Bound by Blood Box Set

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Bound by Blood Box Set Page 65

by Lane Hart

  "No more condoms," I whisper against Cyn's ear on the drive, making her shiver.

  "Thank goodness," she laughs.

  The three warlocks and two wizards are in Tom and Joselin's big backyard playing football in the scorching August heat. Ah, the football is actually one of the water balloons from the pile on the sidelines. Max was trying to figure out how to pick one up in his mouth, but they kept popping.

  "Hey, time out," I yell, and they all stop to gather around us.

  "So am I gonna be a daddy or what?" Sebastian asks.

  "Yep, you've got two on the way," I tell him.


  "Matt, you are too," Joselin tells him.

  "Woohoo!" he says hugging her. "Congrats. You're going to be a wonderful mother."

  "He's right, your girls will be lucky to have you," Sebastian says then his eyes bug when he realizes what he said.

  "Girls?" Joselin asks.

  "Ah, did I forget to mention that?" Sebastian asks, his face turning red.

  "Mention what?" Tom asks.

  "Oh, that you're going to have twins. I guess I did forget that part."

  "Twins!?!" Joselin and Tom both exclaim.

  "Hey, two is even better than one, right? Twice as much to love."

  "Wait a minute. So which one will be mine?" Seth asks.

  "Ah, about that. I'm not sure this far away. Honestly I didn't even know who the fathers would be for the babies. But don't worry. One of them is for sure, only the girls are identical so I can't tell them apart in the premonition."

  I bust out laughing. I can't help it. The warlock has pulled one over on them and I’m just glad it was Joselin and Tom, and not Cyn and I.

  "So does this mean I can visit Sam and Kate now?" the warlock asks, like he hadn't just shocked the fuck out of several people.

  "Sure, but I wouldn't right now," I tell him.

  "Why not? I want to meet my future wife, mother-in-law and babies' mama."

  "Not. Now," I reiterate.

  "Oh. Well shit. I guess I'll wait and call them later."

  "Let me know and I'll go with you, just in case. I can run interference and keep Sam from killing you if we're wrong," I tell him, pulling Cyn inside. "But we're going to need an hour or two. Maybe three. Just wait until you see me again."

  "Yeah, yeah. You got any spells that fast-forward time? I've got a long, lonely eighteen years ahead of me," he says sadly, and I actually feel bad for the bastard.

  "What are you going to do with all your free time? Maybe get a job to provide for all your kids?" I joke.

  "What? Hell no, I don't need a job. I'm a psychic. Winning lotto numbers for tomorrow are seven, sixteen, twenty-one, thirty nine and forty-two. Head to the border and bam, millionaire."

  "Are you serious?" I ask.

  "Yes. How do you think my father became one of the richest SOBs in Europe? Between my fortunes and Joselin's none of us will ever have to work again," Sebastian says.

  "We've got to find something to do with our time," I scoff.

  "Yeah, take down the D.R.A., repopulate the warlock and witch species, and enjoy the hell out of life."

  "Sounds like a plan," I say, starting that last part in the next five minutes.

  Cyn has been awfully quiet, and I wonder what’s on her mind as we head up the stairs to what's become our room, until we find our own house.

  "Are you alright?" I ask as I shut the door.

  "Yeah, of course. I just…it feels strange being the only regular person out of all of you. Like I'm an outsider."

  "You're not an outsider. Everyone loves you, and nobody cares that you're 'regular.' Hell, most of us at some point in our lives wished we were. And you're going to be the mother of a witch."

  "I know. I just…it doesn't seem like all this is…real," she says with a sigh, sinking down onto the bed.

  I think I know what she means. She needs the reassurance that this is permanent. I climb on the bed beside her and lay down, pulling her on top of me. "Will you feel better once we make it official? Me and you, husband and wife?"

  She blinks her eyes rapidly and nods.

  "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go see your family. Where do you want to get married?" I ask as I run my fingers through her long beautiful hair.

  "In my grandma's backyard. She died a few years ago and my brothers live there now. She left the house to all three of us, but…it was just too hard to be there without her. That's why I moved to D.C. But I have so many happy memories at her house, in her garden in her backyard where I helped her every year. It's a beautiful place and it reminds me of her, since she can't be there."

  "Then that's where we'll get married."

  "While we're visiting?" she asks with a smile.

  "Of course. Hell, start planning it, just don't tell your family until I ask them for their permission," I tell her with a grin.

  "I love you," she says, leaning down to kiss me.

  "I love you too, my knocked up, soon-to-be wife. Now can I please make love to you without a condom?" I ask.

  "Please. More than once," she laughs. "You don't have any more of that vampire blood do you?"

  "Actually," I say, sitting her to the side to get up and dig out my tackle box. Popping the lock on it and looking over the vials, "Hell yes." I take a swig then strip out of my clothes. When I turned around Cyn has lost hers and is waiting for me in the middle of the bed.

  "God, you're beautiful," I tell her, climbing up between her legs. I kiss her stomach then head down lower. "I'm going to make sure you're good and wet before I feel the inside of you for the first time." Sliding my hands underneath her incredible ass, I raise her pelvis up for better access, placing kisses across the lips between her hips, making her squirm.

  "Please Jason. I need you," she moans, making me grow even harder as I lick her with the flat of my tongue before flicking the tip in and out of her. While my lips close around her swollen clit I use two fingers to penetrate her, thrusting them in and out with the same rhythm as my tongue.

  "Yes! Oh! That feels so good," she exclaims before she comes, crying out wordless moans as her body rocks against my mouth. "I want you…in me," she pants as she recovers, and I’m more than ready to take her.

  I stretch out above her, kissing her so she can taste the sweetness of her own arousal. She’s so wet my hard cock slips right into her.

  "Fucking hell you feel good. Oh God, don't move yet," I warn her. I've never felt anything as amazing as being in her. In all my forty years I've never had sex without a condom because of my long, growing list of conquests, and because I didn’t want to accidentally knock anyone up. And damn if it isn't even better than I imagined. Cyn's pussy tightens around me and I almost lose it. Then she starts grinding against me. Looking down at her, her eyes are closed and her lips are parted as she rocks into me, getting closer to another release. When I start moving, her walls squeeze my cock like a fist, and I can't hold back any longer.

  Well, that'd been quick.

  At least I'll be ready to go again in no time with the vamp blood in me. Leaning down I kiss her lips softly, melting against her beautiful body.

  "Shit! Am I hurting you?" I asks, lifting myself up when I remember she’s pregnant now.

  She smiles and shakes her head. "No. I like feeling you on top of me."

  "I won't hurt the baby?"

  With a laugh she shakes her head again. "It's fine to have sex while I'm pregnant. Don't worry, you're not going to hurt her."

  "Good. So are you ready for round two?" I ask.

  "Oh yeah," she nods.

  "Then get that fine ass of yours up, and fuck me you gorgeous woman," I tell her, flipping our positions so she’s on top.


  Hours later Sebastian clear with Sam that we can come over and test the theory that the witch/warlock lust would be absent now that Kate’s pregnant with his baby.

  We haven't even got out of the car before Sam comes out the front door.

think about coming any closer. We're going slow and careful with this little experiment," he says to Sebastian with a clenched jaw.

  "We know the drill," I tell him, heading in to see if Kate feels anything crazy.

  "Hey Kate," I say as we walk inside and find her in her normal spot on the couch holding Madison.

  "Hey Jason. Hi Cyn. And no, I don't feel strange," she laughs.

  "Hi, Madison," I say to the little girl who’s sucking a pacifier and looking around the room.

  Sam sticks his head in the door a moment later. "You good?" he asks Kate.

  "I'm fine. Let him in already," she says exasperatedly with an eye roll.

  "Alright, but you tell me-"

  "I know Sam. It's okay."

  "Alright, come in," Sam says, holding open the front door for Sebastian. He walks in and smiles at Kate.

  "Wow, you're even more beautiful in person than in premonitions," he says, which earns him a slap on the back of the head from Sam.

  "Watch it," the protective vampire warns him as he sits down beside his wife and daughter.

  "Nice to meet you Sebastian. Meet Madison, who you claim will be your wife someday."

  "Why doesn't anyone believe me?" Sebastian says with a huff. "I know it."

  "Yeah, well, we'll see about that," Kate replies. "Do you want to hold her?"

  "Of course. But if she screams and cries you're not going to let me marry her are you?" he asks with a grin as he sits down on the loveseat and Kate puts the baby in his arms. She doesn't cry at least, and Sebastian doesn’t make any more smart-ass comments.

  Kate grabs her cell phone and takes a picture. "If you're right I can't wait to show her this picture on her wedding day," she laughs.

  I lean over and watch as Madison's little fist grabs onto Sebastian's finger right as the lights in the room flicker before going out. Then she laughs at her own trick.

  "Holy shit," Sebastian says. "She did that didn't she?"

  "Uh-huh," Sam answers.

  "I've never heard of a witch being able to do that before. Not that there's been many, but still," he says in awe.

  "Well, you said she may be the first baby of a warlock and witch, and her father was an unusual warlock from a witch. Makes sense," I tell him.

  "Don't freak out when she starts talking, because I'm pretty sure she's inherited your mother's precognition," Sebastian warns Sam and Kate. "Hell, I don't know if they'll be anything she can't do. Did you have vampire blood while you were pregnant with her?"

  "Um," Kate says, thinking about it.

  "Yes," Sam answers. "The night I brought you home from the club."

  "But that was just like the day after-"

  "She was conceived?" Sebastian asks. "I think that had some sort of effect on her, but we'll have to wait and see. It might be hard to figure out with everything else she can do."

  "It didn't hurt her did it?" Sam asks concerned.

  "No, definitely not," he assures him, his eyes still on Madison. "She's something else."

  "How are the warlocks going to…date the witches once they become adults?" Cyn asks Sebastian.

  "Via webcam and cell phone?" he laughs. "I'm not sure."

  "Have you two heard that Joselin's having twins?" Cyn asks, and both Sam and Kate's jaws drops.

  "Good lord! How are her and my dad handling that?" Kate laughs.

  "Well, they're pissed at Sebastian for failing to give them a heads up, but I think Joselin is ecstatic, which of course makes Tom ecstatic," I tell her.

  Sam chuckles. "Shit, at least it wasn't us. We've got our hands full as it is since Madison will only be a year old when the new baby comes. Now get your pervy hands off my daughter," he jokes with Sebastian, reaching for her. When Sam puts Madison on his shoulder she starts crying and Sam freezes with his hand patting her back. "Oh hell no. She's probably just hungry, right baby?" he asks Kate, and she shakes her head with a smile.

  "She just ate," she tells him, holding up the empty bottle beside her.

  "Damn it," he mutters, handing the crying baby girl back to Sebastian, and the lights flicker back on.

  "I think that means she's happy," Kate giggles.

  "Of course she's happy. She knows I'm hers, and she's going to be mine," Sebastian says with a cocky grin.

  "At least we don't have to worry about that lust shit with you and Kate. Madison would probably be pissed if you hit on her mother," Sam remarks.

  "Like you hit on mine?" Kate asks him, and we all laugh.

  "I didn't know she was going to be your mother at the time. I'm not a psychic," Sam responds defensively. "Back then there wasn't a beautiful woman I didn't hit on." Kate glares at him which makes him say, "Sorry, that doesn't help."

  Chapter Seventeen


  The "Welcome to North Carolina" sign is a relief, but also makes me anxious. In an hour I'll be introducing my warlock boyfriend to my family, along with his vampire almost brother-in-law and his pregnant vampire wife, who’s carrying their witch child/grandchild. Oh yeah and maybe tell them I’m knocked up by another warlock too. It’s all too crazy to believe.

  I look over at Jason, whose knee is bouncing in the back of the SUV.

  "I kind of miss the bus," he says with a grin before brushing his lips across my cheek. Sebastian decided to take the bus up the west coast to take out facilities and keep the heat off of our visit to the east, hopefully.

  "Yeah but at least Tom and Joselin let us stop whenever we want and sleep in decent hotels."

  "I'm just sorry I've held us up so much," Joselin says with a frown. Her morning sickness has been worse than mine or Kate's, maybe because she has two babies growing in her.

  "Hey, we don't mind. It's not like we have anywhere to be nowadays. I do sort of miss my kids though."

  "You were a teacher right?" Joselin asks.

  "Yeah, middle school math."

  "Well, we'll have a classroom of girls to teach soon. And I'm sure Adam and Ryan could use some time studying. We can have like our own little school," Joselin jokes.

  I like looking forward to the idea of teaching again, and am lost in thought the rest of the trip. When we pull up to my parents’ house my nerves have me on edge. We haven't called to tell them we’re coming to visit. We couldn't. Just being in the states is dangerous, and we’re trusting my family won't turn us in. That’s why Joselin is with us.

  "You ready?" Jason asks, looking calm and collected now.

  "Aren't you worried?"

  "What? No. Either they like me or they don't. Doesn't matter to me since I'm going to marry you either way," he says with a smile, pulling me by my hand out of the SUV.

  I knock on their front door and wait. Both cars are in the driveway of the one story brick ranch house, so I know they’re home from work. Eventually my mom answers and is definitely surprised. I haven't seen her in months, but she looks the same as always. Short hair the same strawberry blonde as mine, still wearing her masculine work uniform that hides her figure, that’s just a little heavier than my own.

  "Cynthia? What…what are you doing here? We didn't know what'd happened to you, it's been weeks."

  "Hi Mom. Can we come in?" I ask, not wanting to stand outside for longer than necessary. She looks at the other three people behind me curiously, two vampires and a warlock, not that I'll tell her what they are.

  "Sure," she says, holding the door open.

  "Who is it Joan?" I hear my dad yell from the back of the house.

  "Your daughter," she shouts back.

  "Cynthia? Where the hell have you been?" my dad asks as he approaches the front living room and comes to an abrupt stop to take in his other guests. He's changed out of his uniform and his tall, lean frame is now dressed in pajamas, his dark thinning hair still wet from the shower.

  I know my parents love me and my brothers, I've never doubted that. But since before my oldest brother was born they've been working five day, twelve hour shifts in the plastics factory. Where they met actually, twenty-
nine years ago. They were only a year away from retirement now. Too bad they missed our childhoods for work. My grandmother raised all three of us.

  "Hi Dad. Sorry, it's a long story," I tell him as we all just stand there awkwardly looking at each other.

  "Let's, ah, head to the living room," he says, and I lead the way to the brown leather L-shaped couch facing the TV that’s broadcasting the nightly news. I sit down on the edge of the cushion, still jittery. Jason slides his arm around my waist, comfortingly, and I instantly relax against him.

  "Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend, Jason, and our friends Tom and Joselin."

  Jason stands up to shake both of their hands. "Nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Taylor."

  "You too," my mom says with a smile. My dad looks confused.

  "Ah, when did you and Mitch split?" he comes right out and asks.

  "That's sort of how Jason and I met. He was one of the police officers that responded when our, um, neighbors heard Mitch yelling and breaking things." Like my face. "He hit me and yelled at me a lot. Like every day for months. And Jason helped me get away from him." I can feel my face flush in embarrassment at the situation I'd been trapped in.

  "That's horrible. Why didn't you tell us?" my mom gasps.

  "He checked my phone several times a day and wouldn't let me call you, or anyone. I couldn't get away from him, and I don't know what I would've done if Jason hadn't been there to help me."

  "I'm sorry Cynthia. I wish you would have told us. But thank you Jason for taking care of our girl," my dad says.

  "I love your daughter, and hope I have your blessing to take care of her the rest of her life," Jason asks them, making my eyes water.

  "Of course, if that's what she wants. We want her to do whatever makes her happy," Dad responds.

  "It's definitely what I want."

  My mom laughs. "We're so happy for you, but have you told your brothers yet?"

  "No, Jason wanted to talk to you first. He's a bit old…fashioned," I tease.

  "Well good luck, Jason. Conner and Chase are somewhat protective of their little sister," my dad warns him.

  "That's good that they care so much about her. I was the same way with my sister," Jason says sadly.


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