13 Degrees of Separation

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13 Degrees of Separation Page 73

by Hechtl, Chris

On Firefly:

  Captain (Lieutenant Commander) Mayweather: Former XO of the Carib queen, a star Yacht. Rose through the ranks quickly to become Captain of the Maya and then Firefly.

  Lieutenant Commander Shelby Logan XO: Daughter of Horatio Logan, formerly his XO on Anvil, recruited as chief engineer of Firefly before taking over the XO slot.

  Commander Firefly (AI): Old AI core of the light cruiser Firefly.

  Janice: 1st Lieutenant, helm and navigational officer. Former helmsman of the Carib Queen.

  Purple Thorn: 1st Lieutenant Elf tactical officer. Former officer on Sun-Yat w/ Commander Logan before transferring to Maya. Served with Captain Mayweather on the Maya.

  Doctor Standish: 1st Lieutenant, chief doctor on Firefly. He is an understudy of Doctor Thornby. He worked at the college before volunteering his services to the Navy.

  Riley: sergeant, Marine armorer. Former fitter and blacksmith on Avalon. While traveling to Briev he stopped in Pyrax to become an EVA suit fitter. Brilliant in his job but grumpy.


  Anvil Governor: Enrique Former XO of the station. Tough but pragmatic, politician able to compromise his ideals and honor to get things done.

  Smithy (AI): dumb AI turned “Semi” smart

  Liam O'Reilly: Former assistant chief engineer now chief engineer of the station. Married into the Valdez family. Wife is a life support supervisor.

  Judge Hershey: Junior Judge on the station. Renown for being above corruption and impartial like Judge Farley.

  Judge Farley: Senior judge in the system, he helped to refine the Pyrax Constitution. He's tough, hard on crime and impartial to a fault.

  Sheriff Trac: Veraxin sheriff. Bluff lawman with a love of American Western clothing.

  Lieutenant Commander (doctor) Thornby: Reservist. She is the chief medical officer on Anvil and the chief of medicine for the Navy. She is a hard worker not above soaking the rich to provide medical care for the poor.

  Valdez family:

  Jorge Valdez: chief tug pilot and owner of the growing tug business.

  Juanita Valdez: No nonsense matriarch of the Valdez clan. Has multiple children of various ages.

  Matilda: Dean of the Anvil college. Has a granddaughter.

  Doctor Jenni Martel: Geneticist and genealogist. She is in charge of attempting to resurrect the fallen sentients.

  Matriarch: Elderly neolion in charge of the Anvil cat clan and the nominally in charge of the Neos in the system. She may be old but she's wise and tough.

  Hrris Leo: Young neolion. Friend of Jethro and the other cats. Has a job as an engineering supervisor on the station.

  Chung Li: Siberian Neo tiger.

  On Destiny:

  Captain Ferguson: Tough civilian Captain, one of the original crew of the Destiny. He rose from being a slave and third mate to Captain after being liberated.

  Chief engineer Bailey: Balding Neo chimp. Tough, loves martial arts. Smart and independent, friend of the admiral. Wives Galiet, Clennie, Sylvia, sons Fiben, John, and Devin

  Everett: Electronics tech 2nd class

  Bryan Kelley: Medic and owner of several coonies.

  Galiet: Senior wife of Bailey. College student.

  Sylvia: Second wife of Bailey, Bonobo, pregnant with Fiben when Irons leaves Destiny. Bridge officer.

  Clennie: Bridge officer, third wife of chief Bailey.

  Miss Mayfair: Head of the Pyraxian diplomatic delegation. Shrewish woman.

  April O’Neill: Red haired reporter for Knox news with a love of yellow jumpers. Love interest of the admiral.

  On Agnosta:

  Cheetahra: Neo Cheetah medic. Former member of the Anvil cat clan.

  Nana Jersey: Elderly woman, grandmother of Billy and Pidge.

  George Custard: Leader of the Agnosta delegation. Avid reader, mayor, w/ largest book collection on the planet.

  Jim: Delegate, former mayor.

  Chumly: Farmer, aide to other Agnosta delegates. Works as a manager in a store George owns.

  Doc Wallace Waley: Balding Dentist, former pirate slave. Returned to Agnosta on Destiny.

  Maggie Lu Kasey: Friend of Nana Jersey. Former Pirate slave returned to Agnosta on Destiny. Became the outspoken leader of former slaves. In her 20's.

  Vesuvian: A giant adult Vesuvian near the growing space port. Several juvenile Vesuvians from Destiny joined it to form a small colonial forest.


  The Red Queen: Psychotic older power hungry woman.


  Neo cats: A group of Neo cats from Pyrax who traveled there on Destiny with the admiral. They are led by Hera and Asia.

  Kiev 221:

  Captain Robert Chambers. Wife Cora: Captain of the Kiev 221.

  Toni Chambers: 17 year old adopted daughter of the Captain. Transferred to the station to become a news reporter and anchor.

  1st mate John Henry Warner: Son of the Warners. Named after the admiral. Xo of the ship. He'd been married before his wife left him and the ship over a forced abortion.

  Chief engineer and second mate Quinna O'Mallory: Hard charging Irish woman bent on repairing her ship.

  Yvonne: Assistant chief engineer, mother of deceased Art.

  Esmay Suarez: chief navigator 3rd mate

  Jeremy Blackhawk: chief helm officer, Native American descendant.

  Hir'ruk: Veraxin Chief logistics officer

  M'Runi: Veraxin communications tech.

  Blur: Telerite purser

  Q’Bert: Naga security officer

  Numiria: Neo jackal doctor. Husband is chief of sanitation Neo Hyena Lobo.


  Captain Yen ‘Kelly: Veraxin Captain. Old, past his prime but eager to help in order to improve his ship and unload some of his excess passengers.

  Antigua Prime:


  Yan Fu + wife Hishina Fu: Leaders of the pacifist and old guard parties.

  Kenny Kennet: Lawyer, follower of the Fu's.

  Averies: Dilettante and self taught programmer of cybers.

  Sid and Emily Berkheart: Directors of Human resources.

  Doctor Megan Trask: Head of the medical department.

  Ron and Rachael Steward: Neo bears, 1 grizzly, 1 half human half black bear. Life Support managers. They like Averies trained themselves to run and repair what they could after the station went dark. They usually give their council proxy to the Fu's to vote since they are so busy.

  Doctor Templeton Myers: Head of science and R&D.

  Ribber: Gashg gardener. Signed over his proxy to Yan Fu before resigning from the council. He is a pacifist, preferring to attend to his garden over dealing with people.

  The Warners, 1st Lt Taylor Warner and ensign Rasha Warner: Sleepers awakened over 100 years ago. Their son is the exec of Kiev 221. Both have been placed in the reserves and are currently the system naval commanders.


  The muses: all class one dumb AI

  Clio: historian/researcher. repurposed to manage the first fusion reactor.

  Euterpe and Terpsichore: Music and Dance: air heads, entertainment coordinators and directors

  Thalia: Muse of comedy: recovered. Rebuilt.

  Urania: Astronomy: science. Found and recovered. Brought online. Assistant to doctor Myers in science and teaching.

  Mnemosyne: Memory computer management Smart AI. Took a lot of her higher functions down to keep system running. Did permanent damage to herself. She has to be reintegrated as each fragment is recovered. She is an experimental civilian AI.

  Tribal leaders:

  Romeo: Terran male.

  Y'ru: Veraxin, old but wise.

  Juliet: Terran female. Genie descendant.

  Sheriff Derrango: Curly handle bar mustache, old, silver hair, beady eyes. Laid back attitude. Has a wife, kids, and grand kids.

  Deputy Barney Fife: Nervous gangly 1st deputy. Terrible shot, very by the book person. The Sheriff frequently uses him as a foil to get others to accept his directives.

Staff On the station:

  Savo and Petunia: Primate Neo chimp security officer and Neo gorilla space worker. Transferred from Kiev 221

  Howi and Shari: Tribal members. Neo chimps. Both have become welders on the station.

  Sparks and Regina: 40's something couple transferred from Kiev 221. Sparks is an electrician, Regina is a SBA training to be a nurse.

  Mr. Freeze and Ezri: Freeze is a lifetime friend of Sparks. Partner, HAC tech. Ezri is his wife; she is a RN and surgical nurse. 1 adult child left on Kiev 221.

  Ralphie and Alice: 50's couple bartenders from Kiev 221. Adult son left in charge of bar on Kiev 221. Own Ralphie's bar and grill and Alice's nail salon.

  Gwen, Riff, and Torg: Tauren engineers who transferred to the station from Kiev 221.

  Doctor Kraft: Sleeper from Kiev, specializing in implant surgeries. Dr. Kraft is old, a former teacher of implant tech.


  Governor elect mayor Jeff Randall and his wife Sandra: Politically charismatic couple set on changing their world. 2 daughters, Ramona/Kylie, age six and four.

  Epsilon Triangula:

  In Hazard:

  Sheriff Rosco Coltrain Medium hieght and build, black hair going gray on sides, muttonchop side burns, mustache, wears a black duster over sheriff uniform. Black western cowboy hat. Full of bluster. Tolerated by mob and people despite Hodges schemes. Sister Lulu is married to Hodges.

  Deputy Roy Rogers: straight shooter from Crater city. Has boyhood Neo friends Bullet an Alstatian deputy in Crater city, and Game warden friend white neowolf Phantom. Like the other deputies he wears an English constable uniform instead of western wear to distinguish them from their boss.

  Deputy Cletus Hodges -distant cousin to Boss Hodges

  Deputy Ianus: Another deputy of Hazard, straight shooter.

  Duke boys/family: mentioned. Best moonshiners in Hazard and on planet.

  Chief of county Judge Albert (tall lean, dresses in western wear)

  Fat Larry - replaced fat Tony. Larry Lazarrian. Two bit mobster. Serves as a front for Boss Hodges.

  Biscuits n Books: Two small time thugs. Both work(ed) for Lazarrian. Biscuits is a bruiser, sadist, sociopath. Books is smarter and leaner.

  Boss Hodges: true ruler of the mob and politics. county commissioner. he gets a cut of everything. married to sheriff Coltrain's fat sister lulu. Fat guy. Wears white, disproving the theory that only the good guys wear white.

  Huey Hodges: Skiny version of Boss Hodges. Younger, not quite as good at scheming as he thinks he is.

  Tori: 13 year old crop duster pilot. Father is a lush. (ID4 hero) mother is dead.

  Bobby younger brother and mechanic gets infected and dies

  Xani youngest sibling to Tori. Keeps house and helps her brother.

  Nohar yellow tiger: Neo tiger, aged, former army ranger with the 501st. artificial arm, eye, ear, leg and implants in his abdomen. all from near miss of a plasma weapon.

  discharged due to injuries and lack of facilities to fully repair him... and a growing claustraphobia related to ships and space stations.

  He was picked up as a sleeper sixty years ago. aged, with missing fur. ranger tattoo on left bicep. Right fang is aluminum and titanium, lips on that side curled by damage.

  He works as a private detective. Irons repairs implants.

  Hank McCoy: blue Neo lion, engineer/mechanic/ tech wizard. lives in bar and does work for various people. works in bar for room and board. absent minded but brilliant. also cheap. frequently does work for the challenge.


  Kong: silverback gorilla, owner of Kong's grill and bar. Acts as his own bouncer sometimes.

  Striped neolion Rajar: nephew of Nohar. young leo considering Marines. screws up and claws suit. Dies after accidental exposure.

  Maggie: Neo cougar bar made at Kong's. Interested in Hank. Acts as a spie for Solaximara.

  Neo chimp Jerry: friend of Hank. "Cocky little shit" Motor mouth, source and helper of Nohar


  Helen Richards: Chief medical officer of planet. leader of medics Also known as Director or Doctor.

  44, green eyes. brown hair going to silver slightly. glasses when reading. smart, tough but fair. short. young for her rank. She is leading medics kicking and screaming back to modern medicine.

  Nurse Marlone: old school matron nurse. Assitant to Richards. Dresses in a Victorian nursing outfit, white with a red cross and apron.

  Prim and proper, crisp and neat even in a crisis.

  Malcolm 1 and 2: the Malcolm twins as they are called, Malcolm Innes, and Malcolm O'Reilly. O'Reilly is a trauma surgeon, Innes is a general practice. Both have black hair, though Innes has long curly hair. (Ares from hercules) and a goatee. O'reilly has short striaight hair and a full beard.

  Ted Zane: Tall doctor. Glasses. Supportive of Helen. (modeled after doctor from hospital show)

  Doctor Ivanov: fat doctor with glasses and goatee. Virologist. 50's, once was a ladies man. smart. laid back.

  Doctor Yusef Hadjiri immunologist/cancer specialist. Tall rakishly thin man.

  Doctor Kalif Omari new resident (no specialty) volunteer officer

  Doctor Gijis: Veraxin endocrinoligist

  Doctor Ramius: rare naga doctor. Orthopedics

  Doctor Sergei Chung descendant of mongols surgeon. Broad face, Asian eyes, fat nose, sunny disposition. joke about possibly Hawaiian or Samoan genes too.

  Doctor Alexander Milinkov immunologist

  Doctor Paco La Plaz -one of 10 virologists on the planet. Young Volunteer officer 24, 5 specialties. Child prodigee. Brown hair, clean shaven. virology, immunology, micro surgery, endocrinology, neurology. Also basic skills in other fields.

  Nurse Joy: Bit of a bubblehead blond unless a patient is involved. has incredible empathy. 2 long pigtails she sometimes forgets to braid.

  Roger Emment: Orderly

  5 other nurses also volunteer for the Naval reserves.

  Doctor Leslie Thompkins: 60+ doctor in Gotham. Scrappy tough lady who lives in crime alley and does business there. More of a mob doctor than a normal doctor.

  Trisha: blond small secretary at the metropolis general hospital admin complex. Edict memory. nice and friendly to Helen.

  Doctor Salt: Black human male, crew cut, pilot as well as Doctor.

  Doctor Sam Daniels: Crusty gruff male human doctor, in his 40's. Virologist.

  Doctor Robby Daniels: Virologist and disease specialist. Feisty red head.


  Oman: Governor: fat, puppet Governor. thinning hair, Wife Rosanne who is also obese.

  Morton: Air director. tall, lean, old, but an idiot.

  Nannook: director of industry

  Quertz: Veraxin director of travel

  Deli Osiris: chief of staff

  Solaximara: red Neo cat. designer red with a black mohawk mane and white underbelly and eyebrows. Long and lean, with an almost too long torso.

  He wears gold bead necklace shawl and gold earings with white and yellow feathers dangling. Scowls a lot, talks with his hands.

  He has upper and lower fangs and talks with a lips. Old, one of the Neo leaders on the planet.

  Ole blue: Real Name Cade Bane assassin from the league of shadows, the assassin's guild. Old, Veraxin geneformed into cade bane form. Western wear, tan duster, blue skin, fedora,

  4 multifaceted eyes, 2 six shooters that shoot nanite gobbler bullets. feared for his ability and the nanites. has 2 true arms on sides that wrap around torso under vest.

  the true hands do the real shooting. heavily augmented, can detect scans.

  later hired to kill Irons.

  Irons kills him just before leaving.


  Jerry Richards: EDP reporter who tracked Irons down for series of interviews. Ex wife is Helen Richards.

  Perry White: editor of the Epsilon Daily Planet. (EDP). Wears a suit with vest.

  Lois: Senior reporter for the EDP, tough, gets into trouble.

  Clark: Se
nior reporter for the EDP, glasses, bumbles, nice guy.

  Jimmy Olsen: photographer for the EDP and occasional source. freckle faced short gangly photographer.

  Cat: Brunett, suave, sexy woman. Mousy minx, glasses, tease and flirt. wants to be a fashion/gossip reporter works as a secretary.

  Owens: reporter for the herald

  Parker: competing photographer for bugle


  Wally Wart: aerospace engineer. (airplane mechanic) Short stooped over Human.

  Luke: Airbus pilot. Teenager with acne. Nutty driver usually.

  Doherty: sam Doherty, farmer. 50's. lives just outside Sin city, poe'd over hank and crew using site for drone.

  Dewey Keeper, portly short inventor/engineer/scientist. White hair, bushy white mustache, blue eyes and glasses. Dresses in a rumpled gray suit. walks with a cane with a snowflake on the pommel.


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