One Look

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One Look Page 8

by Harlow James

  “Yes, I’m taking her out. I told you before, there’s something about her that I’m drawn to. Even when I looked up into the stands tonight and saw her smiling back at me for what feels like the hundredth time already, I still felt that zing just like the first time.”

  I had a stellar game after my lousy performance on the road. I mean, I guess normal people wouldn’t consider my performance lousy, but I did. And sure enough, as soon as I stepped up to bat tonight, I hit a home run. I think I’ve found my new good luck charm in Danielle.

  “You haven’t even met this girl face to face yet, Jake. Maybe things will change once you hear her voice and see her up close.”

  I chuckle. Leave it to my brother to play devil’s advocate.

  “I get what you’re saying, but I have to see for myself. Come on, are you honestly telling me that when you met Taryn, you didn’t feel something?”

  “Uh, yeah. I felt rage. She had just rear-ended me on the freeway. The last thing I was thinking about was sleeping with her.”

  “But didn’t you do exactly that about a week later?”

  “What’s your point?” He huffs into the phone as I hear a door close in the background. “I just went into the garage so our conversation doesn’t wake anyone up.”

  “My point is, even though it wasn’t immediate, there was obviously something that drew you to her. And that’s exactly what I sense with Danielle.”

  He lets out a long sigh and I can hear the scrape of his fingernails against the trim beard he never shaves.

  “Just be careful, Jake. Dating for you is not going to be like it is for normal people, like her. Once the media catches wind of your relationship, things are going to get out of hand.”

  “I know,” I slump down in the seat in my truck once I’ve pulled into my spot. “I guess we’ll just have to try to keep it a secret for as long as possible then.”

  “And how do you think she’s going to handle that? She might be okay with that in the beginning, but after a while, she’s going to feel like something you’re ashamed of.”

  He’s right. I have to play this carefully if I’m going to get her on board with keeping this casual and inconspicuous for a while. Danielle is not the type of girl who deserves to be kept a secret, but I have to be intelligent here as it pertains to my career. Plus, I haven’t even met her yet. Who knows what’s going to happen on Sunday or how I might feel afterwards.

  “I guess I’ll just talk to her about it and see what she says. Obviously my job requires a level of exposure that she’s not used to, but I’m sure she’s aware of that if she’s agreeing to go out with me in the first place. Plus, I already told her that since it’s so early in my career, I want to be careful with the information about me in the media.”

  “So when will you be home again?” My brother changes the subject quickly, which means he’s done arguing with me.

  He obviously feels one way, and nothing he’s going to say is going to change my mind. I’m taking her out on Sunday, and that’s all there is to it.

  I discuss my schedule with him for a few minutes before he fills me in on my nieces’ end of the school year activities that are already piling up. I swear, I didn’t feel like we had this many award ceremonies and parent’s nights and carnivals to attend when we were growing up.

  We hang up with each other just a few minutes past eleven, so I decide to shoot a text to Danielle, hoping she’s still awake.

  Me: I really enjoyed seeing that smile of yours in the stands tonight.

  Sure enough, I get an almost immediate response.

  Danielle: Sure was nice to see you hit a home run finally.

  Me: It’s because my good luck charm was in the stands again.

  Danielle: You don’t need luck, Jake. You have skills.

  Me: Yes, I do.

  It takes a minute for her to respond. This isn’t the first time I’ve implied something sexual in our texts, and she always reciprocates. I hope I didn’t take it too far though.

  Danielle: I think I need to do an assessment.

  And a smile spreads across my face. Damn right, she’s playing along.

  Me: Maybe we can start on Sunday.

  Danielle: Looking forward to it more than I care to admit.

  Me: Me, too. Goodnight, Danielle.

  Danielle: Goodnight, Jake.

  I get myself ready for bed and drift off to sleep rather quickly, but the nightmare I have puts an unsettling feeling in my gut when I wake up halfway through the night.

  Chapter 14


  It’s Sunday. FINALLY. I feel like this week has been the longest week of my life. Every hour has crawled by, every night of sleep has been restless.

  And it’s all because of the anticipation about today.

  I’m standing in front of the mirror in my bathroom, freshly showered with one towel wrapped around my body and another around my head, hoisting my hair up off my neck.

  The dark brown of my irises stare back at me, the redness on my face diminishing from the heat of the shower I just took. I’m nervous, more nervous than I’ve ever been for a date. I mean, I was nervous the night I lost my virginity, but I don’t that really compares to this.

  I’m going out on a date with Jake Calhoun, a major league baseball player who could have any girl he wants---and he wants me.

  I’m still in shock that this is happening. I’m about to sit down and shove my head between my legs to quell my anxiety, so I know I need some reassurance so I don’t make a complete idiot out of myself.

  “You’re not chickening out, are you?” Lochlin beams into the phone on the other end.

  I let out a shaky breath. “No, I just need you to reassure me that I’m not crazy for giving this a shot. I mean, he’s famous, Loch. How on Earth is this supposed to work?”

  “You are getting way ahead of yourself, Dani. Just see how today goes, then you can start planning your wedding.”

  Laughter bubbles out of me. Little does she know I’ve already had that dream. It was magical.

  Jesus, I’m a mess. A pathetic, prematurely invested mess. We haven’t even been on one date and I’m already freaking out.

  “I know, Loch. But this isn’t just some random guy. This is Jake Calhoun.”

  “Uh… yeah! I know! Lucky bitch…” her words trail off as I laugh at her more. “I should have just given him my number instead.”

  “You wouldn’t dare,” I scold her, my teeth gritting together at the thought of her going out with Jake today instead of me.

  “See, just the thought of me with him has your blood boiling over, doesn’t it? You like him, Dani. And that’s okay. Enjoy today. Even if it doesn’t work out, one day you’ll be able to tell your kids that you dated a famous baseball player, because in the future everyone will know who Jake Calhoun is.”

  She’s right. Not only is Jake a star on the field, but the thought of him being with anyone else, not just my best friend, ignites a tsunami of jealousy in me I’ve never felt before.

  “Okay, you’re right. So what do I wear?”

  “Well, where is he taking you?” I can hear her television on in the background. It sounds like an episode of FRIENDS.

  “He didn’t say. He just said he had a few ideas, but wanted my input as well.”

  “That’s cute,” she chuckles. “Then go for comfy casual. Shorts and a cute top, a pair of comfortable shoes in case he makes you climb a mountain, you know… play it safe. But also, try something a little sexy, like show some cleavage.”

  “What about that light pink top I just got? With the sleeves that hang off the shoulder and the deep cut in the chest?”

  “Yeah… that’s perfect! With some jean shorts and a cute pair of sandals.”

  I take a deep breath. “Okay, Loch. Thank you. I need to get off of here though if I’m going to be ready in time for him to pick me up.”

  “You got this, Dani. Have fun! And I expect a full report tomorrow!”

  “Ten-four. Talk to y
ou later.”

  I hang up the phone and get to work, applying light make-up, blow-drying and styling my long blonde hair, opting to leave it down and around my face.

  I change my clothes, strap on my sandals, and do one last glance in the mirror right as I hear the doorbell ring and my heart feels like it’s about to jump out of my chest.

  Holy hell. This is it.

  I race downstairs as I see Gramps and Conner make their way to the door.

  “Don’t! Please let me get it, okay? Then I’ll introduce you.” I’m nearly breathless from running, but also from my nerves.

  “Are you sure? You don’t want me to scare him a bit before he gets to see you in person?” My grandpa teases with a wink.

  I look at him, frail and lanky, the absence of muscle mass and abundance of wrinkles and gray hair make him look like he couldn’t hurt a fly. Maybe physically, yes. But I’m sure he could still scare a boy away like he did when I was younger, even a boy like Jake Calhoun.

  “No, I got this Gramps. Can you guys go wait in the kitchen? I’ll bring him in there in a minute.”

  “Oh my God, Jake Calhoun is at our door!” My brother shouts with a jump as he races for the kitchen, my grandpa laughing behind him.

  I reach for the doorknob, taking a deep breath as I twist and pull the door open.

  I’m glad I took a breath before I opened the door because the sight in front of me would have stolen all the oxygen out of my lungs.

  Jake is even more attractive up close, the blue of his eyes so deep and sparkly, his muscles chiseled and defined beyond what the stadium lights showcase. And without a hat on, the entirety of his face is so masculine and rugged, I feel my panties start to melt.

  He’s wearing a black polo shirt and khaki shorts, tan sandals, and his hair is styled to perfection, messy but effortless.

  He’s clean, confident, and robustly striking, looking wholesome enough to meet my grandpa and brother---yet he’s giving off an energy that makes me want to relinquish my mind and body to him, let him keep me as his sex slave, and never fight him on it.

  “Hi, Danielle,” he greets me with a raspy voice that makes my panties wet. We’ve only texted so far, so the deep vibration of his voice in person makes me think that I might want to go grab an extra pair of underwear for later on this evening.

  “Hi,” I let out on my exhale, realizing I was holding my breath the entire time. “It’s nice to finally meet you face-to-face,” I declare, smiling so wide and extending my hand to meet his.

  He embraces my hand that fits so perfectly in his as we shake and the sparks continue to fly. I’ve never been with a man this solid and commanding. A rush of heat flows all over my body and down my spine as I take in the entirety of him standing in my doorway. I’m officially hot and bothered.

  And then it hits me. Looking into his eyes was electric. Watching him smile at me made me heated. But actually hearing his voice and touching him is explosive.

  I clear my throat, realizing we’re still standing here, holding each other’s hands.

  “Would you like to come in? My grandpa and younger brother would love to meet you.” I push the door open wider, making room for his tall and broad frame to fit through. Man, I can’t wait to climb him like a tree.

  “Sure,” he says with a grin that would melt my panties off if there is anything left down there.

  I gesture for him to follow me into the kitchen, offering a slightly exaggerated swing of my hips as he walks behind me.

  I turn to look over my shoulder at him as we make our way past the living room and dining room just in time to watch him ogling my ass. He didn’t notice that I saw him, but the idea that he’s reacting to me the way my body reacted to him is a good sign.

  “Gramps, Conner…. I’d like to introduce you to Jake Calhoun,” I announce as we round the corner into the kitchen.

  Gramps has a mile-wide grin on his face and Conner looks like he’s about to puke or pass out, I’m not sure which one.

  “Pleased to meet you, son,” Gramps moves forward to shake his hand, while Conner remains firmly planted in the corner, almost afraid to move.

  “Pleasure is mine, sir. I promise to take care of Danielle today.” He twists his head in my direction, offering up a small smile before turning back to Gramps.

  “I sure hope so. She means a lot to us, and well, I know your life is a little different in the real world.”

  Way to go Gramps for playing it cool.

  “I understand exactly where you’re coming from. It’s a fact I’m still coming to grips with myself, but I’ll do everything in my power to make sure she’s safe.”

  Gramps gives him an accepting nod which Jake reciprocates, and then the conversation comes to a halt.

  I look over at Conner, who still hasn’t moved.

  “Hey, Conner,” Jake moves towards him, offering his hand. Slowly, Conner lifts his hand to meet him.

  “Your sister has told me how much you like baseball and that you play yourself. What position do you play?”

  “Rrrright…. fffield,” he croaks out, before he clears his throat, stands up as tall as his twelve-year-old body will allow him, and tries again. “Right field.”

  “Alright, that’s a great spot. Right behind third base,” Jake winks at him, while reaching in his back pocket to pull out a folded up hat I hadn’t noticed until now.

  “I know you probably have a hundred of these, but I wanted to you have a Rays hat from me.” He holds the hat out towards Conner, which he lunges forward to grab as if Jake would retract it jokingly any minute.

  “Could you sign it? Please?” Conner asks while reaching for a sharpie from the mail bin on the kitchen counter.

  “It would be my pleasure,” Jake beams as he scribbles his signature and then places the hat on Conner’s head. I swear, I’ve never seen my brother cast a smile that immense in my life.

  “Well, if you don’t mind gentleman, I’d like to take this lovely lady out for the day now. I’m sure I’ll see you both again soon,” Jake addresses the two most important people in my life while talking about future encounters, a comment I commit to memory right now.

  I feel my cheeks blush as he looks at me and winks. I officially have not control over my body at the moment.

  “Absolutely. You two have fun,” Gramps ushers us to the door as we make our way outside and over to his truck.

  “Nice truck,” I offer as I admire his brand new white Dodge Ram, lifted with rims and tires, and what looks like any other bells and whistle they offer for it.

  “Thanks. This was the only thing I purchased for myself when I signed my contract with the Rays besides my condo.”

  “Boys and their trucks,” I jest as Jake opens the door for me and I climb inside. The leather interior and dash is just as fancy as the outside.

  Jake makes his way around the vehicle and takes his place behind the wheel, firing up the engine, and then pulling out onto the street.

  Glancing out the window, I admire the same homes I pass on a daily basis. My grandpa, Conner, and I live in a quiet community called Woodbridge, just outside the heart of Irvine, but a close enough drive to the stadium and the freeway. It’s quaint and homey---the perfect place to raise a family.

  Jake merges onto the freeway when I decide to break the silence.

  “Thanks for doing that back there. For Conner, I mean. You probably just made his life,” I chuckle.

  He smiles over at me. “I remember what it was like to be twelve and obsessed with the game, dreaming of the day when I could be the one to sign hats and t-shirts and whatever else for kids like myself. Being able to do that now is my favorite part of the job.”

  “You like that more than the money, fame, nice cars, and all the women?” I’m teasing him, but also curious to see what his answer is.

  He eyes me suspiciously. “I would hope I haven’t given you the idea that those things are what I care about, Danielle.”

  Our text conversations have been informing
and flirtatious---but now seeing him, hearing the way he speaks, watching the way his eyes light up when he talks about things----this is getting to know someone.

  “I was just teasing you, but it’s good to know your priorities. It’s admirable, Jake.” I offer him a small smile, trying to convey how honest I think he is.

  “So, how do you feel about walking around the Irvine Spectrum for a bit? We can shop, ride the carousel or Ferris wheel, grab some food… there’s tons to do, and then we can just go from there?” Jake changes the subject with ease and the excitement for today returns with full force in my chest. I feel the race of adrenaline in my veins and bounce a bit in my seat.

  The Irvine Spectrum---a bustling outdoor mall complete with entertainment and plenty to see---sounds like the perfect place to begin our date.

  “That sounds great. Have you been there yet? I’m sure you’ve been busy since moving down here from Chico.”

  “I’ve been once, but I don’t feel like I truly got to enjoy it. I think having a local show me the ropes would definitely make it more memorable.” He grins over at me as we take the exit towards the mall.

  “I will definitely see to it that you never forget this day, Jake Calhoun.” The way those words sound coming out of my mouth are playful and a little dirty, but deep down, I truly hope he never forgets this day, because I know I won’t.

  Chapter 15


  When she opened the door at her house and I got that first full view of her from head-to-toe---standing on long, toned, and tan legs and those gorgeous dark brown eyes staring back at me---I thought I was going to keel over from a heart attack right there in front of her.

  I’ve seen many beautiful women in my young twenty-five years, but none of them even held a candle to Danielle. Her pink top showed off her toned, delicate shoulders and arms and just the perfect amount of cleavage. Her hair was long and soft around her face and I itched to touch it. Her lips were plump and shiny, begging to be kissed. And I planned on doing just that, but much later today.


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