Song of Discord

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Song of Discord Page 5

by D. R. Rosier

  I nodded, “Anything else?”

  He shrugged, “Knowledge most likely. The demons know more about the dimensions and the multiverse than we do. I don’t know what Jace wanted or learned from them though. There’s no way to know what questions he asked. It was also foolish, they’d be bound so they couldn’t lie, but they could easily mislead, and magical spells and rituals are too precise to be learned from them reliably.”

  I sighed, “Alright, thanks. I’ll look over the report you filed. Let’s just enjoy dinner?”

  I picked up my wineglass, and then took a sip.

  He smiled, and nodded, “Thanks for having me.”

  I almost spat out my sip of wine. What can I say, I had a dirty mind, and I was very much thinking about having him in that moment…

  Chapter Eight

  “So, working on anything new, magic wise I mean?”

  He replied, “Just the plastic bullet enchantment for vampires. I have a few other ideas that might be useful, but I’ve barely gotten started on it. Not sure they’re even viable.”

  “Like what?”

  He shrugged, “It gets a little esoteric, I don’t want to bore you.”

  Lisa chuckled, “You won’t bore our Aria with it, she loves when you talk about magic.”

  I shot her a mini-glare, but I also didn’t deny it. It did kind of turn me on when he got passionate about magic.

  He smiled, “Seriously?”

  I nodded, “We won’t hold you to anything, do you get enough time during the day for that type of stuff?”

  He replied, “Definitely, after all my duties get done I can usually squeeze in an hour or two for development, sometimes more on a slow day. I got the idea for a scrying enchantment. One that will show direction and distance. I got the idea because Jeris is the only mage in the field, and I figured if you had a device you could put a hair in, or some blood, that would lead you to a victim or target it might speed things up a bit when you two need scrying. I’m not sure if it’s feasible yet.”

  Ridiculous or not, that made me tingle a little bit.

  He shrugged, “That’s the most useful idea I had, based on the problems you two run into in the field.”

  He took a bite of his steak, and sighed, “This is excellent.”

  Lisa grinned, “Thanks.”

  He said, “I’ve also been looking into offensive spells, as enchantments. That’s less for you four out in the field though, and more for me. In case our building is ever targeted by a criminal looking for revenge. You know I’m not good at mage duels, but I think between the wards and a few devices I could hold this office against anyone. Well, not a dragon, but anything else.”

  He chuckled, “Not that it would come up, hopefully.”

  Lisa smirked, “What’s the chance of being attacked by a dragon?”

  I laughed weakly, and gave her a look, she was being bad.

  “Is it difficult?”

  He shrugged, “Defenses are easier. Offensive spells are meant to be cast on the spot. I’d also have to target them by physically aiming the device instead of mentally. It would be more like an offensive rune spell, with an enchantment that holds a reservoir of magic. Two separate things, a lot like the ward that detected you and then powered those circles. The ward on the device would detect my word or gesture, and then power the spell which would immediately act. It would be keyed for my use, no one else could use it, though they could probably reverse engineer it for themselves, if they’re a mage.”

  That actually sounded pretty cool. Leaving him alone in the office all day was one of the things I worried about.

  He said, “The last thing I’ve got going is including charging in the buildings wards. Kind of the same way I built it into the comms devices? I’m constantly charging the wards, it would free up some of my day if all my enchantments were automatically charged when they came into the buildings. Then I’d just have to worry about maintaining the vehicles outside as an extra.”

  Lisa tilted her head, “What about the bullets?”

  He smirked, “Already done. Sort of. Enchanting the bullets one by one would be a pain in the ass. I have a small box in my office that I power when I sit in there, a lot like the base crystal for the comms earrings. I just have to drop a box of ammunition in it, and let it sit there a half an hour to lay down the enchantments. I can get about sixteen boxes a day that way, without it eating all my time.”

  Lisa changed the subject, “What do you know about sirens?”

  He looked at me a little nervously, then said, “Nothing that would explain Aria. I guess you aren’t surprised I did research, when I found out I was working for one?”

  I shook my head, “You’d have been silly not to.”

  He smiled, “Siren lore says you’re impossible. A siren needs a stable of at least ten men enslaved to them, to feed their energy needs during…”

  Lisa finished for him, “During sex.”

  He nodded, and his blush was kind of cute.

  “Umm, they can enslave, and effect the body and mind in other ways with their songs. It’s said they desire male company, but at the same time are dismissive of them. They aren’t known to be nice, and there aren’t that many in the U.S. considering their main form of sustenance is illegal in this country.”

  Lisa nodded, “All true. We’re friends, aren’t we? Beyond our boss-employee relationship, I mean?”

  He replied, “I’d like to think so.”

  Lisa smiled, “Would you like to know why… or how I guess? You can’t talk about it though, or even write it down anywhere.”

  He looked unsure, but also very curious, “If you’re sure?”

  I said, “Most sirens see men as toys because that’s how they were raised. Men are easy for a siren to manipulate, and enthrall, which leads to that kind of thinking. If you think about it, it’s a selfish human thing, a mixture of entitlement and taking things for granted. I was raised in a human family, so my morals are quite different. Regardless, what most people don’t know, what most sirens don’t even know, is that there’s an emotional component to feeding.”

  He replied, “Emotional component?”

  I clarified, “They need ten or more men because they don’t have an emotional connection to their victims. All they see them as is cattle that gives them energy and pleasure. I’m talking about love. I get ten times the energy from Lisa because of our connection. Not only am I very well fed, but so well fed that I haven’t slept in almost three months. Before Lisa came into my life, I used to starve myself and get by on a weekly one-night stand, and lots and lots of coffee.”

  He chuckled, “Good to know, but why are you telling me all this?”

  Lisa and I exchanged glances.

  She said, “Well, we had ulterior motives for tonight. You’re right when you said that sirens crave men’s company, or to put it more crudely, they need the one thing I don’t have between my legs. I satisfy her needs for love, companionship, energy, and pleasure. But… there’s one thing I can’t give her. I’m sure you’ve noticed we go out for most of the night at least once a week?”

  He nodded.

  She shrugged, “Well, we’re getting her what she needs.”

  He looked a little shocked, turned on, and confused all at the same time. That was cute, he had no idea where this was going yet.

  My heart was beating a little fast, and I felt both anxiety and lustful desire. The anxiety was because I’d come to care for him. I didn’t love him, but he meant a lot to me as a friend, and as an object of desire. That sounds selfish, and maybe it was to a certain extent, but to me it was far more giving of a connection than any one-night stand could be. I liked him, and I wanted him to get as much out of it as I did. Isn’t that the opposite of selfish?

  He looked speechless.

  I said, “I don’t like one-night stands, but as you can imagine I have very little choice. I’d prefer a deeper connection, but with my power to enthrall and obsess men that is virtually impossible. My song can
enthrall a man quickly, but even without the song it will happen over time if I sleep with one more than once.”

  There was an exception to that of course, men that were currently enthralled by another siren were immune to me, but I didn’t think it wise to share that secret.

  Lisa cleared her throat, getting his attention.

  “Unless of course, they’ve been put under compulsion not to be enthralled.”

  His eyes widened with sudden understanding, and a little bit in disbelief. His song and scent also indicated a surge of intense lust as he struggled to come to terms with Lisa’s implication.

  “Is that why? What exactly are you proposing here?”

  Lisa said, “It’s part of the reason we tried our experiment, but it was also for the reasons we gave you over two weeks ago now. Like I said, Aria doesn’t like one-night stands, she prefers a more meaningful connection with the people she sleeps with. Something… not empty. But that compulsion is just one part of what was necessary, we had to make sure we liked you, could trust you, and that we built a real and true friendship. Otherwise, what’s the point?”

  He nodded.

  She explained, “What are we proposing? Aria and I are lovers, for life. What one does, so does the other. In modern parlance, we’re looking for a friend with benefits to join our bed. Neither of us would sleep with you without the other, but that doesn’t mean we don’t care about you. We’re literally looking for a good friend, with deep ties of affection, but no more than that. No strings attached? We aren’t looking for an equal third. Just a friend to sometimes share our bed, maybe once or twice a week.

  “If this friend were to find love, or even just a girlfriend, our arrangement would end no questions asked, and hopefully the friendship would continue. Neither of us want to lose you as a friend or employee, but I suppose we’re willing to take that risk if things get… sour. My advice is to think about it and decide if it’s something you’re interested in.”

  I felt good about what Lisa said, and how she explained it. I’d felt guiltier about Harold, because we hadn’t had all that defined until after we’d already seduced him into bed. Good friends that shared pleasure, and his eyes would be open going into it. Couldn’t get much better than that.

  He looked shocked, thrilled, and confused… and maybe a little scared.

  “What are you thinking? I mean, besides the obvious, there’s enough chemistry between the three of us that part isn’t even an issue.”

  He frowned, “There is?”

  I giggled, “Trust me. This isn’t to feed a metaphysical need or siren instinct with a random man, I already do that now and hate it. We like you, and I’m very attracted to you. We wouldn’t offer this to just anyone, that would defeat the point of having an… affectionate friend. Wouldn’t it?”

  He nodded slowly, and I was flattered by his amazement I had a thing for him.

  “Both of you, at the same time?”

  Lisa sighed in mock sadness, “I think we broke him.”

  I snickered.

  He smiled and shook his head, “I’m really not seeing a downside here.”

  I shrugged, “While you’re with us, you can’t have what Lisa and I have. You deserve to find love and a life partner one day. Remember, friends with benefits, no strings attached. We like you, we’re attracted to you, and we want a strong lasting friendship with you, but no more. We also won’t be the other women, so when you date it will end, though it could start back up if you ever breakup. The only other way it will end is if you start to fall for us, I’m not sure how realistic no strings attached can be in the long term.”

  He replied, “I got that part already. I honestly can’t say if it will be a problem or not. If I start to want more, I’ll end it myself. If I felt jealousy.”

  Lisa tilted her head, “So… you want to… explore the possibilities?”

  He laughed nervously, “Is that a trick question?

  Chapter Nine

  His deep groan of lust as I kissed him for the first time sent my heart hammering, and I felt soaked and tingled below. He kissed so much better than in my imagination. His cock was as hard as a rock, and he was as gifted as his song had implied. Not the longest I’d ever had, maybe six to seven inches, but certainly among the thickest.

  We’d taken him into the bedroom, and our kiss had done wonders for getting past that initial nervous anxiety. When it ended, I felt breathless, and I heard his gasp as he took in Lisa, who had taken the opportunity to shed her sweater dress. She hadn’t had a stitch of clothing on underneath it.

  I licked my lips as the two of them took off where Tony and I had left off, and I started to strip off my halter top and jean shorts while they kissed. My already strained nipples hardened further in the direct cooler air of the room, and I felt a fog of lust as their kiss mesmerized me. It was… wonderful, and exactly what I’d wanted. A man I cared for, and who could give me what I needed along with a deeper meaningful connection, even if it was just friendship.

  Maybe by its very nature it was temporary, but I’d take what I could get, and I accepted who I was and what I needed.

  I moved up behind him, and reached around to untie his mage robes, and slid them off his body as I kissed the back of his neck, and his shoulders, while he and Lisa dueled with their tongues.

  Lisa gasped as he squeezed her breast, and he moaned into her mouth as I reached between his legs and teased his balls.

  She broke the kiss, and we guided him back to sit on the bed.

  Lisa said, “Show him how much you want this Aria.”

  I didn’t hesitate, just dropped to my knees. The moment was surreal, between the fog of lust and the amount of times I’d fantasized about doing exactly what I was doing. My eyes locked with his, as I nuzzled his cock, and took in his manly and aroused scent which drove me wild. I moaned softly in satisfaction, as I licked his tip and his salty pre-cum coated my tongue.

  He gasped, “Fuck.”

  I smiled a bit wickedly, and winked, “Later,” I said with sultry promise, before I wrapped my lips around his silken spongy head and sucked lightly, while running my tongue along his ridge and around the tip. The whole time not breaking eye contact, which ended as Lisa kissed him, stood to the side of us, and then pulled his lips to her breast.

  I felt his cock twitch and surge in my mouth, and I moaned in delight both out of lust and so I could raise his pleasure with the vibrations. I loved the feeling of his cock sliding along my tongue, and between my tightly conforming lips, as I bowed my head and took him in until he hit my vibrating moaning throat.

  Then I swallowed, and I kept going. I was so wet, and so turned on as I heard his soft gasps and sounds of pleasure as he slid into my tight vibrating throat, slightly muted by Lisa’s beautiful, soft, and supple breasts.

  When he was fully buried, with my nose into his flesh, I cupped his balls and lightly squeezed, then sucked as hard as I could as I rose up and milked his flesh. My other hand slipped in when it had room, and I jerked and twisted the base lightly as my tongue swirled the tip. My pussy felt like it was going to explode, and the waves of lust and euphoria had me impossibly close to the edge. I wanted to touch myself, but it was more delicious to deny myself that final step to ecstasy as I drowned in the pleasure of his song and the sounds from his mouth.

  Lisa said, “You are so hot. Suck that cock, like a good little slut.”

  I felt a flush of pleasure go through me, both at her praise and her order. I pushed away the slight embarrassment, I no longer cared why I liked it, I just knew I did when she gave me orders and praised me for being a wanton slut in the bedroom. Sparks of pleasure went down my spine, as I took him all the way back in while exploring the bottom of his length with my tongue.

  “Aria,” he warned with a long groan, as his hand fisted my hair and his body pushed into me.

  I moaned in approval, as his cock slid down my throat to the hilt. Then I pulled out all the stops, and I started to bob up and down on him hard and fast
. It didn’t take long before I felt him swell and his balls raise. I squeezed his balls lightly and sucked hard as I lifted my head to the tip, and when his first pulse of seed hit the back of my throat… my pussy clenched and gushed as the coil in my center… uncoiled.

  I’d been fantasizing so long about that moment, and was so turned on, I’d just cum from getting him off. It wasn’t a big orgasm, but it was shocking that it happened at all. I drowned in the pleasure, and could barely focus enough to keep sucking, and I swallowed after ever pulse of seed that shot into my mouth and spilled onto my tongue.

  I looked up, and kept sucking to get every drop, and he was looking down at me with embarrassed amazement, and a little awe. My eyes smiled up at him, my mouth was still busy.

  The rush of energy I’d gotten for it was well beyond a one-night stand, and it had been a secondary rush that had enhanced the pleasure of my mini-orgasm. It felt crass to measure it, but it was as good, or perhaps better than our first time with Harold. Perhaps more importantly, it told me he really did see us as friends, and he cared for us. It wasn’t just lust, although there was obviously plenty of that emotion to go around.

  When I popped off I said, “Don’t be embarrassed. Hannah and I have that effect on most men for the first round. Join us when you recover,” and then I added sultrily, “and just pick a hole.”

  That was the simple truth, it was why I usually started these encounters with a blow job, by the time he recovered, he’d be able to last long enough to give us a good fucking before taking his pleasure again. So, in a way, it was both giving and practical to suck a man off first. It didn’t bother me, it was one of my favorite things. I loved giving pleasure, the sensations and power of it.

  He nodded in agreement, and the intense look in his eyes sent shivers down my spine, in a good way. His hand was in my hair, and he surprised me by guiding me into a kiss as I stood up. Fuck, I really liked that he didn’t hesitate even after what I’d just done, and the kiss was quite passionate before he released me. It was going to be a good night.


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