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Tony Page 5

by Pepper North

  “Oh...” Tony groaned against Rob’s mouth as he lost control and urine began to fill the diaper.

  “Let it all out, Tony. Daddy will take care of you,” Rob promised as he sealed his lips to Tony’s for several additional kisses. After about a minute, Rob felt Tony’s body relax against him. “Let’s get you all cleaned up, honey.” Rob helped him out of the crib and up on the changing table. He quickly removed Tony’s wet diaper and used a soft wipe to begin to clean the traces of urine from Tony’s skin. Rob concentrated on wiping between Tony’s buttocks and pushed slightly in on his anus. He heard Tony’s breath begin to change as he moved to wipe his testicles clean. Rob was sure to circle each heavy globe and press firmly on the tissue between Tony’s testicles and his anus. Tony’s low groan was a delight to hear. Rob watched Tony’s penis begin to lengthen and thicken as he removed another wipe from the bin. Rob brushed the wipe carefully through Tony’s curly pubic hair. “We’ll have to remove this tonight to let your smooth Little boy skin show through,” Rob commented softly, watching Tony’s face to assess his reaction.

  “Rob... Daddy... That feels so good,” Tony moaned as Rob wrapped the wipe around Tony’s penis and moved it in his tight grip up and down his erection. “Please, please, don’t stop.” Tony heard a faint click, but his attention was focused on his penis and the sensations that Rob was creating. Tony’s hips began to move up to reach Rob’s caressing hand. “Ahhhhhhh!” he loudly moaned as Rob’s large finger that had been dipped in the lubricant jar began to invade his rectum without hesitation. When Tony felt Rob press against his prostate, Tony lost it and his hips bucked up to the sky as his penis shot wad after wad of fluid into Rob’s hand and over Tony’s bare stomach. Tony dropped back to the padded changing table and gasped for breath. He shuddered repeatedly as his new daddy wiped up the evidence of his orgasm, leaving him clean.

  Rob leaned over and kissed his Little boy. “You’ve come so far, Tony. I’m proud of you.” He lifted Tony back to sit on the table, rotating him to sit on the edge of the table with his feet dangling over the side. Rob stepped between his spread thighs to hug Tony against his strong chest. He murmured soft words to the Little to reassure him.

  When Rob felt Tony lean back away from his chest to look him in the eye, Rob smiled at him. “All right, honey. We’ll go to the store in a little while, but first, you earned your first spanking by calling me, Rob. Then, you called me Rob again as I was removing your diaper, so you’ve earned some additional swats. Hop down from the table, Tony, and follow me.”

  “You’re kidding, right?” Tony looked at him as if this was a joke.

  “No, Tony. It’s time for your spanking.” Rob sat down in a high, padded, and armless chair and patted his thighs. “Lean over my lap, Tony. Put your hands and toes on the ground, please.”

  “No, really. You aren’t really going to spank me, right?” Tony started looking a little concerned.

  “Yes, Tony. Over my lap, now. Any more delaying and I will start adding to your spanking.” Rob looked at him steely-eyed.

  Tony swallowed loudly and began to drag his feet slowly toward Rob. He felt very exposed to be naked with Rob watching him walk toward him. Tony could feel the power shift that had occurred between them. Rob was in control. He was not.

  Finally, Tony reached Rob and began to lean over his lap. Rob helped him get into position by lifting and adjusting him. Tony’s hands and toes barely touched the ground, and he dangled across Rob’s lap powerlessly. Rob held Tony in place with a strong arm across his thighs. “Do you remember why you’re getting this spanking, Tony?”

  “I called you Rob instead of Daddy... twice,” Rob whispered toward the carpet. “Can’t I just say I’m sorry?”

  “No, Tony. Usually, a spanking is ten swats, but due to your misbehavior continuing after you had been warned, today you have earned an extra five swats,” Rob said seriously. Without hesitation, Rob began spanking Tony’s slender, muscular buttocks. He held the younger man in place with his hand over the back of his thighs as he watched Tony’s bottom begin to turn pink and then, red.

  Unable to jump off Rob’s lap, Tony lifted his torso up to try to struggle off only to collapse down as the force of the swats threw him off-balance. Tony felt his eyes fill with tears. “Let me go, please. I’ll call you daddy. I promise,” Tony gasp as the spanking continued. Finally, he began to sob, “I’m sorry, Daddy,” repeatedly as he felt the spanks start to slow down and ease in severity.

  Rob rubbed the red bottom stretched over his lap. His Little boy had done well with his first spanking. He helped Tony turn over and his soft gasp when his red bottom touched Rob’s jeans went straight to his heart. He cuddled Tony against his chest. “All is forgiven, Tony. Little boys sometimes need a reminder about how to behave. Daddies love their Little boys even when they are naughty. Can you give me a kiss?” Rob asked as he wiped the tears from Tony’s cheeks and eyes. Tony launched himself forward to kiss Rob, pushing his daddy back into the chair. Their two tongues wrapped and intertwined together as Rob wrapped his Little tightly in his arms.

  “It’s tough being Little,” Tony whispered.

  “I know,” Rob replied to the slender figure wrapped in his arms. “Thank you for letting me take care of you. I care very much about you, Tony. It seems like my heart has decided on you.”

  “I think my heart has decided on you, too,” Tony answered as they rocked quietly in the chair.

  Chapter 14

  A long while later, Rob fastened Tony into a fresh diaper and helped him dress to go to the store. Tony’s baggy clothes due to his limited access to food in the last few weeks allowed his diaper to be swallowed up in the extra fabric. Rob made sure to have Tony look in the mirror to reassure himself that his diaper would not be obvious to the casual observer. Rob led the way to his car—an old restored Camaro with a lot of power under the hood.

  He helped Tony into the car, making sure he was buckled in securely before backing out of the garage and heading to Gordon’s. “Before we get some groceries, I have a few supplies to pick up here,” he explained as he put in the code. After the gate opened, Rob pulled into a parking space away from the other cars. “I hope you don’t mind walking. I hate to get door dings.”

  “Walking after hanging over cars all morning is great,” Tony answered smiling. His smile faded as he looked around as they walked to the building. “I’ve never heard of this store. What kind of store is it?” he asked as Rob held the front door for him and allowed him to enter first. Tony’s mouth fell open and then snapped shut with a click.

  In front of them, they saw a big department store with lots of aisles and customers walking around with carts. Tony was amazed to see grown men and women dressed and acting like children while their parents shopped for an assortment of items that Tony had never seen before. Without realizing what he was doing, Tony slid his hand into Rob’s for reassurance.

  “Come on, Tony. Let’s get a cart. Do you want to ride or walk?” Rob said kindly.

  Tony looked at the cart and saw that there was an adult-sized seat in front of the basket. “Is this a Little store?” he asked, looking around carefully. He was very embarrassed to be there. What if someone saw him?

  “Gordon’s is a store that carries supplies for Littles and their parents. Only those who have been verified as an age play participant are allowed into Gordon’s. It is protected by a gate and a code. I know you’re nervous to be seen as a Little, but it’s okay, Tony. Age play Littles and parents are very accepting and very non-judgmental. You can relax. No one will tell our secrets. Many don’t want theirs revealed either. Some age play couples live openly. They always say that the general public is too wrapped up in their own problems to even notice. Just smile and say ‘hi’. I think you’ll find some very nice people shop here,” Rob explained. “How about you hold onto the basket and walk with me? If you change your mind, you can sit in the basket.”

  Tony nodded slowly and put his left hand on the basket as he s
tood on the right side. Rob negotiated through several aisles greeting people and introducing Tony to the people he knew. Some were even customers.

  “All these people are parents or Littles?” Tony was amazed.

  “Yes. Oh, look. Here are some coveralls. I want to get you a few extra pairs of coveralls for work,” Rob explained, picking up a navy blue one from the rack. He held it up to Tony to check the size.

  “I’ll get some more when I get my first paycheck,” Tony rushed to say. He didn’t want to impose on Rob any more than he was already.

  “Tony, I am going to buy you some coveralls because I want to make sure you have proper clothes for work. Just pretend it’s your uniform. Now, what colors do you like? I have some in basic gray, blue, and brown. Gordon’s has some extra colors. Do you like the dark or light blue?” Rob asked patiently.

  “What shade of blue are yours?” Tony asked, looking at both. He really liked the light blue, but those would get dirty easier.

  “Mine are dull, navy blue. I think you need the light blue.” Rob held it up to Tony’s body and said. “Definitely the light blue, if you like it?” he looked at Tony to check.

  Tony’s smile covered his face. He whispered, “I like the light blue, too.”

  “Steven likes the light blue, too,” said a deep male voice behind Tony.

  “Hi, Joe!” Rob reached around and shook Joe’s hand before shaking Steven’s. “I have someone special for you to meet. This is Tony. He’s my new mechanic at the garage. He specializes in motorcycles. He’s become a very important person in my life in a very short time.” Rob watched Tony blush and then, square his shoulders and politely shake hands with the other men.

  “Are you all here for coveralls, too?” Rob asked.

  “Unfortunately, someone was playing around and backed into a jagged pipe, ripping the seat of his coveralls out. Had he not been wearing a diaper, he would have been on his way to Dr. Richards for a tetanus shot and some stitches. As it turned out, Steven just earned himself a big spanking for goofing off on the job and a new pair of coveralls,” Joe said dryly.

  Tony’s eyes flew to Steven’s. The other Little was grinning. “You should have heard it rip. It sounded like a thunderstorm in that small room. I didn’t know Daddy could move so fast. He grabbed me and threw me over his knee in ten seconds flat,” Steven shared. “Once he figured out that I was okay, I got whomped good. I bet his hand hurts. My bottom sure does.” Steven rubbed his buttocks and winced.

  Tony couldn’t help laughing at Steven’s story. His openness and ability to laugh at himself was very entertaining. It was obvious that the two men had a very close relationship. They were settled into their way of life, and both were very happy. It was good to see that these two men who worked together and lived together were so intimately bonded together. It gave Tony hope that this relationship with Rob could be what he’d been searching for.

  Steven leaned in to whisper, “Be sure to buy your coveralls extra big. My daddy’s showing your daddy some special features built into the coveralls. They’re specially made Little coveralls,” he warned.

  Tony turned to see Joe revealing the set of snaps down the inside of the pant legs. “That’s funny. My coveralls don’t do that,” Tony said baffled.

  “That’s so your mommy or daddy can change your diaper or spank you if necessary. That’s not the worst feature. There’s a set of loops down the inside of the back that leads all the way down to your tushie,” Steven said as he nodded knowingly.

  “What’s that for?” Tony asked curiously.

  “It’s for an enema tube. My daddy thinks it’s a great timesaver to strap on one of the backpack enema bag holders and feed the hose through those loops before putting the nozzle in my butt,” Steven shared.

  “Steven, language. We don’t use the word butt,” Joe overheard and corrected immediately.

  “Sorry, Daddy,” Steven winked at Tony when his Daddy had turned back around.

  “I’m sure my daddy won’t give me an enema,” Tony said confidently.

  “Don’t look now!” Steven warned. “Your daddy is asking my daddy where the enema supplies are in the store. I hate to tell you but... your daddy’s getting ready to clean out your b u t t.” He spelled out so he wouldn’t get in trouble for saying that word.

  Tony looked back at their daddies. Rob had already placed four new pairs of coveralls in the basket. The light blue one was on top. The two daddies shook hands, and Steven grabbed Tony to pull him in for a cheerful hug.

  When he got close enough to whisper in Tony’s ear, Steven advised, “Relax your tummy when the water flows in. Don’t try to stop it. That just makes it feel worse. I kind of like enemas. They make you feel all clean inside. And you get to spend alone time with your daddy. You’ll be okay.”

  Chapter 15

  Their cute cashier turned out to be the owner of Gordon’s Little girl, Charlotte. She was very pleased to meet Tony. After hugging him quickly, Charlotte invited him to the Little monthly party. “You’ll get to meet everyone. You’re going to love my friends. They are the best people ever!” She talked quickly as she rang up all the embarrassing supplies that Rob had picked out without even blinking an eye. When she had everything rung up, Charlotte asked Rob if he was interested in the weekly special. She showed him the boxed vibrator. “It’s half off this week. My daddy uses this on me all the time,” she shared.

  “Throw it in the bag as my present for the new Little,” Benton Gordon showed up at the cash register. He shook hands with both Tony and Rob before sliding an arm around Charlotte to hug her. “My Little girl is right. It’s great for pleasure, but it’s also wonderful for creating vibrations and shaking filled colons to help enemas be effective. Have you been to see Dr. Richards? He’s the best Little doctor ever. Charlotte and the other Littles in town even agree that they always feel better after seeing Dr. Richards.”

  “I’d love to have him give Tony a check-up, but we have long hours at the garage. I’m sure Dr. Richards is unavailable when we could make it to his office,” Rob predicted.

  “Oh, no,” Benton said. “Dr. Richards is very flexible. He even offers appointment times on the weekends and evenings. You should give him a call. He’ll have Tony on a schedule to make him feel his best.” He reached into a drawer below the cash register and pulled out a card. “Here’s his number. Give him a call tonight if you wish.”

  Chapter 16

  After a whirlwind tour through the grocery store, the two headed home. Tony couldn’t remember anything they had purchased there because his thoughts were focused on the supplies Rob had gotten at Gordon’s. Tony thought his ability to blush had been exhausted. Rob had picked out a lot of supplies in the health section.

  Tony helped Rob carry in the grocery items first. As Tony unloaded the perishables into the refrigerator, Rob put away all the other food staples in the cabinets where they normally were stowed. With all the food quickly taken care of, it was time to bring in the purchases from Gordon’s.

  The bags they were carrying in had the free vibrator, enema cleanser, anal plugs, a new lubricant, Bad Boy cream, a large-barreled enema syringe that Tony was sure wouldn’t fit in his bottom and a large enema bag with an assortment of nozzles that again, Tony questioned whether some would fit. Rob carried them all into the nursery and began loading them into the cabinets and drawers. He knew Tony was feeling overwhelmed, so he chatted lightly about the people who they had met. Tony answered quietly. Finally, Rob had put away all the purchases, and he walked to Tony who was hanging onto the crib railings and drawing patterns on the painted wood with his fingers. Rob gathered him into his arms. “Are you all right?” he asked quietly.

  “I’m a little scared by all those things. You’re not going to use them all on me tonight, right?” Tony asked.

  “No, Tony. I’m definitely not going to use all of them on you tonight,” Rob assured him, laughing lightly. “Come on, Little boy. Let’s go figure out what we should get for dinner tonight, and
we’ll watch a movie for a while to relax.” Rob kissed his lips lightly.

  “What kind of movies do you like?” Rob asked to distract him. “You better not be a movie snob and only watch foreign movies.”

  Tony laughed and allowed himself to be led from the nursery. “I really like action adventure and science fiction,” he shared cautiously.

  “Perfect! That pretty well sums up my favorites, too. No wonder we get along so well,” Rob enthused as they walked into the kitchen.

  They decided on tacos for dinner. It was fast and easy to make. Tony thought maybe they’d take the food into the family room to watch a movie, but Rob set everything out on the table and pulled the large highchair over by his chair. Tony watched as Rob disconnected the tray in front and angled it so that he could climb in to sit down.

  “Tony, are you ready to eat?” Rob asked.

  “Do I have to sit in the highchair?” Tony asked, looking at the floor.

  “Yes, Tony. All good Little boys sit in their highchairs to eat. Come on over. It’s just a chair. The tacos will taste the same,” Rob promised.

  Tony dragged his feet over to the highchair and climbed into the seat. Rob quickly attached the tray and pulled a towel with a hole in the middle over Tony’s head. Tony brushed down the front of the towel. “Oh, my God!” he gasped. “It’s a bib.”

  “Don’t use the Lord’s name in vain, Tony,” Rob said as he loaded Tony’s plate with two tacos and some rice and beans. He placed the plate on Tony’s tray and stood up to get a sippy cup from the cabinet before filling it with milk and setting it down for Tony. “Go ahead and eat, Tony. Do you need some help?” he asked.


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