Republican Gomorrah

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Republican Gomorrah Page 45

by Max Blumenthal

  Brown v. Board of Education

  Brownback, Sam

  Bruckner, Hannah

  Bryant, Anita

  Buckley, William F., Jr.

  Bukowski, Charles

  Bundy, Ted

  Dobson, J., and

  pornography and

  Bush, George W.

  Abramoff and

  CNP and

  Olasky and

  Bush, George W., Haggard, T., and

  Bush, Jeb

  Bush, Prescott Sheldon, Jr.

  Buss, Dale

  Calvin, John

  Calvin College

  Camp American

  Campaign to Defend the Constitution (Defcon)

  Captain Kangaroo (TV show)

  The Captive Mind (Milosz)

  Carney, Nick

  Carter, Jimmy

  Caruana, Patrick P.

  “Cat’s in the Cradle” (Chapin)

  Chafee, Lincoln


  Chapin, Harry

  Chapman, Bruce

  Chapman, Mark David

  Charisma (magazine)

  Charter School for Excellence

  Cheap grace

  Cheney, Dick

  Gingrich and

  Chesler, Phyllis

  Child and Ethics in Education Act, The

  Child discipline, Dobson, J., and

  Children at Risk (Dobson, J.)

  Cho Seung-Hui

  Chocolate Pussy (magazine)

  “Choices” (Focus on the Family)

  Christian Coalition

  Reed and

  A Christian Manifesto (Schaeffer, Francis)

  Christian Reconstructionism

  Christians United for Israel (CUFI)


  Chryson, Mark

  Church of Latter Day Saints

  same-sex marriage and

  Claremont Institute

  Clarkson, Frederick

  Cleaver, Eldridge

  Clemons, Steve

  Clinton, Bill

  abortion and

  Craig and

  Dobson, J., and

  Foley and

  Gingrich and

  Huckabee, M., and

  Clinton, Hillary

  Cloud, John

  Club Paradox

  CNP. See Council for National Policy

  Coburn, Tom

  CofCC. See Council of Conservative Citizens

  Cohn, Roy

  Cole, Kristin

  Cole, Tom

  Colson, Charles

  Gerson and

  Palin, S., and

  Rushdoony and

  Schaeffer, Francis, and

  Coming Out Conservative (Liebman)

  Compassionate conservatism

  “Compatible Partners”

  Concerned Alumni of Princeton

  Concerned Women for America

  Confessore, Nicholas

  The Conformist (Moravia)

  Congress, Dobson, J., and

  Conservatives Without Conscience (Dean, John)

  Constitution Party

  Constitution Restoration Act

  Contract for America

  Conyers, John

  Cornerstone Church

  Cortez, Wendy

  The Cost of Discipleship (Bonhoeffer)

  Coulter, Ann

  Council for National Policy (CNP)

  Palin, Sarah, and

  Council of Conservative Citizens (CofCC)

  Countdown with Keith Olbermann (television program)

  Country music

  Couric, Katie


  Covenant House

  Covenant marriage

  Cowboy Troy

  Cox, John


  Craig, Larry

  Crain, Chris

  Crash (Ballard)

  Creation Science Evangelism

  Crohn’s disease

  Crouere, Jeff

  Crowley, Aleister

  CUFI. See Christians United for Israel

  Cum Hungry Girls (magazine)

  Cum Sucking Vipers (magazine)

  Curtis, Richard

  Dare to Discipline (Dobson, J.)

  Daschle, Tom

  Davis, Gray

  Davis, T. Cullen

  Day of Hope

  DC Madam

  Dean, Jamie

  Dean, John

  Defcon. See Campaign to Defend the Constitution

  DeGette, Cara

  DeLay, Tom

  Abramoff and

  Bush, G., and

  Dobson, J., and

  Foley and

  Gingrich and

  homophobia and

  Reed and

  Schiavo and

  Wolf and

  DeMar, Gary

  DeMint, Jim

  DeMoss, Mark

  The Denial of Death (Becker)

  Dew, Sheri

  Dinosaur Adventure Land

  Discipleship Training School

  Discovery Institute


  Dobson, Danae

  Dobson, Ed

  Dobson, James

  Abramoff and

  Ahmanson, H., and

  Berkowitz and

  Bundy and

  child discipline and

  Clinton, B., and

  Congress and

  DeLay and

  Dole and

  Gingrich and

  Haggard, T., and

  Huckabee, M., and

  King, Alveda, and

  McCain and

  McCartney, B., and

  Miers and

  Murray, M., and

  Obama, B., and

  pain and

  Palin, S., and

  pornography and

  Powell and

  Reagan, Ronald, and

  Romney, M., and

  Rove and

  Dobson, Myrtle

  Dobson, Ryan

  Dobson, Shirley

  Dolan, Terry

  Dole, Bob

  Bauer and

  Dobson, J., and

  Donohue, William

  Dream Center

  Drinan, Robert

  Driscoll, Mark

  Haggard, T., and

  Drudge, Matt

  Duboff, Jeremy

  Dubose, Lou

  Duke, David

  Perkins and

  Dulles, Allen

  Dworkin, Andrea

  Eagle Forum

  Earle, Ronnie

  Edmunds, Jordan

  Edsall, Thomas

  Edwards, John

  Eisenhower, Dwight D.

  Eisenhower, Susan

  Eldredge, John

  Ellis, Wendy Yow. See Cortez, Wendy

  End Times

  Enough Is Enough!

  “Entire Sanctification”

  Episcopal Church

  Escape from Freedom (Fromm)

  Escape from Reason (Schaeffer, Francis)

  Evans, Dan

  Evans, Tony

  Every Man’s Battle (Arterburn and Stoeker)

  Every Young Man’s Battle (Arterburn and Stoeker)

  Every Young Woman’s Battle (Arterburn)

  Fagerstrom, Scott


  Falwell, Jerry

  Gingrich and

  Hagee and

  King, Alveda, and

  McCain and

  Schaeffer, Francis, and

  Families with a Mission (FWAM)

  The Family

  Family Forum

  Family Man (Buss)

  Family Research Council

  Vitter and

  Farnham, Walter

  Ferrari, Anthony

  Fieldstead and Co.

  Fieldstead Institute

  Financial Armageddon (Hagee)

  Fineman, Howard

  Finke-Greenberg, Nikke

  Fiorillo, James
br />   Fischer, Becky

  Fitzgerald, Patrick

  Flateau, James

  Flynt, Larry

  Focus on the Family

  Palin, S., and

  same-sex marriage and

  See also Dobson, James

  Focus on the Family Action

  Foley, Mark

  Foley, Tom

  Folger, Janet

  Fordham, Kirk

  Foster, Mike

  Fox News

  Frank, Thomas

  Franklin, Joseph Paul

  Free Republic

  Friedman, Thomas

  Frist, Bill

  Fromm, Erich

  Fuller, John

  FWAM. See Families with a Mission


  Gang of

  Gannon, Jeff

  Gates, David

  “The Gay Bishop’s Links”

  Gay Jihad: What the Radical Homosexual Movement Has in Store for You and Your Family (Thomas, R., and Duboff)

  Gerson, Michael

  Palin, S., and

  Gibbs, David

  Gibson, Charlie

  Gibson, Mel

  Gideon’s Torch (Colson)

  Gifford, Kathie Lee

  Gilgoff, Dan

  Gilmore, Jim

  Gingrich, Newt

  Cheney and

  Clinton, B., and

  DeLay and

  Dobson, J., and

  Falwell and

  homosexuality and

  Largent and

  at Washington-Israel Summit

  Ginther, Marianne

  Giuliani, Rudy

  McCain and

  9/11 and

  Perkins and

  Glatfelter, Yolanda

  Glazer, Steven

  Glazier, Mary

  Glossolalia (speaking in tongues)

  Haggard, T., and


  Goeglein, Tim

  Gold, Dore

  Gold, Jonathan

  Goldberg, Michelle

  Goldfarb, Michael

  Palin, S., and

  Golding, William

  Goldwater, Barry


  Gothard, Bill

  Graham, Billy

  Graham, Bob

  Graham, Franklin

  Green, Bob

  Green, Josh

  Greenberg, Jeff

  Greer, George

  Gregory, Stephen

  Greven, Philip

  Grow a Pair! (Stine)

  Guckert, James Dale. See Gannon, Jeff

  Gulf War syndrome

  Hagee, John

  Haggard, Gayle

  Haggard, Ted

  Murray, M., and

  spiritual mapping by

  Haldeman, H.R.

  The Handmaid’s Tale (Atwood)

  Hannity & Colmes (TV program)

  Hanover, Donna

  Hardball (TV show)

  Haroian, Loretta

  Harris, Eric

  Hart, Gary

  Hart, Jeffrey

  Hastert, Dennis

  Foley and

  Hatch, Orrin

  Haynes, Ray

  Hecht, Nathan

  Hefley, Joel

  Helms, Jesse

  Henzel, Ron

  Here’s the Beef (magazine)

  Heritage Foundation

  Hewitt, Don

  Hill, Anita

  Hindson, Ed

  Hitler, Adolph

  Hagee and


  Hoffer, Eric

  Hofstadter, Richard


  Palin, S., and

  See also Craig, Larry; Foley, Mark; Haggard, Ted; Same-sex marriage

  Hoover, J. Edgar

  Horny Holy Roller Family (book)

  Horowitz, David

  Horton, Scott

  Hot Fucking She Male (magazine)

  Hovind, Kent E.

  How Should We Now Live? (Colson)

  How Should We Then Live? The Rise and Decline of Western Civilization and Culture (Schaeffer, Francis)

  How to Dethrone the Imperial Judiciary (Vieira)

  Hubbard. Ron

  Huberty, Paul

  Huckabee, Janet

  Huckabee, Mike

  Gothard and

  Hagee and

  Hudson, Lane

  Hudson institute

  Human Events (magazine)

  Human Rights Campaign

  Hunt, Jim

  Hustler (magazine)

  I Had to Say Something (Jones, M.)


  Imus, Don

  In Defense of Mixing Church and State (Scarborough)

  Ingraham, Laura

  InnerChange Freedom Initiative

  Insight (magazine)

  Institute for Religion and Democracy (IRD)

  Ahmanson, R., and

  The Institutes of Biblical Law (Rushdoony)

  Intelligent design

  International Socialist Organization

  IRD. See Institute for Religion and Democracy

  “Islamic Imperialism” (Karsh)

  Issa, Darrell

  It’s My Party Too (Whitman)

  Jacobs, Syvester

  James Dobson’s War on America (Alexander-Moergerle)

  Jarrett, Valerie

  Jefferson, Thomas

  Jenkins, Woody

  Jerusalem Countdown (Hagee)

  The Jerusalem Diet (Haggard, T.)

  Jesus Camp (film)

  John Birch Society

  Johnson, Mac

  Johnson, Tiffany

  Johnston, Levi

  Johnston, Sherry

  Jones, John

  Jones, Mike

  Judicial War on Faith

  Judis, John

  Justice Sunday

  K Street Project

  Kalnins, Ed

  Karsh, Ephraim

  Karsnia, Dave

  Kemp, Jack

  Kennedy, John F.

  Kidan, Adam

  King, A.D.

  King, Alveda

  King, Martin Luther, Jr.

  Kinsey, Alfred

  Kirkpatrick, David

  Kirsanow, Peter

  Kite, Kevin

  Knowles, Tony

  Kopp, James

  Kristof, Nicholas Kristol, Irving

  Kristol, William Palin, S., and

  Kuhner, Jeffrey

  Kuyper, Abraham


  LaHaye, Lee

  LaHaye, Tim

  Landrieu, Mary

  Lapin, Daniel

  Largent, Steve

  Lauer, Matt

  Law and Order (TV program)

  Leary, Timothy

  “The Leatherman’s Handbook” (Townsend)

  Led Zeppelin

  Ledeen, Barbara

  Left Behind (LaHaye, T.)

  Lennon, John

  Leonetti, Caroline

  Let’s Talk! Stuff for Girlfriends About God, Guys, and Growing Up (Dobson.)

  Leviticus, Book of

  Lewinsky, Monica


  Libby. Lewis “Scooter”

  Liberty University

  Lieberman, Joseph

  Hagee and

  McCain and

  Liebman, Marvin

  Limbaugh, Rush

  Lindsay, John

  Little, Paul

  Livingston, Bob

  Local Swing Fever (magazine)

  Lohr, Bethany

  London, H.B.

  Loraditch, Matthew

  Lord of the Flies (Golding)

  Lott, Trent

  Lusk, Herb

  Lynchburg Christian Academy

  Lynn, Barry

  Maccoby, Michael

  Mahoney, Patrick

  Mahoney, Tim

  Maier, Jeannette

  Malkin, Michelle

  Mallory, Richard

  Malvo, John Lee

  Manning, Ann

  Mariners Church

Markwardt, Phil

  Márquez, Gabriel Garcia

  Marriage Under Fire

  Marshall, George C.

  Marshall, Thurgood

  Martinez, Bob

  “Master Conspiracy”

  A Matter of Basic Principles (Henzel)

  Matthew 25 Network

  Mayer, Jane

  McCain, John

  Craig and

  Dobson, J., and

  Giuliani and

  Hagee and

  Lieberman and

  Olasky and

  Palin, S., and

  Reed and

  Romney, M., and

  Rove and

  McCarthy, Joseph

  McCartney, Bill

  McCartney, Kristyn

  McClintock, Tom

  McClurkin, Donny

  McConnell, Mitch

  McCormack, Billy

  McDonnell, John

  Media Matters for America

  Media Research Council

  Meese, Edwin

  Meese Commission

  Meet the Press (TV program)

  Mein Kampf (Hitler)

  Merchant, Natalie

  Mica, John

  Miers, Harriet

  Milbank, Dana

  Milk, Harvey

  Mills, Gene

  Milosz, Czeslaw

  Minnery, Tom

  Minor, Robert

  Missionaries to the Preborn

  Mohler, Albert

  Moldea, Dan

  Monster (film)

  Moore, Michael

  Moore, Roy

  Moorehead, Robert

  Moral Majority

  Moravia, Alberto

  Mormons same-sex marriage and

  Mortality reminders

  Moscatiello, Anthony

  Munger, Phil

  Murkowski, Frank

  Murphy, Glenn, Jr.

  Murray, Loretta

  Murray, Matthew

  Murray, Ronald


  Graham, F., and

  Obama, B., and

  Mussolini, Benito

  Muthee, Thomas

  Nagourney, Adam

  Narramore, Clyde

  Nathan, Judith

  National Abstinence Education Association

  National Association of Evangelicals

  National Council of Churches (NCC)

  National Endowment for the Arts

  National Religious Broadcasters

  Nazarene Christians

  NCC. See National Council of Churche

  “Negro Soviet Republic”

  New America Foundation

  New Life Church. See Haggard, Ted

  The New Republic (magazine)

  New York Post


  Nixon, Richard

  No Child Left Behind

  Noonan, Peggy

  Norquist, Grover

  North, Gary

  Norton, Gail

  Obama, Barack

  Hitler and

  Muslims and

  Palin, S., and

  Warren, R., and

  Obama, Michelle

  O’Connor, Sandra Day

  Odom, Richmond

  Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives

  Ohio v. Larry Flynt

  Olasky, Marvin

  Bush, G., and

  McCain and

  The One and the Many (Rushdoony)

  One Hundred Years of Solitude (Márquez)

  Operation Rescue

  Oral Roberts University (ORU)

  Ordo Templi Orientis

  O’Reilly, Bill

  The O’Reilly Factor (TV program)

  Oriental Snatch (magazine)

  ORU. See Oral Roberts University

  Otis, George

  Owen, William

  Page, Jimmy

  Palfrey, Deborah

  Palin, Bristol


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