The Chase

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The Chase Page 10

by Vanessa Fewings

  “There were no stray paint hairs,” I added softly.

  “Well, that’s good.” He nipped my earlobe.

  My core flinched, my nipples perking with desire and giving away my secret crush. I stuttered through another breath. “The scent is pure antique. The painting, I mean.”

  He chuckled and reached up to free my lip from where I’d nervously caught it between my teeth. His thumb caressed my lip to ease the sting.

  I blinked up at him. “Perhaps you can request its provenance?”

  “You can stop talking now, Zara.” He gave a heart-stopping smile as he took his jacket from me and threw it on the back of the chair.

  He repeated the way he’d kissed me in that state room, cupping my face with his palms, his mouth forcing mine open, his tongue searching, evoking a soft moan of pleasure from me. His hold also mirrored the way he’d kissed me before, back when we were in the palace and faking our affection for those sinister onlookers.

  His lips widening mine, drawing my breath out of me, a high voltage of passion as his firm chest pressed against me, shocking me into stillness as I gave myself over.

  We weren’t faking it now. This was more real than I’d ever known, more passionate than I’d ever experienced, his tongue demanding control over mine, his mouth rough and urgent and needful, his blinding touch so emboldened as if we weren’t strangers but lovers who knew each other intimately.

  Pressing my eyelids shut, I went with this rush...

  His hardness dug into my lower abdomen, the hugeness startling, as he continued to ravage my mouth with his.

  I rose onto my toes and my body naturally fit against his, my hips gliding left and right, his erection growing firmer.

  He moaned as his mouth left mine, as though he struggled with breaking away. He slipped a finger beneath my shoulder strap and brought it back up. And then pulled me into a hug, my face crushed against his firm chest and his arms wrapped around my back to hold me there. He held me like that for a while and I let him, breathing in his sexy scent, feeling safe, and aroused, and saying damn it to that part of my brain warning me this was too soon.

  He peered down at me. “I wanted to check on you.”

  “Because of the orgy?”

  “The Goya.”

  I nuzzled in and closed my eyelids. “How did you know it was there?”

  Tobias let me go. “Zara, that discussion we had before we left my home...”


  “Will it be honored when you return to the office?”

  “When I write my report?”

  “With our previous agreement in mind, yes.”

  “Can I mention the painting?”

  “I’d rather you didn’t.”

  “The location?”


  I stepped back. “That’s going to make it difficult—”

  “We agreed on your discretion.”

  “But not from Mr. Huntly?”

  “From everyone. Even your closest friends.”

  I narrowed my gaze, saying with my eyes what I’d dared not speak, Were you trying to manipulate me?

  A wave of vertigo. “Is this why you’re here?”

  “I needed to make sure you’re okay. We’d already agreed you’d proceed with discretion. This is a moot point, to be honest.” He gave a shrug. “I’m sure it was the Goya that really swept you off your feet.”

  I held his gaze, wondering if I came over that reserved, showing my feelings had become an issue for me, a way to protect myself.

  Yet I felt so safe with him.


  “How am I going to explain to my boss—”

  “Come here.”

  I blinked at him, still shaken.

  He opened his arms to me. “Zara, come here, please.”

  I took a careful step toward him and peered up at his beautiful face.

  He took my hands in his, and his thumb brushed back and forward over my hands, soothing me.

  I glared defiantly and tried to drag my hands from his. “I need to think about it.”

  “There’s nothing to think about.” He cupped my face in his hands again. “Thank you for all you did.”

  That ill-timed rush of arousal flooded through me again, my core tightening with tension, and my face flushed when he brushed his groin against mine. His lips now close to mine again, my wriggling against his body was futile. I yearned for his kiss, yearned for more of him.

  “If there’s written evidence of what we did it will affect my reputation. You agreed to your discretion. I need you to keep that promise.”

  “What happens when Adley asks for details?”

  “He’ll respect my wishes. I just need you to.”

  My eyelids flickered in response to these rousing feelings.

  He leaned closer and trailed kisses along my neck. “I’m glad we’re talking about it. So there’s no confusion.”

  I’d been starved for this kind of affection, this pure passion. I’d not allowed myself to get this close to a man after the pain Zach caused me, for fear of getting hurt, couldn’t bear to go through that heart-wrenching agony ever again.

  All I had to do was learn to trust...

  His gentle kisses trailed along my shoulder, sending me hurtling into the center of arousal, my nipples beading, my gaze on his lips as my sigh gave away my weakness. “Tobias,” I said the rest with my eyes—please...take me.

  He stepped back and pivoted gracefully to stare down the hallway. “This is a nice place. Did you decorate it?”


  “You have great taste.”

  “You can come in if you like. I mean in the sitting room.”

  “Great location.”

  “Are you going to stay?”

  “I’m afraid I can’t.”

  “Would you like some tea before you go?”

  “No, thank you.”

  His irises were speckled with amber. I saw that now because I was brave enough to hold his gaze for more than a few seconds. That soft white hue of light framed him from behind, providing an almost angelic aura.

  “Will I see you again?” I said.

  A familiar confusion marred his face.

  Trailing my fingertips over my mouth, caressing that tingle from where he’d scorched my lips, the shadow of his kiss lingering.

  He hesitated for a second and then said softly, “There’s no room in my life for love, Zara. Don’t look to me for that.”

  I swallowed past the dryness in my mouth.

  “I’m not the one for you,” he said.

  Cringing inwardly, I feigned his rejection wasn’t triggering my self-doubt, wasn’t taking me back to that dreadful time when I’d given everything, every part of me.

  That same clawing regret wrenched my stomach. Hadn’t I learned my lesson? Seen how these games played out...

  He offered a kind smile. “You misunderstand me.”

  “No, you’re quite clear.”

  “I’m too brutal for someone as gentle as you.”

  “How do you mean?”

  He gave a defiant nod. “You’d never withstand the hard fucking I’d deliver.”

  Oh God.

  I reached out to the wall to steady my feet as that same wave of powerlessness washed over me.

  “Get some sleep. Everything will feel different in the morning. Your head will clear and you’ll see reason.”

  He blinked as he stared downward, his teeth clenched with tension. I followed his stare between my thighs. My nightdress had ridden up. His eyelids became heavy as though fighting his will.

  Tobias reached low to tug the hem to cover me. “I want a copy of your report.” He retrieved his jacket and scarf and flu
ng it over his forearm. “First thing, please.”

  I straightened my nightdress, trying to retrieve my dignity. “Of course, Mr. Wilder.” I too could turn glacial. “Right away.”

  “Call me Tobias.”

  Raising my chin proudly. “I much prefer formality.” Even if I was standing here half-naked I could still hold my own. “Keep things professional.”

  “As you wish.” His fingers disappeared inside his jacket pocket and he pulled out my magnifier.

  He set it down on the hall table.

  “I’ll get the dress.”

  “Please, keep it.”

  That threw me a little and I went to argue that it was too much but he gestured his insistence.

  “Mr. Wilder, you never asked me if the Goya is authentic.”

  “Didn’t need to.”

  I braved to take a step toward him, feigning he had no effect over me.

  He gave a warm smile. “I saw the wonder in your eyes.”

  “Good night.”

  He looked hurt. “For the record, I kissed you because I wanted to.”

  I watched him leave.

  When the door shut I ran forward and locked it, my hands trembling as I replayed our passionate kiss, allowing those same sensuous sensations to wash over me, fighting this urge to burst into the hallway and call after him.

  Tell Tobias I wanted him to stay.


  I let out a sigh of appreciation and stepped back.

  Liza Blake’s painting looked perfect on the front wall of my office. This striking portrait deserved to be the only piece in here. Its bright modern blues and reds, that splash of gold soothing my soul as only contemporary can, with no lines to distract the mind, no images to evoke questions.

  I straightened the painting.

  My office was starting to look cozy. Stacking the shelves with those few art books I’d brought in and lining up my design journals.

  Keeping busy was my way of forgetting last night. Forgetting him.

  His kiss...

  His body crushing mine, his cock promising no end of pleasure, each word he spoke, each look, each touch, sending me reeling.

  I spun around and gulped tea from my mug—

  My mouth gaping at the burn of heat at drinking it too soon and yet it burned so much less than knowing that brief interlude with Tobias Wilder was over.

  It was a challenge to push away the memory of him and those precious few hours spent inside Blandford Palace.

  Laughter rose from outside. Staff were trickling in and readying for their day.

  There was a delicate bonsai tree resting in a small blue pot on my corner coffee table. The envelope beside it had my name embossed in gold. All that was written inside the card were Japanese symbols. I’d ask Elena who it was from.

  That delicate tree with its miniature green leaves was a tranquil promise on how I hoped my day would go.

  Elena burst in breathlessly. “How did it go with the hottie?”

  Suppressing a fateful smile, I asked her, “Are you okay?”

  She sucked in another breath. “Came up the stairs. You inspired me!” She turned to show me her bum. “How does it look?”

  “Extra pert.”

  “That’s what I’m going for.” She burst out laughing.

  I grinned at her enthusiasm.

  Her eyes widened when she saw the Blake. “Is that a print?”

  “Original. She’s a friend.”

  “Wow—” Her gaze snapped back to me. “How was it, then?”

  “Last night?” My cheeks flushed at the thought of him.

  “Yes, last night.”

  I rounded my desk. “Tobias’s—”

  “First name terms?” She sat in the chair opposite. “Didn’t see anything online about him being married.”

  “He’s not.”

  “God, Americans are so sexy. Don’t you think?”

  And on her reaction, I added, “It was all business, Elena. Very professional.”

  She waved it off. “How are you settling in?”

  “Good. I mean great. I love it here.”

  “Adley told me he once met your dad.”

  “He didn’t mention that.”

  “Your dad knew everything there was to know about art.”

  I smiled. “His knowledge was impressive.”

  “Apparently, he was well loved in the community.” She looked sheepish. “Your lineage. Is it true?”

  “A dynasty lost to history now,” I said.

  “So your great-great-grandfather came from the Russian royal family?”

  I perked up a little. “Yes.”

  “Your ancestors owned one of the greatest art collections in Europe.”

  “Yes, well, after the Vatican, of course,” I murmured.

  “So you’re related to the house of Romanov?”

  I gave a nod. “As you probably remember from your history, it all ended terribly. Marxist leaders revolted and my great-grandparents were exiled by the Bolsheviks. They moved here to escape. I never once heard my father speaking Russian. I don’t think he could, to be honest.”

  “Does that make you a princess?”

  I gave a shrug. “My mom was Welsh. I take after her apparently. All wayward hair and barefoot wildness.”

  “Talking of wildness—” She waggled her eyebrows. “Did you get the gossip on Wilder?”

  “He’s very private.”

  “You can tell me. I saw the forms in my inbox on my way in.”


  “His office emailed them over. Your copy of the nondisclosure agreement that you need to sign for our files. I’ll send the signed forms back to them in the post. I’ve forwarded the documents to you. Looks like you can’t discuss his personal life. Can’t discuss where his private address is and stuff like that.”

  I leaned forward and rested my chin on my palms. “He doesn’t want me to write an official report, either. Well, that’s not strictly accurate. He’s asked me to exclude where we went and what we saw. Which is basically my official report.”

  “Where did you go?” she whispered.

  I broke her gaze as that grand palace flashed into memory, those elite men who’d taken living the high life to an entirely different level.


  “To be honest, Tobias is intense. I wouldn’t want to cross him.”

  “Was he rude?”

  “No, nothing like that. He’s just very...” warmth flushed over me “...mysterious.”

  His kiss...his strength and the firmness of his body...

  Squeezing my thighs together, I tried to push thoughts of him away. Hoping with all my heart he’d not complain about me to Adley. He’d not exactly left my flat on amicable terms.

  “That’s pretty.” She was looking at the bonsai. “Who’s it from?”

  “There’s no signature.” I pushed myself to my feet and walked over to it and picked up the note card. I handed it to her.

  “It’s made from luxury paper.” She held it up.


  “All his gifts go through me.” She flipped it over to show me the Japanese symbols. “What does it say?”

  “Have no idea.”

  “Good morning, ladies,” said Logan, bursting through the door in a flurry of pink Chanel suit and a perfume to match, a soft floral scent contradicting her demeanor.

  “Did we have an appointment?” Elena looked worried.

  “Brief visit,” said Logan. “Have a matter with Ms. Leighton to discuss.”

  “Did Mr. Wilder send that?” asked Elena.

  Logan sneered at the plant. “I send these out all the time for Mr. Wilder. Cooper delivered
it this morning.”

  “It’s lovely,” I said. “Please thank him.”


  “Can I get you a coffee, Logan?” I offered. “Tea?”

  “No, thank you.”

  “What does this say?” asked Elena, holding up the card.

  Logan shrugged it off and handed me the large manila envelope. “Thought we’d get this out of the way, Ms. Leighton.”

  From Elena’s expression, Logan had decided to hand deliver the forms herself.

  My gaze returned to the bonsai as a rush of excitement flooded over me that it had come from Tobias. Maybe last night hadn’t gone as badly as I’d thought.

  Logan peeled open the envelope, withdrew the papers and handed them to me. “Sign here.”

  “Perhaps I should get Mr. Adley to look over it first?” I suggested.

  She slid a pen my way. “My advice, sign it. We don’t want to unleash...”

  “Unleash?” I held Logan’s gaze.

  “Hell,” she said. “Mr. Wilder has little patience for noncompliance.”

  As I’ve discovered, I almost muttered. “Still, I’d like to get my boss to approve.”

  “Zara had fun last night.” Elena widened her eyes playfully. “Not that she’s told us anything.”

  “Mr. Wilder seemed happy with everything,” I confirmed.

  “We’d love to know the gossip on him,” said Elena with a glint of mischief.

  I threw her a wary glance.

  Logan scowled at me. “All these years I’ve known him he’s never once wasted his time on anything trivial. He’s possessive of his time.”

  I arched a brow and let her follow my gaze over to the bonsai. “I better Google how to take care of it. Looks expensive.”

  “Hope you’ve got green thumbs, Zara. Bonsais are very sensitive. One wrong move and it withers.”

  “Oh, I’m always up for a challenge,” I said.

  Elena rose out of her chair. “We have a couple of clients arriving any minute. If you’ll excuse me.” She waved to me as she headed out.

  Logan sat casually on the edge of my desk. “I’ll wait while you sign it.”

  “As an attorney you know the wisdom of having a lawyer review any document before you sign it.”

  “Yes, but this is for my client.”

  “I’m aware of that.”


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