War of the Wizards

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War of the Wizards Page 8

by Ian Page

  You use 2 WILLPOWER points14 and lose 1 ENDURANCE point in your fight to reach the portal. Now, at last, it is at hand. There is a lull in the fighting. The demon pack forms a large circle around you and they stand contemplating another charge. You pray that they do not, for your magical invulnerability has faded. You must act swiftly. You draw out the Moonstone and focus your energy upon it. The demon horde wavers.

  Turn to 112.

  [14] If you do not have sufficient WILLPOWER points, you may choose to simply subtract the specified number of WILLPOWER points. This may leave you with a negative WILLPOWER score, or if it was already negative, it will make your score become even more negative. Alternatively, you may choose the method used in Section 175 for resolving this problem: For the WILLPOWER points you lack, you use ENDURANCE points at a rate of 2 ENDURANCE points for every 1 WILLPOWER point (i.e. 2 ENDURANCE points = 1 WILLPOWER point).


  Bravely you stride forward, shouting curses and threats at the foul beasts. They shrink back in horror, unable to endure the touch of the Moonstone's light. Suddenly they break into a run. They do not stop until they reach the slope that slants away from the rise, when they turn to shriek and howl at you in one last act of defiance before simply vanishing. You relax your guard and, when you are sure that they will not return, you release the spell of protection from the Moonstone. Its light fades. You notice that now the demons have gone, the Moonstone has returned to the swirling grey state it possessed when you first arrived on the plain.

  Turn to 140.


  Suddenly you wheel, giving the line of demons a wide birth. They also change direction but the speed of your Simar steed is great and you are able to avoid them easily. Soon they have become nothing more than blurs on the horizon.

  For a while the journey continues without further interruption, the steady, rolling gait of your Simar mount eating up the miles. Suddenly you hear the flap of leathery wings beating above your head. You look up to see a large, winged reptile bearing rows of razor-edged teeth flying towards you. It gives a terrible scream that echoes all around the open plain.

  If you wish to fire a long-range blast at the creature with your Wizard's Staff, turn to 149.

  If you wish to increase the speed of your Simar steed and head towards the beast to engage it in close combat, turn to 161.


  Taking Tanith by the hand you pursue the demons, who offer no resistance. All their efforts are concentrated on keeping outside the range of your Staff, which you use to prod any demons that remain too close, herding them like a flock of sheep. Soon, you reach the top of the stairs that lead directly to the hall. You step onto the first stair and nod to yourself in satisfaction as they part in haste before you, scattering in all directions. A grisly corridor of malformed creatures forms before you, leading to the entrance of the tomb. Then, their timid moans and cries change alarmingly to an undulating rhythm of crowing pleasure and sneering gloats, and you see a winged form silhouetted by the sunlight that streams through the tomb's entrance.

  Turn to 270.


  At the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point, you weave a web of Enchantment about yourself, creating the illusion that you are a Shadakine warrior. You stand and reveal yourself to the rider, waving and calling him to you.

  Turn to 186.


  After a rapid flurry of strokes from your Staff you deliver a killing blow. The slain demon's fellow attackers are all around, anxious to strike, and in the corner of your eye you glimpse the demon horde sprinting towards you. The attack of these small ape beasts is probably intended only to delay you. You vault into the saddle and the stallion springs away.

  Turn to 147.


  Standing before you is a squat, malformed creature. Its features are grotesque and distorted; its back is bent at an impossible angle; its limbs twist like a gnarled tree. The eyes stare out of a knuckled face at odd angles above a raw gash of a mouth that snarls and spits as you approach. The creature crouches low and then leaps at you. You raise your Staff in readiness but the attack does not materialize: the creature has disappeared! The creature is nowhere to be seen. You look at Tanith, a question half-formed on your lips.

  ‘Some creature of Shasarak's,’ she states coolly. ‘Demons rule this land now, though once it was a place of untamed beauty. At his command it has become a realm of fear.’

  You wonder if the creature has gone to warn others of its kind, or whether it simply fled in fear. Whatever the answer, one thing is certain: you must keep moving. You still have not located any food or water, and evening is drawing in.

  If you wish to go east, turn to 14.

  If you wish to go south, turn to 36.


  Taking careful aim, you release a searing ball of fire and hurl it at the Flying Snake. The demon falls, screaming. The cost of your attack has been 2 WILLPOWER points. An apish beast drifts forward, and then dives.

  Winged Demon: COMBAT SKILL 20 ENDURANCE 20

  Combat lasts one round only as the demon wings past. If your enemy loses more ENDURANCE points than you, ignore any ENDURANCE points loss you incur in this combat.

  If you are still alive, turn to 306.


  You hold the Moonstone above your head as it fills slowly with power and light. A chorus of inhuman moans ripples across the valley and your horse snorts and paws the ground nervously. The rays from the Moonstone play upon the burning archway, and it suddenly bursts into flames. You have used 1 WILLPOWER point15 in your attempt to close the portal. Now it seems imbued with a new force: a power strong enough to resist even the might of the Moonstone of the Shianti. Your Simar steed rears and you are almost thrown. The demon horde are paralysed, cowering and whimpering pathetically. Your heart almost stops when a pair of large eyes appears within the flames of the demon portal.

  Turn to 158.

  [15] If you do not have sufficient WILLPOWER points, you may choose the method used in Section 175 for resolving this problem: For the WILLPOWER points you lack, you must use ENDURANCE points at a rate of 2 ENDURANCE points for every 1 WILLPOWER point (i.e. 2 ENDURANCE points = 1 WILLPOWER point).


  Holding the Moonstone above your head you begin the incantation of protection. You notice that the Moonstone is filled with an absolute blackness: it is reflecting the evil presence of the demons. As the spell takes effect, the Moonstone shines forth anew with a white, radiant light that banishes the shadows of the tomb. The use of this Magical Power has cost you 2 WILLPOWER points. A babble of discontent breaks out from the creatures below. The light of the Moonstone has revealed your position. A scuffle of webbed and clawed feet tells you that the demon horde is rushing up the stairway towards you. The only way down to the hall is by the stairway and the only exit from the tomb is through the entrance to the hall.

  If you wish to release a long-range attack at the demon horde with your Wizard's Staff, turn to 174.

  If you wish to head towards them, turn to 215.


  At the cost of 2 WILLPOWER points, you take careful aim and release a bolt of magical energy at an indistinct figure in the demon line. With an anguished cry it falls to the ground. But still the demons approach relentlessly.

  If you wish to charge, turn to 98.

  If you wish to try to evade the demons, turn to 106.


  Although you have discovered the location of the triggering mechanism, it cannot be activated without using the Powers of Sorcery or Thaumaturgy. You will, therefore, have to force open the door. It is very strong and the use of force against it may use up many WILLPOWER points.

  If you have the Magical Power of Elementalism and wish to summon elemental aid, turn to 289.

  If you have learnt the Higher Magick of Physiurgy and wish to use it, turn to 181.

  If you do not possess these Powers, or if you wish to take up your journey to Lake Dolani once more, turn to 234.

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  You clamber up the slope once more but as you reach the top you see a horde of demonic creatures heading towards you from the west. Quickly you and Tanith duck down below the ridge. The demons will be upon you soon.

  If you wish to try to flee the approaching horde, turn to 89.

  If you wish to remain where you are and surprise the horde as it approaches, turn to 126.


  Taking advantage of the demons' confusion, you release another charge of magical flame, sending it arcing towards the toad demon. This action costs you 2 WILLPOWER points. Thick, black blood drips from the demon's wound but it is not slain. It gives a low growl before it and the other demons vanish. You breathe a sigh of relief: both you and Tanith are unharmed. You release the spell of protection from the Moonstone and its light fades, returning to its grey, rather than black, state.

  Turn to 140.


  Your body glows with an eerie blue light, your Staff blazes with a blinding white incandescence and your heart pounds with the fury of battle as the great white stallion carries you into the screaming fray of the demon line. Many clawed hands reach out to rend and tear your flesh but you remain unharmed. Others reach for the stallion's bridle in an attempt to stop the mad galloping rush of its charge.

  If you wish to fight the demons all around you, turn to 193.

  If you wish to continue your charge and attempt to escape the evil clutches of the demon pack, turn to 207.


  Standing at the top of the stairs, you look down on the mass of monstrous beings. They are stunned by your unexpected attack, and the protective aura of your necromantic spell causes them to cower before you. The light of the Moonstone shines upon them and they attempt to shield their eyes from its bright light.

  If you wish to hold your position and try to intimidate them further, turn to 30.

  If you wish to release another blast of power at long range with your Staff, turn to 74.

  If you wish to charge them, turn to 293.


  Your call for aid goes unheeded by the element of earth. Either you have made a demand it does not understand or one it cannot fulfil. Whatever the reason, your attempt has failed.

  Turn to 275.


  They are moving faster now. Some gurgle obscenely; others growl and roar with crazed expressions. It is a grisly host of horrors: twisted faces with bulging eyes; beasts with long, fleshy tentacles or waving insect feelers. A parasitic insect with a hard, chitinous shell hangs on to the back of a tusked reptilian with tiny suckers, draining the reptile of nourishment but providing it with the armoured protection of its own body. All these and hundreds more seek you out, their courage growing by the moment.

  Illustration VI—Some gurgle obscenely — others growl and roar with crazed expressions.

  If you wish to ride to the other end of the valley, using the high ridge above the slopes, and attempt to close the portal without combating the demons, turn to 233.

  If you wish to charge the demon horde, turn to 218.

  If you wish to attack the demon horde with a long-range burst from your Staff, turn to 204.


  As you have already located the door mechanism, it is a simple matter for a Thaumaturgist to exert sufficient magical force to trigger it. With a minimum of effort you set into motion the sequence of pulleys and weights behind the door. The use of this spell has cost you only 1 WILLPOWER point.

  Turn to 32.


  No sooner have you slain the demon than three others of its kind launch themselves at you. As you fight, another of the creatures attempts to slay your horse, while in the distance you glimpse the entire demon horde. Even at this distance you can hear their blood-curdling howls. The stallion neighs and rears to attack his assailants with his hooves. You must fight the three ape demons that beset you.

  Three Ape Demons: COMBAT SKILL 24 ENDURANCE 25

  If you wish to evade combat after the first round, turn to 155.

  If you do not evade in the second round of combat, you must fight to the death. If you win, turn to 168.


  You close your eyes and sink into a trance state. Reaching out to the Elemental Plane, you summon the aid of the Water Elementals at the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point. After a short pause you hear the sound of rushing water at the bottom of the well. Then, suddenly, a whirling column of water rises out of the well, carrying on its tip a large clay bowl. You reach out and take the bowl: it is brim-full of water. The waterspout subsides.

  Turn to 25.


  Pain sears your body as the black fire hits you: reduce your ENDURANCE total by half, rounding fractions up to the nearest whole number. All the while the foul laughter of Agarash the Damned fills the hall. At the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point you strike Shasarak's head with a powerful blow. His tortured scream fills the air, and he grabs at your Staff. He will not let go, and a shimmering burst of fire travels from Shasarak's hands up the length of your Staff. Shasarak is using it as a bond between you. He is attempting to pit all his remaining strength against yours.

  If you wish to continue this duel of life-forces, turn to 310.

  If you wish to evade this combat by wrenching your Staff from Shasarak's hand, turn to 129.


  With bated breath you wait below the crest of the slope. When you consider that sufficient time has passed you spring to your feet, Staff ablaze, ready to strike. Your timing is perfect. The pack is almost upon you but your sudden appearance brings them to a halt. You wonder if you have taken on too much, for you can see that the pack numbers almost a hundred. They are a monstrous gathering of creatures: subhuman malformations and unnatural mixtures of bestial and human features. Before the pack realizes that you are alone, you charge, falling upon the leading demon, a large, slimy reptile with a twisted human face.

  Reptile Demon: COMBAT SKILL 21 ENDURANCE 22

  If you win the combat, turn to 13.


  You change direction and attempt to increase your pace, but the heat is too intense. Soon you are panting for breath and your body is soaked with sweat. After a short time you are forced to stop for rest. You look around but can see no sign of the distant figure. It has disappeared, although there is nothing to hide behind. Your efforts in the fierce sun have cost you 1 ENDURANCE point. You wonder if the sun is having as bad an effect on your mind.

  Turn to 14.


  You thunder into the demon line, riding one of them down in a stampede of dust, blood, and flashing hooves. As you sweep past, another of the demons, a vile, rat-like creature with the body and legs of an ape, grabs at your saddle. It vaults onto the Simar's haunches and clutches at your throat. Deduct 2 points from your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of the struggle as the demon is attacking you from behind. You must remain mounted as the Simar Horse gallops across the plain.


  If you win the combat, turn to 136.


  With a mighty effort you drag the Staff from his hand before the life-force is drained from you. Shasarak drags himself to his feet and begins to run towards the wall of fire.

  ‘Come, come to me,’ Agarash whispers. ‘I will be free.’

  Shasarak stops. ‘No, you will not have me,’ he rasps savagely. ‘I'll take him yet’ He reaches up and pulls a long, black Staff from thin air and brandishes it at you. ‘Come … We will fight!’ He lashes at you with his Staff. You must duel with your arch-enemy.

  Wytch-king Shasarak: COMBAT SKILL 10 ENDURANCE 20

  If you win the combat, turn to 180.


  You teleport but as your body begins to rematerialize you are filled with terror. You have reappeared inside a wall beside the doorway. Your body is racked with a brief but severe pain before you die, half-embedded in a solid wall of granite.

  Your life and your quest end here.

br />   Without warning you charge while Shasarak crouches in a hunched combat stance.

  Illustration VII—Shasarak crouches in a hunched combat stance.

  ‘It is better this way,’ Shasarak snarls, twisting his Staff in his hand.

  Wytch-king Shasarak: COMBAT SKILL 30 ENDURANCE 30

  If you win the combat, turn to 180.


  With a mental effort that requires 2 WILLPOWER points you float into the air, hovering above the heads of the shrieking demons as they reach out at you with flailing limbs. Although you are now safe from their evil clutches, Tanith remains on the ground. A demon reaches for her, a grotesque creature with a hunched back and the body of a huge, purple beetle. She backs away, nimbly avoiding the clutch of its razor-sharp pincers. While there is still a short distance between them you must strike.


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