Claimed By The Dragons

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Claimed By The Dragons Page 1

by Lilly Wilder

  © Copyright 2019 by Lilly Wilder All rights reserved.

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  Claimed By The Dragons

  By: Lilly Wilder


  What if dragons were real?

  And they roamed the Earth in the form of two breathtakingly hot guys. You’d think I was crazy but I’ll tell you what, I’ve slept with them and they are 100% real – every last inch of them.

  There’s only one problem.

  They’re dangerous – the kind of men who are known to kidnap women and force them to birth their children. Now, logically, knowing this, I should run far, far away.

  But try running away from a couple of guys who just rocked your world into next week. It’s not that easy especially when you find yourself carrying their baby.

  So, I’m left with a choice: to live among the dragons and take my chances or to rely on my cheating ex-boyfriend and his desire for revenge.

  But is it really a choice at all? Tell me, what would you do if you knew dragons were real?

  Table of Contents

  Claimed By The Dragons


  Come Stalk Me!

  Click Here to check out “Claimed By The Bikers” (Click the link or enter into your browser.)

  Carol Has Never Been Able To Keep A Single Man... But Maybe She Can Keep Two Men

  Carol Burton had always been unlucky in love and she had no idea what she was doing wrong. She may not have been for everyone, but surely there was somebody out there that wanted her for who she was and not what they wanted her to be.

  Carol thought that her options were limited, but her friend Tammy put her on to a speed dating night. The pickings are slim until she meets Jesse Peters and his twin brother Jacob. She thinks that it’s a joke that they are here together and the looks that they have received have not been kind. They have tattoos, long hair and beards to match their...

  Claimed By The Dragons

  Chapter 1: Rosie

  I searched through my markers, trying to find the perfect match for the watercolor pigment I wanted to use. I dug to the very bottom of my pouch but I couldn’t find the right one. “Damnit.” I cursed under my breath. “I know I have one…” I continued to dig but to no avail.

  So, I got up and found my back stiff from bending over my work throughout the entire morning. I stretched a bit but it didn’t really help much. It was a struggle just to roll my shoulders.

  The aching in my bones intensified as I shuffled into the kitchen to make myself a hot cup of tea. Mint tea usually helped to calm my mind but today, I had my doubts. Nonetheless, I turned on the kettle and waited for the water to boil. In those spare minutes, I gravitated toward the kitchen and peered into the backyard. My hammock swayed in the breeze. Looking at it brought back a flood of memories.

  Jake had helped me install it. At the time, we were both extremely young. He was fresh out of the police academy and I had just finished up art school. I had studied under a scholarship which pretty much provided me with a free ride. Combine that with a job as a bartender at a fancy restaurant and I had graduated debt free and with enough in the bank to put a down payment on a house. Jake had wanted to move in with me but I didn’t give him a chance – after living four years with a roommate – I wanted a place of my own.

  Now, I don’t regret it. Things would have been much, much worse if we had lived together. The break up was bad enough on its own.

  The kettle dinged to announce it was finished. I ignored it for a moment as my chest tightened with a renewed feeling of heartbreak. I had told myself that I would no longer cry over the bastard who had cheated on me and yet, here I was with tears in my eyes. I wiped them away with an angry swipe before pivoting on my heels and snatching a mug from the cupboard. I filled it with hot water before dropping in a teabag. I waited for it to steep properly. All the while, I couldn’t stop thinking about Jake.

  His stupid face and his stupid smile. He had pulled the wool over my eyes and I felt like such a fool for falling for his crap. Realistically, I should have seen his infidelity from a mile away. Even when we were together, he always looked at other women with a sultry gaze. But I was in love and that was enough to make me blind.

  I tightened my grip on the mug and had I pressed it any harder I swear it would have shattered under the pressure. It was only when my knuckles turned white that I realized what I was doing. I dropped my arm and ran through my breathing exercises. Once I was done, I was able to take a step back and reestablish my sense of self. “Forget him,” I told myself but it’s never that easy. Jake was my high school sweetheart – the man I pictured spending the rest of my life with. To have that taken away so suddenly – to be betrayed so painfully – it was almost impossible to handle.

  The tears burned even harder and threatened to spill. I gulped them back and lifted my mug off the counter but I was so shaky that I nearly spilled every drop.

  “I can’t do this…” I said to myself as I ran a hand through my hair. “I need to get out – to get some fresh air.” With this thought in mind, I tossed on a workout outfit and practically ran out the door. The music blaring through my headphones was almost enough to drown away the thoughts that haunted me. I didn’t want to keep thinking about Jake and yet that was all I could do.

  At the corner of my street, I glanced at my watch. I would definitely need to make this a quick job. If I was late at turning in my current project I wouldn’t be paid the full amount on the contract and I needed that money to pay the mortgage. Plus, the more money I made, the closer I came toward taking a much-needed vacation. I was thinking Morocco or something – you know, someplace exotic and away from the world I knew.

  I hesitated before taking my first step. Left, or right? Left would take me downtown, right past the police station which meant there was a good chance I would run into Jake and I didn’t want that. Right, on the other hand, would take me to the state forest. Since it had rained the night before, the terrain would be slick and dangerous. Taking that route might result in a broken ankle but it would be better than facing my good for nothing ex-boyfriend.

  So, without another thought, I turned right. The forest was thick with the smell of wet earth. It invaded my nostrils and made it easier to breathe.

  Overhead, birds squawked in annoyance as I ran underneath their nests. A few even circled above my head, eyeing me with suspicion. I half expected them to swoop down and peck my eyes out. Luckily, they retained their distance.

  Suddenly, all went quiet. I slowed my pace and eventually came to a standstill at the edge of a clearing. A harsh breeze rolled through and whipped my hair into a blinding wall of brown. I pinned the wild strands behind my ear and blinked back into reality.

  Only, what I saw was something out of a fairytale. The creature blocked out the sun, casting the area with a blanket of darkness.

  “My God…” I gasped in amazement as a pair of leathery wings flapped in perfect unison. “A dragon… it can’t be.”

  Chapter 2: Myles

  I was famished. And not the usual kind of famished either where a bit of take-out could satisfy my hunger. Oh no, this was that deeper hunger that ran right through my bones.

  “Going hunting.” I shot a text to my partner, Foster, so he would know where I was when he came home that night.

�Have fun.” He texted back in a moment’s notice. Foster worked in town while I remained in the village. It was better that way. My skills and assets were better used for the good of our people, while his made him a natural at blending in with the humans. Besides, he had a knack for picking out girls that would later carry our young. He had yet to pick out a girl for us to enjoy but I just assumed he was trying to pick out the perfect one. After all, dragons mate for life. “And be safe.”

  I rolled my eyes. Foster was such a worrywart at times. “Aren’t you supposed to be working right now? Stop texting.”

  “You’re the one that started it.” It was pointless to continue the conversation so I slipped my phone into my back pocket and stepped out of our hut. We lived in a rather small looking building made of clay. In all honesty, it looked pretty pathetic from the outside but on the inside was an impressive underground system of tunnels and caverns that more than tripled our living space. Plus, it was much cozier underground, if you ask me, anyway. If you asked Foster, he’d have us living in the trees with the squirrels, and I hate squirrels.

  On my way out of the village, I passed the women-folk. They were busy cooking something over the fire that we kept lit all year round. A few of them looked at me with bedroom eyes but I had no intention of returning the glance of intimacy. Some dragons didn't mind sharing mates but I’m not that generous. Once Foster and I found someone to call our own, then she would be ours forever, and let anyone try to tell me otherwise.

  “Myles!” Someone called out. I turned around and found one of the little ones chasing after me. He was growing into his wings. They were no bigger than those of a hawk and stuck out awkwardly from his shoulders. He had yet to learn how to control his transformation but I had no doubt he would learn sooner rather than later.

  “River,” I said with a smile. “Before you ask, yes, you can accompany me to the clearing.”

  He gave a little whoop of victory before dashing off in the right direction.

  To give him a bit of a challenge, I ran after him. It didn’t take me much to get out ahead but I urged him to push himself to a faster pace. “Come on, is that all you got?” I taunted.

  A dragon was best motivated with herculean tasks, and for a boy of his age, it would be impossible to outrun a veteran like me. But still, he gave it his best shot, pumping his arms as hard as he could in a desperate attempt to propel him further.

  When we reached the clearing, he was completely out of breath and I hadn’t even broken a sweat. I leaned down and placed a hand on his shoulder. “You’ll do better next time.”

  He nodded, too winded to say a word. With a chuckle, I took a step back. I yearned for the day when I could raise a child of my own – to teach him the ways of our people.

  With this thought in mind and with my stomach rumbling, I rolled back my shoulders and turned around. Once I reached the middle of the clearing, I held out my arms. A feeling of bliss overwhelmed me as my eyes transformed from brown to emerald green with a slit down the middle. My skin went from soft to leathery as my limbs shifted faster than any human could blink and, within moments, I stood in my true form. I stretched my long neck and let out an earth-shaking roar. The trees quivered with my power as I lifted off the ground with a beat of my wings.

  Below me, River gasped in wonder. He shielded his eyes and watched me fly away.

  Driven by my hunger, I hunted outside our usual boundaries. I was on the lookout for much bigger game. The spindly deer that frolicked through our land simply was not enough to satisfy someone of my size. I was the biggest dragon left in the village – the alpha – and no one dared mess with me.

  Spotting a moose, I tore down and snapped it up in my talons. Once I was back in the air, I tossed it into the sky and snatched it in my maw. I swallowed it with one gulp.

  Mmm. But still not enough. I circled around and that’s when I saw her.

  She was watching me from behind a tree trunk as if she thought that would be enough to hide her from me. My eyes narrowed. She was stunning by all accounts of the word, hair the color of wet sand and eyes the loveliest shade of blue and, to top it all off, she had the cutest button nose.

  Now, usually, when a human spots a dragon in their true form, it is our duty to kill them so as to preserve our secret or, in the case of women, they are sometimes kidnapped and brought back to the village to satisfy our earthly needs. I’ve never agreed with the practice myself but I understood why the measures were in place.

  If humans knew we existed then there would be an all-out war to exterminate us and, those of us that weren't killed in this war, would become nothing more than science experiments for the humans to poke, prod, and torture. I couldn’t allow that to happen.

  The girl’s eyes widened with awe as she watched me circle above her. Instead of running away, she stood firm and continued to track my movements.

  I could sense that there was something different about this girl because all of a sudden, the air felt like it had been filled with a burst of electricity. My heart rushed with adrenaline and my nostrils flared as I caught her scent for the very first time. Oh, it was intoxicating. My eyes dilated and the world became blurry for a brief second of time.

  Drawn by this impulse, I shot toward the earth and rolled back into my human form so I would land neatly on my two feet. The earth was wet with dew.

  The girl took a step backward as I approached her wearing nothing but a pair of faded jeans. Her eyes wandered along my naked torso, taking in the array of different scars I had accumulated over the years. I flexed my muscles without really thinking about it, like a peacock who fluffs up his plumage at the sight of a suitable mate.

  I flashed a smile, smitten by the girl’s appearance. My mind was muddled with thoughts of ecstasy. I could already see this woman in my bedchamber, nails across my back as she howled my name.

  “W-What are you?” The girl stammered. In her haste to keep her distance, she tripped on a fallen log. She would have crashed into the ground if it wasn’t for my reflexes. I reached out and caught her just in the nick of time. The tips of her long hair brushed the damp earth as her body hovered above it. I had one arm wrapped around her waist, pinning her against my own. Our faces were just inches apart and I was terribly tempted by her candy-colored lips. They looked like bubblegum or maybe even cotton candy and one thing’s for sure, I have a horrible sweet tooth.

  “Now, that’s not a very polite form of introduction.” I chided her with a playful tone. “I do believe you’re supposed to tell me your name so that I can tell you mine.”

  She stammered, eyes blinking rapidly like she expected me to disappear at any moment.

  Seeing as maybe the blood was rushing to her head, I helped her into an upright position. Instead of letting her go, as I probably should have, I held her even tighter. Her apprehension melted away against my warmth. “That’s it, I’m not going to hurt you,” I whispered in a deep, husky voice. As I spoke, I pinned a strand of her hair behind her ear. It was even softer than I expected.

  My thumb trailed along her chin before I took her cheek in my hand. I had half a mind to pull her in for a kiss but I didn’t want to rush things.


  “Mmm, is that your name, love?” I asked, placing a finger underneath her chin so she was forced to look at me.

  She nodded.

  “That’s a lovely name you've got there, Rosie.” It brought me pleasure to say her name. So much so that I felt a stirring between my legs. My every instinct told me to pounce on this woman at once – to take what I deserved but I realized I couldn't soil such a precious flower. Besides, I would need to consult with Foster before choosing a mate. “My name’s Myles. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  She gulped. “Are you really a dragon?”

  “You tell me.” I chuckled. “Do you think I’m real or simply a figment of your imagination?”

  “Well, if you’re a figment of my imagination then this must be
a wet dream…”

  I furrowed my brows together. Since I spent most of my time at the village, I wasn’t very familiar with human slang. “A wet dream?”

  “Never mind.” She said, all too quickly, as her cheeks colored with embarrassment. “Forget I said anything.” She shook her head and pulled away. “I swear you were a dragon a second ago but that can’t be possible. Dragons aren’t real. They are just myths made up by the ancients to explain the existence of dinosaur bones.”

  I picked up a rock from the ground and played with it, as I circled around her like a predator about to make his final move, and that’s exactly what I was – a predator. I still had the taste of moose in my mouth and I was dying to replace it with her sweetness.

  “Is that really what you think or what you’ve convinced yourself to believe?” I leaned in and whispered the question right into her ear. She shivered, goosebumps prickling up the length of her arm. By the looks of things, she wanted me just as much as I wanted her.

  Suddenly, I snaked my arm around her waist and reeled her in so we stood forehead to forehead.

  Her eyes widened with surprise and she held her breath waiting for me to do something.

  I took in her scent. It was enough to get me high. For a moment, I considered taking her back to the village but I didn’t want to risk sharing her with the others. “How about we take this back to your place and you can ask me all the questions in the world. I’m sure you have a few buzzing around in that cute little head of yours.”

  Rosie didn’t know how to respond. She just looked at me like I was some two-headed freak and, for all intents and purposes, she probably considered me to be.


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