Bound by Blood Box Set

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Bound by Blood Box Set Page 42

by Lane Hart

  “It’s okay. Joselin, this is Kate’s dad, Tom Adams. Tom this is my um, vampire mom, Joselin,” Sam said quickly.

  I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the gorgeous woman standing before me. She looked younger and, as odd as it was, somehow brighter than I had imagined from the sound of her voice that night. I had imagined her more and more lately. Her dark brown hair was long and flowing over her short yellow summer dress. A dress that accentuated to perfection her incredible figure, and highlighted her long tan legs. When my unruly gaze finally made its back up above her shoulders, her deep chocolate eyes held an incredible warmth that made me forget to breathe.

  Following Sam and Joselin’s stares, the spell over me finally broke when I looked down and realized I still had my gun out and was actually pointing it at her. Embarrassed, I quickly put it away and stepped forward, offering my hand to her, even though it seemed like too formal a gesture.

  “Nice to finally meet you," I told her, when I was able to speak.

  “You too,” Joselin said with a smile, as she took my hand into her small and gentle one. Did she actually remember me from all those years ago? Of course not, I never even told her my name that night. "Although it feels like I already know you from all the times I’ve seen your face on TV. Well except for the hair, which makes you look about twenty years younger,” she said in a rush.

  I wasn't sure, but the way she sounded so flustered, was it possible that she was attracted to me too? Doubtful.

  “So what’d I miss?” she asked in an exhale, looking between me and Sam.

  “Well, Chris is no longer with us,” Sam told her with a smile.

  “He found you? How?” she asked surprised.

  “A spell, we assume. He kidnapped Kate at gunpoint while I was out, but he didn’t make it far. Kate’s dad had been tailing him and blew his head off,” Sam explained, saying it like it was a normal everyday occurrence.

  “Oh!” she said as she looked from Sam to me, clearly shocked, but surprisingly not horrified.

  “Just hate I didn’t kill that maniac sooner,” I said apologetically. That was my only regret.

  “Where’s Kate? Is she okay?” she asked with genuine concern. I had to wonder if she’d ever actually met Kate. She was probably worried about her because she knew how important Kate had become to Sam.

  “Yeah, she’s been out of it ever since, but we think she’ll be okay. I hate to do this, but maybe you can keep each other company? I want to be there with her when she finally wakes up.”

  “Yeah sure,” Joselin assured him. “Don’t worry about me.”

  “Or me,” I added. I was looking forward to the chance to keep her company.

  “Okay, thanks,” Sam told us. “You can bring your bags in and get settled in your room if you want Joselin. First room down the hall on the right.”

  “Thanks,” she told him.

  “Oh, and sorry Tom. I don’t know where you’ve been staying, but Kate’s been so worried about you I’m sure she’d like for you stay here. At least for a few days. But all we can offer you is the couch.”

  The couch would be so much better than the cars I’d been sleeping in for only a few hours a night for weeks. But before I could respond that I’d be glad to stay, Joselin jumped in.

  “We can share the spare bedroom,” she offered. Surprised by her words my eyes shot over to hers. Now I was almost certain she was interested. She wouldn't offer to sleep in a bed with me if she wasn't, right? And hell, we were both adults. Not like it’s a big deal or meant anything.

  “Um, yeah, it’s not really that big-,” Sam started.

  “That’d be great, thanks,” I eagerly accepted with a smile.

  We stood there for a while, silent. I knew Sam was looking at us like we were crazy, but I didn’t care. Although, Kate might not be too thrilled with the arrangement when she found out.

  “Okay, well, you two have fun,” Sam said before he finally took off down the hall. I heard him chuckle before the bedroom door closed. Then Joselin and I were standing alone in the living room.

  Chapter Twenty

  “So, do you need any help brining in your bags?” I asked Joselin, not knowing what else to talk about, and, just maybe, I was also in a hurry to get in that bedroom with her.

  “Yeah, sure. Thanks,” she said, her voice not quite as steady as before as she led the way to her car.

  Following her, it occurred to me that it wouldn’t take but a second to get under the dress she was wearing. What the hell was wrong with me? I was getting aroused just at the idea of being in a room with this woman. I hadn’t even touched another woman since Elizabeth. I braced myself for the familiar pain in my chest her name brought each time, but it didn’t come. I still loved and missed Elizabeth as much as ever, but for some reason I didn’t feel guilty or ashamed of thinking about being with someone else. Maybe because I felt like I had Elizabeth’s blessing. She’d already seen me falling in love with Joselin, and she’d seemed relieved that I’d be happy again someday.

  My thoughts and I came to a sudden halt, awestruck by the shiny new silver Mustang convertible parked in the driveway.

  “This is yours?” I asked, wondering if it was a rental.

  “Yeah, I have a thing for Mustangs. I actually have, oh, like twenty of them from various years, mostly classics, going back to 1965.”

  “Wow, that’s incredible. But saying a classic is from 1965 makes me feel so damn old. That's the year I was born,” I told her with a grin.

  “Now you’re making me feel old,” she said as she blushed. Oh right. Even though she looked like she was in her thirties, she was a vampire, and probably older than me. I was surprised when the vampire part of that thought didn’t freak me out.

  “You look so young, I completely forgot,” I told her. “So how old are you, if you don’t mind me asking?” I reached into the trunk she’d raised and grabbed the two expensive looking pieces of luggage while I waited for her response.

  “Just turned two hundred and sixty a few weeks ago,” she said with a sigh.

  “Wow,” I tried to keep my mouth from hanging open in shock. “I can’t imagine all the things you’ve seen and done over that many years. You must have had an amazing life.”

  “Yeah, it’s been pretty good. I just try to enjoy every day knowing there might not be any more.”

  I turned away and started for the house as the sadness swept over me. I’d never realized how careless I’d been with my life until I didn’t have any more days left with Elizabeth. If I’d known what was going to happen to her, well, I would have done things differently. Definitely not wasted them like I had. But really, other than raising Kate, wasting my life wallowing in grief is all I'd been doing since she died.

  I let out a calming breath and went through the front door, heading to the bedroom I thought I remembered Sam saying was down the hall on the right. Ah, and there it was. A bed. The first one I’d be able to get a good night’s sleep in after weeks. My body was too old to sleep cramped up in a car for so long.

  I couldn’t stop myself from falling back on the bed after I sat Joselin's bags down. She came through the door and pulled up short when she saw me sprawled out.

  “Sorry,” I told her, not even bothering to get up. “I haven’t slept in a bed for about two weeks. I’ve been sleeping in a car tracking that son of a bitch. Ah. This is really nice. Thanks for offering to share it with me.”

  “Oh, well, sure,” she said as she walked into the room a few more steps. “I don’t mind taking the couch though if you’d rather-”

  “God, no. I wouldn’t ask you to do that. We can share the bed, as long as you're okay with it,” I said, hoping she hadn’t changed her mind.

  “It’s fine with me. We’re adults, and it’ll only be to sleep in for a few hours each night.”

  “Yeah of course,” I said, but then my brain short circuited, fantasizing about her hiking up her dress and climbing on top of me, or better yet, pulling it off first. I had to sit
up on the edge before my excitement became any more obvious.

  “So how long are you staying?” I asked.

  “Oh, I don’t know. I don’t really have anything to hurry back to in California, so whenever Sam and Kate kick me out I guess.” She tried to say it nonchalantly, but she sounded sort of sad.

  “So you live alone?” The question came out before I could feel bad for prying.

  She looked up at me and smiled a few seconds before continuing to unpack her luggage on the other side of the bed.

  “Yeah and it’s nice to actually have company for a few days. Sam never visits, and I try not to impose on him very often. I know he’s busy with his own life.”

  “Yeah, I know how that is. When Kate left for school the house was so empty I couldn’t stand to be in it. It didn’t help that I’ve been worried to death about her since I dropped her off at her apartment at school.”

  “I’ve heard she’s been through a lot the last few weeks, but she’s been in good hands. Sam’s head over heels in love, and will do anything for her.”

  I nodded. “I know. Did he tell you she’s pregnant?” I asked.

  “Yeah,” she said with an exhale. “Sam went on a rampage when he first found out it could be a possibility. I know he was just upset because it was something he could never have with her, and God he hated Chris so much. But he seems to be doing better now, and ready to step up and be there for them both. I think he’ll be a good father.”

  “I hope so. Kate’s just so damn young,” I sighed as I rubbed my face.

  “She’ll be fine. They’ll all be fine,” she said as she finished putting her things in the empty dresser and sat down on her side of the bed.

  “Joselin, I’m sorry I’m not better company, but I’m completely exhausted.”

  “Oh, well, I could use a nap myself since I’ve been driving all day.”

  “I need more than a nap. When I go to sleep I may not wake up again until next week,” I joked as I stood up and took off my shoes and socks.

  At least I’d been able to shower at the rundown hotel I came across after I committed murder, and I'd also found clean clothes before I showed up here. Hard to believe that just a few hours ago I killed a man and burned his body. That bastard's death didn't bother my conscience one bit, nor did the deaths of the agents I had to kill to save Sam. Those dead men were all about as far from innocent as one could get.

  I debated how much more undressed I should get, then decided that losing my shirt shouldn’t be too awkward for sleeping. I also didn’t mind showing off all the hard work I still put in on a daily basis at the gym to stay in shape.

  Joselin had turned her back to me to grab what was probably a change of clothes. I didn’t imagine she’d want to sleep in her dress. Unfortunately or fortunately, I wasn’t sure which.

  I expected her to head to the bathroom to change but froze when instead she pulled her black cotton shorts on up under her dress, then pulled the dress over her head. She stood in nothing but the shorts and a white strapless bra for an instant before a grey t-shirt went over her head. Goddamn.

  I quickly looked away and climbed under the sheets. If I’d been heading toward an arousal before I had a full blown erection now. But the thoughts were pointless since I was sure she wouldn’t want an old man like me.

  I laid down on my left side, facing away from her, unable to make eye contact for fear of giving my perversion away. A minute later I felt the breeze of air when she pulled the covers back before laying down next to me. It didn’t take long before I could feel the warmth radiating from her body against my back.

  Despite how tired I was, I didn’t think I’d be able to sleep anytime soon with her so close. I wanted to reach across the few inches that separated us and … do … something. What exactly I hadn’t quite figured out. I couldn’t remember the last time any sort of sexual thoughts had crossed my mind. Years ago, maybe? Being in this bed, with a beautiful woman so fucking close, was beyond what I was capable of handling. Maybe I should head to the couch.

  Joselin’s sudden laugh interrupted the argument I was having with my way too enthusiastic dick. It was almost a girly giggle, which made me smile since she was two-hundred and sixty years old. I rolled over to face her at the same time she turned to me smiling.

  “What is it?” I asked with my own grin.

  “Sorry, I was just laughing at how long it’s been since I’ve been in a bed with a man. It had to have been about seven years ago with my ex-husband. It was just funny that the first thing I thought was, wow, he doesn’t smell like another woman’s perfume.”

  “You’re joking. That’s horrible Joselin.”

  Was she saying she hadn't been with a man in seven years? Shit, I hoped that meant she was as horny as me, then maybe I’d have a chance of … damn it, I needed to calm the fuck down before I made a fool of myself.

  “Oh, I’m horrible at picking husbands. You’d think after ten I’d have gotten it right by now.”

  “Ten?” I asked shocked, then remembered how long she’d been around. "Well, I guess that’s to be expected since you don’t age."

  “Yeah, two before I was turned, and then eight during the next two hundred and twenty-four years. The last one was probably the worst.”

  “Sounds like it, if he came home smelling like other women. Although, I can’t really say much on that issue. I cheated on my wife before we were separated or divorced, but she was a bitch.”

  Joselin cringed and then I felt bad for being so cold. God, she was going to think I was a huge jackass.

  “I’m sorry. That’s a horrible thing to say, and I still shouldn’t have cheated on her, but she was an arrogant, horrible woman that never gave a shit about me. She wanted my family’s social status and my genetics to create some mythical perfect fake family. I fell in love with Elizabeth and cheated on her. But I can’t say I regret it, so I guess that makes me an asshole.”

  “That’s different. You loved her. My ex cheated many, many times just because he didn’t want to stop fucking other women.”

  “Damn. That bastard must have been dumb and blind,” I said, looking directly into her beautiful brown eyes.

  “Oh, I finally realized after three years of lies what an ass he was, but I got my revenge.” She laughed again.

  “What was that?” I asked.

  The giggles she was trying to hold in kept escaping from her, and I couldn’t help but smile at how cute they sounded.

  “Well I’m sure you know vampires can mesmerize people, right?”

  “Yeah, of course. That’s why you all scare the shit out of me.”

  Joselin laughed again, making her face light up with a beautiful radiance. “So, I could have told him not to cheat on me, and he never would have again, but I wasn’t going to do that. If he didn’t want to be with me I wasn’t going to brainwash him. I wanted that to be his decision, and what he wanted. But when it was all over I didn’t mind leaving him with a small falsehood. I told him his dick was shrinking, slowly but surely, every single day.”

  I couldn’t help my burst of laughter. “That is evil, but it sounds like he deserved it.”

  “Maybe it will make him so insecure he won’t cheat on other women, or maybe it will eventually drive him crazy. I can’t say I really give a shit.”

  “Remind me to never cross you,” I joked with her, and I couldn’t stop noticing how bright and happy she seemed, despite being hurt. “So what happened to your other nine husbands?” I asked. “If you don’t mind sharing.”

  She sighed and I hated when her smile fell. “This and that. A combination of affairs and death, more deaths than affairs I guess. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.”

  “You’ve lost husbands?”

  “Oh yeah, several.”

  “But why didn't you just change them?” I asked, curious.

  She shrugged. “I never told any of them what I was, because it was just too dangerous. I mesmerized them when they noticed I didn’t age, but
I tried to dress and make myself look older. I wiped memories when I needed to. Although it was wrong, I drank regularly from them and erased those memories too.”

  “But you have to drink occasionally, right, to survive?”

  “Yeah, and I don’t know if you are aware that the blood lust goes with the other lust.”

  The other lust? Oh shit. I had to clear my throat before my mouth worked again. “No, I um, didn’t know that.”

  Now I was imagining her riding me while she drank from my neck. I was more turned on by that than I should have been.

  “It makes relationships difficult, as you can imagine.”

  “Yeah I bet. So how often do you have to have blood?” I asked, not sure if I was just curious or if I was hoping she’d need someone to satisfy all her lusts in the next few days.

  “I can go nine or ten days, because I’m older and pretty good at controlling it. Younger vampires like Sam have to drink every four or five days.”

  “But he can’t drink from Kate that often. Especially now that she’s pregnant. Damn it, he'll kill her!” I thought in a panic, popping up out of bed to go kick his ass.

  Joselin quickly reached and grabbed my arm, sensing I was about to freak out and go bolting down the hall.

  “He doesn’t drink from her. Well, not now at least. We get most of our blood from blood banks.”

  “Oh,” I said in an exhale. That made me feel better, and my homicidal rage deflated, although my heart still hadn't stopped racing. Then I realized Joselin was still holding onto my arm. That light touch of her hand had me wanting more. Hell, needing more. I'd gone nineteen years without a single intimate touch from a woman.

  Still resting on her elbow, Joselin’s eyes stayed silently on mine as I laid back down. Instead of releasing her hold, her hand glided slowly up my forearm, fingertips lightly caressing over the swell of my bicep. Cold chills surfaced under her touch, then quickly spread over my entire body, even though I was burning up inside.

  When her hand stilled, the look she gave me was heated and questioning, asking me if she should stop or keep going. I didn't even have to think about my answer. I climbed out of bed and headed for the open door.


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