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Tony Page 3

by Pepper North

  “I was raised going to church every Sunday. I’m not a religious fanatic or anything. Sometimes, it just feels like you should thank God for sending you on a path that just feels right. Thank you for all you’re doing for me,” Tony said honestly.

  “You may not thank me after I have you work on the Rodriguez family van. It’s due in today for an oil change and tune-up. You never know what you’ll find in that van. Last time, they forgot a teenage kid on the way to all the schools to drop off their twelve children. I found him asleep in the van after I’d spent thirty minutes trying to figure out where that wheezing sound was coming from. Turns out, the kid’s a snorer.” Rob laughed. “Today, it’s all yours!”

  “Nothing can ruin this day. I slept in a soft bed. My underwear is clean, and my hair doesn’t smell like a service station's soap. Bring it on!” Tony nodded his head, smiling as he inhaled his food. When he was finished, he carried his plate over to the sink. Filling one side of the sink with warm soapy water, he began washing his plate and glasses before tackling the pan and other utensils. When he had rinsed those, Rob had finished, and Tony confiscated those dishes, saying that he was on dish detail.

  Rob went to take his vitamins and brush his teeth. He left out a new toothbrush on the counter for Tony if he needed it. Yelling to Tony to take his time, Rob walked downstairs to open the garage. He was instantly busy and didn’t even notice when Tony came down shortly and began working immediately on one of the cars already in the bays. After the rush to check in all the cars being dropped off before work, Rob went to check on where Tony was in the repairs.

  “Hey, boss. I’m glad you’re here. Look at this engine, would you? It’s just in for an oil change, but it’s leaking transmission fluid. What do you usually do in this situation? Just change the oil and leave everything else alone?” Tony asked. “I saw the old lady who dropped this off. I wouldn’t want her to break down somewhere.”

  “That’s Mrs. Winston. She’s an old friend. She was my high school counselor. When lots of people were ready to give up on me, she helped me find a good technical school and find a scholarship to pay for it. Go ahead and see what’s wrong. If it’s minor, fix it, and we won’t charge her extra. If it’s major, let me know before you get started, and I’ll call to see what she would like to do.” Rob poked his head under the hood and pointed at a wire. “Replace this frayed wire and check the other connections for me. I want to make sure she’s safe on the road.”

  “Would you rather work on this one?” Tony asked.

  “Naw, I trust you. Just pretend she’s your grandma—the one you like, not the crazy one,” Rob said as he walked to the truck in the other bay.

  “You got one of those crazy grandmas, too?” Tony laughed as he leaned back in under the car.

  The two men worked well together throughout the morning. Rob made sandwiches for lunch and made Tony stop to eat at noon. After lunch, Tony was immediately back to work while Rob made phone calls about the repairs. When he called Mrs. Winston, she hesitated before asking, “Did you find anything wrong with the car? I’ve had some sticky fluid on the garage floor.”

  “Yes, we found a leak in the pan gasket. That’s transmission fluid. I had one in the shop, so I put in a new one for you. The new gasket won’t leak for many years. I know how much you love your car,” Rob said, smiling at her through the phone.

  “Is that expensive?” Mrs. Winston asked nervously.

  “No charge other than the oil change, Mrs. Winston. I had a new part in the shop,” Rob replied gently. “Would you like me to bring it back to you after I close?”

  “I don’t want you to undercharge me, Rob Harris,” she said with steel in her voice.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Rob replied.

  “My neighbor is going to the grocery store in an hour, and she’ll drop me by your shop if that is okay?” Mrs. Winston asked, taking him at his word about the charges. She’d be sure to tell all the ladies at the senior center about his wonderful repair station. He was one of her success stories. She’d do her best to help him succeed.

  “That’s great, Mrs. Winston. I’ll see you then,” Rob answered. He disconnected after she said her thanks.

  The rest of the day went smoothly. It was as if the disturbance this morning had ironed out any possible problems, and the day flew past. Finally, at seven, Rob pulled the doors closed before telling Tony to knock off for the night. He patted Tony on the back and thanked him for his hard work. I’m ordering a pizza tonight for dinner. I usually order one some night each week. Anything you don’t like on a pizza?”

  “As long as there are crust and cheese, I don’t care,” Tony answered as he wiped his hands clean. “How about if I buy pizza next week? I hate to cost you money in food.”

  “After you see all the taxes the government takes out of your pay at the end of the week, I’ll let you decide whether you want to get the next pizza.” Rob smiled at Tony. “Really, you’re helping my business a lot. I owe you a pizza.”

  “Next week, it’s on me,” Tony insisted.

  “Sounds good.” Rob nodded. “Now, make a decision—a pizza with meats and veggies or all meats and cheese?”

  “Are you kidding? I hate vegetables,” Tony revealed. “The meat and cheese one.”

  “Vegetables are good for you, Tony,” Rob said with a glint in his eye. “But meat pizza, it is!” Rob called the pizza order in, and the two men headed upstairs. “I’ll grab my keys and go pick it up. Want to take a shower or come with me?”

  “I’ll stay here if you don’t mind,” Tony said, heading for his room for clean clothes. “Can I throw my coverall back into the washer?”

  “Go for it! Grab the stuff in my laundry basket in my room if you don’t mind,” Rob said over his shoulder as he walked downstairs.

  Chapter 8

  Tony stripped off his clothes and showered quickly. He wrapped a towel around his hips before gathering the used towels in the bathroom plus his clothes. He walked into the laundry room and dropped them into the machine. Walking back down the hall, he hesitated before opening Rob’s bedroom door. Tony pushed the door open and stood in the doorway, looking for the laundry hamper. Spotting it by the dresser, Tony walked directly to the hamper and pulled out the clothes that smelled like Rob. Tony paused and just inhaled his scent before mentally shaking himself and starting to walk out of the room.

  He stopped when he saw it. A small picture sat on Rob’s dresser. It was a picture of Rob and a younger man. Both were dressed in suits and appeared to be at a wedding if the flowers and the massive cake behind them was a clue. Tony figured that was Brandon. He picked up the picture to study his face. “He doesn’t look like a little boy,” Tony said to himself aloud. He froze when he heard the voice behind him.

  “Brandon could pass easily for a person of vanilla sexual orientation. In that picture, you can’t see that he’s wearing a diaper and his bottom was spanked until it was bright red an hour earlier for refusing to wear that suit. Unless you know what you’re looking for, most people don’t notice the clues that are apparent to people who live in an age play relationship,” Rob said softly.

  “Sorry, I just came to get the clothes, and I saw the photo,” Tony replaced the picture before turning around. “I’m sure you miss him. I’m sorry I brought it to your mind.”

  Rob looked over Tony’s exposed body, fresh from his shower. He raised bright eyes to look at Tony directly. “Brandon was an important person in my past. But that’s where my feelings are—in the past.” Rob walked forward and wrapped a big hand around the back of Tony’s head pulling him in for a brutal kiss. After plundering his mouth, Rob pulled back and kissed him softly over and over as he pulled Tony’s body against him. Rob could feel Tony’s penis engorge and fight against the restraint of the towel. Rob dropped a hand down to rub against its length. Hearing Tony’s low moan of arousal, Rob gave his penis a final squeeze before stepping back.

  Tony looked like he had been hit by a bus. The look of shock was painted
over his face, and he raised a hand to press to his lips. The other hand held his loosened towel against his genitals. “Rob?” he whispered.

  “I’m sorry, Tony. I shouldn’t have kissed you ...” Rob started before Tony stepped up to press his lips against the older man’s.

  “Kiss me again, Rob! Please,” Tony whispered again as he pressed his lips against Rob’s.

  Rob’s hands went to Tony’s exposed buttocks, and he gripped the pale white flesh and pulled it strongly in to press Tony’s erection against his. Instantly, he took control of the kiss and mastered Tony’s mouth by sweeping his tongue inside. For a long moment, Rob held him close before moving him slightly away. “I don’t think you’re ready to have sex with me, Tony. Yet. Would you consider exploring age play with me?”

  Tony swayed back toward him. “I’m not sure what I’m agreeing to, but right now, I’d ride a kangaroo wearing a lady’s purple bikini to see where this can go.”

  Both men laughed at the image and rested their foreheads together with the tension broken. “I am going to make love to you, Tony. Just not until you understand what I’m asking of you. Okay?” Rob asked, kissing Tony on the forehead.

  Tony nodded, “Go take a shower, Boss. The pizza’s getting cold.

  “Step one, Tony. When we’re alone, call me Daddy instead of Boss,” Rob requested.

  Chapter 9

  The pizza box was empty when the two men leaned back in their chairs away from the small kitchen table. Tony groaned and rubbed his stomach. “That was one of the best pizzas that I have ever eaten.”

  Rob looked at him under hooded eyes and nodded. “I’m going to have to bench press an SUV tomorrow to get back in shape.”

  “Nah, you’d have to eat a whole pizza to need to do that. I saved you by eating half. You owe me,” Tony grinned at him. Startled at himself, Tony shook his head slowly.

  “What’s going on in your mind?” Rob asked with curiosity.

  “I came yesterday to ask for a job. I’ve been here two days, and you’ve changed my whole world. I don’t know how I can thank you,” Tony said simply.

  “I don’t want you to be grateful to me, Tony. I want you.” Rob watched Tony lean back in toward him to get closer. He held up a hand to keep their distance—for now. “Before we take our relationship to the next level, you need to know that if you don’t feel like this is for you, you need to be honest. Age play isn’t for everyone. I’m not going to resent you for telling me that it turns you off. You won’t lose your job. We’ll develop our friendship instead,” Rob explained.

  “My desire has always been to take care of people. I don’t want a traditional marriage and children. I want a Little boy to cuddle, to have fun with, to treasure, and to tend fully. I’m using the word Little with a capital L. I don’t want a child. I want a man with his strong adult body and mind. Frankly, I think the Little has to be stronger than I do. To be able to relinquish control and give it willingly to another is daunting. That’s why I want you to be sure that you are able to become a Little.

  “Tomorrow is Saturday. We close early at noon, and we don’t open on Sunday. I want you to think about this today and tomorrow morning. When the garage closes at noon tomorrow, I’ll ask you what you’ve decided. Before you think about becoming a Little, let me show you what you will be deciding to allow me to do for you.” Rob led the way back to the room Tony had been sleeping in each night.

  “First, the crib rails will go back on the bed. As your daddy, I will put you to bed and get you out of your crib. The railings will take away your ability to move at your own volition. In my mind, they will keep you safe and encourage you to call for me if you need help,” Rob explained.

  “What if I have to go to the bathroom?” Tony asked curiously.

  Leading him over to the long, padded table, Rob continued, “Second, you will wear and use a diaper for your bathroom needs while you are at home. By working in the garage that means that you are always at home. Here’s a diaper if you’d like to see it.” Rob opened a zippered plastic pouch and pulled out a large diaper with toy car designs. “Go ahead. Touch it.”

  Tony hesitantly took the diaper and spread it out. “You want me to wear this. And pee in it?” he asked with disbelief written all over his face.

  “Yes, Tony. As your daddy, I will take care of all your needs. Your potty needs as well as physical needs,” Rob replied evenly. “I will change your diaper and keep you clean and healthy. The changing table will be where you will lay each morning. I will first remove your soiled diaper and then, check your temperature rectally as is recommended for all Littles. I’ll give you your vitamins and any medicine you need before wrapping you in a new diaper,” Rob explained.

  “Why do I take my vitamins and medicine lying down?” Tony asked confused.

  “All Little medicine is either in a shot given to you at the doctor’s office, or a suppository pressed deep into your rectum,” Rob explained, speaking comfortably of these invasive processes.

  Tony tried to shift his growing erection subtly. He didn’t understand why this was turning him on, but the idea of having someone take such intimate care of him was fascinating. Rob reached out and ran his fingers up and down Tony’s erection.

  Hearing Tony groan in arousal, Rob continued, “As your daddy, I will take care of not only your health needs but your physical and emotional needs as well. It’s important for Littles to have healthy, satisfying sexual relations with their parent. I will make sure that you are happy and fulfilled sexually. Your response to our conversation is promising,” he said, squeezing Tony’s erection lightly. “Can you tell me if you find the steps I’ve detailed for you arousing?”

  Tony could only nod “yes” and loudly swallow as he thrust his hips toward the caressing hand. He tried to distract himself by pointing to the low chair with a hole in the center. It was decorated like a throne. “So, if I don’t get to use a toilet, what’s that for?”

  “That’s your potty chair,” Rob clarified simply. He stepped behind Tony to turn him toward the chair as he unfastened the top button on Tony’s jeans and slid a big hand into the fly of his pants to clasp Tony’s long, thick penis. As the other man closed his eyes in enjoyment, Rob continued. “Little boys only use a potty chair when they have an enema. As your daddy, I’ll monitor your health and administer an enema when I know your tummy needs one or when the doctor prescribes one. Do you know what an enema is, Tony?”

  Tony nodded slowly and tried to cover his excitement, but his penis jumped and twitched in reaction to Rob’s words. He tried to imagine how it would feel to have someone decide that you needed an enema and then have no control over whether you received one or not. He felt Rob lean around his body to press his inserted hand down the length of Tony’s penis before briefly cupping his balls and inching his fingers further to tap and press against Tony’s anus. Rob’s left hand took over rubbing up and down Tony’s penis from the outside of his jeans.

  “Here, Tony.” Rob’s fingers tap, tap, tapped against his clenched anus. “That’s where the nozzle goes. The enema nozzle is planted deep within your bottom, and the liquid flows into you. You don’t have any control. You have to take it all in as I rub your tummy to help the liquid spread deep into your system.” Rob listened to Tony’s breath coming quickly and felt his hips begin to rock against his caressing hand. Very soon, Tony’s imagination and Rob’s skillful caresses and words launched Tony into a massive orgasm.

  Rob shushed his apologies and pulled him firmly over to the double-sized rocking chair at the side of the room. Rob sat and pulled Tony down on his muscled thighs. When Tony tried to struggle out of Rob’s embrace, Rob corrected his misbehavior with a firm swat on his bottom. Shocked, Tony froze, and Rob took advantage of his surprise to pull him fully onto his lap so he could cuddle and rock Tony. “Just relax, Tony. Let Daddy take care of you. Isn’t it nice to be able just to have someone else take care of all your needs? Little boys love their daddies’ attentions. It’s a daddy’s pleasur
e to make sure their Little is relaxed and happy. How do you feel?”

  “I feel a little silly sitting on your lap,” Tony responded glibly.

  “Really? Who is looking at you as if you were silly? It’s just you and Daddy here. I’m so happy that I could make you feel good. Did you enjoy Daddy’s caresses? Truthfully now. Lying to Daddy gets your bottom spanked,” Rob warned.

  “Maybe I’d like to have my bottom spanked,” Tony said laughing.

  His laughs abruptly receded when Rob added, “Believe me, no Little boy enjoys a spanking or his red bottom that reminds him every time he sits down that he had misbehaved.” Rob held him cuddled against his chest.

  Tony felt silly, but he enjoyed the quiet time together. He lay there recovering from his massive orgasm and trying to process all that had happened tonight. He listened to Rob’s strong, steady heartbeat. His eyelids began to flutter closed. Finally, they drifted to rest on his cheekbones and did not rise.

  Rob felt Tony fall asleep. He sat there for a long time listening to him breathe and imagining what their life could be like together. Eventually, he roused Tony enough to stand and walk over to the twin bed. He undressed Tony, enjoying his body as he stripped him of his clothing. He urged Tony into bed with a firm hand on his young, white bottom before he covered him up and tucked him into bed. Rob brushed his hair off Tony’s forehead before pressing a kiss there. Walking quietly out of the room, Rob hesitated in the doorway as he looked at the handsome young man lying in bed. He started to close the door when he heard it.

  “Goodnight, Daddy,” Tony sleepily mumbled in a low voice.

  “Goodnight, Tony.” Rob smiled as he closed the door.

  Chapter 10

  The next day, Tony woke up first. He climbed out of bed and walked down the hall into the bathroom. He knocked on Rob’s door to wake him up before returning to his room to dress in his coveralls. He was going to have to invest in some additional coveralls now that he had a job. Tony was just snapping his coveralls closed at the chest when Rob walked down the hall yelling to him to come to the kitchen to get some breakfast.


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