Alpha Trio: Vol. 1 - Cats & Dogs

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Alpha Trio: Vol. 1 - Cats & Dogs Page 4

by Vela, Ana

  He was going to have this woman, and to hell with the consequences.

  Her breasts pressed against his bare chest, separated only by the fabric of his shirt. He felt the hard point of her nipples poking him. He dropped her wrist and slid both hands to her hips, lifting her more fully over him without breaking contact with her lush mouth. Cat spread her legs, thank the gods, and straddled his waist. She kissed him back with a fierce passion equal to his own, her white teeth nipping at his lower lip.

  Cat’s delicate hands stroked his chest and shoulders, her fingernails gently scoring his skin. When he pressed her down, moving the panty clad mound of her pussy against the hard ridge of his cock, they both groaned. Her heat scorched him, even through both layers of fabric.

  He sucked at her tongue hungrily. Cat speared her fingers into his thick hair and held his head hard, licking along the inner curve of his lower lip and rocking her hips. She was a living flame in his arms and he was on fire everywhere she touched him. He planted his feet on the floor and arched up against her moist cleft. She cried out into his mouth.

  “Jesus, you’re so fucking hot,” he groaned as he dragged his mouth from hers. “You’re burning me up, baby.” He trailed his lips along her jaw, nipping at her earlobe and tracing the length of her throat with his tongue. She writhed in his lap, rotating her hips and grinding her pussy against him.

  “Em, oh god, Em!” she whimpered as he sucked at the clean, damp skin of her throat. Her hair, still wet, brushed his cheek. It smelled of chamomile. The herbal shampoo his sister made for him. Cat, covered in his smells, was the sexiest thing he’d ever encountered in his entire life.

  He swept his mouth along the color of the shirt, dipping his tongue into the shadowed well of her cleavage. She leaned back against his grip, her fingers tightening in his hair as he nudged aside the shirt with his nose to nibble at the upper curve of her breasts.

  Em wished he had more hands. He didn’t want to release the soft, plump curves of her ass as he urged her to move on him but he wanted to tear open the buttons of the damn shirt. Frustrated, Em took the fabric between his teeth and jerked his head.

  “Oh! What? Oh!” Cat jumped in surprise as he popped off the next several on the shirt buttons with a low growl. The plackets gaped wide, revealing the soft, pale mounds of her ample breasts. Her nipples were a dusky rose, puckered and hard under his gaze. Em nipped at the right one, drawing it into his mouth and sucking hard at the taut bud.

  Cat shuddered on top of him. He felt the heat of her pussy increase and moisture began to seep through the fabric of his jeans, dampening his rampant shaft. Em wanted inside that hot, wet cleft so bad he ached with it. Pinned under his jeans, he was in danger of doing himself injury.

  He released her nipple with a final lick and returned his mouth to hers. “Cat, baby, lift up for a second. Please. I need...” His fingers tightened on her ass as her hands slid down his neck. She scratched her fingernails down through his chest hair, flicking them across the flat disc of his nipples. Em hissed as a lance of desire zinged along his spine.

  She rubbed her lips back and forth over his, panting a little, as she lifted slightly off of him. Her hair fell around his face in damp, sweet smelling locks. When her fingers reached his waistband and began tugging the zipper down, Em shuddered in anticipation. “Yes, Cat,” he moaned. “Take out my cock, baby.”

  Cat gasped, biting her lower lip, her eyes dark and intense on his. “Em, I...” Her fingers brushed the base of his cock. He cursed. She moaned, her lashes fluttering down. She’d just begun to curl her soft digits around his shaft and tug him free when the knocking began.


  “Em! It’s Drei! Open the damn door, man!” Drei pounded harder on the wood. Cat scrambled off him, clutching the shirt closed over her breasts. Her eyes were wide and she was breathing raggedly, fingers pressed to her lips. The fingers that had just been about to wrap around his cock. Em shoved a hand through his hair as she stared at him with startled, soft eyes.

  “Just a sec!” He spoke through gritted teeth, climbing reluctantly to his feet, and yanked the zipper all the way up on his jeans. He winced at the uncomfortable restriction. He turned to Cat, who still looked dazed and tousled. “Why don’t you go into the bedroom? There should be some sweats in the dresser. They’ll be big but...”

  She was already scampering out of sight. He winced at the door shut hard. Em crossed the apartment in two long strides and threw the front door open. Drei shoved past him, knuckles scraped and a long gash on his right cheek.

  Grig looked no better, his lip puffed and split and a huge purple bruise covering one side of his ribs. Both men were stark naked and blood spattered.

  “Shit.” Em shoved a hand through his hair. “You guys stay here.”

  “We need clothes, Em.” Grig indicated his nakedness, as if Em had missed it. Em rolled his eyes at his younger brother.

  “Yeah, I noticed. But Cat’s in the bedroom.”

  Grig’s dark brows rose. He cocked his head, his long hair brushing his shoulder, and sniffed. Em knew his brothers could both smell the tantalizing musk of Cat’s arousal. He narrowed his eyes as Grig opened his mouth.

  “Stay. Here.”

  He ducked into the bedroom. Cat was sitting in the middle of his bed, a pair of his sweats on. She’d had to roll both the waistband and the ankles. The fabric was stretched tight across all those soft curves. Em’s jaw clenched.

  What he really wanted to do was peel them back off of her and finish what they’d started. But what he had to do was go back out there and deal with his brothers and whatever had happened with the vamps outside 5tM.

  “Is...” Cat gulped, not meeting his eyes. “Is everything alright?”

  “Yeah. Stay in here for a bit.” He exhaled a long breath, scrubbed a hand over his face, and yanked two more pairs of sweats and two t-shirts out of the dresser. “I’ll call you in a minute. Okay?”

  When she finally met his eyes, hers so dark a purple they looked almost black. Heat crept through his veins. It wasn’t regret he saw there, though there was a twinge of embarrassment - at being caught by his brothers? - but longing. Craving even. Her fingers curled into the bedspread, and Em realized she was holding herself back from reaching for him.

  Hell. His own hands clenched on the fabric of the clothes as pulsing desire spread through him. His cock ached. They’d been so close.

  “Okay,” she whispered huskily. Em forced himself to spin on his heel and leave. Another second in that room and he wouldn’t care that both his brothers were in the living room. He’d spread her out on the bed and fuck her until neither one of them could move. He closed the door behind himself and chucked the clothes at Drei.

  “What happened?”

  Drei glared. “Em.” Grig snickered and elbowed Drei.

  “Leave him be, Drei.” Drei crossed his arms over his chest.

  “We got three of ‘em. But that one Icy motherfucker skipped out while the others swarmed us.”

  Grig tugged on the t-shirt. “Coward.”

  “What does that mean for me?” Cat asked from behind him. Her voice stroked up his spine. He couldn’t bite back the low growl that rumbled out of his throat as Grig’s eyes widened.

  “I thought I told you to wait in the bedroom until I called you?” At least Drei and Grig had pants on.

  She stopped right by his elbow and tossed her head to look up at him. Her arms crossed beneath her breasts. What buttons were left were done up again. “Maybe wolf girls stay when they’re told, but have you ever known a cat to?” She quirked a brow at him. He narrowed his eyes.

  “Fuck, Em, did you tell her everything?” Drei’s voice was harsh with shock. Grig, on the other hand, was laughing.

  “I like her. You can keep a secret, can’t you sweetheart?”

  Em’s lip curled back and he shot a venomous glare at Grig. “Grig,” he warned. His younger brother flashed him a grin. Em turned his steady gaze to Drei. “She’s already said she won
’t go telling tales.”

  “She’s also right here. And ‘she’ has a name!” She swung her head toward Drei, their crossed arm postures mirroring each other, though his older brother toward over her petite frame. Cat didn’t flinch at all. She glared up at Drei. “I’m not stupid enough to get myself committed by trying to enlighten the... what did Em call us?... Mundanes? So untwist your panties, GI Joe.”

  Grig collapsed onto the couch at that, wrapping his arms around his stomach and doubling over as he guffawed. “GI Joe! Oh man. I really like her.” Em’s lips twitched too, but he fought down the urge to plant Grig a facer. Drei studied her from her bare toes up to her damp hair, eyes taking a leisurely course up her body.

  Em clenched his jaw. Now he wanted to punch both his brothers. Finally, Drei turned his dark blue gaze to Em. “Can she be trusted?”

  She was a reporter. He should mention that. They should inform command that there’d been a breach of secrecy. Em glanced down at Cat. She was looking up at him, that full lower lip caught between her teeth. He saw the knowledge in her eyes.

  She understood that if he gave her up, her life was going to get very complicated. Maybe unpleasant. He didn’t know, he’d never had to deal with a secrecy breach. Em’s eyes took in every inch of her face, searching for any indication she planned on outing them. He saw no hint of duplicity. That open, guileless expression and her creamy, translucent skin hid no ulterior motives.

  “We’re fine, bro.”

  Cat’s lip slipped from between her teeth and the corners of her mouth ticked up the tiniest bit. Drei curved one brow at him, but then subsided with a shrug.

  “I don’t think the vamp will be able to track her anymore. But it’s probably best we see her back to her apartment, just in case.”

  “The sunlight thing!” Cat blurted. All three of them turned to look at her. Her cheeks flushed pink. “I mean... is that true?”

  “See? He didn’t tell her everything.” Grig chuckled.

  Drei inclined his head. “They are hypersensitive to sunlight. Yeah. Why?”

  “Oh. Um.” She fiddled with the sleeve of his shirt momentarily and then straightened her shoulders, meeting his eyes boldly. “I was just thinking it might be... safer... if we go in the morning.” She tilted her head to the side. “Don’t you think, Em?” Her lashes lowered over her eyes. Heat bloomed into his chest.

  “She’s right. I’ll take her back in the morning.”

  Drei sighed. Grig snickered. “Safer. Mmmhmmm. Let’s get out of here before they go all Wild Kingdom, Drei.”

  “Bye,” Cat tossed out to them, her eyes not leaving Em’s. She flushed at Grig’s words, but didn’t protest. “And... thanks.”

  “Anytime, sweetheart.” Grig was grinning ear to ear. Drei grunted and shoved him out the door.

  The second the door closed behind his brothers, Cat turned into his arms. “Oh, thank god.” She curled a hand against the back of his neck and tugged his mouth down to hers. Em flicked his tongue along the seam of her lips. Hers emerged immediately to tease his.

  “Thank god?” Em asked.

  “If they stayed another minute, I wasn’t going to be responsible for my behavior, and I figure I’ve already gotten you in enough trouble without cursing out your brothers.” She smiled before sucking his lower lip into her mouth. Em moaned.

  His hands strayed down her back, stroking the long muscles on either side of her spine. “I would have liked to see that, actually.” He bent to press his mouth more fully to hers, pulling her lush body tightly against him. She wriggled, her hands sliding around his waist to slip beneath the waistband of his jeans. Her warm fingers curved over his buttocks, kneading his flesh. She stood on tip-toe to rub herself against his entire body.

  She gave a little shimmy of her hips and the sweatpants slid down and puddled at her feet like a magic trick, baring the long, smooth length of her legs. She kicked them away.

  This time she was the one to drag her mouth across his cheek, heedless of the stubble, and flick her tongue into his ear. “I don’t know what it is about you, Emilian. I’ve never reacted like this to a man before. I just...” She pulled back slightly, shaking her head. Her soft brown hair tumbled around her shoulders as she met his eyes. “It’s like... I’m craving you.” She flushed. “I can’t explain it.”

  “I know.” That was how he felt too. Compelled to touch her, kiss her. It was overwhelming. She nipped at his jaw, scraping her teeth over his whiskers.

  “Do you? Is it... a Shifter thing?” Her tongue laved the skin of his throat. Em groaned as the sensation immediately transferred itself to his cock. He wanted her mouth on him there.

  “No,” he croaked, voice rough. “It’s...” What? Fate that he should be the one who was outside 5tM at the exact moment she stumbled out of that alley? That their bodies recognized something their minds hadn’t yet? “Not,” he finished. He didn’t know what it was. And he couldn’t think right now, with all of her soft, hot body pressed against him.

  “Mmmm,” she responded absently, tonguing the flat disc of his nipple. “Maybe we shouldn’t worry about it just now.”

  Em’s hands slid up under the shirt to cover her breasts. He kneaded her firm flesh, drawing the tight peaks of her nipples out and rolling them between his fingers. “Maybe we shouldn’t. Frankly, I can’t think of anything but your pussy. How hot it is, how wet, how good it’s going to feel around my cock.”

  “Oooh,” she groaned, shuddering against him. “Yes, Em. God, I want that! But... it’s...” She met his gaze, lashes fluttering as he stroked and squeezed her breasts beneath the shirt. “It’s been awhile. A long while. It might take me a bit to get the hang of it again.”

  He chuckled. “Don’t worry. We’ve got all night.” Her mouth curved up into a wicked smile.

  “Good. Then I know where I want to start.” She kept her eyes on his and sank slowly to her knees. Em was pretty sure every drop of blood in his body rushed into his cock at the sight of her kneeling in front of him, her hair tousled and her lips swollen and damp from his kiss.

  “Cat...” His fingers brushed through her hair. He wasn’t about to tell her no. “Take off the shirt?”

  Her smile grew into a grin as she reached up and began undoing the buttons, baring a growing wedge of her creamy flesh with each tug. She kept it closed until she made it all the way down to the bottom and then pulled it slowly open, baring her breasts and the curve of her hips and belly. Before she tossed it away, she brought it briefly to her nose.

  “It smells like you. That’s why I put it on.” Again, she flushed at the admission, but met his eyes boldly. This woman didn’t hide anything, or hide from anything. She’d taken what would have normally drove someone screaming into the night in stride with remarkable aplomb. Cat was something else.

  “You smell like me now.” The thought sent a primal thrill through Em’s blood. Em’s wolf, always inside him but usually dormant unless called upon, drifted near the surface and growled, fiercely, ‘mine’.

  Cat tossed the shirt away. “I like the sound of that. The thought of baring your scent makes me...” She shuddered, her eyes squeezing momentarily shut. She cocked her head as she leaned up and reached for his zipper. “Isn’t that odd?”

  “Later.” They could worry about odd later. Em slid his fingers into the thick mass of her silky hair and cupped the back of her head. She tugged open his fly and then her soft fingers reached into his jeans and, finally, wrapped around the pulsing, hard length of his cock. “Fuck.”

  “Ahhh,” she groaned. “There!” Cat drew his shaft out with her right hand and shoved his pants down to his knees with her left. She squeezed him experimentally, smiling when he hissed in a breath. And then she stroked her hand from base to tip, running her fingers along all eight hard inches. When she reached the head, her thumb curved up to rub across the flared crown. She teased at the small slit in the spongy flesh, wetting the pad of her thumb with the bubble of pre-cum and the massaging it into his skin

  When she raised her left hand and hefted the soft mass of his balls, Em groaned and jerked in her grasp. Tingles of electric pleasure ran up from the sensitive sack into the pit of his stomach. The muscles of his belly clenched spasmodically and another bead of clear fluid oozed from the tip of his cock.

  Cat opened her mouth and slid it around the head of his cock, her tongue laving the slick skin. She gave a low ‘mmmm’ of pleasure and her eyes closed. Em inhaled slowly through his nose, controlling the urge to hold her head and thrust wildly between her silken lips. He threaded his fingers through her hair, stroking the heavy satin locks. His chest heaved with the effort to breath through the pleasure pounding through his veins, pooling in his cock as Cat sucked him into her warm mouth.

  Her fingers massaged his shaft, squeezing and rubbing with her soft palm, while the wet velvet of her tongue curled around him and traced intricate, arcane designs on his flesh.


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