Distracted by her Virtue

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Distracted by her Virtue Page 15

by Maggie Cox

  ‘Are you serious, Jarrett?’ The question drove away every other thought in her head. Now she wasn’t just weak, she was breathless too.

  ‘Haven’t I just told you that I want to spend the rest of my life showing you how much I adore you? It stands to reason that I want to marry you, doesn’t it? Besides, I need a good woman like you to make an honest man out of me.’

  ‘You are an honest man—a good man I can trust … and they’re two of the qualities I love about you the most.’

  Beneath his lightly tanned skin he flushed a little. ‘Thank you.’

  ‘But marriage is a big step, Jarrett. Are you really sure you want to take it? And don’t forget you’d be taking Charlie on as well as me.’

  ‘It is a big step, my darling, and one I never contemplated until I met you. But now that I’m head over heels in love with you nothing else will do. And as for becoming stepfather to your fine little son … I’d be honoured.’

  ‘That’s a good answer. Go to the top of the class.’ Sophia grinned. ‘So your bachelor days will be well and truly over if we marry?’

  ‘And I thank heaven for that. Haven’t you guessed that you’re the woman I’ve been waiting for most of my life? One look into those incredible eyes of yours and I was smitten. I can remember leaving you by the brook with Charlie in your arms, somehow knowing that my life would never be the same. Now, for God’s sake, put me out of my misery and give me your answer,’ he pleaded, and this time there was a real flicker of doubt in his eyes.

  Not wanting him to suffer unnecessarily, Sophia stood up on tiptoe and planted a loving, lingering kiss on his lips. ‘My answer is yes, Jarrett. I will marry you. I’m sure there are plenty of people who would probably advise me to take longer to think about it after my first marriage—but I honestly don’t think I have anything to fear this time round. I feel absolutely certain that I’m meant to be with you, and I’d be honoured to be your wife.’

  Cupping her jaw, Jarrett moved the pad of his thumb across her naked mouth to tenderly trace her lips. ‘That’s settled, then.’

  It was the most understated yet most profound response Sophia could have wished for, because she easily detected the catch in his voice that told her just how much her agreement meant to him.

  ‘Remember I told you that I had two surprises?’ she reminded him, suddenly anxious to share the immensity and importance of her trip to London earlier that day. ‘Do you want me to tell you about the second one?’

  Gently, she extricated herself from his warm embrace so that she could think straight and breathe more easily. She was apt to feel too intoxicated to do either with ease when she was in his arms.

  ‘Go on.’ He was shrugging off his suit jacket as he spoke and, briefly turning to the chair where he’d left his coat, he hooked the jacket over a corner. Then he removed his tie.

  Sophia’s mouth went dry. The collar and a good part of the top of his shirt were already partially undone where she’d torn at the buttons, giving her a tantalising glimpse of the fine curling dark hairs on his chest, and as he stripped away the corporate persona he wore for work he looked very warrior-like, she thought—like a seasoned campaigner home from the wars whose most urgent need was to bed his woman and bed her soon.

  Heat suffusing her, she let her tongue nervously moisten her lips. ‘I took your advice and rang that lawyer friend of yours,’ she declared, her words spilling out in an anxious rush.

  When Jarrett received this information in silence, standing perfectly still as if his every sense was on high alert, she breathed in deeply before continuing.

  ‘He more or less told me to come and see him straight away. He postponed a couple of other appointments, because he knew that you’d asked him for help on my behalf.’ Tendering a lopsided smile, she carried on. ‘So I went up to London, and when I gave him a full account of my story he was really helpful and supportive … just like you said he’d be. He told me I had a practically cast-iron case against Sir Christopher. I was overwhelmed that he believed me and didn’t suggest I was making it up. I suppose I’d worried about that. Anyhow, before I made any decision to prosecute I rang Sir Christopher’s office and arranged to see him too.’

  Jarrett frowned deeply, as if expecting to hear the worst, but nevertheless he held his tongue and remained silent.

  ‘You would have been proud of me. For the first time in all the years that I’ve known him I stood up to him and refused to be intimidated or made to feel small. He didn’t expect that. I think he thought that I’d come to him hoping for a hand-out and to admit that I had been wrong to run away. I can’t tell you how incredible it made me feel to disappoint him. But the most empowering thing of all was being able to say at last exactly how I felt about his son’s mistreatment of me as well as his own. I told him that if he didn’t stop harassing me and threatening to take Charlie away then I’d give a statement to The Times exposing his family’s cruelty. He was shocked that I’d even dared to threaten such a thing. Bullies never expect their prey to fight back, do they? I could see that he was seriously rattled … scared, even. In that moment it was as though a cold heavy stone had been rolled away from inside my heart and I was free to be myself again … to stand up for my rights and fear no one.’

  ‘That was a truly brave thing you did, confronting him like that. And I am proud of you, Sophia … immensely proud. So what happened after you threatened him with taking your story to the newspapers?’

  Sophia’s smile was wide. ‘He signed the agreement that your lawyer friend helped me compose, stating that he wasn’t to pursue any association with me or Charlie ever again. At the end of the day an egotistical man like him was never going to risk his reputation or have a bad word said in public about his son … even though he was such a bastard. Everything was conducted in a professional manner, and his signature was witnessed and countersigned by a solicitor who practises in an office down the hall. When the man was curious as to the content of the document Sir Christopher brushed him off, telling him it was just a “small’ family matter” that he needed to attend to. I have a copy of the agreement for myself, and I took a second one back to your lawyer friend for him to keep in his records before I came home.’

  ‘That was a good move.’

  ‘Thank you so much for speaking to him about me. I felt much more secure talking to someone that you personally know and recommended.’

  ‘It was my pleasure to help you, sweetheart, and you don’t need to thank me.’

  ‘Oh, but I do! In the short time that I’ve known you you’ve done so much for me, Jarrett, and I want you to know that I appreciate it and take nothing for granted.’

  ‘Do you think Charlie will ever want to see his grandfather again?’

  She shrugged. ‘If he wants to make contact when he’s grown up, then that will be entirely down to him. Anyway, the meeting ended with him writing me a substantial cheque for damages … Hush money, I think they call it in the movies. Anyway, the amount was more or less what I sold my house for to meet Tom’s debts. And to be honest—without taking him to court—it was a bonus I didn’t expect.’

  ‘A bonus, you call it?’ Jarrett scowled fiercely. ‘It was the least he could bloody well do after the hell he and his son put you through!’

  ‘But he’s the one in hell now, when you think about it. Not only has he lost his only son, but his grandson too. I’m sure as he gets older—especially if he continues living alone—he’ll reflect more and more on both losses and bitterly regret it. I genuinely feel sorry for him.’

  ‘You are one in a million—you know that?’ Wrapping his arms around her, Jarrett gazed tenderly down into her eyes. ‘I don’t think there are many people that would be so quick to feel pity for someone who’d mistreated them as badly as you’ve been mistreated.’

  ‘I can feel pity for him because he’s now firmly in my past and no longer features in my present. The same goes for Tom.’ Anchoring her arms more firmly round his waist, Sophia breathed out a contented

  ‘So, after your hard-won triumph, you’re in the mood to celebrate, I take it?’

  ‘Yes, I am. I tell you what—I’ll make us a nice cup of tea and cut us both a slice of that pie I made you.

  How about that?’ she replied, pretending she didn’t understand the hopeful and lascivious glint in his eye.

  ‘Tempting as it sounds … that’s not how I want to help you celebrate.’ Without further preamble, Jarrett tipped her up into his arms, and he did indeed put her in mind of a warrior again, with the fiercely purposeful expression he wore on his handsome sculpted face. ‘I have something much more satisfying in mind than apple pie … delicious as I’m sure it undoubtedly is.’

  ‘Are you perhaps suggesting that I show you where my bed is located?’

  ‘Your ability to read minds is seriously impressive, Ms Markham,’ he said wryly. And without further ado he followed Sophia’s happily voiced directions to her bedroom along the hall …

  Jarrett propped himself up on his elbow to study his lover’s gently slumbering form. In the soft glow of the lamp he saw that one slender arm was flung out over the rumpled red and cream quilt, and her long chestnut hair flowed unhindered down her back like a rippling fire-lit river.

  Freed from the dark history that had entrapped her spirit for so long, she’d lost any inhibitions she might have had to fully express her desire, and their passionate lovemaking on this night would be an experience he would never forget. Even now, when a good hour had passed since their rapturous union, his body still throbbed. He just about suppressed a groan at the memory. Never in his thirty-six years had Jarrett guessed or even imagined that loving a woman with all his heart could be so ecstatic … could bring him more joy and satisfaction than anything he’d ever experienced before. More wondrous still was the pride and delight he felt that Sophia had agreed to become his wife.

  He was so grateful to his sister that she’d urged him to go to her tonight. There was no doubt in his mind that she would be over the moon at the outcome.

  Having spent a long time privately yearning to experience the sense of truly coming home to a woman who loved him as deeply as he loved her, now that he’d incredibly got what he’d wished for he vowed passionately to himself that he would guard and protect Sophia with his life. And at the same time he would always give her the freedom and encouragement to do whatever made her happy.

  His musings turned to her son Charlie. A thrill of pride shot through him when he thought about becoming his stepfather. After the boy’s natural father had mentally abused him, and let him down so badly, Jarrett would make it his mission to help replace his hurtful memories of the past with much more loving and positive ones. He would show him what a difference it could make to his life to have a man who really cared about him and his mother as his parent.

  Stirring, Sophia turned onto her back, blinking up at him with quizzical green eyes. ‘Can’t you sleep?’

  ‘Not really.’

  ‘Why?’ She was immediately concerned.

  ‘I’m just too happy to go to sleep, I guess. I was just sitting here admiring you, and thinking that I’ve never seen you look so relaxed and at peace.’ Lifting her hand, he tenderly pressed his lips to the centre of her palm. Coming into contact with her matchless silken skin again, he sensed the blood in his veins quicken and heat.

  Her lips split into a grin. ‘Well, I’ve honestly never felt this relaxed or at peace before … I suppose that’s why. Plus I’m basking in the glow of our wild and passionate lovemaking, don’t you know?’

  Turning towards him, she trailed her fingers down over his bare chest, letting them glance provocatively against the skin an inch or two below his belly button.

  Jarrett sensed himself instantly harden. ‘You’re playing with fire, woman,’ he growled, then threw back the rumpled quilt and straddled her.

  Her teasing grin instantly vanished. Instead her glance became much more focused, and her pupils turned inky jet with desire.

  ‘And things are about to get even hotter,’ he told her huskily, ‘because that was only the warm-up.’


  ‘Yes … really.’ He entered her with one smooth powerful stroke, and was gratified to hear her whimper of pleasure.

  After that, Jarrett had no further need or desire to talk any further …


  One year later …

  IT HAD been a long time since the gardens at High Ridge had appeared so beautiful. It had been hard work restoring it, but surveying it today, in the bright sunshine, Sophia thought it had been more than worth every bit of toil and sweat she and Jarrett had expended. Believing that it was important for a sense of pride and achievement to have a personal input into the restoration of the gardens and the house, and not just hire professionals to come in and do the job, together she and Jarrett had tended to the myriad of plants and flowers with every spare moment they had, as well as implementing the ongoing work on the major restoration of both the interior and exterior of the house.

  Along with the very professional darkroom she’d dreamed of, so far they had a bathroom and spa to die for, newly designed bedrooms, and a drawing room with several seriously comfortable and beautiful sofas and armchairs. And having developed a sentimental fondness for her great aunt Mary’s rickety old couch, after initially storing it in one of the unused bedrooms Sophia had recently had it despatched to a professional upholsterer’s where it was being restored.

  Since they had married last year, and Jarrett had moved in with her, they had both become keen to transform the genteel old house into their own vision of a beautiful family home they could be proud of. But even with that aim firmly in mind they both knew what the most important values that made a real home were love and family. And today they had invited their friends and family to help them celebrate not only their first wedding anniversary and the restoration of the gardens but the news that they were most excited about of all … that she and Jarrett were expecting their first child together.

  ‘One fresh apple juice, made with apples from our very own orchard, for the ravishingly beautiful Mrs Gaskill!’

  Sophia called a halt to her surveying of the gardens from the newly installed drawing room patio with a start, and spun round to find her husband, casually attired in jeans and a black roll-necked sweater and looking more handsome than ever, theatrically brandishing an antique silver salver with a single glass of juice on it.

  ‘Now, that’s what I call service,’ she said, smiling and lifted it off the tray.

  ‘I aim to please,’ he replied with a wink, setting down the salver on a side table and returning to lightly lay his hands either side of her waist. ‘By the way, I love what you’re wearing today.’

  She had on a vintage white dress, and had teamed it with a pretty daffodil-yellow ribbed cardigan. She had to admit she did indeed feel pretty in the outfit. Perhaps it was because of the news she was all but bursting to share with their family and friends? It didn’t matter. All Sophia knew was that she was happier than she’d ever been in her life. The harsh life that she’d led with Tom Abingdon no longer haunted her as much as it had used to. Her only sadness was that her dad couldn’t be there to witness her joy.

  ‘You always know just what to say to make me feel good,’ she remarked, and received a long, lingering kiss from Jarrett in return.

  ‘If I do,’ he replied, lifting his head, ‘it’s only because when I look at you I can’t help but speak from the heart.’

  ‘Well, you look pretty good yourself, if you don’t mind my saying so. I really like you in that black sweater. Makes you look vaguely mysterious … sexy too. Your sister hasn’t invited any of her predatory friends to our little party, has she?’

  ‘She wouldn’t dare. In any case, even if she has I wouldn’t notice them. Not when I’m married to the loveliest and most alluring woman in the world.’

  Sophia emitted a soft groan. ‘Stop saying such provocative things or I’ll be waiting for e
veryone to go just so that we can get to bed.’

  Her husband grinned with pleasure. ‘Once Charlie’s asleep—going by our record so far—that will be our first destination anyway. Are you looking forward to seeing your brother and his troupe today?’

  ‘Very much so!’

  ‘Do you think he’ll be pleased about the baby?’

  ‘Of course he will, my darling. He’ll be overjoyed. How many times has he told us that we ought to have a brood of kids? Five or six at the very least! Talking of kids … do you know where Charlie is? I left him in the kitchen eating chocolate ice cream just ten minutes ago, and I’ll probably have to get him to change his shirt and jeans before our visitors get here because no doubt they’re covered in the stuff by now.’

  ‘He wasn’t in the kitchen when I poured your drink a minute ago.’

  ‘Then where is—?’

  Before Sophia had finished speaking the boy in question tore into the room and out onto the patio, pursued by the rapidly growing light cream Labrador puppy that Jarrett had adopted for him on the day they’d got married. Right now, both boy and dog wore the evidence of the chocolate ice-cream on their faces and on their bodies—and in Charlie’s case all over his previously clean white shirt and jeans.

  ‘What on earth—?’

  ‘Sorry, Mum, but Sam wanted to share my ice cream and I wanted him to have some. I couldn’t be mean and not give him any, could I?’ Spinning round, her small son gazed hopefully up at Jarrett, as if searching for an ally. ‘I’m right, Dad, aren’t I?’

  Jarrett’s colour visibly rose beneath his cleanly shaved jaw and Sophia’s heart turned over, because she knew how much it meant to him to hear Charlie refer to him as ‘Dad’. She almost held her breath as she waited for him to respond.

  ‘Yes, son … you are right. I agree,’ he answered, and when his eyes next met hers they had never seemed more crystal blue … like the finest-cut diamonds glinting in the sun.

  Her heart swelled with love and pride for the two men that meant the most to her in the world …


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