The Eye of Luvelles

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The Eye of Luvelles Page 43

by Phillip Jones

  Mary, Athena, Susanne and baby Garrin are inside Mary’s home having breakfast. The events of the night before last are fresh in Mary’s mind, despite the hangover she still has from the effects of the Mesolliff wine.

  Boyafed has set up camp. The Dark Order leader is waiting for Sam to exit Grogger’s swamp.

  Brayson is sitting outside the entrance to the Source’s cave. He is waiting for George to exit.

  The Head Master has given Lord Dowd the message that Gregory will not be able to finish gathering the forces for the war.

  Dowd will send Krasous, his Argont Commander, to meet with Wisslewine in the enchanted woods of Wraithwood Hollow. Krasous is to ask the Wraith Hound Prince to call forth his pack of canine warriors from out of the Under Eye and bring them to the Battlegrounds of Olis.

  Krasous will also go to the Spirit Plains to find the king of a race of spirits called the Lost Ones. Krasous needs to capture Shesolaywen so that Dowd can use the spirit’s Call of Canair.

  Mieonus is watching within an invisible veil as Sam guides those he saved from Grogger’s belly out of the swamp. The magic surrounding the swamp will not allow for teleportation. Once they make their exit, they can teleport home. Mieonus is looking forward to the confrontation between Sam and Boyafed.

  Mosley and Alistar have returned to Ancients Sovereign. They have called for a meeting of the gods to be held inside the Hall of Judgment.

  Mosley has managed to successfully leave an impression on the minds of the leaders of Harvestom. The King of Kless has called for war, a decision made because of the theft of his Seeds of Plenty. The king ordered the commander of his browncoated army to march against the King of Tagdrendlia’s Blackcoats. What is left of the food supply in Kless will be used to feed the army as they march into battle.

  The gods estimate that many souls will be returned to the Book’s pages. Hosseff will stroll through the carnage and cherish the loss of life.

  Gage and the other goswigs are waiting for Strongbear to exit his cave. They have used their magic to reverse the change of season and the bear has been slow to wake.

  Marcus is waiting inside his dark tower-palace. He is hoping George will return soon. They need to implement the last part of their plan. It will not be long before Marcus stands before the Eye.

  Lasidious and Celestria are inside their home beneath the Peaks of Angels. They plan to teleport to the Hall of Judgment to attend Mosley’s meeting. Lasidious is about to deliver some heavy news that will change the course of everything.

  Lasidious’ meeting with Boyafed outside the Order’s stables was everything he had hoped it would be. The Mischievous One will no longer need to take the form of the shade to manipulate Boyafed. The last thing the Order leader said as the Mischievous One ended their conversation was, “I live to serve you, My Lord.” Lasidious then returned to Ancients Sovereign to celebrate his deception with Celestria.

  Thank you for reading the Luvelles Gazette


  A Pair of Eyes Closed Forever

  Ancients Sovereign

  THE GODS ASSEMBLED INSIDE Gabriel’s Hall of Judgment. As always, Keylom’s hooves clapped against the marble floor as he entered the room. Lictina’s ugly face, which hardly complemented her elegant robe that was laced with gems, followed as her tail swished across the floor while taking her seat. Bailem appeared behind his chair, adjusted the robe covering his portly belly and then spread his wings just enough to allow him to sit. The rest of the Collective either appeared or walked into the room one after the other, and as always, Lasidious and Celestria were the last to bless everyone with their presence.

  Mosley opened the meeting once Gabriel lowered to a comfortable position atop the table. “I have the third piece of the Crystal Moon, Lasidious. The moment has come to join it with the others.”

  Lasidious shrugged. “Then do it. No one is stopping you.” The Mischievous One’s tone was snide. “We didn’t need a meeting for this. Go to the temple on Grayham, and unite them.”

  The room filled with questions.

  Mosley spoke over top of them all. “I thought George had the crystals. When did you place them inside the temple?”

  “They have been there for nearly 20 Peaks.” Lasidious smirked. “I suppose I forgot to mention it.”

  Mieonus stood and shouted. “How could you forget to mention something like that?”

  “Do be quiet, Mieonus!” Mosley snapped. “Your anger will solve nothing. When will you figure it out? He does this to irritate you, yet you continue to allow him under your hide. Sit.”

  Mieonus stomped her lifted heel. “I will sit when I wish to sit!” The goddess looked around the room. When every eye looked at her as if she was a fool, she stomped her heel again and then sat in a huff.

  Mosley could not help but enjoy Mieonus’ irritation. After a moment, he turned his attention back to Lasidious. “I assume you have protected the crystals from being taken. All we can do is add to the pieces. Is this correct?”

  Lasidious stood and took Celestria’s hand as she rose from her chair. “Mosley is correct. The pieces can be added to the statue they now rest upon.”

  Hosseff leaned forward. His wispy voice filled the room. “What statue are you referring to?”

  Lasidious’ grin widened. “I suggest you take a look for yourself. There is a new resting place for the Crystal Moon.” The Mischievous One and his lover vanished.

  Without further discussion, the rest of the Collective also disappeared, only to reappear in front of the new placeholder for the Crystal Moon. The statue was made of the most precious gem that could only be found in the mines on Trollcom. It was called Diamante. The statue was clear with a slight yellow hue, and the light filling the temple reflected from it, producing a glorious glimmer.

  The image portrayed was that of Lasidious. He stood with his hood down. His head and hands were extended toward the paintings on the ceiling. His hands had been placed together, and the golden dragon that cradled the first two pieces of the Crystal Moon stood in his palms.

  Including the black marble base, the total height of the Mischievous One’s new image was more than 10 paces. Forever would Lasidious’ vanity stand where the statue of Bassorine had rested for more than 10,000 seasons.

  Mieonus was the first to speak, sneering, “I say we destroy it! Who does he think he is?”

  Alistar stepped forward. “He doesn’t need our approval. We can’t destroy it. It could provoke him to destroy the Crystal Moon. He holds the power to govern the worlds in the palms of his hands ... no pun intended, of course. It appears he has found a way to capture the eyes of the worlds without taking their free will. I hate to say it ... but his plan is brilliant.”

  Alistar looked at Mosley. “I think it’s safe to say we now understand what his bigger objective was all along.”

  “What objective are you referring to?” Keylom questioned, his hooves clapping against the floor as he moved to a better position from which to speak. “What does a statue have to do with anything?”

  Mosley shook his head at the centaur’s ignorance. “How could you not understand? This makes perfect sense. The game with the Crystal Moon was not designed to entertain us. It was a ruse.”

  Mieonus crossed her arms and barked a command. “Get to the point, wolf!”

  Mosley sighed. “Alistar is right. Lasidious knew that with Bassorine’s destruction, he would be powerful enough to control the Crystal Moon.”

  The wolf looked at Gabriel who hovered next to Bailem. “He knew you’d be unable to take its pieces from him after we put them together. He intends to use his free will to hold the threat of the Crystal Moon’s destruction over our heads. Like it or not, this collective doesn’t have the power to create another one. We are now his puppets.”

  Lictina complained, “It’s clear to me now. He simply wished to be the centerpiece of the worlds, and we helped him achieve his objective.”

  Mosley looked up from licking himself. “I think Lasid
ious has a bigger plan than being the figurehead of the worlds. I would wager that he strives to increase his followers. I believe the game with the Crystal Moon has been about his desire to get the masses to stop worshipping us. He wants to control the Book.”

  Alistar spoke out. “I agree with you. But if I know Lasidious, he’s prepared to destroy the Crystal Moon if we don’t continue to play his game.” The gods watched as Alistar leaned forward and motioned for them to come close. He whispered, “Everyone, touch one another. We need to combine our power to protect what I’m about to say. We can’t afford to have Lasidious listening in. This is critical, and I’m invoking Fromalla.”

  Without question, the gods agreed and did as he requested.

  Alistar put one hand on Bailem’s shoulder and the other on Mosley’s back. “Clearly, we didn’t take everything into account when we created Gabriel. We overlooked many important details.”

  The Book of Immortality responded. “Many of your laws aren’t written to completion, but I can see no flawed law that would pertain to this conversation.”

  The others agreed, but Alistar remained patient. “I’m not referring to a law that’s been written. I’m not referring to a law at all. I didn’t think of it until now, and even then, I didn’t put it together until Mosley said Lasidious plans to take control of the Book. Gabriel, you don’t have the ability to increase your power.”

  Hosseff’s voice emanated from the emptiness beneath his hood. “Why would it be necessary for the Book to grow? He’s stronger than us all. I’m not following your logic.”

  Alistar nodded. “The Book is powerful to be sure, but Gabriel’s strength is limited to what each of us gave him when we poured a part of our being into his pages.”

  “What are you getting at?” Mieonus snapped. “We all know this already.”

  Alistar shook his head and then continued. “All of us know we seek followers to increase our power. Just look at what Lasidious has accomplished thus far. His power has grown over the last 10,000 seasons. He has surpassed us all, and the one he was unable to surpass, he used the Book to destroy. We know there were many who served Bassorine, and those who served him on worlds other than Grayham no longer have a deity to worship ... and they don’t even know it. The wolf has only revealed himself on two worlds thus far. He has let us down.”

  Alistar leaned into the huddle further. “I don’t mean to pick on you, Mosley, but think about it. We have watched Lasidious grow because of the sheer number who choose to worship him. Most of Dragonia bows to him. The trolls on Trollcom even worship him, and we all know how significant their numbers are.

  “With enough followers, Lasidious will obtain the power to make Gabriel his servant. Clearly, he plans to do this by making himself the deity of choice on all the worlds.” Alistar looked up. “Just look at his statue. He’s glorifying himself, and he’ll continue to do it until every being kneels before him.”

  The wolf growled. “This is beyond frustrating. It’s tyranny.” Mosley snorted his disdain. “How could this collective have been so shortsighted?” The wolf scanned the group. “Lasidious is using the laws you created against us. Like Alistar said, his plan is brilliant. It’s not nice, but it’s brilliant, nonetheless. There’s nothing we can do to stop him. He’ll become the leader of the grandest pack of all.”

  “Hang on just a moment,” Bailem interjected. He straightened to adjust his robe, and before he added to the conversation, he once again touched the back of Keylom and the shoulder of Alistar. “This is disturbing. How should we proceed? It doesn’t appear there are options. If we fight, we’ll be destroyed, and if we don’t, he’ll eventually destroy us anyway. I see no other solution. We should surrender the Book to Lasidious while we can, and allow him to govern Gabriel. All we can do is hope that he’ll allow us to continue to exist.” The angel-god looked at Mieonus. “I don’t see much hope for you.”

  “I agree with Bailem,” Alistar urged. “I have no desire to be destroyed. We should vote on this ... right now.”

  Those present erupted into an argument over the different ways they could foil Lasidious’ plans, but none of their ideas had much merit. Eventually, Mosley managed to get their attention by lifting his head and howling. The temple walls reverberated his call. With the gods’ full attention, the wolf spoke. “I may have a solution.”

  Mieonus snapped again, “Oh, here we go!” She put her hands on her hips. “As if a mutt could be our savior!”

  Almost as if everyone shared the same mind, the group shouted, “Shut up, Mieonus!”

  Mosley smiled as Mieonus stomped her foot and crossed her arms. He waited for her to calm down. After watching her place her hands back onto the centaur’s front shoulders and Lictina’s arm, the wolf continued. “If you’ll listen, I may have a solution.”

  With stealth, Alistar lifted his hand just off Bailem’s shoulder, careful not to let the others see his movement. Bailem was so intent on listening to what the wolf had to say, the angel did not realize Alistar had removed his hand.

  Now, fellow soul ... the Rule of Fromalla was allowed to be broken only by the one who initiated the pact. With Alistar’s hand removed, Lasidious could listen in on the conversation. The Book of Immortality could not sense this action because no law had been broken.

  Lasidious and Celestria watched from within their home as the group of gods stood huddled together inside the temple. The green flames of their fireplace projected each deity with perfect clarity. Lasidious smiled as he watched Alistar lift his hand. The voices of the gods could now be heard through the fire.

  Mosley cleared his throat as he studied the group’s faces. “It’s clear that we have a difficult task in front of us. All of us ... and I do mean all of us ... will need to work together to save ourselves. If Lasidious’ intention is to gain followers to increase his power to take control of Gabriel, then we must act to counter his efforts.

  “We must keep the populations on each world from abandoning the gods they now serve. I doubt we’ll be able to convert those who worship Lasidious, but we should try. We can stop those who are able to be manipulated. We need to become a part of their everyday lives. We’ll appear to them as often as Lasidious appears to his followers or even Hosseff does to his.”

  Without thinking, Owain removed his hat with his right hand and used it to point at the wolf. “Perhaps you should be doing a better job. Those who followed Bassorine should already be aware of his destruction. They should all be serving you by now.”

  The wolf growled as he watched the others agree. Frustrated, he sat on his haunches and scratched the back of his neck. “Your point has been made. There is something else I should bring up. I shouldn’t share this information, but in light of current events, I feel it necessary to do so.”

  Lasidious and Celestria leaned toward the flames, anticipating what the wolf would say. “This is going to be good. I can feel it,” Lasidious said as he pulled Celestria close.

  Mosley had everyone’s attention. “As we all know, when Gabriel was created, Bassorine allowed his creation.”

  Gabriel stopped Mosley. “Are you sure it’s wise to reveal Bassorine’s plan?”

  The emptiness beneath Hosseff’s hood whispered, “Intriguing. How is it that the two of you share the knowledge of Bassorine’s scheming, yet the rest of us have no knowledge of his plotting?”

  Alistar added, “We should know Bassorine’s secrets, Gabriel. The sanctity of the Collective is in jeopardy. If we can’t find a way to stop Lasidious, everything will be lost to his control.”

  “I agree,” Keylom added, stomping his right-front hoof against the floor.

  Seeing the Book’s hesitation, Mosley contemplated his delivery of Bassorine’s secret. “I have a better way of saying this. What you all don’t know is that Bassorine developed a plan to regain control of the Book if one of us was able to abuse its power. He called this plan his failsafe. After all, tactics were what he did best. As of this moment, the backup plan isn’t powerful
enough to stop Lasidious from controlling Gabriel, but with the proper allocation of moments, it will be.”

  Alistar broke into the conversation. “You use the word ‘it’ as if ‘it’ isn’t a being. What, or whom are you referring to when you say, ‘it?’”

  Mosley looked into Alistar’s eyes. “I won’t answer your question. All I will say is this. ‘It’ needs the moments necessary to mature, and until ‘it’ does, we need to keep Lasidious from gaining the power he needs to control the Book. This shall keep us busy.”

  Alistar’s brow furrowed. “I wish to know more about this ‘it.’ Is ‘it’ a being, or not? It would make sense if ‘it’ was. Share with us so we can help this plan acquire the power ‘it’ needs to stop Lasidious. I would like ‘it’ to save us all.”

  Mosley thought long and hard about his answer. The wolf decided to lie. “The plan does not involve a being. ‘It’ is something much larger. I’ll say nothing further.”

  The room erupted with angry voices.

  Mosley looked at Gabriel and winked.

  The Book smiled and then vanished.

  A moment later, Mosley turned to face the others. “I know you don’t approve of what I’ve chosen to divulge, but there’s planning to do. Let’s return to the Hall of Judgment.”

  Lasidious walked away from the fireplace and took his seat at the table. Celestria followed and lowered onto his lap when Alistar appeared at the opposite end.


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