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Tony Page 8

by Pepper North

  Tony pulled himself up straight and saluted. “Aye aye, Captain!” he announced loudly before a root beer-fueled burp erupted spontaneously from his lips, totally spoiling his military posture.

  Rob just shook his head and walked back to the office for his keys. Emily and Tony burst into giggles. Rob overhead Emily say to her new friend, “Your lips even flapped,” before they both began laughing again. As he walked down the hallway back to the garage bays, Rob linked his arms with theirs and escorted them back to the front.

  “We may regret these two ever meeting,” he observed to Benjamin and Sarah. The mommy and daddies all nodded, trying not to laugh themselves.

  Chapter 23

  Ten minutes after Rob left, a red convertible pulled up to the front of the garage and parked in the middle of the lanes, blocking all traffic. Tony rolled his eyes upward and went to greet the woman sauntering to meet him.

  “Hi, Zora,” Tony said politely keeping his distance from her today. “What can I do for you?”

  “I bet there’s a lot you could do for me, Tony,” Zora purred as she walked directly up to him, pinning him against an SUV. She rubbed her hand along his muscled bicep and added, “You’re so strong, Tony. I bet you’ve got lots of girlfriends.”

  “I’m not looking for a girlfriend, Zora,” Tony said, sliding to the right to get away. “Did you take your car to the dealership?”

  “They say that nothing’s wrong with it,” Zora answered angrily. “Could you just take a quick look?”

  “Sorry, Zora. Rob said to take it to the dealership. If they don’t think there’s a problem, you should be fine. Sometimes cars just have a slight rustle or jingle when they are first settling in. That must be what it is,” Tony said, wiping his forehead. “If you’ll excuse me, I have a lot of work to finish before closing.”

  Zora seemed to agree and started to her car only to turn around and ask, “Tony, I hate to bother you, but I really need to go to the bathroom. You know, girl stuff. Would it be all right if I use your restroom?” Zora smiled and fluttered her eyelashes shyly.

  “Um, yeah. It’s okay. The bathroom’s just down the hall to the left.” Tony pointed the way.

  He turned to start working on the car, and several minutes later, he heard her heels tapping on the concrete as she returned. He turned to see her coming toward him carrying a large diaper and a bottle of baby powder. Tony could feel his face starting to turn red.

  Just then, Rob pulled back into the driveway. He came in, mad that Zora was back and blocking the way into his business. “You’ll need to move that car immediately, Zora. I am afraid that I’m going to insist that you don’t come to my garage in the future. Use the dealership or a repair service that they recommend.” His came to an abrupt stop when he saw her mocking smile.

  “Tony was just about to explain why these were in your office. There’s baby powder all over the floor behind the desk, and this doesn’t look like it would fit a newborn.” Zora’s eyes had an I’ve got you look.

  “I’m not even going to ask why you thought you had the right to enter my private office. But before you write some weird exposé, you should know that baby powder helps absorb car grease and make tools easier to clean without water that can rust them. That diaper is a joke from a professional racer. People always ask them if they wear absorbent briefs on long race days. When I was complaining too much about my long hours without a break, he brought that by. I keep it to remind myself not to complain in front of customers. Just set those down on the toolbox. Goodbye, Zora,” Rob said firmly.

  “I guess I’ll just have to keep looking for information about my Little story.” Zora paused for effect before setting down the two items and flouncing out of the garage.

  Tony slumped against the car he was working on as soon as she left. “Thank goodness you came back when you did! She’s a problem.”

  “Yes, Tony. I’m afraid you’re right. And she’s not done yet.” Rob sighed.

  Chapter 24

  Wednesday afternoon came faster than Tony had imagined. Rob closed the shop a little early for them to take a quick shower together so that Rob could make sure that his Little was clean for the doctor. Tony would have like to dally a bit in the shower with his handsome daddy, but Rob wouldn’t be swayed. He had Tony dried and in clean clothes so that they could leave promptly at seven o’clock.

  As they drove to Dr. Richards’ home, Tony’s stomach growled, and he grumbled at his daddy. “I don’t know why we have to go to the doctor and why I couldn’t eat first. I’m starving!”

  “Tony, I know you’re tired. Be a good Little boy at Dr. Richards, and I’ll stop and pick up your favorite burgers when we’re headed home if you’re still hungry. I’ll even let you sleep in late, and I’ll open the garage alone tomorrow. However, if you do not cooperate with the doctor or you don’t follow directions, I will not hesitate to spank your bare bottom in the office. Do you understand me?” Rob looked seriously over at Tony.

  Tony nodded his head. “Yes, Daddy. I’ll be good.” Tony had already learned that his daddy was a man of his word. If he said that he’d spank Tony, he would. “Can I have onion rings, too?” he asked, deciding to get everything he could get if he had to go to the doctor’s office.

  “Yes, Tony. I will buy you onion rings to go with your hamburger,” Rob agreed with a laugh as he pulled into the entrance to Dr. Richards’ home. He pressed the intercom button and was answered by a deep man’s voice. “It’s Rob Harris and my Little boy, Tony. We have an appointment with Dr. Richards at 7:30.”

  The gates started to glide open. “Drive to the main house and park on the left,” the voice speaking through the intercom instructed before clicking off.

  Rob parked the car and held Tony’s hand as they walked up the stairs to the big wooden door. It opened as they got close and the same male voice welcomed them into the hall.

  “I’m Paul, Dr. Richards’ doorman,” the obviously ex-military man began only to stop talking long enough to scoop up two slender Little girls dressed in long nightgowns as they attempted to run out of the door. “Pardon me for just a moment,” he asked, walking to the nearest couch in the waiting room and plopping a Little on each end. “Stay right where you are, Angelina and Zoey. I will deal with you in just a minute.”

  The girls immediately protested with the blonde starting, “Paul, we were just going to go see the kittens in the barn.”

  “Daddy, they’re so cute. Zoey says their eyes just opened today. I have to see them before bedtime,” piped the red-haired imp.

  “I will talk to you in a minute, girls. You are behaving quite badly in front of Dr. Richards’ new patient and his daddy. Please say your apologies,” he commanded.

  Both girls dropped their eyes before saying sweetly, “We’re sorry.”

  Paul shook his head and began to turn around only to see out of the side of his eye that the red-haired girl started to slide over to sit next to her friend. He immediately turned back around and shook his finger, saying, “Angelina. Your bottom is not going to be happy with the spanking you earn if you push me any further.”

  She answered tearfully, “I’m sorry, Daddy.” It was obvious that she realized that her daddy meant business. She did whisper, however, to her friend, “See I told you. My daddy has eyes in the back of his head.”

  A tall, light-haired man in a white coat walked over to join them. “I can give you my word as a medical doctor that Angelina is correct. Her daddy does have eyes in the back of his head.” All three daddies looked at each other meaningfully and smiled. “You must be Rob Harris, and I bet that this is Tony. I’m glad to meet you both.” Dr. Richards shook hands with both Rob and Tony. “Come back to Exam Room 1, and we’ll get started.”

  Rob took Tony’s suddenly trembling hand. He gave it a warm squeeze as he pulled him gently forward into the exam room. Tony and Rob sat on the chairs provided and looked at Dr. Richards as he gathered a clipboard full of papers. He sat down on a stool and pivoted to look at th

  “I’ll have some questions for you to fill out here soon but for now, let me ask you both some general questions. I know you heard about me from parents who shop at Gordon’s. It’s been my pleasure to treat the health needs of the Littles in our community for several years. You just met my Little girl, Zoey, and Paul’s Little girl, Angelina. You can understand why I feel taking care of Littles is one of my most important jobs. My main job is as an orthopedic surgeon at the hospital. Tell me a little about you. How long have you been together? What are the concerns that brought you here?” he asked kindly.

  Tony took a deep breath, and he began to relax. “I’m Tony. I’m new to town. I’ve begun working for Rob, and we’ve begun building a private relationship as well.”

  Rob continued, “Tony is new to age play. I am trying to help him acclimate to a new city, a new job, and now, a new lifestyle. I can easily say that he is enjoying our relationship, but it is an adjustment to allowing someone else to take complete control. He is now wearing and urinating in a diaper always. He’s had a rough life for a little while and has not been well-nourished. I want him to be as healthy as possible. I also would like to help him use his diaper for all his needs.”

  “I understand. Tony, do you agree with your daddy’s assessment? Do you wish to live in an age play relationship allowing Rob to care for you totally?” Dr. Richards asked, looking carefully at Tony. He wanted to ensure that Tony was engaging in age play because he wanted to, not because he needed the job.

  Tony cleared his throat nervously. “I know that had I met Rob differently; I would have pursued a relationship with him. He’s unlike anyone I’ve ever been lucky enough to meet. I had never heard of age play before. I’ll be honest and say that it freaks me out a little. Giving up your control is tough. But I’ve never felt so cherished and cared for in my life. I want to stay with Rob. I think he’s my one,” Tony said softly, peeking up at Rob who was smiling broadly at him.

  Rob lifted their entwined hands and kissed Tony. “I have no doubt as well that you’re the one I was meant to find as well.”

  “All right. That settles that question. Tony, I would hazard a guess that it’s been a long time since your last physical,” Dr. Richards asked seriously. When he saw Tony nod, he continued, “So, that’s where we’ll begin. I’ll step out. Rob help Tony undress fully, and he can take a seat on the exam table. In addition to the forms I sent you the other day, I need a more thorough medical history. If you’ll get started on that, anything you can fill in will help me treat you effectively.” Dr. Richards stood and walked out the door, leaving it open.

  Chapter 25

  Rob pulled Tony close to him and kissed him deeply before pulling him to his feet and beginning to undress his Little. Tony cooperated as Rob pulled his tee shirt over his head and unbuttoned his jeans. He stepped out of his shoes and socks, allowing Rob to slide his jeans over his hips and off. When Rob reached for his diaper, Tony caught his hand.

  “Can’t we close the door? I can hear the girls out in the waiting room. What if they look in? I’ll be naked in here,” Tony pleaded.

  “Tony, we’re in a doctor’s office. Everyone knows the patient is going to be naked. I can assure you that those Little girls have been naked in here plenty of times. It’s okay,” Rob consoled him as he unfastened Tony’s diaper, pulling it off and dropping it in the trashcan. “Hop up on the table, and I’ll stand so that we can see to these questions. You’ll have to help me.”

  Tony felt the stiff paper crinkle under his bottom. He folded his hands over his lap and tried to relax. He’d always had a fantasy about being in the doctor’s office. He looked around as Rob started filling out the paperwork. There were a lot of cabinets and drawers. On the countertop, he saw a tray of items set out for his exam. Tony felt his penis start to stir, and he took deep breaths trying to control it. He was losing the battle when Dr. Richards walked back into the room.

  “Okay, Tony. First, we need to get your height and weight. Stand here on the scale facing away from the wall. Drop your hands to the side,” Dr. Richards instructed as Tony tried to cover his rising erection. “That’s the way.” Dr. Richards didn’t seem to notice Tony’s embarrassment but recorded his weight and slid the lever down to assess his height. “Now, lean over the exam table so that I can take your temperature,” Dr. Richards said next as he pulled on a pair of gloves. He pressed Tony’s back to bend him over the exam table with his chest and face resting on the padded surface.

  Tony heard at squirt of gel and felt the lubricant coated thermometer slide into his bottom. Dr. Richards twisted it back and forth until he had it placed deep in Tony’s rectum. Tony felt his gloved hand rest on his bare bottom as he held the thermometer in place.

  “Rob, are you taking his temperature regularly? I am finding that Littles especially have a wide variation in temperatures and may need treatment in the middle of the day when they were perfectly fine in the morning or evening. I would check his temperature at least three times a day,” Dr. Richards suggested.

  Tony turned his head to see that his daddy was taking notes on his phone. He groaned inside knowing that Rob would place that thermometer in his bottom a lot now. Finally, he felt the thermometer slide out of his rectum, and he was told to take a seat. Shielding his hands in front of his groin, Tony sat on the table, blushing furiously. The feel of the lubricant sliding between his buttocks was increasing his arousal.

  Dr. Richards recorded his temperature and turned around to look at Tony. Again, he moved his hands away from his penis. “Tony, there are no secrets in my exam room. I need to know how all of your body is feeling and reacting. Having an erection is very common for Little boys. It shows me that you have a healthy sexual response. Okay?”

  Tony looked to his daddy who nodded seriously at him before looking back at Dr. Richards and whispering, “Okay.”

  “Good. Now, I’m going to look into your eyes, nose, and mouth. Open wide,” Dr. Richards requested. When he was finished, the doctor fit his stethoscope into his ears and began pressing the instrument to Tony’s chest and back with requests to breathe deeply. “Lay back and let me listen to your tummy.” Dr. Richards extended the table under his patient’s legs.

  “Rob, I’m hearing some sluggish bowel sounds. Have you noticed that Tony is having difficulty having bowel movements?” the doctor asked, looking at Rob.

  “I have. I’ve given him one enema due to the fecal material that was gathering on the thermometer when I took his temperature. It seemed to help,” Rob suggested.

  “Hmmmmm.” The doctor turned to Tony. “Tell me if this hurts, Tony.” Dr. Richards began to press on his stomach, watching Tony’s face for signs of discomfort. In several places, Tony winced at the pressure but didn’t say anything.

  “Rob, I think Tony’s stomach has bothered him for a long time. Would that be correct, Tony?” the doctor asked.

  “No, it’s pretty normal. I don’t really have any problems,” Tony started, only to groan deeply when Dr. Richards pressed again on his stomach. “Okay. That’s a little uncomfortable, but it doesn’t really hurt.”

  The doctor nodded at Rob, asking him silently to help him lift Tony’s legs into the stirrups and restrain them in place as he asked, “Tony, you’ve told me that your parents have both passed. Were they in an accident?”

  “No. Okay, I don’t ever talk about them. Both my parents died after a sudden illness. First, my father and then, my mother. My father had a massive heart attack at work and was gone before the ambulance got there. My mom died from a perforated colon,” Tony said, closing his eyes, his erection evaporating with the painful memories.

  Rob kissed Tony lightly and squeezed his hand. “It’s okay to talk about them, Tony. The doctor needs to know.”

  “I did need to know. Thank you for telling me. This makes a big difference in the type of treatment plan I prescribe for you. Was your father healthy?” Dr. Richards probed.

  “No. Mom was always after him to eat better and
exercise. He weighed about 100 pounds too much, and he lived a fast-paced, high-stress life. He was all about his business,” Tony admitted, distracted from his exposed position on the table. “Mom was very healthy. Her death was a big surprise to everyone. According to her doctor, she must have had a bowel blockage that caused her perforation.”

  Dr. Richards moved to stand next to Tony, and he stripped off his glove to lay a warm hand on his chest. “You know you need to take special care of yourself, right? You’re very special to your daddy. He’s going to help me take care of you. From the sounds in your bowels, you have some problems being regular. We’re going to solve that. Wearing a diaper will help your daddy keep an eye on you. I’m going to finish my exam, and then we’re going to implement a plan starting with treatment today to get you feeling better inside and out. I’m very glad you came to see me. This will get increasingly serious without medical intervention.”

  Chapter 26

  Tears gathered in Tony’s eyes. “I know. I just haven’t had anyone to take care of myself for–until Daddy.” Suddenly, his eyes began to twinkle, and he smiled brilliantly. “It’s a good thing you needed a mechanic.”

  “I needed more than a mechanic, Tony. I needed you,” Rob answered smiling.

  “I hate to interrupt this love fest, but I need to finish this exam. Tony, I’m going to examine your penis and testicles before I check your bottom. This may all be stimulating. That’s good. I need to observe your responses. Rob, I’m going to hand you this specimen cup. When Tony orgasms, capture some of his seminal fluid.” Dr. Richards lifted Tony’s penis and immediately, it began to lengthen and widen. The doctor examined it thoroughly pulling back the foreskin and stroking the shaft firmly. Next, he reached down to examine Tony’s scrotum and carefully rolled his testicles, searching for lumps. “You’ll feel my finger in your rectum, Tony. Just relax.”


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