He called it a disgrace
That’s when pride and dignity went over the rainbow
No one has a face
I still believe a man should hold a woman at night
Then God will shine his light
The next day when we get lost
And need to find our way
All we have to do is pray
Lessons Learned
I remember how to say thank you
Do you say thank you
Didn’t your momma teach you?
Mine did, my brothers, sisters and me
Along with Thank you we learned
Your Welcome!
So we could say it when we meant it
Didn’t You! Grandpa and Pa said
Manners will help to get you fed
And don’t ever wet the bed
She’s gonna go get a pedicure
Sit up in that massage chair
She’s gonna go buy a new pair of shoes
Dance away her blues
She’s gonna have too much to drink
Tell me more than once how to think
She’s gonna be my girl tonight
She’ll hold me tight, dance away the blues
All bad news
I’ll be the one she’ll choose
To each their own
I don’t wear a purple robe
I’m not their judge
But I am in-titled to my opinion
Everyone has one
Just like an a . . . .
It hasn’t changed
I believe what I was taught as a kid
The manners we used and the chores we did
I’m not trying to be rude
More than once I got booed
But that’s ok by me
I want the world to see
What this saltwater cowgirl believes
It’s all about what God said, in that Great Book
Grandma had one
In the morning she read to us
Until we caught the school bus
Then at night Grandma would read to us again
Trying to drill it in our head
“We’d sleep better”, she said
And everyday we’d get fed
If we believed in what God said
It was simple then and still is today
Sometimes I want to ask
Did you lose your brain
Or are you insane
My heart is with the Lord
That protects me when I sleep
In the bed there’s too much in my head
That has to be said
My heart is hollow with clarity and
That’s somehow is a mystery
When I remember our history
I have pictures that says that ain’t me in that mirror!
I’m singing the blues in red tennis shoes and white Bobbie socks
On the beach where it seems all my dreams are within reach
It was so long ago, don’t you know
Somewhere in the neighborhood
If love found a way to happen, it would
Now the reflection in the mirror is a weathered picture
Of days gone by
Gidget Gadget
Keith’s a fisherman
And that’s all he cares about
He’s got a gidget gadget on his hip
That he made
He says it’s for fishing
When he catches that tarpen
With that spider hitch he made with his gidget gadget
He’s thirty five feet from land
There’s nothing planned
He rides a Boston Whaler
A boat called little Tunnie
With the gidget gadget on his hip
In a leather case he made himself
He uses that gidget gadget
For cutting lines and making knots
That’s what started me writing this song
My co-writer left a message like a sing along
About Keith’s gadget gadget
A fishing pole and a watering hole
Today, Tomorrow, just like Yesterday
I’ll walk away, I won’t argue
Or care what they say
I’m your child
You’ll show me the way
I know that’s true
Somehow you always do
Show me with beauty
You air brush the morning sky with brilliant colors you create
That everyone tries to recreate
You cover the night sky
With planets and stars so high
Blinking and Twinkling
Letting us know you’re the reason why
Life is ours, even after our final goodbye
Because I believe God
You are everything that is anything
I’m your child, we all know
My younger days were wild
Thanks to you, my life is now a little more mild
God you’ve held me when I prayed
You’ve touched me so often
With your breath in the cool autumn air
You know I could feel you there
One spring day I recall, you kissed me with a warm rain drop
That fell from heaven on to my check
Lord, my knees are weak
But I won’t complain
That would be totally insane
You’ve given me all I am
And all I can be
So God! I’ll walk away, I won’t argue
Or care what they say
I’m your child
You’ll show me the way
Today, tomorrow, just like you did Yesterday
Written by Esther Marie & Linda Ochoa
She’s like a broken winged bird, wounded
In need of a nest
A safe place to rest
She’s alone in the world
By her own choice,
She listens to the Lords voice
She wants to put God back in our country right now
She’s a broken bird that needs to be heard
She wants to put the G back in gospel,
The G back in God
Oh My! Oh Me! Gee
Blessed are we
It’s easy to conceive
You’ll find yourself in need of love
All over again
Something brand new
Soon left wondering why you’re feeling the way you do
Like a broken winged bird, wounded
Unable to fly without God by your side
Healing hands are praying hands
Making future plans
Seven days is all it took
I read it in the Book
That said, God made it all in six days
Rested on the seventh day, is the way the stories told
It’s been changed a lot it’s pretty old
I believe healing hands are praying hands
They will fix a heart that hurts
And will somehow mend a broken heart
I know when I’m in need
God will send a friend that has a helping hand to lend, Amen!
I’ll stop, I’ll listen, I’ll laugh, I’ll look to the heavens, I’ll read the good Book
Full of the greatest stories that have ever been told
I’ve heard them since I was little, not very old
Not very old at all
Unlike the book we all recall
And that’s how I know
Healing hands are praying hands
They can take away the gloom
Open your heart and give it room
To breath life, to weep
To be overcome with joy
Healing hands are praying hands
ey will show you the path to walk
A place there is no clock
It’s all part of a perfect plan
We are not meant to understand
Do you know Elmer
The guy from the radio
I met at the Crow
He’s a DJ, He has a firm handshake
He’s not a phony or a fake
He has a wife that’s a bartender at
Bobbies House of Spirt’s
On the Strand
Where great musician’s Jam
And Lynn’s drum’s are all set up
For him to play and anyone who he say’s it’s ok
I hear Elmer can make a kitten roar and a lion purr!
He answers yes mam! and No sir!
He’s solid good to the core
Never out to even a score
Looky here, Elmer just walked in the door
Now you’ll meet Elmer
You’ll see he’s nothing like glue, it’s true!
He’s human like you
He’s not a fudd or a dudd
He’s luck, Elmer Luck
The Dj, We hear on the radio
Playing music for us all
Near the coast, Elmer’s always an additional host
To a saltwater down home Texas barbeque
Where and when we hear good music
We Thank the Lord, raise our beer and make a toast
To Dianne and Bobbie on the Strand
Or Elmer the DJ on the radio, I met at the Crow
Do you know Elmer? He’ll tell a joke on the air
They are all pretty tame, some are a little lame
Just like tit’s, none are the same
A joke is different if you change the name
But Elmer play’s some real good music we’ve all heard before
And never mind hearing at least once or twice more
God, I want to say
Thank you for the sunshine, the water, the sand
The rolling hills, the mountains, the land
Thank you Lord for all that I am
Because of you I’ve felt a love
That is true
Just for me
Coming from you now and then
Lord I want to say
Thank you
For all my blessing’s you’ve graced me with
The family and friends
The paths, the roads, the many, many bends
That taught me to remember you, along with my friends
So God, Thank You
For the cool autumn breeze and the beautiful colors
You turn the trees and Thank you God for me
And the love you’ve shown me all my life
Even thou that bee really did sting
And that fire really did burn
And that broken bone really did hurt like, Oh well
I don’t know what I would of did if it hadn’t been for you
When I closed my eyes and prayed
So God I want to say Thank You
For all that you do,
When I open my eyes, I can see
And I can also smell, hear, taste, and feel
These are the gift’s you’ve given me
And I know they are real
Thank You Lord !
Thank You Jesus !
Thank You !
Because I want to say
Thank You God !
Achieve what you believe
Believe what you achieve
The Lords wish is sealed with a rain drop kiss
I’ll have you know I read “Foot Prints in the Sand”
And I believe it’s true
There’s so many times
I didn’t know what to do
And God carried me through
Onto something new
I’ve seen the post card
With the crucifix shell
Jesus on the cross
All it is, is a hard head’s skull
Or catfishes or bullheads
Then I remembered, I read about
The basket’s of fish
That came from only two
They were plentiful
The bread was too
I’m sure there was wine
And good times were had with Jesus
Our Savior
By our side
I’ve given my heart to the Lord
Because I believe what I must achieve
Is the Lord’s wish sealed with a raindrop kiss
I won’t walk without Jesus
I won’t talk without Jesus
I won’t live my life without him anymore
Through the good times, and the bad
He’s all I ever had
He’s the one who never turned his back on me
I thank you Jesus, Fisher of men
Thank You Jesus
Again and again
You shed your blood for this world of sin
So I could be born again
I can always talk to you
I know you’ll listen
Ya always do
Like I know the sky is blue
I know a lie is a lie
And the truth is true
Thank you Jesus
Fisher of men
Thank you Jesus
You walked on water
You turned water into wine
You healed the sick
Gave sight to the blind
You showed us the way, the way of the lord
As if it were a warrior’s sword
Jesus carried the cross up that hill
And that was the Lords will
It still makes me cry
For three days his son had to die
Written by Esther Marie and Ronnie Watts
She was born in 1962
No one knew by 1982
She’d have a four year old
And a new born too
That’s how her cards were dealt
With all the emotions as a teenager she felt
Now two fathers, two children later
She’s twenty years young with a daughter and a son
Just like that teddy bear I’m aware
Once or twice she’s gonna blink
And she’ll be teaching her grandchildren how to wink
I know it’s true, I’m there
How about you
She was born in 1962
At sixteen she thought she knew
But she knows now, she didn’t have a clue
That along with all those broken fences
There are consequences
For spur of the moment actions
Making up life’s big and little fractions
To create a hole, a circle of Love
With the want to and will from above
It all started long before 1962
And Me and You
You think your cool with your home
Grown tool but you are just a fool
You had that cheap whore on the bathroom floor
In some crowded bar
News travels fast and far
You best start wishing on a star
But hold up
Wait, it’s too late
You’re no longer my mate
No need to hesitate
You think you’re cool
But you’re just a fool
Because you had some cash
And you still ran your truck out of gas
Hooked up with some trash
News travels fast and far
There’s always more than one bar
With a fool that will play by my rules
Faithful, honest and true it’s all the same
With a man you don’t need to train
He understands no need to explain
r /> Faithfully I’ll stand by my man
Side by Side like the plan
To my readers
Now the second book is done. You can see, if you read to the end and you’re my friend. I’m onto a new page in life “song writing” wow. It’s fun writing with someone. Hope you’ll enjoy this book “Where 45 ends”, as well as the first book “Wild Flower Freedom” and thank you all for reading. Most of all I want to thank God for giving me the gift of writing.
Esther Marie Aldrich Creasy
IKE from 30th and Seawall
My Journal of Ike
Nearly one year after Ike I remember, I wrote it down and I now know we were part on the 20% of Galveston that wasn’t under water.
I was with the man I love when Hurricane Ike came in on Galveston’s Sea wall. Ike had already flooded the Strand. The way it came from the other side of the island, where there was no Seawall. The water rushed through the streets, and business’s, and homes; sending everything rushing through the streets. Bottles of wine and liquor were floating. It started here at 30th and Seawall. Hours later with the water crashing onto the wall, and a little water and trash on the sidewalk. Then the water and the trash went onto the road. Once the parking lane was covered with debris. Those of us still on the deck laughed as we watched the rats running; looking desperately for a place to survive Hurricane Ike. None of us realizing they (the rats) had enough sense to seek safe shelter. Someone came in and said, “Hooters is now officially topless”, and someone yelled, “lets go there!” As another person replied, “The roof is gone you idiot. There is a hurricane in the gulf!”
We heard that Becka and Boomer got life-flighted off the 91st Street fishing, pier they are safe. I saw Forest. He, Jackie and the boys are all fine! They are at the San Luis Hotel. They can’t even go out to the west end of the island where they live. I don’t know about Ray, Laura evacuated. Elke and Bill are ok, but their house flooded. Franks house got destroyed. The pool table and bed are gone, it’s all in the bayou, I presume! The curtains are all ripped and torn, blowing in the wind like a horror movie. No glass that isn’t broken left in any windowpane, there’s standing water in the living room. A painting of Ardella was lying in the water (I found one thing that can be saved). I felt I was blessed again, I thanked God. Both Frank’s truck and the Mermaid’s (Maelena) car drown at the San Luis. They couldn’t park them high enough, because of all the security, law and rescue personal that were there for the islander’s.
So if you survived hurricane Ike and still have your bike ride, ride and ride some more. There is nowhere to go but from here to there and back again. At least you have the wind in your hair. The seawall is fairly clear of debris. It’s broke pretty bad in some places, be careful! There is no electricity, no water, no gas. So what do you do to survive and pass the time? Read a book, play a game of card’s, shot some dice, write a letter and let someone who cares, know you are ok.
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