The Oxford Handbook of Neolithic Europe

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The Oxford Handbook of Neolithic Europe Page 10

by Chris Fowler

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  Hebsgaard, M.B., Gilbert, M.T., Arneborg, J., Heyn, P., Allentoft, M.E., Bunce, M., Munch, K., Schweger, C., and Willerslev, E. 2009. ‘The farm beneath the sand’—an archaeological case study on ancient ‘dirt’ DNA. Antiquity 83, 430–444.

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  Hoffmann, T., Thorndycraft, V.R., Brown, A.G., Coulthard, T., Damnati, B., Kale, V.S., Middelkoop, H., Notebaert, B., and Walling, D.E. 2010. Human impact on fluvial regimes and sediment flux during the Holocene: review and future research agenda. Global and Planetary Change 72, 87–98.

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  Hughes, P.D.M., Mauquoy, D., Barber, K.E., and Langdon, P. G. 2000. Mire development pathways and palaeoclimatic records from a full Holocene peat archive at Walton Moss, Cumbria, England. The Holocene 10, 465–479.

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  Johnstone, E., Macklin, M.G. and Lewin, J. 2006. The development and application of a database of radiocarbon-dated Holocene fluvial deposits in Great Britain. Catena 66, 14–23.

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