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Page 7

by Pepper North

  “What do you think about going on a hike today?” Rob asked, patting Tony on his bare, muscular bottom.

  “Gosh, I haven’t hiked for so long. I’m probably really out of shape.” Tony laughed. “I’d love it. Can we take some food and have a picnic?”

  “I think that’s a great idea.” Rob slid the thermometer out, his hand against the Little’s back keeping Tony on his tummy as his daddy read the instrument. “All clear of poop and your temperature is back in the normal range. It looks like that enema was just the right medicine. How do you feel?”

  “I’d like to say awful, but I really feel good,” Tony admitted, burying his face against the padded table.

  “Turn over, and then I have a special treat for you,” Rob instructed, gathering a fresh diaper.

  “Really? What?” Tony asked as he rolled over.

  Rob wouldn’t tell him. He fastened the diaper in place and helped Tony down to lead him over to the padded rocker. “Sit down on my lap, Tony.” He helped him settle in and lean back against his arm before picking up the bottle and rubbing the nipple against Tony’s lips. He slid the large nipple between his lips when Tony automatically opened his mouth.

  “Mmmmm!” Tony hummed as he began to pull the delicious formula from the bottle. He relaxed against Rob and just enjoyed being held in his daddy’s arms. This age play stuff had seemed so out of the norm when he’d first talked to Rob about it, but Tony was finding out that he was adjusting easily to it. He didn’t like the spankings and the enema but he did feel better after his enema, and he probably deserved the spanking. Rob had pulled more orgasms from him in one day yesterday than he’d ever had when he was a horny teenager. And he had been sleeping better in his crib with the protective railings around him knowing that he could relax and not worry about bad people sneaking up on him while he slept. His eyes met Rob’s kind ones, and Tony smiled at him.

  “You’re thinking awfully hard, Little boy,” Rob observed. “Anything you want to tell Daddy?”

  Tony slipped the nipple from his mouth before answering slowly, “I’m just glad to be here with you, Daddy.”

  “I’m just glad you’re here with me, too,” Rob answered with tears gathering in his eyes. “I care deeply for you, little one.”

  “Me, too, Daddy.” Tony leaned up to press his lips against Rob’s and groaned as his daddy took control of the kiss, deepening it until they were both breathing hard.

  “Finish your bottle, honey,” Rob gently said as he settled back against the rocker. “There will be plenty of time left for kissing today.”

  Chapter 20

  Tony leaned against a pine tree and took several deep breaths. They had hiked for an hour. It seemed like the path had gone straight up. “I’m really out of shape,” he commented to Rob who stood there relaxed and breathing normally.

  “We’ll have to make this our regular Sunday outing to give you a little more exercise than leaning over a car or running to the potty chair after an enema,” Rob joked.

  “I’d like that. The regular outing thing, not the running for the potty chair idea,” Tony laughed.

  “We’re almost to my favorite spot. Think you can drag yourself on for about ten minutes?” Rob smiled at him.

  “Sure,” Tony squared his backpack on his shoulders and waved Rob into the lead. Tony wasn’t sure what was in his pack, but he thought it probably had something to do with the lunch Rob had promised him. Tony squeezed his legs together as he walked and tried to think of anything but water. He’d needed to go to the bathroom for the last fifteen minutes. Each step jarred his full bladder. Tony didn’t want to use his diaper. How would Rob change him here?

  They turned a corner and there it was—Rob’s favorite spot. A large cascade of water fell into a pristine, blue watering hole. Their arrival at the waterfall triggered two things: birds burst into flight at their intrusion, and the roaring sound of water was the last trigger for Tony’s poor bladder.

  Rob turned when he heard Tony’s low moan, concerned that he had hurt himself. When he saw the look of panic on his face, Rob immediately knew what had happened. He pulled Tony forward to a flat area close to the water and began to unload his backpack. He spread a large blanket out before unfolding a large mat on top of it. He pulled Tony down to sit on it before urging him to lay back. “Just look at the waterfall, Tony. Daddy will get you all cleaned up,” he promised as he removed Tony’s shoes and socks before pulling off Tony’s jeans. He removed the soaked diaper and placed it in a plastic bag to carry out with them. Cleaning Tony’s bottom and groin, he urged him to sit up, and he pulled Tony’s blue tee shirt over his head. While Tony looked around frantically, scared to be nude where others might come, Rob began to remove his own clothing.

  Tony watched as Rob’s strong, muscular body was revealed. He’d seen Rob in his boxers before but hadn’t been able to look his fill at his daddy’s body. Where Tony was long and lean, Rob was built like a brick wall, chiseled and powerful. When Rob stood nude in front of him, Tony tried to store his image in his brain like a photograph. He looked at Rob’s immense penis dangling between his legs, and his mouth fell open as his eyes jumped to meet Rob’s.

  “Come on, little one. Let’s take a dip. I know you’re hot and sweaty.” Rob approached and put out a large hand to pull Tony to his feet.

  “Can we skinny dip here? What if people come?” Tony looked over his shoulder nervously.

  “No one knows about this spot but me. It’s why I bought this land several years ago. Someday I’m going to build a cabin up here,” Rob said as he pulled Tony into the watering hole. When Tony was in up to his thighs, Rob turned and dove out to glide under the surface to the middle of the water. “It’s cold but feels wonderful after our hike. Come on in, Tony. You know how to swim, don’t you?”

  Taking a deep breath, Tony splashed forward until he was treading water next to Rob. “This is wonderful. Just what I needed,” he commented before aiming a careful splash of water to douse his daddy.

  Then, it was on! The two men chased and dunked each other in the water until both were out of breath. Tony ended up tucked against Rob with his legs encircling his thick torso. Rob kept them afloat with lazy movements of his arms and legs.

  “I didn’t think this place could get any better,” Rob confessed. “But it has. Thank you for coming into my life, Tony.”

  Tony just leaned in to kiss him deeply. Rob grabbed him behind the head as Tony started to pull away and brought him back to his lips. Rob foraged through his mouth absorbing all of Tony’s gasps and moans as he slowly moved them to the edge of the water. He pulled Tony out, and Rob dropped down to the blanket watching his precious Little walk the last few steps toward him. Without looking, Rob pulled something out of his discarded jeans and tucked it under the blanket.

  Tony could feel his penis continue to lengthen and engorge as his daddy watched him approach, finishing the reaction that had come naturally from Rob’s amazing kisses. Tony dropped to his knees and kissed his daddy, moaning as Rob lowered him to the ground and pressed his chest heavily against him.

  Rob’s hand slid between their muscular bodies and grasped Tony’s penis. Pulling on it slightly as he ran his encircling hand up and down Tony’s erection, he kissed Tony’s neck. When Tony’s hips were rising automatically to meet his caresses, Rob asked, “Little boy, your daddy wants to show you how much he cares for you. Will you let him love you?”

  “Please, Daddy! Please!” Tony begged. He had no hesitation in allowing Rob to make love to his body. Tony had been unsure about Rob’s insistence on having an age play relationship, but Tony was finding it freeing. His daddy was taking care of him and making him feel better than he ever had—safe, secure, and, oh so turned on.

  Rob settled between his Little’s legs. He pulled out a bottle of lubricant that he had concealed under the blanket. He spread lubricant over Tony’s hand and brought it to his own penis. “You take care of Daddy,” he whispered to Tony as he rubbed Tony’s hand up and do
wn. While Tony’s eyes were glued on Rob’s penis, Rob squirted lubricant on two large fingers. He rubbed the slippery fluid around Tony’s tight anus before pressing one finger deep into his rectum. Then pulling one out, he pressed two fingers inside to scissor deep within him, stretching and preparing Tony’s tight passage.

  When Tony’s head fell back to the blanket with unfocused eyes, Rob knew it was time. He lifted Tony and rotated him to kneel on the blanket with his thighs spread widely. He smiled as he watched Tony’s torso collapse to the ground as he lifted his hips back to make contact with Rob’s body. Rob centered his erection and began to push slightly into Tony’s body. Pushing and pulling back repeatedly, Rob took his time. As Tony’s muscles relaxed, Rob began to press his penis inside with a gentle but determined speed.

  The two men groaned together as Rob’s pelvis met Tony’s buttocks. Rob wrapped his arms around Tony to hug their bodies tightly together. He repeatedly kissed Tony’s neck until he turned his head to meet Rob’s passionate kiss. Parting their lips, Rob eased back before pressing in softly again. One hand slid from its position around Tony’s chest to grasp his erection and begin to pull on it in a rhythm matching his strokes. Gradually as their moans increased and Tony was pushing back to meet his strokes, Rob increased the pace until he was powering deep into Tony.

  Tony didn’t feel like he could breathe. Rob was wrapped around him and pressed massively into him. He seemed to encircle Tony in a bubble of pleasure and urgency. Tony pleaded with him, “Daddy! Please. I need to come. Make me come, Daddy!” He felt Rob’s grip around his penis increase, and that last extra stimulation propelled him into a massive orgasm that he announced with a loud, “Oooohhhh!”

  The contractions of Tony’s anus on Rob’s penis were all he needed to join his Little in his own orgasm. He held his groin tightly against Tony’s smooth bottom as his penis injected his seminal fluid deep within Tony’s rectum. Finally, when all the contractions for both men had ceased, Rob slowly withdrew his penis, provoking one more loud groan from his Little boy. Rob laid on his back and pulled Tony to lay cuddled against his side. He kissed Tony’s forehead gently. How had he been so lucky to have this wonderful man apply for a job at his garage? Already, he couldn’t imagine life without him.

  Chapter 21

  Later that afternoon after another dip in the water, Rob carefully re-diapered his Little before helping Tony dress. Pulling on his clothes, Rob unpacked the other items in their backpacks, producing an enormous lunch that they devoured completely, crediting their long hike and the extra activity that they had enjoyed. Finally, it was time to set off for home.

  Reaching the truck, Rob belted Tony in securely before starting the engine and driving back home. Tony yawned most of the way and slumped over to rest his head on the window. When they reached the house, Rob helped Tony upstairs and stripped him down again for a warm bath. Rob insisted that Tony lay down in his crib despite all the protests from Tony that he didn’t want to go to bed. When he was tucked into bed in a fresh diaper and covered with a warm blanket, Tony was out in less than five minutes.

  When he heard soft snores, Rob left his position at the door listening to Tony settle down to sleep and went to shower. Rob began to think back to his first time making love to Tony. Immediately, his penis rose. Rob wrapped a hand around his erection and began to pull on it roughly, using the water to slide his hand from the thick root of his penis to the wide tip. He remembered the tight grip of Tony’s anus and rectum that squeezed his penis so tightly. Within minutes, he was shooting his orgasm through the water of the shower to splash across the white tile walls. Rob leaned his head against the wall and panted. Finally recovering, Rob turned off the water and toweled himself roughly dry before padding into his room to pull on sweats and a tee shirt.

  He grabbed his tablet and walked quietly into Tony’s room to take a seat in the rocker. Rob smiled as he heard his Little boy’s soft snores. I love him, Rob thought, surprising himself. He allowed himself to sit and dream about the future with Tony for several minutes before he powered on the tablet and began to order business cards for the garage in both his and Tony’s names. Each time, Tony shifted, Rob would pause and listen as he watched the crib for movement.

  The Little boy slept for an hour before starting to move around in his crib. Rob heard him pass gas before a wet, sluggish sound and a smell came from the Little one’s bottom. Rob immediately set down his tablet and went to lower the railing. He helped a half-asleep Tony out of bed and up on the changing table without waking him completely. Rob unfastened the soiled diaper and cleaned his bottom before wrapping him in a fresh diaper. He looked up to see Tony starting to register what he’d done. Rob leaned over and blew on his tummy, tickling him until Tony started to laugh.

  When he stood back up and helped Tony down from the changing table, Rob said simply to the embarrassed Little. “Thank you for letting me take care of you. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed being your daddy today.” He winked at Tony to let him know he was including their hiking adventure.

  Tony smiled at him. “It has been a very eventful day,” he said, stepping into Rob’s warm embrace. They swayed together for several minutes until Tony’s tummy growled.

  “Let’s get some clothes on you before your tummy explodes from hunger,” Rob laughed as he hugged Tony to his body one more time.

  Chapter 22

  Monday was a traditional day at a repair shop. Everyone who had car problems over the weekend was desperate to get their vehicle looked at and repaired as quickly as possible. Rob and Tony worked together perfectly and were able to handle the increased demand for work, so that by afternoon, they were back to the appointments that Rob had already booked.

  After taking staggered lunch breaks, Tony and Rob were back in the garage together when the driveway signal bell announced a new car was pulling into the garage area. Tony tucked his rag into his back pocket as he stood up and walked to the front. Rob had already greeted the driver. The tall, fit male stepped out of his car and asked if he could talk to Rob or Tony. Rob introduced himself as Tony opened the passenger door to help a beautiful, slender woman out of the car. She, in turn, opened the back door and adeptly disconnected the seatbelt on a strange booster seat, helping a short, blonde woman with ponytails out of the car and holding her tightly by the hand.

  “I’m Benjamin Mitchell. This is my wife Sarah and our Little girl, Emily. We’ve just settled in town and were on our first trip to Gordon’s when we blew a tire in the parking lot. Charlotte was our cashier, and she recommended your garage. She said that you were Little friendly. Would you have time to patch our tire?” he asked, smiling at Rob.

  Rob held out his hand and shook the other man’s. “I’m glad to meet you. I’m Rob, and this is Tony. Anyone Charlotte deems is a good person is welcome in my garage. Let’s look at your tire.” The two men walked around to the trunk and conferred over the damaged tire.

  Tony said, “Hi,” to Sarah and Emily. He smiled at the small figure who was twirling her hair around her finger as she stared at Tony.

  “You’re Little, aren’t you?” she asked in a high voice.

  “Emily, you never ask a question like that. It’s rude. It’s like asking a woman her age or weight,” Sarah tried to explain quietly. She looked at Tony and smiled. “I’m sorry if Emily spoke out of turn.”

  Emily piped in with, “I’m sorry, Tony. I didn’t think about it before I blurted out. I’ve gotten a lot of spankings for speaking before I think. I guess I figured everyone knew I was twenty-six and weighed 119 pounds. It’s not really a secret,” she diverged before continuing. “Charlotte seemed to be surprised that I have both a mommy and a daddy. Rob must be your daddy. Do you have a mommy? Mine’s pretty.” Emily grinned up at Sarah.

  “Thank you, Emily,” Sarah returned the smile before looking at Tony. “Don’t feel obligated to answer her questions.”

  Tony laughed and said, “I’m not bothered by questions. It’s the stuff people make up that bothers m
e. No, Emily. I’m not lucky enough to have a mommy. I do think I’m very lucky to have found my daddy. Hey! While everyone is talking tires, would you like a root beer? It’s the only thing in the soda machine, but it’s really cold. I have quarters,” Tony jingled them in his pocket. “I’ll treat.”

  The two Littles went off to buy a soft drink as Benjamin and Rob rejoined Sarah. Benjamin was shaking his head. “You called it, Sarah. Those tires are past their prime. We should have replaced them at the beginning of the year. Rob’s going to order us a new set of four tires so the car will be safe to drive. They’ll be in tomorrow. We’ll leave the car here, and Rob will give us a ride home this afternoon. We’ll have to rely on your car tomorrow. Will that work for you?” he asked as he wrapped his arm around his beautiful wife.

  “I think that’s a good idea. Thank you, Rob, for being here to help. Our Little girl is our world. When that tire blew, I was so worried that she’d get hurt. Thank goodness for her car seat. It kept her secure,” Sarah smiled.

  “Keeping Littles safe should be their mommy and daddy’s priority. I’m glad to see that your Little is being well taken care of in your family.” Rob smiled. “Just let me grab some keys and tell my Little one what we’ve decided, and I’ll be ready to take you home. Would you like to grab Emily’s car seat from your car?” Rob asked as he walked to the back.

  As he passed Tony and Emily giggling over their root beer and the bubbles that tickled their noses, Rob spanked Tony on the bottom. He jumped and looked at Rob. “I’m going to take Emily and her family home. We’ll put some new tires on their car tomorrow. You’ll be in charge of the garage. Okay, Tony?”


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