like I said, everything is under control. Mosley’s attention is focused on Luvelles. With the dark and white armies on the brink of war, he has no choice but to focus on his duties. He must ensure the leaders of the armies choose war over diplomacy.”

  Celestria frowned. “What about Alistar? He has the moments at his disposal to look for deeper reasons behind our deceptions.”

  Lasidious laughed.

  Celestria pulled away. “Why are you laughing? Alistar is a threat.”

  “No, no, no. Alistar isn’t a threat,” Lasidious countered.

  “How can you be so sure? He is every bit as smart as Mosley, and we have already danced around that wolf’s snout being stuck in places where it shouldn’t be.”

  Lasidious reclaimed his seat. He tossed his feet up and leaned back. “There’s something you don’t know about Alistar.”

  “I know plenty. I’ve known him for more than 13,000 seasons. Or perhaps it has been 14 now.”

  “Yes, you know him alright. But who was he with on the Peak you met him?”

  “He was with you. Why?”

  Lasidious gestured for his lover to take a seat. As she did, Celestria tucked her cherry-red skirt under her legs. The Mischievous One lowered his feet to the floor and then leaned forward. “When the Farendrite Collective was formed, it was Alistar and I who initiated its creation, was it not?”

  “Yes, but why do you talk to me as if I do not know this? What are you getting at?”

  “There’s a secret Alistar and I have kept from the Collective since its inception.” Lasidious reached out and took Celestria’s hands. “We have also kept this secret from you.”

  The goddess’ brow furrowed. “Me? Why me? I thought we shared everything.”

  Lasidious grinned. “No, my love ... we don’t.”

  Celestria instantly pulled her hands away. She stood and moved to the far side of the table. “You best have a good explanation.”

  Lasidious leaned back in his chair. “You won’t be mad for long. I’m sure you’ll find everything I have to say forgivable.”

  “Spit it out already!” the goddess demanded.

  Lasidious held up his hands. “Just relax.”

  “Don’t tell me to relax! I said, spit it out!”

  “Okay. But what I’m about to tell you will need to be said under the Rule of Fromalla.”

  Celestria’s eyes filled with rage. “Why would I need to enter into the pact of Fromalla with you? I’m your lover, not your enemy!”

  Lasidious stood to move behind his chair. He remained calm. “I’ll explain once you’ve agreed.”

  Celestria reached out and passed her right hand over a vase filled with fresh roses. The flowers wilted as the light that emanated from within the walls of their home turned red, casting a glow that matched her mood. “I agree to Fromalla, but this better be the explanation above all other explanations, or you’ll be spending the rest of your existence without me in your bed.”

  Lasidious smiled. “Your beauty becomes more enticing when you’re vexed.”

  Celestria knocked the vase off the table and held Lasidious’ gaze as it flew across the room and smashed against the wall just beneath the tapestry, and its pieces fell behind the chest. “I would speak now if I were you!”

  Lasidious threw up his hands. “Just breathe for a moment. There’s no need for threats. I assure you ... you’ll be quite happy when I’m finished.”

  “Then get on with it!”

  Lasidious took a deep breath and then sat on the edge of the table. “Alistar and I have known each other since birth.” He paused to put a slight grin on his face. “We’re twins, but not identical.”

  Celestria gasped. With a wave of her hand, the chair at the end of the table pulled back. She fell into the seat and then looked across the room into the flames. She watched the fire dance for many moments before she responded. “This is an enormous secret. I am not sure what to say.”

  Lasidious pushed clear of the table and then took the seat next to his goddess. “Allow me to explain.”

  “Please do, because I feel betrayed.”

  “I understand how you could feel that way, but I assure you, there was a reason for the deception. You see, after Alistar and I thought of the idea of creating the Collective, we realized it would be easier to get the others to join if we were selling a perfect balance of good and evil. This balance was not only necessary for the survival of those who fought together, but it was also necessary for the creation of a new set of worlds that would serve us. With the destruction of our old way of life, it was more important than ever to create a group to represent both paths. Good and evil had to be part of the Collective ... and it was necessary to entice the others to join.

  “Alistar and I knew we weren’t powerful enough to survive the wars if we fought alone. We needed help. One of us had to take on the role of goodness, and because of this, we agreed never to tell anyone. We couldn’t allow this secret to get out, or it would ruin our chances for any kind of advantage over those we intended to recruit and later control.”

  Celestria stood. “Then ... I have been a pawn in your game all these seasons.”

  “No, no, no! You’re wrong to think that way. Alistar and I never intended to recruit you in the first place. In fact, we never knew you existed until we found you in what was left of the heavenly kingdom your father had created. We went to Challic seeking him. We intended to recruit Dograin, but he was destroyed before we arrived. All we found floating amongst the debris was your unconscious figure. Your father must have been extremely powerful in order to keep you from perishing.”

  Celestria wiped the moisture from her eyes. “My father was powerful. He could have defeated his attackers if it wasn’t for his desire to protect me. I am the reason he was destroyed. I miss him so much. I only had the chance to spend 100 seasons with him after my ascension. My poor mother was distraught when he came to her home to collect me.”

  “I’m sure your mother prepared herself. You were a demigod. She had to know that you’d eventually leave her one Peak.” Lasidious gave Celestria a moment to gather herself. “The strength of your father’s power was the reason we wanted to recruit him. It was only after I laid eyes on you that I convinced my brother to allow me to bring you into the Collective. If you remember, Bassorine and Mieonus had already joined. I was instantly taken by your beauty, and I approached only because I wanted to discover who you were. The fact we followed the same path was only a bonus.”

  Celestria finished wiping the tears from her face. “Tell me. How does this fit into our plans? How does this get us to where we are now?”

  “Great questions. You see, Alistar and I knew Bassorine was powerful ... so powerful that, with the assistance of a small group at his side, we could handle anything that threatened us while the God Wars continued. All we had to do was assemble a team that could handle the creation of the new worlds.

  “Alistar and I agreed we had yet another problem to overcome. We knew Bassorine would be strong enough to rule the new worlds once they were recreated, and the rest of us would become expendable. We had to manipulate the others of the Collective into thinking that the creation of the Book of Immortality was absolutely necessary. As you know, we convinced them to glorify Bassorine throughout the worlds, and in exchange, he would succumb to the Book’s governance.”

  “I still don’t understand why Bassorine did that,” Celestria announced as she crossed her arms.

  Lasidious moved to stand near the chest. He waved his hand across the shattered mess that had fallen behind it and watched it vanish. After snapping his fingers, a new vase filled with fresh flora appeared on the table. “If Bassorine was to fight against the Book’s creation, there would have been consequences. Alistar and I would’ve convinced the rest of the Colle
ctive to abandon Bassorine if he chose not to allow the Collective to be governed by the Book. He would have been left alone within the vast expanse of an empty universe with no one to talk to, no one to love, and no one to serve him. He would’ve been miserable.

  “Alistar and I convinced the Collective to give Bassorine the confidence that his sword could destroy the Book if ever he needed to reclaim his dominance ... and it worked.”

  Celestria stood from the table and spoke in a tone that Lasidious had not heard for more than 3,000 seasons. “You lie! I was there when the others had the conversation about the weaknesses the Book of Immortality should have. Do you think that I’m stupid?”

  “No, of course not. Do you think I would be foolish enough to lie to you after all we’ve done? Look at how far we’ve come. You know I can’t lie to you. You made sure of that. We’re close to having complete control over the others. Just think about it. What happened to Bassorine?”

  Lasidious watched Celestria’s expression change. “Are you telling me you and Alistar knew you were going to use the Book against Bassorine before its creation?”

  “I am.”

  “But why convince the Collective to create a book filled with laws that even you were required to live by? We created something stronger than Bassorine.”

  “Yes, but we also created something with a limited amount of power. We created a neutral being with no alignment to either path. We created a being whose only desire is to do the task assigned to it by the gods. Gabriel is the balance Alistar and I needed to put our plans into effect.”

  Lasidious put his hands on Celestria’s shoulders and then stroked the length of her arms. “Thanks to you, our baby’s power will manifest. Soon, he will be strong enough to take control of the Book. With Alistar working with us, we’ll be able to keep the others from learning of our deceptions. Garrin can continue to grow without fear of being ended.”

  Lasidious pulled Celestria to him, but she held up her hand against his chest and pushed him away. “How could you have known that I would be willing to have your child?”

  “I didn’t know how you would react. Our baby was only a backup plan, and you were the only piece of the puzzle that I had to manipulate in order to implement it.”

  “So I am a pawn!” Celestria snapped.

  Lasidious held up his hand and waved off the accusation. “No, I would not call the woman I desire a pawn. The manipulation was necessary, and that is all.”

  The Mischievous One took a step back. “If you being my eternal partner is the result of my manipulation, then I feel my motivation was just. All I knew was that I wanted you. I knew you had a piece of my heart, and I was willing to do anything to be with you. I took an enormous risk by drinking the potion you gave me so many seasons ago. I knew it would stop me from lying to you, but you were worth it. Alistar and I felt that my desire to love you would win your affections. We hoped that you would avoid asking me anything that would reveal our relationship as brothers. We also hoped that you would grow to love me ... and you did. Together, we have given birth to the baby who will take control of the Book. The other plan Alistar and I created has also been implemented, and it will become known to the Collective soon enough.”

  Again, Lasidious stepped forward to pull Celestria close, but the goddess backed up.

  Lasidious smiled and then continued to work his way out of trouble. “You know your potion keeps me from lying to you. You know that I’m telling you the truth, so you can relax. Our son is going to be fine, and there’s nothing to worry about. Alistar will keep Mosley off our scent, and the wolf won’t have the moments at his disposal to figure anything out.”

  Celestria stared into Lasidious’ eyes. “I want to know ... do you and Alistar have plans to dispose of me after our child has taken control of the Book?”

  Lasidious chuckled. “Of course not. I’ve told you how I feel on a million occasions. You know what the plan is. I’ll explain the details of our backup plan as well if you’d like.”

  The goddess let out a sigh of relief. “Then ... you really love me?”

  “Of course I do. How could you doubt that?”

  After a moment of silence, Celestria put a smile on her face. “Why are we talking when we should be celebrating?” The goddess cupped her lover’s face in her hands and then kissed him. “You can explain the details of the plans you’ve created with Alistar after you’ve properly apologized for keeping your relationship a secret.” She opened the front of Lasidious’ tunic and rubbed her hands through the hair on his chest. “I want you to take me on an outing. I want you to be clever and surprise me. Make me smile.”

  The City of Marcus

  The Dark Chancellor’s Tower-palace

  Marcus appeared inside his bedroom chamber. He was in a hurry and needed to meet with Boyafed in the dining hall. His servants had prepared a bath. The blood covering his body needed to be removed, and he had to change into a clean robe before he joined the Order leader.

  When Marcus appeared in the dining room, he headed for his seat, but Boyafed had already taken it upon himself to sit at the head of the table. The dark warrior smiled, knowing full well that his choice would irritate Marcus, but the chancellor handled the situation with feigned humility. He had come with an agenda, and he would not let the dark paladin ruin his objective. “Good evening, Boyafed.”

  “What do you want, Marcus? I’ve got better things to do than waste my evening with you.”

  Marcus lifted his pipe and lit it. He took a long drag and then allowed the smoke to escape as he spoke. “Boyafed, must we always fight? You and I have irritated one another for too many seasons. I want to call a truce. I also wish to apologize for speaking to you without the respect you deserve.”

  As a wary look appeared on the dark warrior’s face, Marcus continued. “I understand you’re the backbone of the army, and without you, the strength of our forces would pale in comparison. I should give you the same respect that your men do. I owe you that much, and I intend to do so from here on out.”

  Boyafed pondered Marcus’ words. “I never expected an apology to escape your lips. What has caused this change of heart?”

  “I’ve recently realized that if I’m to achieve my full potential as a leader, I need to better myself. I see how the men treat you. I see how powerful you’ve become. I want to receive the same respect from those I command just as you do.”

  Boyafed lowered his knife onto his plate. He stood and carried his meal to another seat. “I accept your apology.”

  Marcus smiled and moved to take the chair at the head of the table. As he did, he thought, News is coming your way, Boyafed. I shall enjoy the pain on your face when your men find the body.

  Mogg’s Village

  Brayson was standing in front of an ancient tree. Much of its trunk had been hollowed, and a small hole existed just above his head. The opening acted as the entrance to Mogg’s home, and the Head Master was waiting for the Sprite Queen to return.

  The rest of Mogg’s kind had lived for 7,000 seasons inside this community of Hasspellyan Spruces. They were hiding amongst the branches and were agitated by Brayson’s presence.

  The Head Master knew he was considered a threat to this tiny race of beings, but his reason for coming outweighed his concern about the sprites’ anxiety. Mogg was the only creature on Luvelles who had mastered the magic of the past, and Brayson needed the Sprite Queen’s help to gather the knowledge he desired.

  Late Bailem come and gone before Mogg finally returned from her outing to gather dinner for the village. She was with her two sisters, Marda and Maggess, and the trio was struggling to carry a single blushel berry through the trees.

  It took a significant amount of moments before the sisters managed to place the berry on the ground. Their breathing was labored as they lowered to their backsides to catch their breath. They had spent most of the Peak picking just this one piece of fruit from a nearby grove. Blushel berry bushes were notorious for fighting against the sprit
es to keep them from harvesting their fruit.

  Mogg recognized their large, elven visitor as soon as she saw him. She lifted into a hovering position only a pace in front of Brayson’s face. Her hair was a mop of tight curls that had been pushed up above her ears and tied into place with a headband. Her red and white striped top hung low across her shoulders as Her Majesty’s wings hummed, and a shimmering glitter, made of dazzling colors, fell from her wings and dissipated prior to reaching the ground.

  Seeing their queen’s confidence, it was not long before Brayson had hundreds of sprites flying all around him.

  “For what when have you come, Head Master?” Mogg questioned, her voice small and high-pitched.

  “I need your help, Your Grace, to find answers.”

  “I didn’t ask why you’ve come, Wizard. I asked for what when you’ve come.”

  “I don’t understand,” Brayson responded.

  Mogg shook her head and frowned. “Your why is already known to me, Wizard. What I don’t know ... is your when that you’re seeking.”

  Brayson put his hand to his goatee and stroked it as he pondered how to answer. “I seek to know the truth of a friend’s passing. The exact moments of when this happened are unknown to me. All I know is it happened nearly a half season ago.”

  Mogg crossed her tiny arms across her bosom. “What can you offer for my help, Wizard?”

  “I don’t know, Your Majesty. What would you ask of me?”

  Brayson watched as Mogg’s eyes moved away from his and began to follow a beautiful red and yellow butterfly. Night was approaching, and the insect was glowing as if it had been placed under a black light. The entire village began to follow the insect as if they were hypnotized by the fluttering of its wings. Brayson had to snap his fingers to capture Mogg’s attention. He knew sprites were renowned for their insatiable love of butterflies.

  “Mogg, please focus.”

  The sprite kept her eyes on the butterfly. “They are beautiful, yes?”


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