The Eye of Luvelles

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The Eye of Luvelles Page 47

by Phillip Jones

  A look of sincerity appeared on the warlock’s face. “Death and destruction isn’t a proper way for Mieonus to control her followers. I’ve been asked to bring peace to the worlds. Lasidious has asked me to be his prophet. He wants me, of all people, to spread his words of love and keep those who would go to war with each other from doing so.”

  George pointed at Brayson. “Lasidious said that you would be my greatest ally. I’m to work with you to bring peace to this world.”

  The young warlock frowned. “I hate to say it, Brayson, but given everything I have learned, you serve the wrong deity. She has deceived us both. We need to do what’s best for our family. Mary and Athena’s happiness is resting on whether you and I make the right choices. I’m asking you to act as a father. I need your guidance. Do you feel my change in service to Lasidious is appropriate?”

  Brayson lowered his head in thought. There was a long period of silence. For every moment that went by, George remembered his training on Earth. He had given his sales pitch, and the first rule of sales was: the first to speak, loses.

  It felt like an eternity before Brayson lifted his head. “I find it hard to concentrate. It’s not every Peak that my Mystic Learner takes away my power by killing my goswig and then spares my life. To know you were asked to end me and take my position as Head Master is disheartening.”

  George nodded. “I feel you, Pops. Perhaps you should talk to Athena. She was in the kitchen of my home when Mieonus threatened to have me ended. I won’t serve a goddess who threatens her children.”

  “Perhaps I shall speak with her,” Brayson replied. “I also don’t wish to serve one who would spread evil.”

  Brayson studied George’s demeanor for a fair series of moments before he continued. “I can see it in your eyes. I believe you’re sincere and want to become a better person. I also want the best for our family.” He paused in thought. “I just wish I knew why Lasidious would choose you. Why would he want you as his prophet when you’ve committed so many unforgivable sins?”

  George scratched the top of his head again and acted confused. “I wish I had the answer. To tell you that I understand a god’s mind would be a lie. All I know for sure is this. The Source was able to see something good in me, and I’ve been given the chance to spread Lasidious’ words of peace and love throughout the worlds. I just need a bit of fatherly advice. Should I do this, or should I be doing something else with my life?”

  Brayson stood and moved across the room. He looked out the window and waved his hand in front of it. It was not long before the window zoomed in on Mary’s house. Susanne and Athena were walking up the front steps, and he could see how rounded Athena’s belly was becoming.

  Eventually, Brayson turned around. “I’m not willing to offer fatherly advice just yet, but I am willing to keep an open mind. If Athena confirms the threat that you claim Mieonus made against your being, then ... and only then ... will I believe you. For now, I will help only because I intend to keep an eye on our loved ones while you spread this supposed vision of tranquility.”

  George moved across the room and put his hands on Brayson’s shoulders. “I know I’m on your last nerve right now, but Lasidious has asked us to do nothing about the war on Luvelles at the moment. He said he would tell us what to do when the moment came to act. For now, his love must reach all who are willing to listen. You should expect a visit from your future lord here real soon. He wishes to speak with you.”

  “He wishes to speak with me? Why?”

  “I told you ... you’re going to be my greatest ally and a critical part of spreading his word. You should stay at your own home tonight. Our lord has a surprise for you. I think you’ll be pleased with his visit.”

  From deep within the Peaks of Angels, Lasidious passed his hand across the green flames of his fireplace as the vision of George and Brayson faded. He turned to look at Celestria. “It appears George is quite the salesman. When I took him from Earth, his talents were being wasted. I think we’ve found a much better use for his skills, don’t you?”

  Celestria reached down and pinched Lasidious’ left buttock and then headed for a chair near the table. “Continue to gloat, my love. It’s seductive. What other surprises do you have in store for me, my pet?”

  Lasidious grinned. “I was there when Brayson decided to confront George outside the Ancient One’s cave. It gave me the chance to capture Fisgig’s soul before it left for the Book. George couldn’t have picked a finer moment to end the phoenix. With the gods unable to see inside the Mountains of Oraness ... all hail the Ancient One’s magic ... I had the opportunity to snatch Fisgig’s soul as it left for Gabriel’s pages. The Book doesn’t even know the phoenix has passed. This is brilliant. It was an opportunity I had to seize. If there’s any doubt in Brayson’s mind about my love for the beings on the worlds, or my desire to have peace on Luvelles, this doubt will soon be abolished.”

  Celestria leaned back in her chair. She looked across the room at the vases that were filled with day-old flowers. She reached out and snapped her fingers. Each vase filled with fresh flora of assorted colors. She then looked at Lasidious. “Your mind is delightfully cunning. With your brother working to confuse the Collective, and their lack of knowledge about George’s ability to teleport between the lower three worlds, they’ll always be a step behind as our plans move forward. I must admit, my pet, you impress me more with each passing Peak. Your pride looks delicious. Allow me to nibble on you while you bask in the brilliance of your deceptions.”

  The thought of Celestria touching him gave Lasidious goose bumps as he watched her stand from her chair and seductively walk toward him.

  Brayson’s Home

  Later that Night

  Brayson did as George suggested and spent the night at his home within his pile of boulders. He woke in the middle of the night to a glorious light that possessed a heavenly glow. The illusion provided by the kedgles to make his hollowed mound of rocks seem as if he was living outdoors only amplified the mood as he gazed upon an image of his new lord. Though he could not see Lasidious’ face, he could see his silhouette that was shrouded by magnificence.

  “Brayson,” the voice said in a deep, soothing tone, “I am Lasidious. I’ve come to ask you to be my disciple of peace and love, and I ask that you follow the words of my prophet. For doing so, I shall reward you and your family with a peaceful existence. There will be many trials in the near future, but with your strength, peace can be brought to this world. You, Brayson Id, shall be my shining light on Luvelles. You’ll help the leaders of this world to understand that the words of my prophet are pure.”

  The silhouette extended its hand. “I have a gift for you, my son.” Fisgig flew from Lasidious’ palm and landed on the headboard of Brayson’s bed. “I’ve decided to restore your friend’s life’s source. No longer will you hide him in the mountains. He is to be a symbol of the power that was given to you by your loving god. I have restored the magic he commanded before George ended him. No longer will he need to rise from his ashes. You are whole once again, Brayson, and it is my wish that you remain Head Master. Your magic is stronger than it ever was.

  “Consider this gift a gesture of my love and appreciation for your seasons of service. Are you ready to do what your god is asking of you, Brayson Id? Are you a willing disciple?”

  The sight of Fisgig caused Brayson to climb out of bed and lower to his knees. “I live to serve, My Lord. I am a willing disciple.”

  “ Well said, Head Master. Obey your prophet, and I shall reward you in the afterlife.”

  Tears rolled down Brayson’s cheeks. “I will, My Lord. I shall serve you until my passing breath. Thank you for returning Fisgig to me.”

  Lasidious allowed his silhouette to take form. He was wearing a pure white robe with a white woven rope that was tied around his waist. He removed his hood and then assisted Brayson to his feet. Once he held Brayson’s eyes with his own, he sent a surge of power through the Head Master to rejuvenate his spirit.
“The prophet will come to you when the moment is right to act. For now, it is best to do nothing. Go. Enjoy your family. Enjoy your friends. Give vows to the woman you love. Soon, you shall be living on a world that will be blanketed by peace ... warmed by my love, and blessed with unity. There is no better moment than now to expand your family.”

  Lasidious’ glorious image faded and then vanished in a burst of light.

  Brayson dropped to his knees and sobbed.

  The Next Peak, Early Bailem

  Shalee and Gregory are standing outside the entrance to the Source’s cave. Shalee will not be allowed to enter until Gregory has returned from looking into the Eye.

  Kepler and Payne are waiting for George. Something is about to happen to Payne. Meanwhile, Kepler is still dealing with the loss of his power to control skeletons.

  Mary and Brayson have spent the Peak together after the Head Master was visited by Lasidious. Brayson told Mary about his new god and that Lasidious asked him to help George bring peace to the worlds.

  With Fisgig’s return, Brayson is convinced that Lasidious is the one true god, especially after receiving confirmation from Athena that Mieonus threatened to end George.

  George, Athena, Susanne and baby Garrin are inside George’s home having dinner. George is explaining to the ladies that he will be in and out of the home doing the work of Lasidious. He has avoided telling them that he has the ability to teleport between the lower three worlds.

  George has also assured Athena that he will be there to help raise their child. This seems to be everything Athena needed to hear. Now all George has to do is wait for the sign that Shalee has made it to the entrance of the Source’s cave.

  Boyafed brought Sam’s body to the temple of the Dark Order. He commanded one of his dark paladins to take the king’s body to the Merchant Island on Luvelles. With every last resource preparing for the upcoming war, it has been a challenge to figure out the details of Sam’s return to Grayham, but the king earned Boyafed’s respect, and Boyafed plans to honor his word.

  Boyafed will go to the Petrified Forest to solicit the help of Balecut, a powerful wizard who can bend moments.

  Christopher, Boyafed’s new Argont Commander, the man who replaced Dayden, is preparing to meet with Tygrus—a retired soldier of the Order who lives in Bestep. Tygrus is the same man who Kiayasis entrusted Shalee with while he retrieved the Knife of Spirits from Gorne, the hermit.

  Christopher also plans to meet with the Serwin King in Shade Hollow.

  Lord Dowd is waiting to hear from Krasous, his Argont Commander who has been asked to meet with Wisslewine inside the enchanted woods of Wraithwood Hollow. Krasous has taken a knee and is waiting for the Wraith Hound Prince to emerge from the center of the Under Eye.

  Krasous must also visit the Spirit Plains. He must find the king of a race of spirits called the Lost Ones.

  Mieonus watched the Queen of Brandor and Gregory until they stepped onto the Source’s teleportation platform inside the dragon’s temple at the center of the Void Maze. The visions within her waterfall went dark as soon as this happened. The Ancient One’s magic is far too powerful to watch the events while inside his mountains.

  The goddess plans to travel with Keylom and Mosley to Southern Grayham. Something is about to happen there that will disrupt the Collective.

  Mosley, Calla, Hosseff and Alistar are on Harvestom. The wolf will leave for Grayham once they have ensured the war between the kingdoms of Kless and Tagdrendlia is moving forward. The group has agreed to leave Alistar behind to begin their work to foil Lasidious’ attempt to gain followers on Harvestom. Meanwhile, Calla and Hosseff have plans to go to Luvelles to begin the Collective’s work to gain followers there as well.

  Helmep and Jervaise are headed to the world of Dragonia. Most of the demons on this world worship Lasidious. Making a dent there is nearly impossible. The only creatures who do not worship Lasidious are the dragons. They worship no deity, but many have a fondness for Celestria.

  Bailem, Owain, Lictina and Keylom are assigned to the world of Trollcom. Bailem and Keylom will meet with the trolls while Lictina and Owain meet with the lizardians and dwarves.

  The trolls will not do anything without the approval of their king, Kesdelain, who is highly respected.

  The lizardians and dwarves have succumbed to slavery and serve under Kesdelain’s rule. Though all trolls are under one monarchy, the clans scattered throughout the world fight for bloodroot.

  In total, four races of trolls make up 33 percent of that world’s population. The Ancient Mystics, some of which are soulless immortals, make up another 35 percent. The lizardians and the dwarves make up the final 32 percent.

  The Ancient Mystics, dwarves and lizardians have scattered their beliefs among many deities, but the trolls worship only Lasidious. If Bailem and Keylom can convince the King of Trotloss to change whom he worships, the rest of the trolls will follow. Once the news spreads, Lasidious would lose more than 2,300,000 beings who pray to him twice daily.

  Gage and the other goswigs listened to Strongbear’s tirade after he emerged from his cave. After hearing what Gallrum had to say, the bear became—for the lack of a better description—extremely pissed.

  It bothers Strongbear that he is not as appreciated as he thought he was in Gogswayne.

  Marcus has gone into seclusion inside his dark tower-palace. He is beginning to wonder if George will ever return.

  Lasidious and Celestria are inside their home beneath the Peaks of Angels. They plan to separate to visit the leaders of many different kingdoms who serve them on each world.

  The lovers have a special surprise that they are itching to shove under the noses of the rest of the Collective.

  Thank you for reading the Luvelles Gazette


  A Pile of Ash

  The Enchanted Woods of

  Wraithwood Hollow

  KRASOUS, THE ARGONT COMMANDER OF THE WHITE ARMY, took a knee before the Under Eye within the enchanted woods of Wraithwood Hollow. He was waiting for Wisslewine, the Wraith Hound Prince, to emerge from his plane of existence after summoning the beast with the Orb of Spirits.

  When the wraith stepped out of the darkness, a chill ran down the commander’s spine. Though Krasous knew Wisslewine was an ally, he had never seen the Wraith Hound Prince in person. The wraith’s appearance was far more frightening than the stories he had heard as a child.

  Krasous’ light-blue eyes were filled with anxiety. Every muscle trembled beneath his silver armor as he looked up into the hound’s pitch-black eyes. The size of the prince made the Argont Commander feel small, despite being a good-sized man of just over two and one half paces. The way the wraith’s muscles rippled beneath his ghost-white coat as he moved, sent a message to Krasous that he was the inferior race.

  The prince snarled as he walked down the gray, stone steps that led away from the Under Eye. As the wind wisped through the branches of the hollows, the hound’s claws scraped against the stones.

  Saliva dripped from Wisselwine’s jowls as the hound spoke in a language not normally known to Krasous. But on this Peak, the commander was able to understand. Lord Dowd had given him a scroll to read from before he had summoned the prince.

  “What do you want, Paladin?” Wisselwine snarled. “Why have you summoned me from slumber?”

  “I ... I ... I—”

  “Speak, Paladin!”

  Krasous could feel the lump growing in his throat. “I ... I—”

  “Speak! This plane of existence is miserable. Every moment I spend here aggravates me. I wish to return to my territory within the darkness.”

  Krasous’ teeth chattered as he spoke. “It ... it ...” The commander forced himself to take a deep breath. “It’s under dire circumstances that I’ve been asked to disturb your rest, Your Grace. War threatens our lands, and—”

  Wisslewine growled as if he was going to attack. “Why would I care about a war that threatens your lands? Has the darkness threa
tened your way of life, yet again? Are you going to tell me that it’s in my best interest to protect your kingdom so the darkness does not seal the Under Eye on this world? Are you going to say that I’ll no longer be able to slumber in peace?” The wraith prince growled and snapped his ghost-white teeth together. He shouted in a booming voice, “Is this what you’ve come to tell me, Commander?”

  Wisslewine watched as a yellow liquid seeped out of the bottom of Krasous’ armor, but the hound said nothing as he waited for the urine covered commander to reply.

  Krasous’ voice was weak. “Your Grace ... uh, ummm ... these are, indeed, the things that I’ve come to convey.” Krasous lowered his head. “Please, don’t eat me.”

  The wraith hound moved close to Krasous and put his snout only inches from the commander’s ear. Krasous could feel the warmth of the wraith’s breath as he growled while baring his teeth.

  Once the Argont Commander finished losing what was left of the color in his face, Wisslewine decided to lighten the mood. The hound smiled as he pranced back up the steps toward the darkness of the Under Eye. “Are we fighting on the usual battlefield?”

  It took a moment for Krasous to answer. “Yes ... Your Grace.”

  “Good! Then tell Lord Dowd that I’m finished with you. I shall meet him for battle. My hounds shall number 1,000 strong.” Wisselwine turned to step through the Under Eye but stopped. His head twisted over his shoulder. “Commander ... you may want to bathe before you speak with Dowd. Your urine smells as if you had fish for dinner.” With that, the prince chuckled and walked into the darkness.


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