Dark Challenge (Dark Series - book 5)

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Dark Challenge (Dark Series - book 5) Page 11

by Christine Feehan

  And what of the danger he had brought with him?

  “Julian.” She turned over, shivering a little as flames danced unbidden over her skin where his fingertips trailed. “If you believe what you say, then you must see that I cannot bear a fight between you and my brother. I have never defied him before, and he is responsible for my safety, the safety of all of my family. What I have done is truly wrong.” She held up a hand. “I am not sorry, Julian. Please do not misunderstand me. I would not trade this night with you for all my days.”

  Julian bunched a mass of ebony strands in his fist and crushed it to his face, inhaling the fresh, clean scent of her. “I will deal with Darius.”

  “That is the point I am trying to make. I do not want you to do so,” she objected patiently.

  “So what do you want, Desari?” he inquired between his white teeth. “A one-night stand? This is it?” Instead of the anger she expected, his voice was slightly mocking, and his male amusement set her teeth on edge.

  Her charcoal eyes went black with smoldering fire. “You know that is not so. But I do think it best to ease into things.”

  He laughed out loud, then rolled over to stare up at the ceiling, his broad shoulders shaking with humor. Desari glared at him, coming up on her knees, heedless of her bare skin gleaming so invitingly in the night. “What is so funny?” she demanded.

  He touched her face, a tender caress meant to soothe. “I would not call this night easing into anything,


  It was more along the lines of a wildfire consuming both of us.” His smile was all male satisfaction.

  “Wipe that smirk off your face.” Desari touched his perfect lips with a fingertip.

  “I deserve to wear it,” he contradicted her solemnly. “You know I do.” His eyes were hot and molten again, touching her so deep inside that Desari nearly forgot what had been so important just moments earlier.

  “You are deliberately distracting me,” she chided, but her hand found his heavy chest muscles and lay directly over his heart. “We should settle this.”

  His hand covered hers so that her palm was pressed tightly to his skin. “We have settled it. I go where you go. You go where I go. You are no longer under Darius’s protection, although all male Carpathians guard our women as the treasures we know them to be. He will understand.”

  “In time, Julian,” she agreed a little desperately, “but not right away. I will go back and talk to him. If he agrees to our relationship, the others will have no choice but to do as he says. Give me a few risings to convince him.”

  Desari was well aware of the hard edge to Julian’s mouth. He was nowhere near agreeing with her.

  Chapter Six

  Julian felt his breath catch in his lungs, his throat constricting to the point of closing off completely. Dara was so beautiful, on her knees, her silken hair caressing her body, pooling on the quilt around her. Her skin was flawless, her narrow rib cage and small waist emphasizing the fullness of her breasts. He loved the sound of her voice, so pure and true, like nothing he had ever heard before.

  Desari could not escape him; he felt quite complacent in that regard. Her expression, as she glared down at him, trying to be exasperated with him, could not erase the softness of her dark eyes. She didn’t have a mean bone in her body.

  Julian simply reached up, caught her waist, and lifted her easily with his extraordinary strength. He shifted his body at the same time, a fluid motion that settled her directly over him. Her long hair brushed his thighs, his hips, dancing over his skin as erotically as the most skilled fingers. When he lowered her gently, his body had already surged to life, hot and hard, eager for the feel of her velvet sheath tightening around him.

  Desari gasped as he filled her, driving every thought from her mind but the need of her body to match Julian’s insatiable appetite. Her eyes went wide, and Julian reached up to cup her breasts while his golden eyes held hers captive. They were sharing more than their bodies, Desari knew; she was looking into his soul, and he so clearly could see hers. He moved his hips, rocking her gently, telling her more about him than his wild, untamed possession had.

  “There is no one more beautiful than you, Desari,” he whispered softly, “not in all the world.”

  Her smile was slow and seductive, the smile of a woman certain of the power she wields. She traced the definition of his muscles, ran her fingers through the mat of golden hair on his chest. Time seemed to stand still as they went on a lazy, sensuous exploration together with mutual silent consent. His hands followed the satin contours of her body, lingering in every intriguing place, memorizing the feel of her.

  His hips picked up the pace a little more aggressively, and she could feel the hot, slick passion rising with every stroke. Deliberately she began to ride him, tightening her muscles so that the friction increased, so that hot velvet gripped and teased him. She loved watching his face, the way his amber eyes heated to molten gold, the way his breath became labored, the way passion emphasized his dark sensuality. His hands gripped her waist hard, his teeth clenching, a harsh cry tearing up through his body as she exploded around him, ripple after ripple, taking him with her. They soared together, climbing higher than either would have thought possible in so short a time.

  Desari lay over him, safe in the protection of his arms, content to be still, uttering no words to mar their remaining time together. She could hear the branches of the trees brushing against the side of the cabin, see the moon lighting the room with a silvery glow. Dawn was approaching faster than Desari would have liked, but they still had time to be together for a while longer.

  The wind blew through the open door into the room, filling the air with tales of the night. All at once Julian’s hands on her waist gripped her hard, keeping her motionless. The warning came to her from his mind, a silent urging to quickly clothe herself, while he rolled off the bed, coming to his feet in one fluid motion. Everything about him suggested menace. He made a motion with one hand, instantly providing his muscular body with civilized trappings.

  You stay put,

  he ordered without looking at her, already moving out of the cabin and down the steps, determined to meet any intruder as far from Desari as he could safely get. He had been an arrogant idiot to take her from the protection of her family unit when she was hunted. The darkness in


  provided an even brighter beacon for the undead, for his sworn enemy. Whatever was out there, stalking them in the night, was close. He felt it, sensed it, although he could not identify the threat.

  He inhaled sharply, studied the sky, the woods, the very ground itself. He looked every inch of what he was, a dangerous predator.

  Dam, if an attack comes, call to your brother to meet you, and go to him immediately.

  Desari had no intention of doing any such thing. If anything threatened them, she was not going to run like a rabbit and leave him to face an attack alone.

  What is it?

  she asked.

  Desari’s soft tones eased some of the tension in Julian.

  What do



  He demanded her answer, his demeanor reminiscent of her brother’s.

  There was a moment of silence while Desari’s senses flared out into the night. She felt no threat. None at all. Crossing her arms protectively across her breasts, she went to the door to lean against the frame, inhaling the night air. Nothing.

  Are you certain there is a threat to us? I detect nothing of the kind. I can assure you, Julian, I am not without my own power. I think I would know if danger were near.

  If a Carpathian as powerful as Desari could not feel a threat, there was only one reason. She was not the one being threatened. Julian took several steps out into a clearing, circling cautiously, waiting to meet the menace. It was there. Somewhere close. He felt the oppressive channeling of energy directed at him. It was strong, much stronger than he had anticipated, beating at his mind with thoughts of defeat, an attemp
t to tear down his self-confidence. Julian had used such a mind trick himself on many occasions. It angered him that his adversary would think him such a rank amateur.

  It was easy enough to reverse the apprehension, sending it winging back through the night air, reinforced with his own power and strength. There was a moment of complete silence. The very insects seemed to hold their breath, as if his retaliation had struck and the recipient was in a cold, killing fury. The attack came from his left, a blur of motion impossible to see. It was Julian’s heightened senses that saved him from the slashing, raking claws. The leopard materialized out of thin air, going straight for his belly with a terrible ferocity. The claws came within a hair’s width of nailing him. Julian actually had to hold his breath to prevent the cat from laying his belly wide open.

  Cursing, Julian took to the air, shape-shifting as he did so, acquiring razor-sharp talons, a wicked, curved beak, and a six-foot wingspan. He dove straight at the muscular black leopard, talons outstretched.

  The leopard somersaulted to avoid the lethal charge, heading toward the cover of the trees, knowing its huge, feathered opponent would not have easy maneuverability in the canopy of branches.

  Desari stood perfectly still on the porch, her eyes fixed on the terrible battle.

  Julian. Darius. Her worst nightmare come true.

  She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Then she lifted her hands toward the moon and began to weave an intricate pattern, even as she sang softly.

  Notes sprang to life in front of her, notes of silver and gold, spilling toward the two combatants. Her voice swelled with purity, with beauty, took wing, and rose above the clearing, spreading outward into the forest. The song was a whisper of sound yet perfectly clear. The notes danced like whirling eddies of Stardust, spinning around and between the leopard and the owl.

  Desari’s song carried far into the night, and everyone and everything within hearing had to stop and listen. The song was of peace and understanding among all species. Her voice was not of the earth but a blend of musical notes so in tune with the universe that even natural adversaries, anything within range of the music, could not possibly be at odds. Caught in the mystical enchantment, Darius was unable to hold the shape of a stalking leopard, and Julian nearly fell out of the sky as his body regained its original form. He landed rather heavily, quite close to Darius.

  The men stared at one another, astonished at the power of Desari’s voice. It held them easily within its spell, two strong Carpathian males unable to find the aggression to continue their battle. Her voice continued, drawing the notes into a net of silver and gold shimmering brightly in the moonlight. The net enveloped the two men, weaving tiny radiant threads between them. They could only stare at her, captivated by the sheer magnificence and power of her incredible gift.

  Darius could feel the depth of his sister’s emotions, her need of this man, her body’s demands for him, her uncertainties and fears. He could feel the fierce, protective nature, the possessive streak, the deep hunger and desire for Desari, the passion running so deeply in the Carpathian male. He felt the melding of their two souls into one solid unit, shared between two separate bodies.

  Julian could see clearly into Darius’s heart. The demands of his very soul to protect his sister, to see to it that all within his family remained safe. The man feared that Julian was vampire, the undead, luring his sister to her doom. He would fight to the death, take anyone who threatened her with him. There was no peace for Darius. He fought the terrible darkness the males of their race were forced to battle toward the end of their existence. He fought it and with only the sheer force of his will survived each rising.

  The silver and gold notes began to shimmer, their luminescence slowly fading with the whisper of her voice falling away. There was silence. It was loud, almost obscene after the beauty of her song. Darius continued to stare at his sister. Julian was frankly awed by her display of power. He, like most Carpathian males, generally thought of power as a destructive force. Desari had as much power as any male, but of a completely different kind.

  “I did not take her away to harm her,” he offered, his voice low.

  Desari’s dark eyes flashed. “No one could take me, Darius. I go where I desire, not where someone takes me.”

  “I can see you have made your choice, little sister,” Darius replied evenly. “But this man will not be an easy companion.” He could smell the combined scent of their lovemaking, the male’s blood mingling with hers. However the golden-haired stranger had done it, Desari was locked to his side for all eternity. “I am Darius,” he introduced himself reluctantly. “Desari is my sister.”

  “Julian Savage,” Julian returned, gliding to the porch to take up his position at Desari’s side. His very posture screamed possession, yet was protective, almost tender toward Desari. “Desari is my lifemate.”

  “We have never before encountered another like us. All have been the undead and had to be destroyed.” Darius’s dark eyes, so like Desari’s yet so coldly lethal, measured Julian. Whether Darius found Julian lacking or not was hidden beneath the impassive mask he wore.

  “There are a few of us left,” Julian said quietly. “We are often hunted by those who have turned vampire as aggressively as we hunt them.” His hand found the wealth of silken hair tumbling down Desari’s back and crashed a fistful of the ebony strands in his palm almost absently, his touch tender. “Did you know she could do that?”

  “I do not even know what the hell she did,” Darius admitted.

  “I am here.” Desari sniffed indignantly. “And I know exactly what I did. If the two of you were not so arrogant and conceited, you might have considered that the women of our race would have endowments equal to those of the men.”

  Julian glanced at Darius, just a quick flash of golden eyes, but Darius caught a glint that might have been amusement.

  “Arrogant? Conceited?” Julian reprimanded with a grin. “Desari, that is a little harsh.”

  “I do not think so,” she told him severely. “You are like two territorial male animals, circling each other threateningly without even knowing what the other is about. How intelligent is that?”

  “Desari...” There was a distinct warning in Darius’s voice.

  She glanced down at her bare toes, then blushed, realizing that Darius knew exactly what had taken place in that cabin. How could he not? Julian’s scent clung to every inch of her skin. Julian’s hand went to the nape of her neck, his strong fingers beginning a slow, soothing massage. He was linked to her mind, and he felt her discomfort at her brother’s knowledge of their intimacy.

  The protective touch on her neck provided her with courage and conviction, and her gaze leapt back to her brother’s face. “I hold you in the highest respect, Darius, you know that. No sister could love her brother more. I do not know exactly what this thing is between Julian and me, but it is strong and compelling. The two of you will have to get along without further physical violence. I mean it. I ask little of you, but this I will insist on from both of you. You must promise me. You must give me your word of honor.”

  Darius’s dark eyes smoldered in warning. “Do not put too much faith in him, little sister. You do not know him. A stranger comes into our midst, heralding an attack on your life, and you trust him completely. Perhaps you are far



  Julian’s breath eased out in a long, furious hiss. His golden eyes glittered with menace. “You are quick to judge those you do not know.” His voice was soft, even pleasant, but no one could mistake the threat beneath the surface. This Darius


  like Gregori—he was of the same blood as the healer, second only to the Prince—and he sensed the shadow in Julian just as Gregori did.

  “And you underestimate your enemies,” Darius pointed out, his voice like black velvet. “You are so sure of yourself that you take too few precautions to safeguard the one you have claimed as your own. It was unbelievably easy to unrave
l your pitiful attempts to divert me.”

  Julian’s white teeth gleamed in the waning moonlight. “I knew you would follow; how could you not when you are responsible for your sister’s safety? In any case, you could do no other after the assassins had been allowed to make their attempt on her life.” He delivered the blow smiling but without humor. They were indeed playing cat and mouse.

  Desari shoved Julian so hard and so unexpectedly, he teetered for a moment on the edge of the porch. “That is it. I have had it with the two of you.” She tilted her chin at them. “I will have no more of this nonsense. I will not leave my family at this time, Julian. You can accept my decision and remain with us as a member of our unit, or you can go your own way. If you refuse to accept him, Darius, then I will be given no other option than to follow where he leads.” Exasperated, she glared at them. “Get over it already. I mean it.”

  Julian’s mouth twitched, the amber eyes softening with amusement. “Is she always like this? You are a tolerant male to have raised such an impertinent woman.”

  Desari shoved him again but this time Julian was ready for her, laughing out loud at the eruption of her temper, catching her wrists easily and pulling her into him. “I gave your brother a compliment,


  .” His voice was a tender caress, teasing, fanning smoldering embers within her to instant heat. “Is that not what you wanted?”

  She tilted her chin. “That is not exactly what I had in mind, Julian.”

  “I have not had much experience pleasing women these last few centuries. In truth, I had forgotten how difficult the females of our race could be,” Julian told Darius with a straight face.

  “Difficult?” Desari was outraged. “You call me difficult when you and my brother were trying to tear each other limb from limb? The males of our race are in dire need of self-control. You have too long had things your own way. It has made you arrogant and conceited and very spoiled.”


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