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SiNN Page 12

by Tina Donahue

  He blurted, “I can’t let you go.”

  She said nothing.

  “Didn’t you hear me?” he asked, frightened suddenly, needing her answer, her recognition of his desire. “I won’t leave you. I can’t.”

  The bacon popped, sounding like gunfire.


  Instantly, Jake’s eyes snapped open. Even with his panic, he realized he’d fallen asleep, his dream dissolving beneath continuing dread. Something he’d heard. What?

  He pushed to his elbows, only then realizing Lea was no longer lying on him. A quick glance told him she wasn’t anywhere in the room. Shit. Where had she gone?

  On his feet, Jake stared at the morning light streaming through the immaculate windows, past pines taller than a three-story house. The scent of bacon and what smelled like cinnamon rolls drew him toward the kitchen. Had Lea gone in there to make them breakfast?

  Where the hell was Toby? Was he in there with her? Had they finally connected?


  Dressed in faded jeans and a white Polo shirt, Toby had his back to Jake. A spatula hung limply in his right hand as he faced the kitchen window, ignoring the food he was cooking.

  Jake padded to him.”Where is she?”

  Toby inclined his head to the right.

  Scrubbing his face with his hands, Jake looked outside.

  Naked, Lea stood at the edge of the Olympic-sized pool, regarding it and the rock formations in the distance, the buttes blushing incredible shades of scarlet beneath the heavy sun. Silhouetted against the hard blue sky, several birds rode air currents, circling higher, higher. Splashes of yellow, pink, white and purple blossoms brightened the shadows on the ground, the colorful flowers opening in the quickly warming air.

  It was an undeniably magnificent view, though no match for Lea.

  Jake padded closer, his fingertips resting on the window, wanting to touch her instead. Beams of light filtered past the massive pines to shine on her, bringing out the coppery highlights in her hair.

  The silky strands draped her shoulders, the ends resting on the upper swell of her breasts.

  As alarmed as Jake had been a moment before, he was as horny now, his cock wanting inside her again.

  Given Toby’s strained breathing, he was feeling the same.

  Go for it, Jake thought. Give Lea what she needs, what you need. Sure it will end crappy, but we have now.

  It must not have been enough for Toby. He didn’t move.

  Jake resisted a sigh and padded toward the back door. Just as he reached it, he heard splashing sounds and saw Lea bobbing in the center of the pool, clawing wet hair from her face and throat.

  “I sent our report to Nunez,” Toby said.

  Jake’s hand stalled on the knob. He looked over.

  Toby was still watching Lea, a whole lot of lust and longing in his eyes. The way he gripped the spatula said he was trying to control himself from joining her or to keep from reporting the bad shit he knew. Stuff Nunez might have divulged after he’d gotten Toby’s report.

  Like Lea having to leave this place sooner than any of them had planned. And that last night was all the time they’d ever have together.

  Jake’s belly twisted. Hiding his dread, he asked, “How long did Nunez say we keep her here?”

  “Only a few days while arrangements are being made. That hasn’t changed.” He glanced at Jake, his face haggard from lack of sleep and his unending fight for control. “Nor has the fact that she’ll then be moved to a new location, another state with different deputies protecting her. Out of our lives.” He crossed the room, stopping short of the back door. “No matter what’s going through your head or hers, she’s going to have to go, Jake.”

  “In a few days, Nunez said. Not now.”

  Toby frowned. “What the fuck difference will a few days make except for this to get even worse? I want her as much as you, but we can’t—”

  “You can’t,” Jake interrupted. “I will.” He pulled open the door and headed outside.

  Treading water, Lea turned at the sound of the back door closing, seeing Jake just as he moved from the faint shadows into a shaft of light, the beams caressing his length.

  Lucky light.

  He was such a delicious man, looking all sex-mussed. So very male. Exactly what Lea required.

  His hair pointed in too many directions, his face was shadowed with beard, his cock was decidedly erect and his gaze was intense. What some might call accusing. As though he wasn’t at all pleased she’d left his side without his permission…as though he might punish her for being so bold.

  The thought warmed Lea more than the sun beating down on her. Looking at him from beneath her lashes, she smiled as though to say do whatever you want with me.

  Jake’s grin assured Lea that he would.

  She swam to the shallow end of the pool, walking through the water to reach the edge. The scent of chlorine, flowers and pine floated on the gentle breeze.

  Lea wanted to smell him, the scent of sex on his skin, their musk mingled into a new, unique fragrance that belonged to them both. Impatiently, she waited as Jake padded to her. His rigid cock bobbed with each step as though demanding her attention.

  How could she refuse?

  His organ was so very beautiful, the shaft reddish with arousal, the succulent crown so smooth and plump. And his balls. Wow. The roughened skin simply begged for her tongue and fawning caress.

  “Hey,” she said, casual as all get out, not yet betraying her need. She stroked his toes, grinning as he pulled them back. “Aw, what’s the matter? Can’t stand to be tickled?”

  “Nope.” His confession didn’t bring him down to her. He remained standing, his shaft and balls just out of easy reach, as though he intended to torture Lea a bit more before giving in to her yearning. “How about you?”

  “I’m immune,” she lied, running her fingers up his calf.

  He didn’t pull away this time. “That right?”

  Lea liked how husky he sounded, how completely in her control. “No matter what you do, I can take it.” I want it.

  “We’ll just have to see about that,” he said.

  Arching one brow at his challenge, Lea was about to give him a bit of sass when the back door slammed.

  Barefooted, Toby padded to the other end of the pool, stopping there.

  As deliciously sloppy as Jake looked, Toby was all spit and polish. He’d shaved and combed his hair. His jeans were so wrinkle-free it appeared he’d actually ironed them.

  Crap. Lea didn’t want to see him like that—fully clothed, freaking uptight, his lips pressed into such a hard line.

  However, his eyes…oh, his eyes. Undeniable longing filled them. Rarely had Lea witnessed a man looking as lonely, as needy of comfort and a woman’s embrace.

  Turning to him, she opened her arms in invitation.

  Toby struggled a moment, then stared at her breasts. Peering lower, he regarded what he could of her legs and cunt in the water.

  She waited until he’d looked his fill. When he didn’t turn away, she offered him a welcoming smile.

  He appeared as riveted by it as he did the rest of her, but no grin touched his face. He seemed to have even stopped breathing.

  Poor guy. Lea could see his continuing turmoil, wishing he’d just give in to what she knew he wanted.

  At length, he looked over at Jake.

  If ever there was a man completely at peace with her needing them both, it was Jake. His expression asked, what in the fuck are you waiting for, fool?

  Toby’s face flushed red. Lea fully expected him to turn on his heel and head for the house.

  He did not. He stood absolutely still for a moment, then tore off his shirt, tossing it on a chaise lounge. When the garment fell from the canary yellow padding to the concrete, Toby didn’t seem to notice or care.

  He was breathing hard now. More color rose to his throat and cheeks as though he couldn’t contain his hunger to have her.

  Lea lowered her arm
s, her mind speaking to him. That’s it. Enjoy yourself for a change.

  She certainly was, exploring Toby’s golden skin, his well-toned pecs. A line of hair, a darker blond than that on his head, trailed beneath his navel to the waistband of his jeans.

  He made fast work of shoving the metal button through its hole and yanking down his fly.

  Damn. He hadn’t worn underwear. All Lea saw was taut male flesh and his wiry thatch of pubic hair.

  She peeked at Jake. A faint smile touched his lips, as though he approved of Toby’s decision to finally join them.

  Lea certainly did. Enthralled, she watched him shoving his jeans down his powerful thighs and calves. Stepping out of them, hands to his sides, he faced her.

  Images of Vikings, ruthless and crazed for female flesh, a woman’s immediate submission, filled Lea’s mind.

  Her legs got unsteady. She had to lock her knees to keep from sinking beneath the water.

  He didn’t have a tan line. Not any fucking where. He sunbathed in the nude? What a nice surprise, along with every other part of him.

  Toby’s cock was as impressive as Jake’s, as meaty, long and erect. His balls were slightly lighter in color, not as pendulous, but beautiful nonetheless. They’d taste wonderful and would feel even better when they tapped her ass as he plowed into her cunt.

  What would Jake do during the act? Fill her mouth with his tongue or rod? Or burrow his shaft into her anus, taming her even more?

  So many wanton pictures flashed through Lea’s mind, she went dizzy with desire. Breathlessly, she watched Toby padding around the pool, stopping when he and Jake were side by side.

  One dark. One light. Both aroused and looking down at her, their virility stealing all coherent thought.

  She swallowed and stepped back. The water swished around her, lapping Lea’s rib cage. Feeling playful, she moved her finger from one to the other and asked, “You two planning to get it on with each other?”

  Both men frowned.

  “Fuck no,” Jake said.

  “You got that right,” Toby offered.

  Hmmm. It seemed she was going to be the only offering on their plates. Sounded nice. Downright decadent, in fact. “You’re sure?” she goaded. “I saw how the two of you have been looking at each other.”

  Neither did so now or commented. Their shoulders tensed, their biceps bulged and, by God, their cocks seemed to thicken a bit more. As though they might be showing off for her?

  Oh yeah.

  Jake leaned toward Toby. “I think it’s time we taught her some manners.”

  “You’re right,” he said. “Let’s show her who’s boss.”

  This was getting beyond good. Giggling, Lea took several steps back, with the weight of the water trying to send her forward again. Pressing her toes into the concrete, she said, “You’ll have to catch me first.”

  Jake planted his hands on his narrow hips. “Think a five-minute head start would help?”

  Thirty minutes wouldn’t do the trick given the potency of his gaze and what she sensed was going through his thoughts. “I think you’re all talk,” she accused, continuing to step back until she was nearing the deep end and treading water.

  Keeping close to the edge of the pool, Jake walked in her direction. Toby was right behind him.

  Doing the backstroke, Lea reached the deepest part of the pool. Jake and Toby rounded the corner, one on each side of the diving board. Water splashed as Lea turned around to face them, then lifted her chin to Toby. “You too,” she nagged. “All talk.”

  Together, almost as if they’d planned it, they dove into the water on either side of her.

  Waves hit Lea’s face. Blindly, she swam in the opposite direction, then cut beneath the surface and looked up. She saw Toby treading water, but not Jake. Where in the hell was he?

  He gripped her shoulder.

  Blowing out her breath, she headed upward, trying to get free of him. At last, she was. Gasping, laughing, she swam in the opposite direction.

  Where Toby waited.


  Like lions in the wild, the men worked as a team, cutting off Lea’s escape no matter how she tried to outmaneuver them. All too soon, Jake had his arm securely around her waist, swimming them toward the shallow end. There, Toby walked through the water and turned as he waited for Jake to deliver her to him.

  Lea swallowed.

  Moisture beaded on Toby’s hair and skin, glittering in the unrestricted light, making him all bronze and gold like a modern-day sun god. Magnified by the water, his cock looked enormous.

  “Don’t stop,” she whispered. If either of them did before she had her fill, she’d go fucking nuts.

  Jake heaved in another breath and panted it out, walking through the water now, tugging her with him. “What?”

  “Is this all you guys intend to do?” she teased, unable to help herself, wanting both of them crazed with lust, unwilling to stop until they screwed her senseless. “You’re just going to chase me around the pool?”

  “Watch your mouth,” Jake ordered, swatting her ass.

  The water kept his blow really mild. “Whoa—that’s the best you got?”

  Growling, Jake positioned Lea so she was in front of him, her buttocks pressed to his groin. With his arm around her waist, he eased them back until he was against the concrete next to Toby.

  He moved in front of them. “Hold her.”

  “I fully intend to.” Jake imprisoned Lea’s wrists in one hand, keeping them to her belly, his touch imposing.

  Sandwiched between the two men, Lea experienced a sense of weakness and vulnerability that made her feel more female than she ever had. A soft moan escaped her.

  It drew Toby closer. His cock brushed the inside of her thigh, his hand went to her throat and his thumb directed her face upward.

  Lea’s lips parted on a surprised sigh. One of his irises was blue, the other green, an amazing contradiction, the same as his strait-laced appearance and what he was doing now. It sure as hell wasn’t by the book, at least any book Lea had read. She bitched, “You made me wait so long.”

  Toby’s face colored, but his embarrassment didn’t last. “Quiet,” he ordered, then slanted his mouth over hers.

  He tasted of minty toothpaste, and kissed her with male need, his tongue hot and probing, demanding everything she had to give, all that he’d denied himself last night.

  Whimpering, Lea opened her mouth even more, giving him as much access as she could.

  He took it. As did Jake. His free hand moved to her breasts, squeezing them as hard as he liked, his thumb flicking her nipples.

  A rush of moisture, warmer than the water and proof of her arousal, dampened Lea’s cunt.

  Resting his hand on her mound, Toby slid his fingers over her smooth skin, tracing the contours of her vaginal lips, searching for her clit. The moment he found it, he thrust his tongue deeper into her mouth.

  Lea went to her toes at the exquisite heat coursing through her. Never had she been as thrilled. Jake’s hand was on her breasts, his mouth on her throat, his tongue licking her skin. With surprising skill, Toby masturbated her, his touch alternating between tender and rough as his kiss grew impassioned, his former control at an end.

  Even if she’d wanted to, there was no way Lea could escape now. Jake and Toby were too strong, too determined.

  They used her without hesitation, their hands exploring each intimate area. They took turns rubbing her clit, exploring the tight ring of her anus, fondling her breasts, tugging at her nipples.

  When Toby pulled his mouth free of hers to gulp some much-needed air, Jake slipped his tongue between her lips. There was no minty flavor from him. He tasted just as he had last night—wonderful.

  Lea gasped around his tongue, not certain how much more she could endure. They wouldn’t let her come. Each time she edged close, they withdrew their hands, concentrating on her nipples, the insides of her thighs, her belly, every part of her except the one that mattered.

sp; Heaviness settled in her groin, a persistent pressure that made Lea all too aware of her pussy, the climax it wanted that Jake and Toby kept denying her. She’d tightened her knees so much, they began to hurt.

  Didn’t matter.

  Both men continued their torment. Toby licked her nipple, then drew it into his mouth.

  Oh, oh, oh. The intense heat, his hard suckling made Lea’s head whirl.

  Trailing his fingers over her hip, Jake headed for her cleft. He stroked its length and touched her nub.

  She choked out a moan, the sound muffled by his tongue.

  To quiet her even more, no doubt to tame her, Jake deepened his kiss. Cupping her breast in his palm, Toby squeezed the soft globe as he continued to taste her nipple. Their behavior was calculated and maddening, but far from complete. Without warning, both men concentrated on her cunt.

  Oh. My. God.

  Toby worked two fingers inside her opening, while Jake flicked his thumb over her clit.

  Lea stiffened, then her body went slack, all of her weight resting against him.

  He didn’t stop, nor did Toby. They worked her body as though they owned it now and she had no say in what they did. This time, her climax not only edged close, it finally peaked, screaming through her.

  Lea gasped and cried out. She squirmed between them.

  They continued kissing, licking, stroking, probing. No matter how she begged them to give her a bit of rest, neither man would, demanding she yield even more and offer absolutely no resistance. Telling her without words, they’d allow none.

  She belonged to them both now, for as long as they were here.

  Wilted and submissive, Lea prayed it would be for more than a few days, possibly an entire week. Not a lifetime by any measure, but she’d take what she could get.

  Too quickly, Toby released her nipple. Though warm, the air was still no match for the heat of his mouth. Ending their kiss, Jake also eased his face away.

  Lea bit back a moan of sadness, the back of her head hitting his shoulder. Damp hair clung to her forehead and cheeks. She refused to open her eyes. If she kept them closed, nothing would change. They’d stay like this forever.

  Stupid, she knew, but it gave her some comfort.

  The men weren’t having it. Releasing her wrists, Jake wound his arm around her waist. Lea heard water splashing as Toby walked through it. The metal steps clanged beneath his weight, telling her he was leaving the pool.


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