Bound by Blood Box Set

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Bound by Blood Box Set Page 16

by Lane Hart

  I sat down on one of the new park benches and tried to let go of my anger as I watched the peaceful water. It wasn’t working, and in what seemed like only minutes I was sitting in pitch black darkness with mosquitoes biting the fuck out of me. The irony was not lost on me. I hope my blood doesn’t turn them into some sort of super-blood sucking bugs. Shit, and I had no idea what time it was. I needed to head back since I had to work tomorrow, but I just couldn’t make myself leave.

  I pulled my phone out of my pants pocket and finally turned it back on. It was nine-forty-five and I had three missed calls and four text messages from Kate. I don’t know why she even bothered. The first message said she was sorry, the second that she regretted it, the third asked me to let her explain and then the fourth said she had only done it because he told her what I’d done with those “three strippers.” Someone couldn’t count, and I was pretty sure it was my son of a bitch roommate. I hated that bastard so much for telling her what I’d done, and exaggerating the truth.

  I almost responded to set things straight, but what did it really matter?

  I finally stood up and started heading back to my, car ready to make the hour drive back to Greensboro.

  Chapter Nineteen

  When I was almost back in the city limits of Greensboro I got another text from Kate, “Sin’s not the same without you. I wish you were here.”

  Goddamn it! She was asking for trouble going there by herself. I knew what she was trying to do, but I was not going to fall for it. I told myself I didn’t give a shit who she fucked.

  Oh, hell, but I was only lying to myself. There was a room full of men probably getting her drunk right this second so they could fuck her. Shit, they probably didn’t even have to get her drunk. Of course I’d go because I was a fucking fool. I couldn’t just go home and try to pretend that I didn’t care what happened to her.

  But shit, it looked like I’d have to head home first since black and red blood was still all over my hands and clothes. I pulled up in the driveway and went through the house. The TV was still on full blast, there was still blood on the floor and couch, but it looked like Chris had shut himself in his room to recover. If I didn’t have to go try and find Kate I’d barge in and kick the shit out of him some more.

  I took the quickest shower of my life, grabbed and threw on khakis and a button down that’d get me in the club, then I was back out the door. When I got downtown I parked in the first available parking spot I could find and made my way to the long line of people waiting to get into Sin.

  I finally made it through to the crowded main dance floor. Apparently Wednesday nights were college nights, and some sort of unlimited drinking special. Awesome. I looked for Kate but had no luck finding her in the mass of bodies dancing, which was sort of a relief. If I’d seen her grinding on some guy I would’ve lost my shit. She was so damn small I may never find her in this mess.

  I started heading toward the bar and froze mid-step when I finally spotted her. From what I could actually see of her, she was wearing a short black skirt and a skimpy blue top that barely covered her breasts. Oh, and she was lying on the fucking bar letting some asshole do a body shot off of her stomach. She was asking for trouble alright, and it looked like she was well on her way to finding it.

  I almost turned around and left her to deal with her own mess, but a part of me felt guilty, like my asshole roommate and I were responsible for her bad fucking decisions tonight. Instead of leaving I took a deep breath and tried to assess the situation a little better before I went in with guns blazing.

  Three rednecks were hovering over her, eying her like she was a fucking buffet they couldn’t wait to start in on. Redneck number one was currently licking her fucking stomach with his hand on the inside of her thigh heading up her skirt. Rednecks two and three were urging him on, unable to keep their own hands off of her as they took pictures or videos on their phones. And of course they couldn’t resist trying to get pics of their views from under her short skirt, since it wasn’t like she was keeping her legs together or herself covered up. Fuck. Various other men had also gathered around as spectators or were waiting their turn in line for her, I wasn’t sure which.

  Goddammit, this was going to be a fucking disaster. My adrenaline was maxing out, and after earlier I’d have to be real careful not to lose my shit and get arrested on assault charges. I knew I could take all the men at the bar at the same time, but doing that would only end with me getting locked up tonight.

  Before anyone else could take another turn on her I walked up to the bar.

  “Kate, what the fuck are you doing?” I roared at her over the music. I was in front of the upper part of her body, standing right up on redneck number one.

  She raised up, giggling and wobbly, and all the guys complained with various versions of, “What the hell man?”

  “Sam? You came! Hey, look, it’s Sam!” she loud and drunkenly told the guy who’d just had his tongue on her, as she held onto his arm for balance.

  “Sam, you wanna do a body shot on me too?” she asked. I wanted to yell at her and tell her what an idiot she was being, but it wouldn’t do any good. She was good and toasted.

  “No. Will you please get down from there?” I asked, trying to get her to do this the easy way.

  “Why not? I really like when you lick me, and I want you to bite me, not strippers,” she said, pouting her lips as she laid back down. She started raising her shirt up higher until I reached and stopped her hand. She was real close to fucking outing me in her drunken state, but at least everyone around was probably drunk too, and wouldn’t care or remember.

  “Screw him baby. The three of us will lick you any place you want, just tell us where,” redneck number one said. I wanted to knock him on his ass. They’d all taken their hands off of her when I walked up or they’d be on the ground.

  “I like when Sam licks me right here,” she started telling him. I had to grab her hands again before she raised her skirt this time. “But I don’t think the three of you will be as good. He’s so fucking hot and he made me come five times in a row, one, two, three, four, five times, over and over and over again.” She held her hand up and counted each finger for emphasis.

  After her drunken compliment I couldn’t help but grin and lose some of my anger at her for being such a drunken mess.

  “Thanks baby, and why don’t you tell everyone how big my dick is too while you’re at it?”

  I laughed when she went right on along. “Sam’s dick is huge!” she said as she started giving very generous but completely inaccurate hand measurements. “I didn’t think he’d fit in me ‘cause he didn’t all fit in my mouth, but he didn’t hurt me with it. It just felt really, really good.”

  Just like anytime a dick in a woman’s mouth is mentioned, her comment caught the attention of every man in the club. Then she took a nosedive into depressed drunk mode.

  “But Sam won’t ever touch me again. I was stupid and fucked his roo-mate, his roommate. I told him I was sorry. Ugh. Chris hurt even though his dick wasn’t big. The whole thing fit in my mouth when he made me beg him on my knees. Asshole left when I started crying, and now Sam won’t talk to me,” she said. She had curled up on her side with her hands under her head, like she was home in her bed.

  She’d just confirmed she sucked his dick but I hadn’t heard the part about him hurting her or that she had cried. That asshole. Maybe her being drunk and somewhat honest was a good time to try and get answers from her.

  “Why’d you fuck Chris?” I asked her. The rednecks stood back and continued watching our word volley like it was a goddamn tennis match.

  “Because he told me that you fucked all the strippers, you bastard. He said you didn’t give a shit about me, but he didn’t give a shit about me either. Nobody gives a shit about me,” she said as she started crying.

  “He was lying. Well, mostly. Do you still want Chris?”

  “God no! Blah. He makes me sick. Oh no, I think I’m going to throw up,”
she said and everyone backed up out of the way. “I want you but you don’t give a shit about me. You’d rather fuck strippers because I’m a, I was a virgin. Now I’m just number six hundred and one of the six hundred million zillion women you’ve fucked,” she said as she cried harder.

  That was probably enough screaming our personal details out for the whole club to hear.

  “Okay, Kate, let’s go,” I told her as I tried to raise her back up into a sitting position.

  “Where are we going, Sam?” she asked as I got her up. She wouldn’t stay sitting up on her own.

  “I’m going to take you home before you do something you’ll regret in the morning.”

  “Are you going to fuck me? Because I won’t regret that.”

  “No, I’m not going to fuck you,” I told her, and all the men at the bar looked at me like I was an idiot.

  “Then I don’t want to go home,” she said stubbornly as she tried to lay back down on the bar.

  “Kate,” I started.

  “In case you didn’t hear her, she said she’s not ready to go,’” redneck number one chimed in.

  “If you think there is a chance in hell that I’m leaving her here with you, then you are out of your fucking mind,” I told him before I turned back to her. “Kate, I know you are drunk, but don’t make me drag you out of here kicking and screaming, because I will.”

  She rolled onto her side, her head propped up on her elbow, looking sexy as fuck. I knew she had grabbed the attention of every other man again too. “I’ll go after you do a body shot.”

  “No, Kate.”

  “Then I’m staying. Will you body shot me?” she asked, her speech becoming more slurred as she pulled her shirt up so that the bottom of her breasts showed, reaching and grabbing some random man who happened to be passing by. He looked momentarily stunned before he answered with a smile.

  “Oh yeah!” he said.

  “No, you fucking won’t,” I told him and he only looked at Kate for a second longer before he moved along.

  “Fine! You win, but after it’s done we’re leaving, and you better not fucking protest.”

  The male bartender had most likely been listening and watching the whole show. He had a shot on deck and ready before I laid my money on the bar.

  “It’s going to be my fucking way though, so lay down and open up baby,” I told her. I put the lime in her mouth before she laid down flat on her back.

  I vaulted myself up onto the bar straddling Kate’s lower body with my knees on either side of her hips. Just looking down at her sexy little body made my mouth water and my dick hard. That traitorous appendage of mine didn’t give a shit that she’d been with my asshole roommate or that I was angry at her. Although, if I was honest with myself, maybe that’s why I was doing this – to show all these bastards around the bar that they don’t have a chance in hell with her, while at the same time reminding her what she’s missing.

  I started pouring the shot under her breasts, over her stomach, in her belly button, down to the skin just above her skirt, then went to work. I jerked the top of her skirt down and started licking and kissing as low on her smooth skin as I could possibly go. Taking my time, I ran my tongue up the inside of her hips to her flat sexy stomach, before sucking around her belly button. She arched her back and writhed under me as I worked, making the liquid run quicker down her body. And I was pretty damn sure she I was about to make her come on this fucking bar in front of everyone.

  I held her pelvis down with my lower body on top of it, and pushed her upper body down with my hands on her shoulders. Even though her motions were limited by my attempt to restrain her, I could tell she was still trying to grind herself against my bulge.

  By the time my mouth made it all the way up to her breasts, my body was almost completely stretched out on top of hers. I slowly and deliberately licked and sucked at the bottoms of her breasts she had insisted on exposing, and up between them, feeling her still squirming underneath me. Sure that there’s wasn’t a single drop of liquid left on her body I raised up over her.

  “Did you finish?” I asked her.

  She nodded and I couldn’t help but smile as I leaned down, kissing her to pull the lime from her mouth. Her hands had moved up and were grabbing my sides, holding me above her as she looked up at me with her big beautiful teal eyes.

  Damn her for making me do this and damn me for giving in! My anger had lessened after I put my mouth on her body, just like she knew it would. At least she was so drunk she probably wouldn’t remember this in the morning.

  I pulled the nasty lime from my mouth then did something really stupid. I leaned back down and kissed her, and her tongue was just as eager as mine.

  When Kate’s hands started heading up my shirt I finally raised up, panting. “This doesn’t change anything. Now, let’s go,” I told her as I pulled her shirt back down and her skirt back up where it was supposed to be. “On second thought, hold on. I’ve got one last thing to take care of.”

  The group of men around the bar looked shocked and awed as I climbed off of Kate and jumped down from the bar. She didn’t even try to move but continued to lay still right where I’d left her.

  I turned to the three rednecks who’d been waiting and watching the entire time.

  “Did you get some good pictures from under her skirt earlier?” I asked the three of them who were now avoiding making eye contact with me. “Maybe some good videos too? Were you planning on videoing when you took turns fucking her later while she was unconscious?” I asked, getting angrier as I thought about what could have happened to her. I grabbed the two phones from rednecks two and three’s hands and crushed them in each of mine before throwing the pieces back on the bar.

  “What is your fucking problem? You’re going to regret that, asshole,” said redneck one.

  I ignored him and reached for Kate. She was still reluctant to move off the bar so I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder. Just like old times, I thought as I remembered the other night when we left here.

  All three rednecks stood in front of me like they were going to stop me from leaving. Then redneck one made the mistake of swinging his fist at my face. Since he was piss ass drunk himself, he missed badly. I’d wanted to hurt that jackass since I walked in the door, and that did it.

  I grabbed him up by his throat even though he was about my size, holding him a foot off the ground with Kate still over my other shoulder. At least she wasn’t putting up a fight this time. She was almost too still, but I’d worry about that in a minute.

  “Swing at me again, and even if you miss, I will break every fucking bone in your body,” I told him as his face turned fifty shades of red all the way to purple before I threw him down and his ass hit the ground. Rednecks two and three took a few steps back, making it clear that redneck one was now on his own.

  The crowd parted, giving me room to head for the exit. We made it out the door without any further incident, except for Kate saying she felt sick again. Like I hadn’t seen that one coming.

  When we got to the sidewalk I sat her down just in time as she started puking her guts out. She sank down to her knees on the pavement and I tried to grab her hair to move it out of the way, but it was too late. Oh fuck. The night was just getting better and better.

  I tried to ignore how small and pitiful she was as she got sick over and over again. But after tears started running down her face and she started shivering I kneeled down and held her against me, rubbing my hands down her bare arms and trying to do what I could for her as she continued to get sick.

  After another ten minutes or so it seemed like she’d lost everything in her stomach, so I picked her up and carried her against my chest back to my car. The over the shoulder carry was probably not the best for her stomach right now.

  I had no idea if her car was here, or where the hell it might be, so I loaded her in my passenger seat. I found some napkins for her to clean up with, and prayed we’d make it back to her apartment before she got s
ick again.

  Chapter Twenty

  Luckily, Kate didn’t throw up in my car. Her car was still in her apartment’s parking lot, which made me feel a little better. At least she hadn’t planned on driving. I guess she’d planned on going home with someone, or them coming home with her. Awesome.

  When I opened the passenger car door she fell out puking again. I hated seeing her sick, and only knew one thing that might help her. I held her hair up and waited for her to stop throwing up again.

  I realized after I carried her to her apartment door that she didn’t have any keys or her phone. Fuck! I sat her down on the ground in front of her door so I could try and talk to her.

  “Kate? Where are your keys?” I asked as I squatted down in front of her, but she was on the verge of passing out.

  It sounded like she said, “In my pocket,” which was real helpful since she didn’t have any.

  “Kate? What did you do with your keys and phone?” I knew she’d had her phone earlier when she texted me from Sin.

  “In my purse,” she said and I sighed. This could take all night.

  “Okay, so where’s your purse?”

  “I checked it out.” She checked it out? Then she pulled out a ticket from her top, distracting me momentarily. Oh, so she checked it at the door at Sin. Great. I wasn’t about to try and go back in there tonight to convince someone to give me her purse.

  I grabbed her up against my chest again. “Well, it looks like you’re going to have to stay with me tonight,” I told her as I carried her back to my car.

  “I like staying with you,” she responded as she looked up at me. “Will you sleep with me?” she asked. “I like sleeping on top of you.”

  I sighed. “Probably, after I get you cleaned up, and maybe sobered up.” I sure as hell wasn’t sleeping on the couch tonight, but I wasn’t going to make her either. I told myself that she needed to sleep in my bed since it was closer to the bathroom adjoining to my room. Right.


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