Vacation Love

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Vacation Love Page 7

by Ancelli

  “You think I would’ve asked you to have an abortion?” Kyle was hurt that she would even think that. “You were pregnant!”

  “You made it clear you didn’t want a baby!” She threw his words in his face. “What was I supposed to do?” She sobbed. “You told me you weren’t going to change your mind.”

  Kyle paced, combing his fingers through his hair, trying to calm down. She’d been gone for nine months. “Did you have an abortion?”

  “No,” she whispered. “Your mom convinced me to come here and tell you the truth. She said you deserved to know that you were a father.”

  “My mother knew.” He was fucking pissed, now.

  Tears continued rolling down her face. “I couldn’t keep him from your parents. He’s their first grandchild, but they understood where I was coming from. You said you didn’t want children.”

  “So that gave you the right to lie to me?” Kyle yelled. “Answer me?”

  “I didn’t lie to you.” She wiped her nose with the back of her hand. “I didn’t want you to feel obligated to a child you didn’t want.” She sat on the bench. “All the times you went knocking on my cabin door and couldn’t find me, I was with your mom or Nicole.”

  “My brother knew, too?”

  “Kirk found out the day we embarked. That’s how I ended up in the cabin next to you.” She covered her face with her hands, and sighed. “They were supposed to be your neighbors but we exchanged rooms, and when I made it to my cabin and saw you…”

  Kyle remembered hearing her sultry voice. Right in that moment, without turning around, he’d known it was Dee.

  “And when you looked at me…” She smiled. “I came up with the insane idea.” That, he’d followed. “What if we could meet all over again?”

  “And I followed your lead,” he softly added. “Dee, why didn’t you just tell me?”

  “Honestly?” Destinee gazed at him. “Because I was enjoying falling in love with you all over again. I was wrong, but you can’t deny that these last couple of days weren’t magical.”

  “Dee, any time I spend with you is special.” He cracked his fingers. “A kid.”

  “Kyle.” She moved closer to him. “I understand that he isn’t what you wanted. You don’t owe me anything. I just wanted you to know, that’s all.”

  Kyle shot daggers at her, and stood. Was she serious? He didn’t want a baby, but that had changed. The baby was here now. There was no turning back. Kyle ignored the words that had just come out of her mouth. What kind of a fucking man would he be if he turned his back on his own kid? He took a couple of deep breaths, calming himself down.

  He had to be honest with himself. Though the length of the deception would never sit well with him, Kyle understood why she would feel the way she did. He sat back down next to her. “You said he. I have a son?”

  “Yes.” She stared up at the stars, avoiding his eyes. “He’s beautiful.” Destinee smiled. He has your big, green eyes, but he has his momma’s lips.”

  “How old is he?”

  “He’s four months.”

  “Four months,” Kyle repeated, doing the math in his head. That meant Dee had been four months pregnant when she’d left. He didn’t know if he was prepared to be anyone’s dad. The only time he dealt with kids was when he was helping or saving one. “What’s his name?”

  “Kyler Johnston.”

  “Kyler.” He chuckled. “Is he with your parents?”


  “Who’s watching him?”

  Destinee smirked.

  Oh God, what now? he thought.

  “Well.” She stood. “He’s bonding with your mom.”

  “My son is on this ship?” He raised his voice, staring at her.

  “Yes.” Destinee closed her eyes, and then peeked out of one. “When I had to meet with friends, well…” She paused. “I was meeting with your son. He gets really fussy when he’s hungry, and there are times he won’t take the bottle.”

  “How did you keep this secret?” Kyle ran his hand down his face. “I mean, I found it odd that you always had to meet friends, but I never saw them. At first, I thought you were—”

  “Having an affair?” She watched him through narrowed eyes.

  “I know you wouldn’t, but your behavior was suspicious.” He opened and closed his fist. It was starting to bruise from hitting the jerk, earlier. His son was on the same ship as him. Kyle didn’t know where all his emotions were coming from, but he needed to see his kid. “Can I see him?”

  She smiled, wiping her tears. “I was hoping you would ask.”

  Chapter Nine

  Destinee knocked on the cabin door.

  “Coming,” his mom sang. “Is that your mommy’s voice?” She swung the door open, and her eyes went wide when she saw Kyle standing behind Destinee. “Kyle!” She looked at him and then at her. “You finally told him.”

  “You could’ve told me too, Mother, instead of playing her games,” Kyle said, staring at the baby in his mother’s arms.

  “It wasn’t my secret to tell.” She moved out the way so they could enter the room. “And you were having as much fun as she was.”

  “Kyle.” Destinee gently took his son from his mother. “This is Kyler, my chunky monkey.” She kissed the boy’s forehead, making him giggle.

  He didn’t know what to do, what to say. Kyle swallowed. “My son.”

  “Yes.” Destinee turned. “Would you like to hold him?”

  Kyle was nervous. “I don’t know how to.”

  “Stop it,” his mom chimed in. “How many babies have you saved? You hold him the same way you did when you saved that baby from the burning building last month. The only difference is, he is yours.”

  Destinee handed him over, and Kyler grinned, exposing his gums. Kyle’s heart flipped, then raced as he took him in his arms. “Hey, there.” He gazed at him.

  “He won’t break, Kyle,” Destinee said. “Dawn, are you hungry?”

  “Yes dear.” His mom grabbed her purse.

  “Wait, you’re leaving me alone with the baby?” Kyle asked, nervous as hell. He wasn’t ready to be left alone with Kyler.

  “Yes,” his mother answered, as she opened the door and left.

  “Kyle, spend some time with him and afterward, you can decide if you can compromise enough to love us both, or you can just walk away and sign the divorce papers.” Destinee spoke softly. “I promise I won’t hold it against you.” She walked out.

  He stood there in the middle of the room, holding his son as he stared right into the boy’s eyes, mirroring his, and smiled. “Hey, buddy.”

  Kyle cuddled his little boy on his chest as they gazed at each other. “You must be wondering, who is this stranger?” He touched the little one’s button nose. “I didn’t see you coming,” Baby boy touched Kyle’s chin with his tiny fingers. “Can I be a good father? I mean, I had a great dad growing up. All I have to do is follow his example.” He made funny faces at his son, making him giggle.” I’ll make tons of mistakes, but you’ll forgive me, right?” His eyes stung with tears. Where were all these feelings coming from?

  Kyler gripped his finger, trying to put it in his mouth. “Are you hungry?” Kyle studied the cabin for a baby bag or at least a bottle. Lil’ man began chewing on his tiny fist.

  Baby boy pouted his full lips, and stared crying. Kyle walked around the small area, gently rocking his son, trying to soothe his crying. “Are you the baby I heard crying from my room?” He’d been right next door, but he never thought the cries were coming from Dee’s room. “I’m looking. Shhh.” He continued to rock him, but that made Kyler holler louder. “I’m looking, I’m looking… Dee warned me how you get when you’re hungry.” He finally located the warmer, and inside, a baby bottle. “Yes!” He laughed, picking it up. “I hope this isn’t one of the times you want your mom’s boob.” He uncovered the bottle, and lil’ man attacked, sucking on the nipple like his life depended on it. “Slow down!” He chuckled and sat on the bed. “I mak
e cute babies. I can do this,” he whispered. “Not how I saw myself on this vacation, but it made me see how much I love your mom.” He caressed the side of his son’s cheek as he fed him. “Do you think your dad—” that sounded strange calling himself someone’s dad, but it also felt great— “has what it takes?” Kyle made a silly face, making lil’ man giggle around the nipple.

  “Dee.” Dawn touched her forearm. “He’s fine.”

  “I’m not worried about the baby. It's Kyle.” She sighed. “You were right. I should’ve told him sooner, but he was adamant that he didn’t want the responsibility of having a child.”

  “The man I raised won’t turn his back on his family.” She took a sip of coffee. “He still loves you, and the way he looked at his little boy tells me that he loves him already. Give him some time to process the news of being a father.”

  “He made me love him even more when he played along with the charade.” Destinee teased at a napkin on the table. “Dawn, I love your son with all that I am.”

  “I know, dear.” She rubbed her arm. “He was miserable without you, taking it out on everybody. He couldn’t understand why you left. There were so many times I almost told him, but it wasn’t my place. I begged him to call you, but he’s so damn proud.”

  “He called several times,” she whispered. “He begged me to come back.” Tears rolled down her cheeks. “I wanted to, but my love for my son wouldn’t allow me to. I didn’t want Kyle to think he had to be in his son’s life. But I want him to want to be a father.”

  “You’ll find out tonight.” She gave Destinee a napkin. “Wipe those tears. My son will prove me right. Go rest. If he doesn’t show up tonight, knocking on your door, then you know the answer.”

  “I’ll go get Kyler.”

  “You need this moment alone. I’ll take care of my grandbaby.” Dawn stood. “I’ll bring him in the morning.”

  “Thank you.”

  Dawn kissed the top of Destinee’s head. “You gave me my first grandchild. Thank you for giving him life instead of taking it. Good night, darling.” She walked away, leaving Destinee with her thoughts.

  “I don’t regret anything I did,” she said to herself as she stood and walked out. In need of fresh air, she took the stairs to the upper deck. Destinee wrapped herself in Kyle’s shirt, smelling his cologne. “I love him.” She glanced up as a shooting star fell.


  Kyle was on the balcony, stretched out on the lounge chair with Kyler sleeping on his chest. He kissed his son’s head, and chuckled. “I fell in love with you so fast.” He traced the boy’s facial features. “I’m so thankful your mommy kept you.”

  “Then tell her that.” His own mother startled him, standing by the sliding glass door. “Do you want your family?”

  Hearing his mom’s voice made Kyler’s eyes flutter, but he continued sleeping.

  “I asked you a question. Are you going let them get off this ship and board a plane to God-knows-where, without you?” Her voice was stern.

  Kyle kissed his baby’s cheek. “Mom, this is all new to me. Being a father was never in my plans, but he’s here now and I love him.” He gazed into the face of his sleeping son. “I won’t let him grow up thinking he wasn’t wanted. He was conceived in love.”

  “You need to tell your wife. She needs to hear those words from you.” She stepped closer and went to take the baby from him.

  “It’s okay, Mom.” He gently stood. “I got him.” He picked up the baby bag, and then kissed his mother’s forehead. “Thank you for taking care of my son. I love you.”

  “Love you too, son.” She smiled from ear to ear. “Go get your family.”


  Kyle knocked on Destinee’s door. There was no answer. Where could she be? He gazed down at his son as he slept in his arms. He was about to back away when her door slowly opened. Her hair was a mess, and her eyes were red-rimmed and puffy. “Why are you crying, Dee?”

  Destinee gently caressed their boy’s head. “My sweet baby.” She moved to the side, allowing him to enter the room. “Come in.”

  Kyle strolled in, and placed the baby in the middle of the bed. “This wasn’t what I wanted.” He stared at his son, and then at his wife. “But this is what God has gifted me. Who am I to question him?” He sat on the bed. “Dee, you came in to my life when I had given up hope on finding love, and now Kyler is the outcome of our love. He was conceived in love.”

  “What are you saying?” Destinee spoke softly.

  He gazed over at her, still standing by the door. “I want us. I want my family.”

  Destinee wiped her eyes with her fingers.

  “I love you.” He placed his elbows on his legs, covering his face with his hands. “Thank you for choosing to give him life.”

  Destinee moved in front of him and kneeled, taking his hands in hers. “I love you, and I know you’ll make the greatest dad in the world, but I want you to really want this, Kyle.”

  “I want this.” He bent his head down, and softly kissed her luscious lips. “You know me better than anyone else. You know no one can make me do what I don’t want to. This vacation has opened my eyes. I see everything differently now.” He kissed her neck down to her collarbone. “Come home, Dee.”

  She smiled. “I’m already home.” Destinee laid her head on his leg. Kyle started twisting her hair; he knew it soothed her. This right here, his wife and son, were all he thought he never wanted and now they were all he needed. Dee’s soft snores let him know she was asleep. He gently picked her up, and laid her next to Kyler.

  “My family.”

  Chapter Ten

  Day Six at Sea

  Destinee stretched in the middle of the mattress, and suddenly sat up, looking around the room.

  “Relax.” Kyle chuckled, watching her from the balcony. “He’s right here.” He lifted their son up, and wiggled him. “Kyler spent the morning with his dad.” Kyle kissed the baby’s nose.

  Destinee’s lips curled up. “Dad.”

  “He’s my son.” Kyler played with Kyle’s nose. “It sounds weird, but it feels amazing to know we made him.” He gazed at his son. His heart swelled. He’d almost missed out on getting to know this little guy. But luckily for him, things don’t always work out like you planned.

  She tried to tame her hair with her fingers. “You twisted my hair.” Destinee combed her locks into a ponytail.

  “I tried.” He looked around the room. “I didn’t see that smelly cream you normally rub into your scalp.” He bounced the baby up and down, making him giggle. Kyle couldn’t get over how good his son was. He hardly cried. Kyler was a very happy baby. “Want to go grab breakfast?”

  “Yes.” She placed her feet on the floor, and glanced at the clock on the small nightstand, “It’s ten o’clock. Why did you let me sleep so late?”

  “You needed the rest.” He smoothed Kyler’s eyebrow with his finger. “I gave him a bath and fed him. He smells like a piece of heaven.” sniffed his son’s neck.

  Destinee just stood, gazing at him.

  “What?” He continued playing with his little boy.

  “You gave him a bath?” She picked up her suitcase and started searching for clothes.

  “Yes.” He placed Kyler over his shoulder and patted his back. “He loves water.”

  “He does.” She picked up a pair of khaki pants and a pink polo shirt. “Where did you give him a bath?”

  “In the bathroom sink. That’s how my parents used to bathe Kirk and Victoria until they started getting too big.”

  “Thanks for allowing me sleep.”

  “Dee, please stop saying thank you.” He watched her. “Loving you has never been a compromise.” He took a couple of strides and stood in front of her. “Loving you has made open my eyes and see things differently. Sometimes change can be good. I had a future mapped out for myself and then I fell in love with you and had to make some changes. I mapped out another route, and now the road has once again blessed me with our son.” He b
ent down and placed their sleeping son in the middle of the mattress, and inched closer to his wife. “I never knew I wanted this until last night.” Kyle circled his arms around her waist, pulling her closer. “You, my dear, are the best thing that ever happened to me.” He bent down about to give her a kiss.

  Destinee covered her mouth with her hand. “I haven’t brushed my teeth yet.”

  “I don’t care.” He moved her hand and gave her a peck on her lips. “I love your funky breath, and all.”

  She chuckled. “Whatever.” Destinee went into the bathroom and did her morning ritual, and came back out dressed. She kept the horrible twists he’d done, and made her locks look presentable. “You’re getting better.” She smiled. “You flat-ironed my hair and then twisted it. I’m so proud of you.”

  “I learned from the best.” He opened the baby stroller. “Let’s go enjoy our last days on this vacation.”


  “Happy birthday!” Everyone in the dining area started to sing as Kyle entered through the door. Destinee grinned from ear to ear, watching as his face flushed a bright red hue. He was blushing from embarrassment as he made his way to the table.

  “Did you think we forgot?” His mother stood, and hugged him. “Happy birthday, my favorite first-born son.”

  Kyle embraced his mother tightly, and kissed the top of her head. “Thanks, Ma.”

  Kirk stood next, and gave him a bear hug. “Bro.” he leaned back. “Being a father should be the greatest gift to a man. I tried to tell you at the bar, but you were being an ass, so I told myself in time, he’ll figure out what’s going on.” He tapped his back.

  “Happy birthday, Daddy.” Nicole waved Kyler’s small palm in the air while she fed him his bottle. “Your son has stolen my heart.” She kissed his cheek.

  “Its too soon to be getting any ideas.” His brother sat back down.

  Nicole rolled her eyes at Kirk. “I never said I wanted a baby right now. I can spoil my nephew and hand him back when he starts with all that crying.”


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