Infestation (Book 2): Infestation Chicago (A Zombie Survival Series)

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Infestation (Book 2): Infestation Chicago (A Zombie Survival Series) Page 5

by Nathan A. Smith

  They emerged from the trees and rested beside a burned out car. All that was left was a blackened metal frame. “Over there.” Sam moaned pointing to a car in less bad shape. David helped her move over to the next car. It was fairly large; enough room to lay her in the back and he could crouch in the front. The seats were inexplicably removed; the windows were rolled down and power controlled so they couldn’t be put up but other than that the rest was in great condition physically.

  David helped Sam into the back then crawled inside after her. They were below the window level and knew they wouldn’t be seen if they stayed low enough. That was easier for Sam. She sprawled out on her back lifting her shirt to see her stomach.

  “Help me get this shirt off.” Sam grunted. David helped her removed her dirty white doctor coat, and proceeded to help her remove a white tank top from underneath. She failed to mention she didn’t have a bra on. David was stunned for a moment but did his best to ignore her bare breasts.

  “Right here,” she said “feels cracked,” she grabbed David’s hand and pressed it against her rib just below her right breast.

  “If you say so, you’re the Doc.” David smiled but it quickly faded. He hadn’t had time to think about Doc, his friend in Lone Tree. David quickly removed his hand from her chest blushing. Sam let out a short laugh.

  “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone you felt me up or something.” She said smiling.

  “So,” David replied trying to think of something to say. “Will you be O.K.?”

  “Well I should wrap it, but that isn’t exactly a priority. I will be fine, just let it breathe for a while.” She spoke while smiling. She was enjoying David’s subtle glances toward her with amusement. He tried not to look but found himself unable to help it.

  “When you feel up to it we should look for Destiny.” David said softly. “I can’t believe I left her behind.”

  “You two an item?” Sam asked sitting up slightly.

  “Yeah.” David replied with a wide grin on his face which quickly turned to a worried frown. “I can’t believe I left her behind like that.”

  “Don’t blame yourself. Things happen in crazy situations.” Sam reassured him while lying back down flat.

  Suddenly a zombie flung its body to the side of the car. Its arms reached inside the open window right beside David. It grabbed David’s ear and pulled hard, losing its grip. Sam sat up with a slight shriek as David stared in shock at the zombies attempt to harm him. No zombie had ever directly attacked David - his immunity made him nearly invisible to them.

  “How?” David said quietly.

  “What do you mean how?” Sam asked. “Get away from the window!” She hollered.

  “We are immune. They shouldn’t attack us.” David tried to explain.

  “They always attack me! Before I met you, I was attacked a few times. Now get away from the damn window!” she yelled.

  Sam also had immunity, a natural one. But if zombies often attacked her then somehow it was different then the immunity David possessed. Suddenly the zombie stopped reaching for David and reached for Sam. David was confused. In his dazed state he slid up to the window and grabbed the zombies arm. It continued to ignore him and still flailed at Sam. “What?” Sam said now as confused as David. With a quick movement David bashed the zombies head off the side of the open window. He bashed it so hard that its head cracked like an egg being opened. It fell to the ground outside.

  “I am so fucking confused.” David said.

  Since Iowa he had never gotten straight answers about how his immunity worked. His father was insane and made him immune. That was all David knew for certain, but nothing since then had worked the way he was told it would.

  His control over zombies was nearly impossible for him to master, every time he had tried to make it happen, it wouldn’t work. Not since killing his father by controlling the Beast back in Iowa City.

  “What the hell just happened? Why did that zombie just ignore you?” Sam asked quietly so as to stay hidden from any more outside. David then told Sam everything. He mentioned Iowa City, Trinity Corporation, His Father, The Immunity and the powers that he supposedly had. He could ‘somehow’ control zombies and other creatures of the virus with his mind. He had done it before but had been struggling to do it again.

  “None of that makes any real sense.” Sam said confused. “Immunity wouldn’t work like that. Maybe some mutated strain or something I don’t know.” Sam held her head confused. “Then why did that zombie just attack you.” David shook his head without any explanation.

  “I don’t know.” he said.

  “Then it left you alone? It’s like you can do it but something is stopping you?” Sam tried to work it out in her mind. “If you do have these ‘supernatural’ abilities …” Sam paused thinking harder than ever.

  “You talk a lot for something with a broken rib,” David pointed out. “You know that?”

  “I think it is just bruised.” Sam replied pointing to her breast to draw David’s attention to her once more. She smiled before continuing, “You controlled zombies in Iowa right? You were on your way to get answers from your father?”

  David nodded in agreement. “What were you thinking about before the zombie attacked you just now?” Sam asked.

  David shrugged unable to remember.

  “Well, try and remember, I think I am on to something.” Sam pressed, trying to get David to remember.

  David closed his eyes and remembered how angry he was at himself for leaving Destiny behind.

  “I think I was-” David began to speak but suddenly two more zombies clung to the side of the vehicle. Both of the zombies reached for David causing him to fly to the other side of the car.

  “Hurry and tell me!” Sam yelled as if their lives depended on it. “What were you feeling?”

  “Um – I- I” David stuttered as the zombie walked around the car to attack David. Had the zombies had any intelligence they would have crawled inside through the open windows.

  “David!” Sam shouted. “Focus!”

  “I was angry at myself!” David finally said.

  “Exactly! Anger is your control. Stop being angry at yourself and they will leave you alone!” Sam said happy with herself for figuring it out..

  “Won’t they just go after you?” David said crawling backwards to the other side of the car as the zombies grew nearer. They reached inside and grabbed at his feet.

  “Stop thinking and just do it.” Sam commanded.

  “But how can I? How could I just leave her there? I should be angry at myself!” David, nearly in tears, continued.

  Sam knew he was losing it. She quickly looked out the back window of the car as growls erupted in the distance. Three more zombies were running toward them fast. Sam knew if David didn’t stop being angry at himself before they reached them, they were both dead. She realized she needed to distract him from being angry at himself and did the only thing she knew a man would be distracted by.

  She jumped on top of him straddling his groin. She grabbed her breasts and let out a seductive moan. David’s thoughts immediately switched to the sight in front of him.

  In that same moment, Destiny emerged from the trees behind the zombies. Within seconds both zombies fell to the ground lifeless as her combat knife plunged one in the head while the other was beaten by Holiday’s shotgun butt.

  Sam looked behind her at the livid expression on Destiny’s face. Sam jumped off of David and quickly put her white doctor coat on covering her breasts.

  “Destiny?” David said surprised. “Thank god!” He exclaimed. The three zombies in the distance were wandering around in circles unable to see the group past the car. Sam’s plan had worked.

  “What the hell David?!” Destiny said loudly as Holiday once again shushed her. The zombies down the road hadn’t heard her.

  “It’s not what you think.” David said quietly while crawling out of the vehicle.

  Sam slowly slid out of the car behind him, he
r face filled with regret.

  “She was helping me forget-” To David the words sounded fine before he said them.

  Destiny shot her body forward and raised her fist; she smacked David in the jaw while her face flashed in more anger than he had never seen. He grabbed his cheek and nodded in approval. He understood how she must feel. Then an instant later she swung around striking Sam in the side of the head. Destiny stood here for a few moments breathing heavily before continuing.

  “Forget what? Me?” Destiny said, her face filled with rage.

  “No.” David said “I would never.”

  “Then what?” Destiny crossed her arms waiting for a great excuse. She was suddenly reminded of every ex she had been with. They always had an excuse.

  “I was angry at myself,” David started to speak making sure to say everything just right. “We found out zombies were attacking me because I control them with anger. See that’s why it never-”

  “Enough,” Destiny said dropping her arms to her side. “She helped you feel good, got it.” She turned to walk away.

  David followed her to the tree line. He jumped in front of her while trying to explain.

  “No, it isn’t enough.” David continued. Destiny clenched her fist ready to punch David in the face. “She thought doing what she did would stop the zombies from coming. It did. But,” Destiny tried to walk around him before he could finish but David stepped in her way once more, “But, nothing happened and nothing would have happened. Please believe me.” Destiny sighed loudly rolling her eyes. Dozens of times she had heard men say the please believe me line. For some unknown reason , she actually believed him.

  “Doesn’t make it better.” Destiny said. David turned and walked a few steps away placing his hands on his head then turning back and pointing his finger at her.

  “I love you, that won’t change.” He said angrily. “She made the move to distract me; all I did was be angry at myself for leaving you behind.” David then walked back over to the car and opened the door to it.

  “Are you coming Sam.” He said emotionless.

  Destiny turned around to Holiday who stood patiently near the rear of the car with his mouth tightly closed.

  “I do get it,” Destiny said, “Still pisses me off though.” She finished.

  David nodded in agreement as Sam stared at the ground.

  “Well now,” Holiday chimed in while walking up to everyone, “What do you say we all get before old Captain Muscle shows up?” Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. “Think you can get those zombies out of the way David?” he asked pointing to the three zombies down the highway.

  “Just have to be angry.” David said closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He focused as best he could and shortly after, the three zombies dashed off the highway and into the trees.

  “Nice.” Holiday said approvingly. “Let’s get to the dock. Like Destiny says they have boats right?” he asked looking at Sam. She fastened her coat up to cover herself better and nodded in agreement.

  “Kelly hadn’t cleared the docks yet, there should be something we can use there.” Sam said.

  “O.K. then” Destiny said walking up beside David. “Let’s get to New York.” She smiled at him, and he smiled back nodding slightly.

  Suddenly the three zombies that had run into the trees by David’s command flew out through the air over the highway. A loud roar filled the group’s hearts with fear as they knew what it was. Even Sam had heard about it before leaving Chicago. The Beast emerged from the tree line and tilted its head listening for movement.

  Chapter 6 – Good Boy

  The Beast sniffed the air while tilting its head left then right. It appeared taller than the last time the group had seen it. Well over ten feet tall now, bright red massive muscles lining its huge body. Small black sockets for eyes sunk deeper into its face then before.

  “I thought it was just a story.” Sam whispered with fear. The Beast pointed its head toward her waiting to hear more. Its excellent hearing made up for the fact that it was blind. “What do we do?” Sam asked hoping the others would know.

  The Beast let out a massive long roar and charged at Sam. In only seconds it reached her. She froze solid. Thankfully that made it harder for the Beast to find her. It slammed its large bulky arm into the ground right beside her, cracking the pavement inches beside her feet and leaving a small crater after it lifted its arm up.

  “Don’t make any soun-” Holiday attempted to speak quietly but was violently flung through the air from the Beast’s arm shortly before finishing his sentence.

  “Nobody move.” David said loudly while squinting in anticipation of being hit. Just like before, the Beast completely ignored him. “Why does it ignore me?” He continued.

  David stomped loudly on the ground while standing in place. The Beast flinched slightly but still took no action against him. It only stood beside him looking at where Holiday had been standing.

  Holiday was sitting near the trees where they had emerged from earlier, holding his shoulder. He remained quiet although he was in a great deal of pain. He couldn’t move his arm and believed his shoulder was either broken or dislocated. Not being a doctor he had no way to be sure which one was true. With the Beast inches away from Sam, and with it attacking anything that made sound, he had no way to find out how bad it was.

  “It can’t work that way.” Sam said quickly. The Beast’s eyes opened wide in surprise as it heard her voice right beside it. It was almost as if she had scared the Beast. It swung its arms toward her as she jumped back on top of the trunk of the car making a loud clanging sound. Quickly, and without pause, The Beast smashed on the side of the car tipping it over and flinging Sam toward the trees beside Holiday. Holiday quietly moved in her direction. She was lying motionless but her chest was heaving with each breath she took.

  “I don’t think it does.” David said looking at the Beast puzzled. It had always ignored David and it also never attacked unless he was out of the way. Scars lined its arm where it had been cut off back in Iowa City. The arm had inexplicably grown back.

  “What are the odds he would be here?” David continued, realizing this was, in fact, the same Beast from Iowa City. David looked at Destiny who could only shrug. “Destiny, take a step back,” David continued.

  Destiny looked at him puzzled. She was safe at the moment and moving could cause it to attack her. “Just in case.” He finished.

  Unsure if it was the right thing to do, Destiny slowly took a few steps back. She made no noise whatsoever and eventually stopped behind the tipped-over car. David, only a few feet away from the Beast himself, walked loudly up beside it and very quickly punched it in the arm. The Beast snarled and leaned down calmly placing its face in front of David’s. David reached up and slapped its cheek expecting a reaction. He got one. The Beast roared menacingly and flung its head up toward the sky. It heaved with each breath it took as if somehow, it was upset. After a few loud breaths it leaned down growling at David, once again face to face.

  Everyone was stunned. Sam slowly regained consciousness and was slightly murmuring but was quickly halted by Holiday. He placed his hand over her mouth and motioned for her to keep quiet as her eyes opened. She shook her head in agreement and sat up removing his hand.

  “You aren’t ignoring me are you?” David asked the Beast. “You know I am here but you haven’t attacked me. Why?” David asked expecting an answer.

  The Beast went to turn away but David grabbed the sides of its head forcing it to face him. His fingers dug into the wrinkled red skin on its small head. It could have stood up at any time, being well over ten feet tall and David would not have been able to hold it. Its black sockets for eyes with nothing inside slightly terrified David to look. He dismissed his fear along with the gut-wrenching foul odor seeping through its large sharp cat-like teeth. The beast clenched its fists and then quickly relaxed; it definitely knew David was there, but was trying its hardest not to attack. David remembered the last conve
rsation he had with his father. His father had named the Beast Gary.

  He also said “You may be immune but if I will Gary here to smash or move somewhere - he still will, son.”

  His words made little sense then, but somehow David began to understand.

  “Gary.” David said releasing his head. The Beast opened its mouth as if to bite down, but to everyone’s amusement a very large and very wide snake like tongue emerged from its mouth and licked David’s face. David was slightly disgusted as saliva dripped down his cheek.

  “My father made you like a pet.” David backed away a few steps while Gary stretched standing up. “His only friend I suppose.” David nodded understanding now what Gary truly was. Gary was his father’s pet and with his death it had nowhere to go.

  David had the ability to control it like his father could. In its mind, David was its master now. So it had been following David, scouting ahead and circling around. It had been trying to keep everyone around him away in an attempt at protecting him, just like it did for David’s father. Zombies were never a real threat to David, so it rarely protected him from them.

  “What are you talking about?” Sam spoke loudly causing the Beast to turn its body toward her.

  “No!” David yelled jumping in front of it. “Friend!” He yelled, this time pointing toward Sam. The Beast could not see David pointing but somehow it knew what he meant. It lowered its head as if it were a dog being scolded by its owner: an apparently intelligent dog.

  “Destiny, Holiday, come here.” David said calmly. Destiny moved slowly still unsure David was correct. “Friend.” David said once again pointing at Destiny.

  “David…” Destiny said quietly placing her hand on his shoulder.

  “Friend.” David repeated sternly. Gary moved toward Destiny slowly, its head hung low. It reached out its large arm and poked at her. Suddenly the tongue emerged again and it slapped a gigantic lick onto Destiny’s face.

  “Ew!” She cried out. “Gross.” David smirked, then looking at Holiday. He motioned for him to come over. Holiday sighed loudly and stood up. Still holding his shoulder, Holiday walked up to Gary. He reached out his only good arm as if to shake Gary’s hand and spoke:


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