War of the Wizards

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War of the Wizards Page 12

by Ian Page


  You continue on your easterly course, constantly on the lookout for danger. More than an hour of tense silence passes as you and Tanith hurry along. The tension is broken by Tanith's sudden cry. ‘Look!’ she says, pointing. ‘There's a river up ahead.’

  Less than a mile away, a river gleams and sparkles. You and Tanith break into a trot. When you reach the river bank you both drop to your knees, bending to scoop up great handfuls of cool water. You drink long and deeply before your raging thirst is quenched.

  You have reached the banks of the Dolani River. It leads south and fills Lake Dolani, which lies at least thirty miles away, according to Tanith. To the northeast lie the Kashima Mountains, where the river begins; the mountains look to be at least fifty miles away. The river is too wide and too deep to cross at this point; you will have to travel further upstream where it is likely to be narrower and shallower.

  You are just bending to take another drink of the refreshing water when Tanith touches you lightly on the shoulder. ‘Grey Star,’ she murmurs. ‘Ready yourself. We are about to be attacked.’

  Turn to 227.


  Only just alive, the creature lands on the ground with a faint cry. Before you are able to finish it off, it disappears from view. No doubt it has teleported to the portal in the Hills of Tilos. You dig your heels into the stallion's flanks and it surges forward, renewing its unfaltering gallop across the grassy plain.

  Turn to 142.


  Holding the Moonstone aloft, you descend the stairs adjoining the galleries. As you reach the last, you come face to face with the demon horde. In the passage before you stand three reptilian beasts, hunched, malformed figures with yellow, glistening fangs and red, baleful eyes. As the first rays of the Moonstone touch them, the protective aura of your necromantic spell causes them to shield their deformed faces and howl in torment. With horror, you notice that the demons behind them are dragging the corpses of the Masbaté dead from their crypts. The three before you snarl and spit in frustration, hovering just beyond the range of the protective ring.

  If you wish to attack at long range with your Wizard's Staff, turn to 179.

  If you wish to advance on the demons, turn to 53.


  You run through the shadowy darkness and emerge at the forest's edge, where Shadakine and Freedom Guild swordsmen are locked in bloody combat. The Shadakine have the advantage of greater numbers and are forcing the Guildsmen into the forest in a stumbling, disorderly line. They cannot hold for long. You suddenly realize that the strange, pupilless eyes of the Shadakine allow them to see in the dark. No wonder they have attacked in the middle of the night. Their advantage is considerable. A tall officer stands behind the Shadakine warriors, urging them on. Your sudden appearance at the edge of the forest has startled him but he quickly recovers. He bares his teeth and snarls before attacking.

  Illustration XII—The Shadakine and Freedom Guild swordsmen are locked in bloody combat.

  Shadakine Officer: COMBAT SKILL 20 ENDURANCE 24

  If you wish to evade, you may do so now by darting back into the undergrowth; turn to 290.

  If you win the fight, turn to 301.


  Using the power of Telergy, you attempt to dominate the will of the creatures and throw a word of command at them. Although you succeed in halting them, you notice that they are all attempting to resist your command. These creatures must be magical and immune to most forms of enchantment. However, the Power of Telergy is a Higher Magick, unknown to all but the highest masters of the magical arts and suddenly the demons vanish. Unable to prevent the domination of their minds, they have fled, using their own magical powers. You are safe. The spell has cost you 2 WILLPOWER points.

  Turn to 99.


  Fearlessly you spur your horse into a downhill gallop, ploughing into the ranks of the leading beasts and scattering bodies everywhere. The momentum of your charge carries you deep into their midst but, inevitably, the pack's large number absorbs the shock of your attack and you find yourself hemmed in on all sides.

  If you have recently drunk a Potion of Invulnerability, or if you have the protection of the Higher Magick of Thaumaturgy, turn to 104.

  If you do not have this protection, turn to 94.


  With an impetuous cry, you rush forward, whirling your Staff above your head. The demons stumble backwards in alarm, careering into those behind and causing an uproar of animal cries. With a deadly flash of steel, Tanith fells one of the beasts with her dagger, and, at the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point, you deliver a powerful blow that sends another crashing to the ground. You reach the doorway of the crypt. The demons are running in the opposite direction, heading for the stairs that lead back down to the hall. Horrified, you notice that some are dragging the corpses of Masbaté dead from the crypts.

  Turn to 107.


  You loose a bolt of energy at the horseman, using 2 WILLPOWER points. A cloud of fire explodes at his chest and he falls from his horse, dead. You run to the body. By stealing the dead horseman's uniform, you will be able to lead the demon host against the Shadakine Army; the Shadakine will think that you are one of their own.

  If you still have your Simar stallion, turn to 285.

  If it has been killed, turn to 292.


  Taking careful aim at the leading demon, you hurl a bolt of magical fire, killing it instantly. The horde comes to a stumbling halt. This attack has cost you 2 WILLPOWER points.

  The Masbaté reach you. Without stopping to ask who you are, they release a volley of shining javelins that arc over your heads and plunges into the demon ranks. Swords drawn, the Masbaté sprint past. You and Tanith are swept along by the momentum of their charge and into the throes of a bloody battle. You almost collide with a hunched, ape-like creature with four arms and a long tail. You cannot avoid combat and must fight to the death.


  If you win the combat, turn to 150.


  You head south in pursuit of the lone figure. Soon you have drawn close enough to be able to see that the figure is humanoid in shape, although it runs with a curious, shambling gait. The shimmering heat haze prevents you from discerning any further details. Abruptly it comes to a halt. You quicken your pace. Tanith has begun to lag behind but offers no word of protest. Purposefully you stride towards your prey, but stop dead in your tracks when you come within fifty paces of it.

  Turn to 110.


  You skid to a halt and try to judge how much time you have before the demon host in the west will reach you. You guess at a quarter of an hour at most. But first you must survive the onslaught of the denizens that speed towards you.

  If you wish to fight on horseback, turn to 277.

  If you wish to fight on foot, turn to 212.


  You veer sharply, heading west for a while. Soon the figures have passed out of sight and you are able to resume your course towards the Hills of Tilos.

  Turn to 237.


  You walk around the building but cannot find a water hole or stream. The west wall of the ziggurat bears a ten-foot high arch. The doors are made of stone.

  ‘How are we to open these?’ asks Tanith.

  You guess that there must be some internal mechanism for opening the doors. They are certainly too heavy to be opened by hand.

  If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it to find an opening mechanism for the doors, turn to 194.

  If you have the Magical Power of Psychomancy and wish to use it to find an opening mechanism, turn to 159.

  If you are versed in the Higher Magick of Thaumaturgy and wish to try to teleport yourself to the other side of the doors, turn to 148.

  If you have none of these Powers, or if you do not wish to use them, turn to 18.


  Before the next demon d
ives, you begin an erratic sequence of diagonal moves. The demons are thrown into confusion and you are able to reduce the distance to the pass. When at last the next dive comes, you are taken by surprise. Instead of attacking you, the winged Demon gouges a line of bloody weals along the stallion's haunches. The stallion screams in pain but does not falter. You chance a look behind and see that the horde is still far away. A third demon dives. This beast has an insectoid body combined with feathered bird's wings. You attempt a dummy turn but the beast is not fooled.

  Insect Demon: COMBAT SKILL 18 ENDURANCE 17

  Combat lasts for only one round. If your enemy loses more ENDURANCE points than you, ignore any ENDURANCE points you lose.

  If you are still alive, turn to 265.


  Four distant forms mount a rise that slopes gently away from the Dolani River. As they head towards you, you see that they are ghastly, malformed creatures. Each is misshapen in a different way. These must be the demons summoned long ago by the Wytch-king, Shasarak, and sent as a plague to destroy the Masbaté tribe that once dwelt here. When the demons' purpose was fulfilled they were left to roam the plains at will.

  The leading demon, its shining green skin and toad-like features reflected in the dull glow of the setting sun, gives vent to a feral scream and begins to run towards you.

  If you have the Magical Power of Necromancy and wish to use it to chant an incantation against evil, turn to 35.

  If you wish to attempt a long-range attack with your Wizard's Staff, turn to 65.

  If you prefer to wait for the demons to approach, turn to 93.


  The remaining Flying Snake keeps pace with you for a short while longer before soaring into the air and disappearing from view, heading east.

  Turn to 247.


  You hand Tanith your Staff and Backpack and begin to climb into the uncertain darkness of the well. Halfway down one of the rungs comes loose in your hand. You are unable to keep your balance and fall, hitting the sides of the shaft many times and enduring many cuts and abrasions before splashing into the water below: lose 1 ENDURANCE point.

  Gasping for breath, you reach out blindly in the dark until you locate a large, bowl-shaped object. Having made sure that it is full of water, you begin the slow, arduous climb to the top, struggling to hold on to the rungs and the bowl of water. Eventually you reach the top and Tanith takes the bowl from you. Bruised and bedraggled, you haul yourself out.

  Turn to 25.


  The Shadakine are wheeling large engines of war to the front of their lines: they are powerful catapults. Pinpoints of flame appear. Sado has guessed their intentions and orders his bowmen to fire. The archers of the Freedom Guild send volley after volley singing through the air towards the Shadakine and many of the distant spots of light go out. Suddenly many balls of flame arc through the air above the heads of the men of the Freedom Guild to fall into the trees behind.

  ‘Hah!’ Sado shouts. ‘The fools are way off target.’

  ‘I think not,’ replies Samu.

  You understand his meaning as you watch the dry brush of the forest begin to burn. ‘They mean to flush us out!’ you cry with alarm.

  All around you small fires are catching the trees and in a short time smoke billows in choking clouds throughout the Freedom Guild's ranks. Orange tongues of flame are licking on every side.

  Turn to 351.


  As the group draws nearer, you realize that these are the horrific forms of demons. Half-man and half-beast, with slavering fangs and sword-sharp tusks, they run towards you. They come within a hundred paces, their cackling yells and feral howling indicating that they mean to attack.

  If you wish to charge, turn to 246.

  If you wish to attack them at long range with your Wizard's Staff, turn to 258.


  While your enemies are dazed, you charge forward, whirling your Staff above your head. The demons are too stunned to react and suddenly you are upon them, raining deathly magical fire in all directions.

  Turn to 264.


  You tug the stallion's head to one side and pull away from their shambling advance at a gallop. You skirt the edge of the valley, keeping a large distance between yourself and your enemies. They fall into babbling confusion, splitting into disorganized groups and making their various ways out of the valley. You move at great speed, faster than the confused mass that seeks you out, and you cover the mile in a short time, thundering to a halt at the other end of the valley where the portal burns halfway down the slope.

  As you study the burning arch, a large, winged spider with eight bulbous but distinctly human eyes swoops towards you. It is coming at you too swiftly for you to be able to fire at it from long range and you cannot evade without risking serious injury. It is a fight to the death. If you have swallowed a potion of Invulnerability, or used the Higher Magick of Thaumaturgy to render yourself invulnerable, ignore all ENDURANCE points lost by yourself for the duration of the combat.

  Demon Spiderfly: COMBAT SKILL 25 ENDURANCE 24

  If you win the combat, turn to 197.


  You continue at an even faster pace in your bid to find the lake before nightfall. Your throat is parched and the exertion of walking in such heat causes you to lose 1 ENDURANCE point. You notice that the plain is beginning to slope gently upwards.

  If you have the Magical Power of Alchemy, or if you are versed in the Higher Magick of Theurgy, turn to 241.

  If you do not possess either of these Powers, turn to 43.


  The large Flying Snake hurtles towards you. You hold your Staff aloft and brace yourself to receive the attack but the stallion is nervous and unsettled and you are unable to remain in any one position for very long. Also, you are forced to use one hand to control your mount. You cannot evade combat and must subtract 2 from your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of the combat.

  Flying Snake: COMBAT SKILL 21 ENDURANCE 24

  Combat lasts for only one round as the demon swoops past. If your enemy loses more ENDURANCE points than you, ignore any ENDURANCE points you lose.

  If you are still alive, turn to 313.


  You run along the gallery and down many stairways to confront three reptilian beasts. Hunched and malformed, the creatures have glistening fangs and baleful eyes. Before you are able to take any further action they hurl themselves at you emitting blood-curdling screams. You cannot avoid combat and must fight to the death.

  Three Demons: COMBAT SKILL 18 ENDURANCE 24

  If you win the combat, turn to 245.


  Judging from the position of the sun in the blue, cloudless sky, you estimate that it is well past noon when the green Hills of Tilos come into view. There has been no further sign of the demon plague. The protection of the Moonstone and the aura of light that you have summoned with your necromantic powers must have kept the demons at bay. Where then are they? Samu told you that there are possibly a thousand of the evil creatures. Surely they will seek to prevent you from reaching the portal that is the sole gateway to their world?

  If you are versed in the Higher Magick of a Visionary and wish to expend 2 WILLPOWER points in its use, you must give up the protection from evil granted to you by the use of the Higher Magick of Necromancy, since both spells require the use of the Moonstone. If you wish to cease your use of the Power of Necromancy and use your Power as a Visionary, turn to 249.

  If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it at the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point, turn to 266.

  If you do not possess either of these Powers, lack sufficient WILLPOWER points to use them, or do not wish to use these forms of magic at the moment, turn to 271.


  You ride the horse to the edge of the river and dive in. You swim with desperate strokes, but the Shadakine armour drags at your body.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. A
dd this number to your current ENDURANCE total.

  If the total is 12 or less, turn to 80.

  If the total is more than 12, turn to 86.


  Mountains lie all around you on the horizon. You guess that it is summer, for the sun beats strongly and the sky is cloudless. Despite the heat, Tanith shivers. ‘There is an evil presence here,’ she mutters.

  According to Tanith, you have arrived in the centre of the Lissan Plain. The fortress city of Shadaki lies many hundreds of miles to the east. A broad line of distant mountains separates you from that city of evil. Suddenly you realize that you have no food or water. The simplest of requirements stands between you and the fulfilment of a quest upon which thousands of lives depend. If you do not find water soon you will die.

  If you wish to head east in the direction of the city of Shadaki, turn to 172.

  If you wish to head south, turn to 60.


  Your journey proceeds without further incident. You can see the wide, forested pass a few miles away. Once you have gained the safety of the trees, you will wait for the demon host to seek you out, and then make a final dash for the Lanzi bridge on the River Dosar, where Samu and the Masbaté will be waiting for you. But your spirits have lifted too soon. Heading straight towards you is a dark cloud of wings and snakelike bodies. It is a flock of flying snakes numbering at least twenty.


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