The Complete Contract Series: Part One, Part Two, Part Three, & Part Four

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The Complete Contract Series: Part One, Part Two, Part Three, & Part Four Page 24

by Steele, Suzanne

  Though she is smoking hot sexy, she is for my eyes only and none dare to stare at her directly. I’m fairly certain, though, if they can steal a glance, they will. I’m well aware of their furtive little peeks, but as long as respect is paid, nobody needs to get hurt.

  Beth sits to the other side of me, huddled up and protected by me as she always is. I have taken quite a liking to the little one and have full intentions of keeping her around to train.

  “I want to take a moment to acknowledge our guests, Miller and Stormy. I also want to take the time to thank you, Miller, for serving in Afghanistan. For that, I’m forever indebted.”

  I eye one of the bosses of Latino descent and coldly state, “If you can’t handle your bitches, whores, subs, or slaves, then you don’t need to be working for me, son.” The man drops his gaze and listens, replying with an occasional, “Yes, Sir.” It is evident that he is terrified of me, and rightly so.

  With no warning, I rise and mandate, “This meeting is over.” As I make my way out, I stop and put my hand around the young man’s throat as I growl, “You get this shit straight or I’m going to string you up and horse whip you, boy—literally!” I can feel him trembling beneath my hand. Cutting the meeting short will ensure he worries about what I’m going to do. Yes, uncertainty can work in a man’s favor.

  Chapter Six


  It’s evident that my crazy ass cousin can see I’m shaken by the meeting I just had with my boss. He wastes no time starting in on me. The boy is a trouble maker from the word go and I have had nothing but a sense of dread since I brought him down here to Louisiana. It is not a matter of if he will fuck up, only a matter of when. I don’t want to be within range of Lozado’s wrath when he does.

  “You gonna let that redneck white boy tell you what to do?”

  “He’s crazy, Manuel! Have you done your homework on Lozado? The man is sadistic. He gets off on beating people with whips and shit.”

  “Yeah, mother fucker, but I got a Glock and a bullet between the eyes goes a hell of a lot further than a whip ever will.”

  I eye my cousin as I pace. Manuel makes me nervous; he is too high strung and too hot headed. He is way out of his league with Lozado and I know it.

  “Manuel, you need to listen to what I’m telling you. This is one crazy mother fucker that you don’t want to mess with and that’s not even getting into how psycho his sons are. Rumor has it that boy of his, Bo, enjoys fileting humans and then feeding them, piece by piece, to the gators. These men aren’t human. You are fucking with people who will kill you.”

  “So you gonna let some white boy come up in your club and tell you how to run it?”

  “It’s his club, Manuel! He set me up with the understanding that I was to run it and receive a commission from the monthly monies.”

  Manuel wastes no time beginning to mock me as he bobs his head back and forth.

  “With the agreement that I was supposed to receive commission from the monthly monies. See that is where you and I are different; you spent all that time getting an education and you are still working for somebody else. Me? I just shot the biggest, baddest mother fucker that I could find and just like that, I had respect! You are a punk—a punk ass bitch, Pablo. You know, come to think of it, I don’t think that you and I have the same blood in our veins. I’m ashamed to even call you Cuz. Cause. You. Is. A. Punk. Ass. Bitch! Ha, ha!”

  Manuel taps the gun against the desk, laughing at his own joke. I’m not amused.

  “Whatever,” I say as I turn and leave my cousin who is still sitting in my office chair.

  I brought my cousin from Mexico when his mother had called me crying, saying that her sister was scared because Manuel had gotten involved with the Mexican cartel and she was afraid he’d end up getting himself killed. Manuel has a way of attracting trouble and I can only hope I didn’t make a mistake in bringing him here to Louisiana. If Manuel gets on Lozado’s bad side, the Mexican mafia will be the least of his worries. Unbeknownst to him, Lozado has Colombian cartel ties through Antonio Wayne and his big brother, Ricardo. This could end up being a bloodbath by the time it is all said and done.


  “What the fuck was that? Did you see the way he just got up and said the meeting was over?”

  “That was a head fuck, my lady. He will have that poor boy worrying about what is going to happen to him because there was no closure.”

  “Smart move.”

  “He’s a Dom with a business head so, yeah, he knows the art of a good mind fuck. I’m just glad we aren’t the ones on the receiving end of his wrath.”

  “Yeah, it was also pretty intense what he said about owing you for your service in Afghanistan.”

  “One thing all the hit men have in common is that we’re bound by blood. We all served in Afghanistan so, in one way or another, our lives are intertwined. We all bleed red, white, and blue.”

  “So what are we doing now?”

  “We’re going back to the hotel and waiting for it to get dark. Then we’re going to finish off the guy who should already be dead.”

  “You know where he is?”

  “Absolutely, you of all people should know I did my homework. Intel is a major part of our job, young lady. The element of surprise is everything and catching this guy before he knows I’m here is imperative.”

  I don’t want to tell Stormy but my blood runs cold at the thought of meeting up with this monster again.

  Chapter Seven


  I eye my son and shake my head. As much as I have tried to instill some class in the boy, he is still straight up, swampland, Cajun crazy. I finally gave up when I realized it is actually working in my favor. People in these here parts are scared of Bo. He loves to gut things. His idea of fun is to hunt a gator down and then disembowel it.

  How this works in my favor is that the boy has become so desensitized to all the gore in gutting gators, he is now begging me to let him use his skills on some of my enemies.

  Now, Bo’s idea of fun is to cut one of my enemies loose in the woods, play with him for a bit, enjoying the thrill of the hunt, and then gut him. Seems my boy learned quickly that once you hunt a human, nothing else ever quite measures up. There is only one person who Bo fears, and that is me. He damn sure better be scared of me too because I won’t hesitate to string his ass up and lash him with a whip. Son or no son, the boy is going to respect his daddy.

  “Come on, boy, we got business to tend to,” I speak as I pull the truck up to one of my strip joints. I’m tired of fucking around with these boys and they are getting ready to get a lesson in what happens to people who forget their place. All eyes are on Bo and me as we enter because everyone in here, from dancers right down to patrons, knows when I make an appearance, there is usually trouble on the horizon.

  “Get the fuck out of my office, boy!” Just the sight of that little gangbanger in my office chair is making my blood boil. The little shit, Manuel, looks up to view me glaring at him as Bo casually stands against the doorframe, cleaning his nails with a huge hunting knife.

  I hear Pablo speak under his breath to his cousin, “Get out of here.” I note that it comes out more like a plea than an order and I’m not happy about it. I knew this kid was going to be trouble which is why I thought ahead and have Colombian cartel on standby.

  The little shit slinks up out of the chair and swaggers his way to the door. That right there is the problem; the boy has no respect. It’s not something that can be taught to him either. It’s too late. He will have to be killed. That will send a message to anyone stupid enough to try and step into my shoes.

  I notice my boy, Bo, strategically moves so that Manuel can’t get through. The boy is itching for some playtime and is just waiting for my go ahead.

  “Let him through, Bo,” I command without even having to turn and view what is happening. I can tell the boy is scared of Bo as he stands there, waiting for him to move. I’m certain he can sense there is something
very creepy about the man blocking his path. Manuel has no idea just how deep that creepiness runs inside my boy.

  Many people don’t know that Bo is what psychologists would term, A Psychopathic Predator. He enjoys the thrill of a good hunt, takedown, and ultimate kill. It thrills him to the point that he feeds off of another’s fear. He intentionally toys with his prey, much like a wild animal does.

  Yes, my boy is pure predator. He was born with an innate craving for the hunt. Add to that his psychopathic tendencies, and he has all the makings of a full blown serial killer. The boy is certifiably crazy and I use it for my benefit. I’m actually doing society a favor by veering his craving to kill in the right direction.

  I was smart enough to see the traits my son had and use them in what I consider to be a constructive way. After all, there is no sense in letting the boy’s talents go to waste.

  Where Manuel would be the type to do a cowardly drive-by, Bo likes to look a man in the eye when he kills him, or better yet, guts him. My boy hesitates just long enough to raise his nostrils in the air and smell the fear that Manuel is trying to hide behind a wall of defiance. Yes, he might be able to hide the sight of his fear but you can never hide the smell, not from a true predator like Bo.

  We finish our business with Pablo and make our way back out to the truck. I speak first, reading my son’s mind. “Oh don’t you worry, son. The first move that little shit makes in my direction, well, let’s just say that we have found your next human hunt.” I notice him pushing down on his hardened cock. He is definitely looking forward to it. Yes, my son is certifiably fucking crazy…


  I know it might seem odd to others—the way we live—but for me, I have never been happier.

  My life has consisted of growing up in group homes, foster care, shelters, or on the streets. My mother was more concerned about her next high than me, and my daddy was nonexistent because she didn’t know who he was. Maybe that’s the reason I’m so drawn to Lozado; he gives me something I have never had before… security. Claudia gives me friendship and comfort, much as a mother would her daughter. As I said, I like it here and I really don’t care what people think if it means me feeling safe and secure for the first time in my life. Today is a day like any other lately and I am doing like I normally do, padding around the kitchen behind Claudia like a little puppy.

  “Claudia,” I whine, calling out her name.

  “What, Little Bit,” Claudia answers.

  “Does it ever bother you, Daddy having me too?”

  Claudia giggles at me as if my question makes no sense at all, “Lord no, child. Why you are just a girl. Now, Little Bit, we have been over this before,” she chides me with the patience she always shows me.

  “You mean the way you tell me that it’s apples and oranges?” I ask as I finger the kitchen towel.

  Claudia continues working as she talks, “Yes, Little Bit, apples and oranges.”

  “Well, which one am I, Claudia?”

  “Lord, girl, you’re wearing me out with questions,” she giggles once again.

  “It means you and I are two different things. You meet a need in Sir that I can’t meet, and I meet a need in Sir that you can’t meet.”

  “Claudia, will you do that pose for me that you do for Daddy?”

  Claudia jerks around so fast that it scares me. When she looks at me, I swear I have never seen eyes so full of terror. I’m confused about what I have said that is so wrong.

  “You listen to me, and you listen to me good, girl!” She is shaking me and, as her grip roughly tightens into my upper arms, it’s scaring me. I’ve never seen her act this way.

  “Don’t you ever ask me to do that again. Ever!”

  I’m looking at Claudia with wide, fearful eyes, trying to figure out what in the world I’ve done that is so wrong.

  “I am only allowed to do that when Sir commands!”

  “You will get us both horse whipped. Don’t ever say that again!” Neither of us is aware that Lozado is standing around the corner listening and he will deal with this later.

  I’m getting ready to get my first lesson in what my new owner expects from me. No longer am I a separate being who makes my own decisions. Now, I belong to a man who expects certain things. He is not a conventional male and I will see that very soon. Lozado is all about control. He controls everything in his life and that most definitely means he controls his women.


  We’ve managed to sneak up on the property for the hit we need to exact before we leave the bayou. Lozado has us on hold and Miller feels now is as good a time as any to get the job done. I’m in the midst of a true redneck’s haven and I can suddenly understand why Miller insisted that I wear jeans and tennis shoes. I’m in, for lack of a better term, a junkyard. I’m surrounded by rusty cars and I can hear barking in the distance, providing ever present background noise. I keep wondering if some junkyard dog is going to jump out and maul me. I just want to kill this guy and go home.

  Miller waves me over and pulls on a large sliding door which I can see is rusted over and unlocked. My nerves are becoming frayed. I can’t understand why this guy would be so careless as to leave the door unlocked and I’m still waiting for some pit bull to jump out and grab me by the throat. This place is giving me the creeps. We enter into a large warehouse filled with hallways and cubbyholes and neither of us has any idea who could be in here or where they are located. As I said, this place is giving me the creeps.

  An eerie glow illuminates our path and we find ourselves drawn to it like moths to a flame. We quietly tiptoe, making our way towards the source of the lighting, and we finally come upon the culprit.

  A large, hulkish looking man sits at a desk with numerous computer screens and it is evident he was observing us before we ever entered. His voice sounds as if it also sustained damage in the fire resulting from his bomb’s explosion.

  “I’ve been waiting for you and looking forward to the day you would finish what you started.” He changes the subject as if he is conferring with himself and not us.

  “She’s very beautiful, something I will never be able to experience again—the warmth of a beautiful woman in my arms.”

  At that point, he turns and nothing could have prepared me for the hideousness I’m viewing. His face is so scarred that he has the appearance of a monster. The skin is pulled taut, stretched so tightly that it appears as if it will snap. Where his nose was at one time, there is nothing more than two holes in a flesh covered skull. One of his ears is completely burnt off with only a cavity in its place. My breath hitches in horror at what I am witnessing.

  “You have made my point exactly. You see her reaction? Women are appalled by me and children fear me. I’m condemned to a life of isolation and you will be doing me a favor by killing me.”

  I jump as the familiar noise of a silenced gun goes off and the man slumps to his death. Miller grabs the surveillance tape with his gloved hand and as quickly as we entered, we exit. We have fulfilled our mission—the mission of killing a lonely and isolated monster. I feel no guilt as his words resonate through my psyche…you will be doing me a favor by killing me…

  Chapter Eight


  “See, girl, that’s why you need to get away from my cousin and get with me. I’m getting ready to take this here establishment over and you can get promoted, or you can get left behind. Every bitch up in here is gonna to be vying for my attention real soon.”

  I got my cousin’s bitch, who is soon to be my bitch, backed up into the wall. Running my hands up and down her fine ass curves is making my dick hard and it’s taking all I got to not go ahead and fuck her. My cousin is a punk ass bitch and whether he wants in on it or not, I’m going to take over this bar. I got all the backup I need with the Mexican cartel and they is some blood thirsty motha fuckas. Yeah, I’ve had my eye on her since I been here and I’ve decided that it is time to make my move.

  Sophia is smacking on gum like I wish she was smacki
ng on my dick right now. I can tell by the way she’s looking at me that the wheels in her head are turning. She knows what I’m sayin’ is true and she knows it is time to dump Pablo’s ass.

  She’s gonna have to be careful about how she does it though. She ain’t the type of girl to not be the alpha bitch. I’m not stupid and I know she will be on the arm of whoever ends up being top dog. I can assure you, it will be me. She’s gonna be on my arm and in my bed. That is the law of the jungle—only the strong survive…


  I’m sitting in my throne type chair with a crop in my hand, tapping it against the side of my seat. These girls have no idea I was standing around the corner listening to their little conversation. I can see the look on Claudia’s face is one of trepidation and uncertainty. Little Bit just looks confused but by the time I’m finished disciplining my girls, there will only be clarity.

  I sit and glare for a full three minutes before I say anything. I know exactly what I am doing; I’m increasing the fear factor. By adding to the uncertainty, it feeds the fear in the girls. As the minutes pass, it gives me what every Dom or Master craves—control!

  Both girls are sitting on pillows with their knees bent so that their calves are under their thighs. Their legs are closed together and their palms are face up, resting on their upper thighs. Each girl is looking down, subserviently awaiting my discipline.

  I have them in my pose of discipline. I want their legs closed, their heads hung with their chins positioned on their chests, and their breasts half covered by their crouched position, backs bent forward. There is nothing sexual about this pose. There will be no seducing of Sir!

  I never raise my voice but I know it cuts like steel, “Claudia, what pose is this, girl?”

  “If it pleases Sir, I will answer,” she says, raising her head but still holding a downward gaze as a sign of respect.


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