The Snowflake Trilogy

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The Snowflake Trilogy Page 16

by JJ Jones

  Small fires dotted the front and side yard. I was sure the backyard was burning, too. The front porch where I sat yesterday and imagined my childhood was falling and collapsing from the fiery blast.

  Tears silently streamed down my face as I stared up at the house. For a moment I felt angry with Logan. We could have ran, Jasmine suggested we run. Why did he have to insist on being the hero? Someone else could have done this, why him? We could have left the country and started fresh somewhere else. Why couldn’t he let this go and leave it for someone else to take care of?

  But even as I was angry with him, I felt my heart ache for the real reason he went Kamikaze – he died to protect others. His selfless act would save the lives of so many others including me. I put my face into my hands and continued crying, knowing that I could never be as good a person as Logan was. He was a true hero.

  As I was pondering a giant roar pulled me from my thoughts.

  At first I was gripped with fear, thinking the Lone Wolf somehow survived the blast, but then to my astonishment, frustration and relief, a white polar bear emerged from the burning rubble that remained of my father’s house. He sprinted down the front yard continuing to roar loudly. He shifted back into his human form and climbs into the car.

  “I thought,” my voice quavered still full of emotion, “I thought you were dead, Logan.”

  He turned and smiled at me.

  “Ugh, Logan,” I said, “you have to stop doing that!” I shoved him playfully in the seat next to mine. “And for heavens sakes, get some clothes on – you’re naked and it’s not going to help me focus on driving.”

  “Okay, okay,” he said scrounging in the back seat for some clothes. “We need to get out of here before the cops show up. I’m surprised they aren’t already here. Let’s get going.”


  For the first time, I was grateful I was driving. It gave my mind something to focus on instead of everything that had just happened. All the emotions that I had felt again over Logan’s supposed death were almost too much to handle a second time.

  I tried not to think about everything that had happened, but I couldn’t help it. I knew that Logan was stronger than any human I had ever met, and he had the ability to heal himself, but how could he have possibly survived that – especially if it had killed the Lone Wolf. My mind could not process the fact that he was sitting next to me in the car.

  I drove concentrating on the questions I wanted to ask. I wasn’t sure where to start, but I knew what had happened needed some sort of explanation.

  “The Lone Wolf,” I started, “is it possible that he survived, too – like you?” I asked revealing a fear that had been itching in the back of my mind since we had left my father’s.

  “Oh, there’s no doubt he’s dead. I watched his body be blown into a thousand pieces. There’s no coming back after something like that. As I was leaving the house, I surveyed the damage one last time, too, and trust me he wasn’t coming back.” Logan's voice sounded sure and certain.

  “But if you both were blown into a thousand pieces, how did you survive?” I asked. “How could you come back and not him?”

  “In the bag, when we were hiding in the kitchen, I injected myself – do you remember?” Logan asked.

  “Yes,” I said warily.

  “Well in that injection was a fireproof serum. After receiving the serum, it remains active in my system for up to 24 hours. It makes my fur immune to fire during that time. So I can survive explosions. I know it sounds a little crazy, but that’s what it does – that’s what it did.” Logan explained.

  “A fireproof serum?” I repeated. “Where did you get it?”

  “Jasmine put it in my bag of supplies that we first picked up when we arrived in Florida. I hadn’t planned to use it, but obviously it became necessary. The serum has never been tested. The lab hoped they had it right, but they didn’t really have anyone volunteering to test it out. They originally created it for soldiers like us to use in wars. They worked hard on a way to ensure that the shifter soldiers could not die so easily in battle. So I’m sure they will be happy to know it worked and worked well. I didn’t even walk away with a scratch or bruise.” Logan smiled and his voice almost produced a laugh.

  But I wasn’t laughing. “You’re telling me that you didn’t even know if it would work, but you injected yourself anyway and then went running into chaos to detonate a bomb; all the while hoping that this serum would work and protect you?” My voice was shrill and high pitched with frustration.

  “Tanisha,” Logan’s tone turned more endearing, “I did what I had to do, and I don’t regret my decision. Yes, I hoped the serum would work, but I was willing to die to protect those that I love even if the serum didn’t work.”

  I didn’t have a reply. I couldn’t argue with him, because I knew he was right, but that didn’t make it any easier to swallow.

  Logan reached across and took my hand in his. “Tanisha, your father’s dying wish was to keep you safe. And he asked me to make sure that happened. I will do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to protect you from the evils in this world.”

  “Thank you,” I said feeling that two simple words couldn’t possibly express how grateful I truly was to have Logan in my life. Everything I could think of to say became inadequate, so I squeezed his hand tighter with my own and hoped he understood.

  “Now that this is all over,” Logan said wearily, “We can fly far away from here. We will find a place where both of us can be safe from everything that threatens us. We can leave and have no worries.” He sighed loudly. “We can go to headquarters and they will help us with all the arrangements. They can get us new identities, money, whatever we need to start new lives together.”

  “I would like that,” I said feeling weary as well. The adrenaline from the day was beginning to wear off and I could feel my own exhaustion. “There is nothing keeping me here now. I will follow you anywhere.”


  As we pulled back up to the computer shop, we could tell immediately that something was wrong. There was a large truck outside already loaded with equipment and several people were mulling about looking extremely unhappy.

  “What’s going on?” I asked as we shut off the car and stepped outside.

  “I have no idea,” Logan said just as perplexed as I was. “Come on, let’s find out what’s going on.”

  We quickly walked to the back and found the entrance to the secret basement open. A man was walking out, hands full of files and papers.

  “Excuse me,” he said quickly, but then he got a good look at us. He looked at Logan particularly and scowled, but didn’t say anything more.

  We moved aside for him. I looked up at Logan with a questioning look. He shrugged his shoulders equally as confused. We quickly walked downstairs and found the same cold greeting from everyone in the area. Most people were busy packing up equipment or putting things in boxes. The few who looked up at us scowled or whispered something inaudible under their breath.

  Jasmine noticed us from a side room and walked out to greet us. “Snowflake,” she said obviously relieved as she gave him a hug. She pulled away and looked at me, “Tanisha I’m so glad both of you are okay.”

  “I kind of expected a happier greeting,” Logan said. “Every one here seems to either hate me or think I’m the scum of the earth. I thought I’d receive a little more praise for taking down the Lone Wolf?” he looked back to her for an explanation.

  “Come with me,” she said solemnly. “There’s something you need to see.”

  We followed her down the hall to a private room almost at the end. We stepped inside and she does little to explain what we are about to see, but instead taps a screen and starts to play a video file.

  I watched as a man appeared on the screen. Logan’s immediate reaction when he saw the man on the screen was hatred. I could sense it as well as see it on his face. The man introduced himself casually as the Big Dog. He had a harsh British accent, clean s
haven face and short hair. I didn’t want to guess his age, since he was probably a shifter of some sort and didn’t age the same as humans. He was sitting behind a large wooden desk as he delivered his cryptic message.

  “Hello bears and Goldflake, I want everyone to know and be aware,” the Big Dog explained, “that I will be releasing the pack with 24 hours. The blood that is bound to be spilled as a result is tragic, but necessary. You all know and understand what that means for you, but I will give you a way to avoid all this bloodshed. Turn over Snowflake to me immediately, and I will withdraw the pack. Snowflake’s killing of the Lone Wolf was the final straw for me and will not go unpunished. You have 24 hours to make your decision or there will be severe consequences. ”

  The video cut out and the screen went black. I looked at Logan and then Jasmine. Surely the rest of the people in the office weren’t wanting to give Logan up. But they were probably upset at the situation.

  “We received the video last night,” Jasmine explained. “So 24 hours is not far from now. We believe that the Big Dog is aware of our headquarters locations, so we have been working to empty them all day. It’s such a big job, and we will leave things behind if necessary, but we want to save as much data and research as we can. Everyone here is instructed to leave and go into hiding after tonight. I don’t know if or when it will be safe again for us, but right now things are grim.” She seemed much older as she spoke. I felt a twinge of sadness for her and the situation the rest of the workers were in.

  Only then did I realize that it would apply to us as well. We would need to go into hiding in order to stay safe and be protected. Our ideas about running away to a distant country seemed tainted. I looked to Logan for the right answer.

  “This is wrong,” he said shaking his head. “All werebears will be forced to hide and live in fear because of me.”

  “Logan,” Jasmine stepped in before I could to comfort him. “What you did – killing the Lone Wolf – was the right thing to do. It needed to be done, regardless of who did the killing. I don’t think anyone here or anywhere holds you accountable for that. Anyway, it is not because of you, it is because of that bastard.”

  “I don’t regret what I did,” Logan replied. “I just regret that it had to lead to more trouble. I really thought we were done with all this. I did not think that the big dog would take it this far.”

  “Then run,” Jasmine suggested. “Go and find somewhere you and Tanisha can live in peace. There are remote places in the world.”

  “I know, but we would always be fearful that we would be found,” Logan relented. “We could never truly live a peaceful life. I would feel necessary to move every few years, which means we could never really settle down and have a real life.” He shook his head in frustration.

  “But you can’t turn yourself over to him,” I said perhaps a little too desperately.

  “This has been going on for too long. I am starting to realize this is something personal” his voice becomes determined with a sense of finality. “I won’t continue to let him bring suffering to the rest of our kind. It’s time I ended this.”

  I felt alarms going off in my brain, telling me to convince him that this wasn’t the only option. But in my heart, I knew there was no other way. And likewise, when Logan decided he wanted to something, nothing would stand in his way – not even me.

  “Jasmine,” Logan turned and spoke with her, “I need you to take Tanisha with you. Find her some place safe to be until after this is over. I will come for her when I can, but in the meantime, I need to know that you’ll take care of her safety.

  Jasmine started to say something, but I interrupted. “No,” I said emphatically. “I go where you go, remember. I don’t care if that means we are going into another fight, I will go with you. I don’t want to be alone.”

  “Tanisha,” Logan said rubbing his temples, “I can’t do that. I don’t know what exactly I’m running into this time. I have no idea how safe it is or isn’t. I can’t risk your safety because of my ignorance.”

  “Logan, I won’t feel safe anywhere unless you are with me,” I said my voice feeling strained. I couldn’t stand the thought of being separated from him. If he was going to die or sacrifice himself for others, I was either going to die next to him or be there to hold his hand when he passed.

  Logan tried to argue again, but Jasmine interrupted this time. “Logan, she’s right. The Big Dog is clever and cunning. He will stop at nothing to get at you, and that means using Tanisha, too. You should keep her where you can see her.”

  The way Jasmine spoke the word using sent chills through me. I didn’t know exactly what she meant, but I had the general idea.

  “They will be trying to manipulate you,” Jasmine continued, “and exploit every weakness you have. And right now your biggest weakness is Tanisha. In order to keep her safe, you should keep her with you at all times. Remember, “the rules” make this different from any average fight Logan.”

  Logan sat silent for a minute, thinking about what we had said before replying. He took a deep breath, “Very well, let’s go and see the Big Dog and end this for good.”

  To Be Concluded





  I knocked three times at the office door and waited patiently to be allowed inside. I didn’t know what to expect on the other side of the large oak door, but I expected some sort of grandeur after everything I’d heard. I heard a soft, but commanding “Enter,” from inside.

  I stepped slowly into the office. Grandeur was an understatement. Everything felt over the top in this office. From the carpet to the chairs and the desk, everything said expensive. The carpets were a plush red. The chairs arched high and when I sat in them, I felt as if I were sinking so far into them that I might never be able to get back out. The desk was large and stained mahogany. It was beautiful, too. The entire office felt like it belonged in a movie.

  “Ah, Logan, welcome” the man behind the desk looked up at me bringing me back to the moment.

  I recognized him immediately as The Big Dog. He was one seriously ugly bastard. Maybe I should have felt honored to be summoned to his office, but I really didn’t. I tried my best not to speak much, so I wouldn’t say something I shouldn’t.

  “Logan, welcome to the program. We are glad that you have decided to join us,” his tone was sprinkled with sarcasm.

  I nodded trying not to let my anger show. Join – an interesting choice of words.

  “Have you read the rules for our program?” the Big Dog asked me.

  “Yes,” I replied curtly.

  “And understood them?” He prodded further.

  “Yes,” I replied again keeping my comments short and to the point.

  “To make sure we are completely clear with one another – you are fully aware what will happen to you if you were to break any one of the rules?” he raised his eyebrows and looked me directly in the eye.

  “Yes, I am aware,” I said through my clenched teeth.

  “Good, good,” the Big Dog rubbed his chin gingerly. “I’m glad you are in agreement with our terms. I believe you have now finished with Orientation then, so I will send to have someone get you through processing.” The Big Dog paused and looked out the window at the freshly falling snow. “Oh, and by the way, from this point going forward,” he turned back to look at me again, “the name Logan no longer exists. You will be known as Snowflake from now on. Do you understand?”

  I felt stripped of the last thing that was unique to me – the last thing that I could call my own. My name. Is this what the program was all about? Taking away everything that had once belonged to you and making you into someone else? I wondered what else would happen to me during this program. My head started reeling. I couldn’t give up my name, it was the one part of me that was mine, the one thing I thought I would always have. I didn’t have time to think about it.

  “Yes, sir,” I replied robotically.
br />   “Excellent,” a sly grin spread across the Big Dog’s face. “We will be seeing each other again very soon I expect. I look forward to seeing more of you, Snowflake.”


  I looked at Logan to see if he was serious about all this.

  Going to see the Big Dog? I thought to myself. I didn’t know much about the Big Dog, but with a name like that this wasn’t going to be good. He must have been pretty powerful to cause this kind of commotion around headquarters. There were so many shifters, and yet all of them were going into hiding because of him.

  I had remembered in the transmission that there had been some threat about him releasing some pack or something like that, too. Maybe this pack was really dangerous. Maybe it was like an entire pack of Lone Wolves. That could be pretty bad. I would probably go into hiding myself if an entire pack of Lone Wolves were out to get me.


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