Accidental Bride and Groom

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Accidental Bride and Groom Page 8

by Iris Abbott

  Emma hastily ran a brush through her hair and applied a light coat of lip-gloss. It wasn’t much, but it did help boost her confidence. At this point in the game, she needed all the help she could get. She had already changed the menu and taste of the reception. Now she was more than likely going to be changing the look as well, at least from a floral standpoint. She shook her head in agitation. This was not good, not good at all!

  Emma rushed out to her rental car. She wanted plenty of time to make a decision. Hopefully, luck would be on her side, and she would choose well. She vowed not to leave the florist until she was satisfied with her decision. Lynn was off saving lives. Her big day shouldn’t suffer because of her humane spirit and need to help others. After all, Lynn hadn’t been required to go to Mexico. That was Bruce’s job, not hers.

  Emma also wanted to make sure she was back at the ranch in plenty of time to share dinner with Landon. Oh boy, she was definitely fixating on Landon. And just like that, the object of her thoughts materialized by her car.

  “Hey gorgeous, where are you headed in such a hurry?” Landon leaned his hip on the side of her car and pushed his Stetson low over his eyes.

  Emma turned at the sound of his voice. She couldn’t help herself. The deep timber snagged her attention immediately. Her eyes were drawn to the tight denim jeans stretched across his body like a second skin. Her eyes moved slowly over the hard, muscled planes of his body before finally resting on the sexy smile that was lighting up his face.

  “I’m kind of in a hurry cowboy,” she drawled, her voice husky from the physical desire that was humming through her body. Just the sight of Landon was enough to turn her on. She was definitely in trouble. She opened the car door and forced herself to look away from Landon. “I’ve got to go into Rancher’s Bend.”

  The smile on Landon’s face slipped just a notch. “You’re going into town now? It’s almost dinnertime. Are you coming back in time to share a meal with me, or did you have plans elsewhere?” He couldn’t imagine when she would have had time to meet someone else. Just the thought made his hackles rise. He recognized the feeling for exactly what it was pure unadulterated jealousy.

  He had been looking forward to spending the evening hours with her all day long. He had pictured a nice quiet meal for two and then a movie in the living room where they would share the couch. He had imagined creeping closer and closer to Emma during the movie until finally they were snuggled together and the movie was all but forgotten. Now she was running out, probably to have dinner with someone else. Landon thought she had enjoyed their time together just as much as he had. Could he have been wrong, he wondered.

  Emma tried to hide the disappointment that flowed through her at the possibility of missing her evening time with Landon. She felt like they were really getting to know each other. A part of her wanted that to continue even while a part of her knew it wasn’t wise. “I’ll try to be back in time for dinner, but I can’t make any promises. I don’t know how long it’s going to take me to finish what I have to do at the florist shop.”

  Landon felt relief sweep through his body at the realization that she hadn’t chosen to spend her evening with another man. Then the meaning of her words actually sunk in. “Wait a minute? Are you saying there’s a problem with the flowers Lynn ordered for the wedding?”

  Emma winced at the hard edge to his voice. She understood how he was feeling. Lynn had worked hard. She’d spent a lot of time planning this wedding so that things would be perfect. Now it seemed like Lynn’s plans were falling apart at the seams, and she wasn’t even here to fix things.

  “I didn’t really say that, but yes there’s a problem. The florist’s main supplier suffered major flooding, and the lily that Lynn wanted as the centerpiece for her bouquet and the reception tables is no longer available. I’m going to the flower shop now to look at what’s on hand. I’ll try to choose something else. I can only hope I don’t mess up and pick a flower that Lynn totally hates.”

  Landon could feel the tension rolling off of Emma in waves. She really was worried about screwing up Lynn’s big day. He wasn’t about to let her take any of the blame for the fiasco this wedding was turning out to be. “Wait, give me ten minutes to take a quick shower, and I’ll go with you.” We’ll grab a bite to eat in town when we’re finished too.” There he thought. There’s no way she can turn down that invitation.

  Emma practically glowed at the thought that Landon would endure spending an undetermined amount of time surrounded by flowers just to be with her. She felt the ice around her heart melt just a little more. She was going to have to be careful, or she was going to end up with a hurt that never went away because eventually, the wedding would be over, the new school year would begin, and she would be back in Georgia. Thoughts of Landon and their time together would eventually fade into a distant memory.

  She closed the car door and followed him into the house. “I’ll let Ms. Gaines know we won’t be here for dinner after all,” Emma offered. “That way she won’t be holding dinner for us and she can go ahead and go home for the day.”


  An hour later, Emma and Landon were surrounded by flowers of every size, shape, and color. The florist had been very apologetic about the unfortunate circumstances surrounding Lynn’s order. Emma felt sorry for her. It was obvious she was in awe of Landon and the James name. After all, James Ranch was one of the largest in Texas and certainly the largest in that area. It would not be good for business to upset the head of one of the wealthiest families in the area. The James name did indeed carry a lot of weight in Rancher’s Bend.

  Emma didn’t blame the florist at all for what had happened. Flooding was an unpredictable act of nature. It was just too bad it had to happen right before Lynn’s wedding. “Well let’s see what we have to work with, shall we.” Emma was trying her best to sound positive. “I want to make as little change as possible to Lynn’s flowers.”

  “Well,” Ann the florist spoke up. “The stargazer lily was the centerpiece and focal point of the bouquet. Here’s a sample of what her bouquet should look like.”

  Emma took her time appraising the floral arrangement. It was truly beautiful. It definitely reminded Emma of her best friend, Lynn. The bouquet was exotic. It reminded her of the James siblings, with their thick dark brown hair, tan skin, and deep green eyes. It was also sophisticated and elegant, just like Lynn.

  “I love the lavender and yellow roses. The yellow roses somehow seem appropriate, since the wedding is being held in Texas,” she winked at Landon when she made that statement. “Let’s keep those and just pick another flower for the focal point, one that compliments the roses.” She nodded her head satisfied with her suggestion. “Yes,” she reiterated. “I think that would be the safest bet. What do you think?” she asked turning to make eye contact with Landon.

  “I am not even going to pretend I know how my sister thinks or what she might like, but that sounds like the wisest decision to me.” He took his attention away from Emma and focused on the florist. “So what would you recommend to complement the secondary flowers in the arrangements?”

  Ann bought forth several examples she had already set aside to show them when they arrived. I’ve already checked the availability of everything here. Barring another unforeseen act of nature, there should be no problems with inventory once you pick out a replacement for the stargazer lily.” The florist drew in a breath of air before continuing. “Once again Mr. James I have to say how sorry I am about this unfortunate glitch. We have been using this particular grower as our major supplier ever since we opened our doors fifteen years ago. We have never been in this situation before, and I am truly sorry it had to happen just before your sister’s wedding. It’s even more of a shame that your sister couldn’t be here to choose a replacement. Usually, if there is a problem we just contact the bride and recommend a similar replacement or ask for a second preference and all is well. I hope Ms. James is satisfied with the flowers. I’d hate for her to be disappointed on
her big day.”

  Emma felt Landon tense beside her at the mention of Lynn possibly being disappointed. Emma knew how hard he’d worked to make sure Lynn had the best of everything since the death of their parents. She needed to put him at ease, so they could finish the task before them and move on. “I’m sure Lynn would much rather be rescuing survivors of that dreadful earthquake than fretting over a new bouquet,” Emma replied. “She’s not a diva, and she won’t pitch a fit when she gets back and finds we had to make a few changes to her original wedding plans.” If only she could convince herself of that fact. “Now let’s see what you have in mind to match these lovely roses.”

  Several minutes and just as many flowers later Emma’s eyes lit up. She knew what she would choose as a focal point if the flowers were actually for her wedding. Sunflowers! Glorious, sunny, solid, and dependable, sunflowers! It was summer. The wedding was outdoors. No other flower celebrated a warm sunny summer afternoon better than the sunflower. And the yellow and dark brown of the sunflower would certainly compliment the creamy yellow and lavender roses that were already a part of the bridal bouquet and reception centerpieces. Just like with the striking wedding dress though she would bite her tongue and not say a word because it wasn’t her wedding. It was Lynn’s wedding, and the sunflower was more Emma’s style. She bit her lip and let the florist move on to the next flower in line.

  Landon saw Emma’s eyes light up when the florist mentioned sunflowers. She didn’t say anything, however, and the florist moved on to the next flower. He had been around Emma enough over the years and especially the last few days to know she was in love with the idea of those sunflowers. Sunflowers were a cheerful, happy flower. They would be perfect for an outdoor Texas wedding. It was probably not as elegant a flower as Lynn would have chosen, but he knew his sister would like them. And more importantly, Emma seemed to love them.

  Landon shook his head. That was a scary thought. He had never put anyone or anything ahead of his sister before. Emma was slowly working her way into his heart. If he weren't careful, she would be there to stay.

  He still couldn’t keep the words from tumbling out of his mouth. “Stop!” he announced with unmistakable authority. “Go back to the sunflower. I think that would be the perfect accompaniment to the roses. “What do you think, Emma?” He figured he’d ask even though he already knew the answer.

  She beamed at him, “I love sunflowers. As far as I’m concerned they’d be perfect.” She pivoted from Landon back to Ann. “Would you have any trouble finding enough sunflowers for both the bridal bouquets and the table centerpieces?”

  Ann smiled giving both her customers a look of relief. “Sunflowers are very easy to come by this time of year, and I know for a fact getting enough sunflowers won’t be a problem. And Mr. James, I would like to offer you a twenty percent discount for all the trouble. I know you’ve already paid the bill. I’ll refund the discount to your credit card.”

  “That’s not really necessary. I’m sure that the flowers will be stunning, but I appreciate and accept the offer,” Landon told the florist. “Now,” he wrapped his arm around Emma’s waist, “Let’s celebrate another diverted wedding disaster. We’re getting good at this wedding planning stuff.”

  “Either that or we just make a great team,” Emma teased back. She loved this flirty side of Landon and couldn’t help but respond in equal measures. “Well, what did you have in mind as far as celebrations go, cowboy?”

  “Dinner and stimulating conversation at my favorite local steakhouse sound real good about right now. I’ll even spring for dessert,” Landon threw out the unneeded bribe.

  Emma gloried in his upbeat display of charm. “No dessert for me, I’m afraid. I have to watch what I eat between now and the wedding, or I’ll never fit into my dress.”

  “You are perfect just the way you are. I love your curves. I’ll make a deal with you though. You watch what you eat, and I’ll watch your figure.” He wiggled his eyebrows to exaggerate his point.

  Emma burst out laughing before she could contain the giggles. She tucked her arm into Landon’s and laughed into his shoulder. She could feel all her hard work to keep her heart intact slipping away. What was it about the James siblings? She had done a good job of keeping everyone at a distance until Lynn came along her freshman year of college. Now she was willingly spending extra time with Landon and loving every second of it. She was in deep trouble, but right now she felt too good to dwell on the heartache sure to come. She would enjoy what time they had left together and worry about putting her heart back together later.


  Emma looked at the phone she still held in her hand. The relief she felt was almost enough to drive her to her knees. Lynn had finally gotten enough of a signal to get a phone call out of the earthquake zone. Emma had strained to understand her friend through the noisy static in the background. In the quick conversation, Lynn mentioned that the rescue team was working eighteen-hour days and she and Bruce were exhausted but otherwise fine.

  She also gave Emma permission to make any changes she needed to for the wedding. She assured her best friend she would be happy with anything as long as the day went off as planned and without any last-minute drama to spoil the day. She had also sent her love to both Emma and Landon and then as fast as that she was gone.

  There had been no mention of when the couple was returning to Texas, but the wedding was only one week away. Emma knew they had to be making plans to return soon. The sooner, the better, as far as Emma was concerned. Both she and Landon were out of their heads with worry for Lynn. Search and rescue especially in an earthquake zone where aftershocks were a common occurrence was not the safest job in the world, far from it.

  That sent Emma’s thoughts in another direction. With the wedding only a week away her time with Landon was coming to a quick end. She already dreaded having to say goodbye. She knew it would have to be goodbye because she could never slip back into the awkward relationship of mere acquaintanceship that they’d shared up until now. Visiting Lynn just to see Landon flaunt his latest piece of eye candy would kill her. Even the thought of it was sending a sharp stab of pain through her heart.

  Emma was saved from her dismal thoughts by the ringing of the telephone. She eagerly picked up the receiver, hoping that Lynn had gotten another chance to call back. Maybe this time she would let them know when she was coming home.

  Emma had to fight back bitter disappointment when she realized the voice didn’t belong to her best friend. The speaker, however, was asking for Lynn. “I’m sorry. Ms. James isn’t available right now. May I take a message? I’ll get it to her as soon as I’m able,” Emma promised.

  “Oh dear,” the older lady sounded distressed. “Is Landon available? I know he is usually working on the ranch this time of day, but it is important that I speak with him or Lynn as soon as possible.”

  Emma felt herself relax. Whoever the woman was she obviously knew both Landon and Lynn, and she sounded more like a grandmother than a piece of arm candy. There was no need for Emma to be jealous.

  “You’re right about Landon working on the ranch right now. I’ll be more than happy to take down your name and number and have him call you back. Lynn is down in Mexico City right now, and we’re not sure exactly when she’s coming back to town.”

  “Mexico?” the lady questioned. The alarm was evident in her voice. “Why on earth would that child go traipsing off to Mexico a week before her own wedding? I swear, kids these days! I hate to think what her parents would have to say about this if they were still alive.”

  “Oh, are you a friend of the family then?” Emma asked. Her curiosity was fully aroused. “I’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have about the wedding. I’m Emma Sharpe, Lynn’s best friend. I’m also the maid of honor, and I’m helping take care of all the last minute wedding details while Lynn’s unavailable.”

  “All right then, it sounds like you’re the person I need to talk to anyway. It’s not as if Landon would k
now anything about a wedding cake at any rate. Let me introduce myself first. I’m an old friend of Lynn’s parents. My name is Nancy Walker. I’m a retired pastry chef, and I promised to make Lynn’s wedding cake. The problem is that in my old age I can’t see as well as I used to.” She sighed. “And I can’t make out the notes I made about Lynn’s cake. Is there any way you can help me. I live on the ranch right next door. Would it be possible for you to come over and look at some cake designs and pick the one you think Lynn would like best?”

  Emma sensed that it was important for Nancy not to disappoint Lynn. She must have been really close to the older James couple. “I can come right over Mrs. Walker, just give me the directions.”

  “Oh thank you so much, dear. I’m sorry to be such a bother. Don’t believe the hype about retirement and the golden years, getting old sucks.” The woman was laughing as she made the last statement.

  “I’m sure you're doing just fine, and really don’t give this a second thought at all. I’ve already had to change the reception menu and the floral arrangements. It may turn out to be a blessing that you don’t remember what she wanted in way of a cake. If it had been coordinated to match her flowers, we might have been in trouble. I would have never thought to change the cake design if you hadn’t called. I’ll just leave a note for Landon and let him know where I’ve gone and I’ll be right over.”

  “My son Jackson looks after the ranch now that my husband has passed away. He’s the local horse and cattle veterinarian, and he had to present a paper at some fancy conference up in Austin, so he is out of town. I would love some company later in the evening. Why don’t you and Landon come visit me then and stay for dinner? We can discuss the cake design over after dinner drinks and coffee. And did I mention I would love the company? I have plenty of time to fix us a nice dinner and even a homemade cake for dessert. I know how much Landon loves my cakes.”


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