The Eye of Luvelles

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The Eye of Luvelles Page 52

by Phillip Jones

  “Michael has temporarily taken Sam’s place until you return. This is per your laws, and supposedly, it’s customary while you’re on another world. Are you ready to go?”

  “Yes, please. I didn’t know the General Absolute became king when we were on a different world. That bugs me.”

  George reached down from his saddle and extended his hand. “I don’t know what to say, Shalee. Let’s get going.” The warlock had a special treat in store for the audience sitting in Brandor’s arena. As soon as he touched Shalee, they vanished. They reappeared within a bright column of light. The darkness of the night made the light that much more brilliant. As the light faded, the trio was standing on top of the wooden tower that had been built for Sam’s passing.

  Standing on the far side of the same platform, Mosley, the God of War, was present. The wolf was visible to all mortals, and he listened as the crowd reacted to the group’s appearance.

  Michael jumped from the king’s box and rushed to the top of the platform. He silenced the crowd and then turned to face Shalee. “My Queen, when did you return to Grayham? And why are you traveling with our enemies?”

  Shalee held up her hand. “I’ll explain later, General. Everything’s fine. Stand down, and return to your box.”

  From below the platform, standing unseen on the sand of the arena floor, Mieonus and Keylom looked up. They had agreed to allow Mosley to represent the gods during this event since the beings who lived on Brandor were already acquainted with the wolf.

  Keylom spoke to Mieonus. “This is unexpected. What would Shalee be doing with George? I thought you were watching her?”

  “I was, but after she went into the Mountains of Oraness, I could no longer see past the Ancient One’s magic. My waterfall went dark.”

  Keylom shifted his weight. His hooves failed to leave an impression in the sand to keep the mortals from discovering his presence. “This will be interesting to watch. The last appearance George made was devastating to our cause. We should call the others. Perhaps Lasidious plans to make an appearance as well.”

  “Agreed, but you better call them instead of me,” Mieonus confided. “They won’t come if I summon them.”

  The centaur lifted his head toward the sky and shouted in a voice that only the Book of Immortality could hear. When Gabriel appeared, Keylom asked the Book to summon the Collective. Gabriel did as requested and every god appeared, with the exception of Lasidious.

  Seeing the gathering, Gabriel addressed Celestria. “Why isn’t Lasidious with you?”

  The goddess grinned. “You’ll see.”

  The Book’s heavy brows furrowed. “What are you up to?”

  Celestria’s grin turned to a seductive smile. She reached out and caressed the Book’s left cheek. “Just wait and see, Gabriel.”

  Mosley moved across the wooden platform to speak with Shalee. “Why would you allow yourself to be seen with your enemies? The people know of George’s treason. Your companions are wanted throughout your kingdom.”

  Shalee knelt next to the wolf. “Mosley, if everything George has told me happens tonight, I’m afraid you and I won’t be on speaking terms any longer. I hope you haven’t lied to me.”

  “What? How could you possibly think that I’ve lied to you?” Mosley looked up at George. He growled as he spoke. “What kind of deception have you spewed?”

  George began to methodically pick pieces of lint from his tunic and drop them to the platform. “Save your questions for someone who doesn’t know the truth. Tonight, the one true god will grace Brandor with his presence and return life to their king. Sam will live again, and Southern Grayham will know of Lasidious’ omnipotence.”

  Mosley was taken aback. “Sam is gone. There is nothing the gods can do about it. Not even Lasidious has the power to retrieve a soul from the Book’s pages. He’s not omnipotent.”

  The warlock dismissed the wolf by not responding. He dismounted and then brushed past Mosley as he motioned for Kepler to join him next to Sam’s casket. With each step George and the giant cat took toward the king’s coffin, the crowd shouted curses, and the planks of the platform bent beneath the weight of Kepler’s paws.

  Mosley looked at Shalee. “Why are you with George? He represents everything you loathe. How could you possibly be fooled by him? Your desire to see Sam live has clouded your judgment.”

  Shalee sighed. “We’ll know soon enough, Mosley. If George is telling the truth, then I want you to leave me alone. Sam will feel the same way once I’ve explained everything.”

  “Why would I do that, Shalee? You are more than a queen to me. You’re my friend. I’ve never uttered a word of deception in your direction. Have you forgotten that?”

  Shalee looked at the coffin. “We’ll see if we’re friends or not. If you’ve lied to me, then there was never a friendship in the first place.”

  Before anything else could be said, the air began to stir. The arena became a whirlwind of blowing sand that caused the spectators to cower and cover their eyes. The platform and those on it were spared the effects of the current as Lasidious appeared in a white robe.

  When the atmosphere settled, the Mischievous One lowered his hood and then moved to stand in front of Sam’s casket. Without a word, he lifted the lid and reached inside. He pulled the dagger out of Sam’s side—a task that Mosley and Mieonus were unable to accomplish. Once finished, Lasidious leaned over and whispered into Sam’s ear, “I would not allow you to perish again, my brother. Search your mind. Remember. Remember the moments of your past. Soon, we shall reclaim glory together.”

  Lasidious lifted the dagger toward the sky and shouted in a voice that captivated every soul present. “Beings of Brandor! Witness the power of the one true god! I have breathed life into your king. Enjoy the blessing that only I can bestow!” Lasidious vanished.

  Much of the crowd exploded with shouts of disbelief, others with shouts of joy, and yet others with a thousand questions that filled the arena with confusion. It was an emotional and verbal frenzy.

  From the sand below, Mieonus screamed at Mosley from within her veil of invisibility. She spoke in a voice that only the gods could hear. “Say something, wolf! The people need to hear you speak!”

  Mosley looked down from the platform. “What would you have me say, Mieonus? Anything I utter will make us look foolish. The people will wonder why I failed to return Sam’s life. I told them that Sam would be well-received in the heavens. I even told them that Michael would make a fine king until the Senate could elect another. Again, I ask you, Mieonus, what would you have me say?”

  Mosley redirected his gaze and stopped on Gabriel. “How was Lasidious able to retrieve Sam’s soul from your pages?”

  The Book replied, “I’ve been looking through them since our arrival. I’m just as shocked as you are. I didn’t know Sam had passed.” The Book turned to look at the God of Death. “His soul has never graced my pages.”

  Hosseff was quick to explain. “I was unable to collect his soul to bring it to you. I’ve been searching for it since his demise. Something is amiss.”

  Gabriel’s heavy brows furrowed. “How’s that possible?”

  The shade could only shrug.

  “This looks bad for us,” the wolf growled. “I have no idea what to say or how to turn this to our favor.” Mosley redirected his attention as Shalee leaned over Sam’s casket.

  The queen witnessed the stab wound on Sam’s side begin to close as the poison was forced out of the king’s body in a black puss. Tears filled Shalee’s eyes as she realized George had spoken the truth. She would need to face the people of her kingdom, and let them know that everything she had learned was fact.

  The queen lifted Sam’s hand and placed her face into his palm. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the warmth as it returned to his body. “Oh, Sam! I thought I lost you.”

  George mounted Kepler and took the opportunity to address the crowd. As they moved across the platform, he looked down at Mosley and winked. He spoke to the w
olf telepathically. I hope you enjoy this pile of garesh that I’m about to spew as much as I will. The people will no longer believe in you once I’m finished. They’ll believe Lasidious is the one true god. They will glorify his name, and there’s nothing the gods can do about it. Face it … you’re screwed.

  Without waiting for Mosley to respond, George lifted his head and shouted to the audience. He used his magic to amplify his voice. “Beings of Southern Grayham … your king lives! He lives because Lasidious’ love for him. The gods have lied to you. They have treated you like fools. They have no real power. Lasidious is the only deity Grayham should worship.”

  Mosley shouted above the warlock. “He lies! The gods love the beings of Grayham! You all know that I’m the god who blessed this city. I blessed the union of your king and your queen. This man is a deceiver.”

  Shalee had something to shout of her own. “My people! Hear me, now! What the prophet of Lasidious speaks is the truth. The gods have lied to us. Our king lives, and his soul has been returned. When your king emerges from his casket, know this … there’s no other with the power to restore life. I know this to be true. I shall no longer listen to Lord Mosley, and the prayers that lift from my castle will no longer speak his name.”

  The queen turned to face George. “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the fact that you opened my eyes. I’m glad that you found your way and decided to live a moral life.” Without acknowledging the wolf, Shalee turned her attention back to Sam and caressed the king’s face.

  Mosley stood in astonishment as he listened to the crowd shout their questions. The people were so confused, and many of them were now questioning their faith.

  George looked at Mosley. Again, he spoke to the wolf without opening his mouth. Even Shalee has bought into my line of garesh. I think the moment has come for you to go lick yourself someplace.

  Mosley responded with a few thoughts of his own. I give you my word, George. I’ll find a way to end you before this is over.

  George rolled his eyes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Blah, blah, blah. Good luck with that. You have too many rules. The Book of Immortality is your crutch. When I’m through with you, every soul on Grayham will worship Lasidious. Face it, Mosley … you’re screwed. The beings of this world will worship the one who couldn’t care less if they live or pass, and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.

  Mosley replied with a forceful thought of his own. Don’t be so sure about that! I’ll be coming for you. You won’t be able to hide when I do.”

  George shook his head. Get out of my sight! Your threats are a waste of my moments.

  Mosley sent another thought that echoed inside George’s head. When I strike, it’ll be from behind! The wolf vanished.

  George felt a chill run down his spine after the wolf disappeared. He had fight to gather his thoughts as he turned to face the crowd. After a moment, he took a deep breath and then shouted so that all could hear, “Only Lasidious loves his followers! It is this love that has given Southern Grayham their king. I am the prophet of Lasidious. Together, we can bring peace to Grayham. You can live your lives without fear of losing the ones you love to the ravages of war. Lasidious loves you, and I, his prophet, love you. I bid you all good night!” Kepler roared, and then they vanished in a flash of light.

  A moment later, the people erupted with cheers as Sam sat up inside his coffin. He grabbed his head and looked at Shalee. “What’s going on? What’s everyone shouting about?” He took a look at his environment. “Holy garesh! You were going to burn me!”

  Shalee laughed. “It’s not as bad as it looks. I’ll explain everything when we get home.” After instructing Michael to see to it that the crowd dispersed, Shalee touched Sam on the shoulder and teleported.

  From below the platform, Celestria turned to the gods who remained invisible on the sand. “This has been a delightful event, don’t you think? I hope you’ve enjoyed yourselves.” The goddess vanished.

  Alistar spoke out after watching Celestria depart. “Everyone touch one another. This meeting needs to be protected from Lasidious’ ears. There’s nothing minor about what he’s done. We all know this.”

  Once sure the circle was complete, Alistar continued. “Somehow, we need to increase our efforts to stop Lasidious from gathering more followers. We need to have a meeting of the gods. Gabriel, I request that you summon Lasidious and Celestria to this meeting, and have them come to your hall in the morning. I want to know how Lasidious gave Sam his life back. I want to implement a new rule on your pages and vote on it.”

  Keylom responded, “What’s on your mind, Alistar? And how do you intend to entice them to attend? We both know they won’t care about your meeting.”

  Bailem added, “I agree. Lasidious won’t appear. He clearly has other plans.”

  Alistar pretended to ponder. “I’ll explain everything in the morning. But for now, Gabriel, let Lasidious’ curiosity about this new rule be his reason for attending the meeting. Tell him that I’ve found a way to add a rule to your pages without using the Call to Order. We should manipulate Lasidious the way he has manipulated us.” Alistar vanished.

  Keylom looked at the others. “I’m surprised. Who would’ve guessed that Alistar had a bit of mischief in him? Whatever he’s planning, it’s bound to aggravate Lasidious. For that reason alone, this meeting is worth having. I shall depart and inform Mosley.”

  A moment later, those present agreed and departed.

  George and Kepler are standing outside the entrance to the Source’s cave. They are waiting for Alistar. There are important matters that need to be discussed.

  Prior to leaving Grayham, George met with RJ, the Leather Guy, in Lethwitch. He asked RJ to make Athena another gift.

  Athena is working with Payne to teach him table manners. Payne keeps calling Athena, Mother, despite being asked to call her by her first name. Athena plans to speak with George about his comment while in Kepler’s lair that it was somehow okay for Payne to call him Dad. She is not sure how happy she is about it.

  Mary and Brayson spent the Peak together after they teleported to Nept to retrieve some more Mesolliff wine. They are now asleep, but only after Brayson enjoyed the benefits of Mary’s intoxication.

  Susanne and baby Garrin are inside Susanne’s home. Garrin has done something that has frightened his mother. Susanne is about to go over to Mary’s house to wake her and Brayson up to talk about this latest development.

  Boyafed plans to meet with the king of Hyperia, Kassel Hyperia, tomorrow morning. The Order leader expects to add an additional 18,200 men to the dark army’s numbers. He is also expecting resistance from Kassel.

  Christopher, the Argont Commander of the Order, has met with the Serwin King. The meeting went well. The serwins agreed to join the Order in battle.

  Boyafed ordered 400 scribes to create 22,400 Scrolls of Teleportation. They are to be used to bring the mercenaries of Bestep and the army of Hyperia to the Battlegrounds of Olis. Many of the mercenaries commanded strong, defensive magic, but they do not have the ability to teleport. The scrolls will allow the forces supporting the dark army to arrive as a single unit instead of taking countless boats across the Ebarna Strait.

  In total, more than 63,000 souls will fight for the dark army.

  Lord Dowd is waiting for Krasous to return from the Spirit Plains. The army is ready to march to the northern shore of Lake Tepp. They will make camp upon their arrival and wait for the giants of the Foot, the army of Lavan, and the wraith hounds of the Under Eye to arrive before continuing their march to the Battlegrounds of Olis. In total, the white army will number more than 57,800 souls.

  Krasous, Lord Dowd’s Argont Commander, has found the Spirit King, Shesolaywen.

  Strongbear once again has taken charge of the underground village of Gogswayne. Each goswig has been ordered to report to the surface and line up on the shore of Crystal Lake for inspection tomorrow morning.

  Marcus has arrived on Southern Grayham. As requested by Geor
ge, Brayson set up transport with the Merchant Angels.

  Lasidious and Celestria are inside their home beneath the Peaks of Angels. As requested, Gabriel plans to speak with them.

  Keylom is standing in front of Mosley’s cabin high atop Catalyst Mountain. The wolf is extremely distraught.

  Thank you for reading the Luvelles Gazette


  Sacrifice of Immortality

  ALISTAR APPEARED OUTSIDE the Source’s cave where George and Kepler were waiting. The warlock was leaning against Fisgig’s perch when Lasidious’ brother showed up. The God of the Harvest appeared with his back to them and did not acknowledge their presence. Instead, Alistar lifted his head and took a deep breath.

  George gave Kepler a look, and without opening his mouth, he spoke to the jaguar. Great. Just what we need … another pain in the ass to deal with. He thinks he’s better than us.

  Kepler returned a thought of his own. Watch what you say. We have no idea if he can listen to our thoughts.

  The warlock cringed. Oh garesh. I didn’t think about that.

  George tapped Alistar on the shoulder. “It looks like the moment has come for us to get to know one another. I have to admit, I hated not being able to speak with all the players of this little game of ours.”

  Alistar turned around after looking the area over. “It has been many seasons since the last moment I came to these mountains. I should speak with the Source while I’m here.”

  Kepler growled, “Well, hello to you, too.”

  “Yeah,” George added. “Holy garesh, Alistar. Is that how you greet people? You didn’t even say hi, kiss my ass, pound sand, shove it, or anything remotely close to a damn greeting. Come on, man, you can do better than that. I don’t want to work with you if you’re going to be an asshole.”


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