Claimed By The Dragons

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Claimed By The Dragons Page 6

by Lilly Wilder

  So, I flicked through the channels but there really wasn’t anything worth watching. In the end, I settled for some sitcom. At least it was relatively fun and god knows I needed a laugh or two.

  “Damn… did I eat this whole thing already?” I asked aloud, looking into the empty ice cream container. “You have quite the appetite little buddy.” With a fond smile on my face, I patted my stomach. While the whole situation was a mess, I couldn’t deny the fact that I was excited to be a mother. I wanted nothing more than to pamper my child with love and affection.

  All of a sudden, I felt something – the tiniest of kicks – against my stomach. I gasped, now resting two hands on my bump. Again, the baby gave a little kick.

  It filled me with immense joy but at the same time, it saddened me. I would be forced to raise this baby on my own.

  “I will do everything I can to give you the life you deserve,” I whispered ever so softly. “No matter what it takes.”

  With this thought in mind, I returned to my workstation for the night. Raising a child was not easy and I knew it didn’t come cheap. I would have to work a lot of extra hours in order to afford everything the baby needed. Just thinking about it made me tired but what choice did I have? Without Myles and Foster, the baby was all I had left in this world.


  Try as I might, I couldn’t concentrate on my work. My vision kept getting blurry and my head pulsed with a migraine.

  I opened up a window to let in a bit of fresh air. As soon as I did so I was hit with an invisible force. It made the air thick. I had felt this before.

  The connection.

  It was most intense inside the tent but even now I knew what it was – my body yearning for its mates. I tried to keep back the feeling but it was impossibly hard. I couldn’t hide forever. I needed to get to the bottom of this once and for all.

  So, I donned my coat and walked out the door. Before I could make it to my car, I was confronted by Jake who stood leaning against the lamp post. “Perfect timing. I was just about to knock.” He said.

  “Don’t bother. I’m leaving.”

  “Where are you going?” He asked, beating me to the door of my car so it was impossible for me to get inside.

  “It’s none of your damn business.” I snapped. “Now get out of my way.”

  His eyes dropped to my bulging stomach. “I see those monsters left their seed inside of you.” He clicked his tongue together in disappointment. “I thought you were better than that.”

  “You’re one to talk.” I huffed. “You can never keep it in your pants so don’t even give me shit right now.”

  “Well, at least I’m not fucking around with a couple of dragons. Do you even know what they are capable of doing?” He pushed me against the hood of the car. “They are dangerous, Rosie, and you’d be smart to remember that.”

  “And you would have been smart to never cheat on me but you did that without a care in the world. Fuck off, will you, Jake?”

  He shook his head. “You believed me down at the station. Took my side and now all of a sudden, I’m the bad guy? I’m just looking out for you, Rosie.”

  “Ha.” I laughed. “Now, that’s funny. You never cared about me even from the start.”

  “That’s not true.”

  “Oh, so is that why you decided to break my heart because you care about me? I’m so touched.”

  He grabbed my wrist when I tried to walk away. “Just listen to me for a second –”

  “No,” I interjected, cutting him off. “I don’t want to hear a word you have to say because it doesn’t matter. So, what if those two are dragons? They showed me more love and response in two fucking days than you did in five years. So, if you think I’m going to go crawling back to you, well, you’ve got another think coming.” There was so much venom in my words that he actually took a step back and held up his hands in defeat. “Don’t make me say it again: stay the hell away from me.” I pointed a finger but it shook violently, detracting from my sternness. “Or I will get a restraining order. I don’t care whether you’re a cop or not.”

  He sighed. “There’s really no way for me to convince you otherwise, is there?”


  “Alright, I’m sorry it has to be this way…” For some reason, his words held an ominous tint to them that forced the hair on the back of my neck to stand on edge. I dismissed the feeling, got in my car, and drove to the nature reserve. I left my car in the parking lot and started up the trail, trying to remember the exact way to the village. It was hard to gauge whether I was going the right direction or not because Myles had always flown me there and things looked much different from the ground level.

  Still, I followed my gut, hoping that this feeling tingling through the air would be enough to guide me back to my lovers, so I could apologize for casting them off.

  Overhead, the stars twinkled but they didn’t do much to light up my way. I struggled to hike along the path, ever cautious of getting hurt. I didn’t want to put my baby at risk. So, I took it slow but as the hours crawled by, I got the sense that I was horribly lost.

  I did a full 360 but I had no idea where I was or from what direction I had originally come from. Even if I wanted to return to my car, I couldn’t.

  “Fuck,” I muttered under my breath.

  Suddenly, a wolf’s howl sounded through the night. I nearly jumped right out of my skin. My heart thumped like it belonged to a racehorse.

  I sidled up to a tree trunk as if that would protect me from the deadly predator.

  Another howl.

  And then, the eyes.

  They shone like two miniature moons. I stared in horror as the wolf stared back, licking his chops in anticipation. Slowly, he stalked forward, head low to the ground.

  Then came another set of eyes. Another wolf joined the hunt, followed by another.

  Sweat trickled down my forehead. Somehow, I found the courage to pick up a heavy branch and hold it like a baseball bat. Whatever happened, I would do everything in my power to protect my baby.

  If these wolves wanted to kill me then they would have a hell of a time doing it.

  Despite my resolve, I was terrified – seconds away from peeing my pants if I’m completely honest. Nonetheless, I steadied myself, ready to swing as hard as I could. Maybe, just maybe, if I managed to land a solid hit, it would scare them away…

  It was a long shot but it was my only shot at getting out of there alive.

  Chapter 14: Myles

  As soon as I heard the howls, I made a run for it. Foster was close at my heels. We weaved through the trees with ease. Nature was our element and nothing could stop us from reaching our destination.

  I blinked, my eyes shifting to those of a dragon. Doing so, I was able to see clearly. “Wolves,” I said.

  “What about them?” asked Foster.

  “They’re going after Rosie,” I answered. “If we do not reach her in time…” The threat got our feet to move a little bit faster. I thought about transforming but the trees were too tightly packed making it hard to maneuver.

  Another howl, louder and closer this time.

  Finally, we reached a clearing. I spotted Rosie standing beside a tree brandishing a stick as a weapon. Such a thing would do nothing to stop the wolves. “You take care of Rosie. I’ll make quick work of the wolves.”

  Foster didn’t need to be told twice. His wings ripped through his shirt and he used them to his advantage so he could jump over the pack, landing effortlessly by Rosie’s side. She was surprised to say the least but she didn’t protest as he jumped into a nearby tree and held her away from harm’s reach.

  Once I was satisfied that they were both safe, I transformed into my dragon state and swiped at the nearby beasts. Quick on their feet, they managed to dodge my attack. I growled and snapped with my jaw but still, they escaped my grasp.

  Slowly, they closed in, eyes shining with malice.

  I waited fo
r the perfect opportunity before swinging my tail in a complete circle, wiping them all out. A cacophony of whimpers sounded through the air.

  “It’s best if you don’t watch this,” Foster said as he covered up her eyes. I took my chance to finish them. My village would eat well tonight.

  I shifted back to my human form and tried to wipe away the blood but there was too much of it. I needed a bath but it would have to wait.

  Foster fluttered back to the ground with Rosie in his arms.

  “Are you okay?” I asked her.

  “Yeah… I think so.” She said. Her hands trembled with fear.

  “Why were you out here all on your own?” I searched her eyes for answers but deep down there was only one thing I wanted to hear – that she had returned to us.

  “I…” She struggled.

  Foster held her a little tighter. “Shh, how about we go back to the village? There you can take all the time you need. And it’ll be much safer.”

  Rosie looked like she was about to answer him when a blast erupted through my chest. I staggered as my own blood poured down my chest. Another shot rang out, this time piercing through my shoulder.

  My vision blurred with pain but I did not allow myself to fall.

  “I won’t miss a third time.” Came a familiar voice.

  “Jake!” Rosie shouted trying to pry herself out of Foster’s hold. “Have you completely lost your mind?”

  “I couldn’t let you get taken away by a couple of monsters the same way my mother did.” He kept his gun trained on Myles. “Now, either you come back home with me or your precious little dragon gets a shot to the head.”

  “You can’t do this!” Rosie struggled with all her might.

  “Oh, can’t I? Last time I checked, dragons aren’t protected by human rights which means I can do whatever the fuck I want.” He smirked like he was enjoying himself. “Trust me, you will thank me for this later.”

  She shook her head, tears streaming down her face. “You call them monsters but you’re the only monster I see!”

  He laughed. “That’s funny. I’m a monster? Really? For wanting to protect you?”

  “I don’t need your protection.” She snarled.

  “That is enough,” I said, holding up my hand. “You’re upsetting my mate and I will not stand for it.”

  Jake turned, narrowing his eyes in my direction. “Did I say you could speak?” He cocked the gun in an attempt to intimidate me.

  “Do it,” Foster said under his breath just loud enough for me to hear.

  Acting on impulse, I called upon my speed and dashed forward. In the blink of an eye, I had him disarmed.

  He tried to weasel his way from my grasp but I held him firm. “Keep struggling and I might be tempted to break your arm.” I hissed into his ear. “Now, I want you to get one thing clear through your head. Rosie wants nothing to do with you so you had better leave her alone.”

  “You’re the one that should leave her alone!” He spat. “Your kind should be exterminated.”

  I growled. “I apologize about what happened to your mother but it is in the past. You cannot save her now so leave us in peace or you will face the consequences.” I twisted his arm just a little bit harder to prove my point. “Now, do I make myself clear?”


  “I have a feeling you’re lying to me.” I hissed, my mouth so close to his ear that I could almost taste his filth.

  Rosie walked up to the officer and planted her feet on the ground. “It’s over, Jake.”

  “You can’t be serious.”

  “I am.” She said. “They aren’t what I expected in life but I know they will treat me as I deserve to be treated. They will cherish and protect me, more than you could ever hope to do. And they would never dream of cheating on me because this connection we feel – its everlasting. So, if you think you can get your squadron to come out here and wipe them out, I swear I will be the death of you myself.”

  “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned,” Foster added for dramatic emphasis. I shook my head at him but he just shrugged.

  Finally, I released my grip. Jake rolled back his shoulder, his face scrunching up with pain. No one felt any sympathy for the man.

  Grumbling, he walked away. I had half a mind to strike him dead but I knew better than to act on such impulses. If Rosie saw me do such a thing then she would have good reason to think me a monster. By restraining myself, I was proving I was the better man.

  “Let’s go home,” I said but before I could take my first step forward, an overwhelming dizziness washed over me. I struggled to find my balance and, in the end, it eluded me. I fell forward, crashing into the ground. The impact knocked the wind right out of me. Pain radiated through my body. My wounds felt like fire.

  “Myles!” Rosie called my name but it sounded like I was hearing her voice from a distance.

  I tried to respond but my vision was slowly turning to black. Then, I blinked and it was all gone.


  I woke up a little while later to find Rosie tending to my wounds. Her hair was braided in the traditional style and she wore markings on her face like she had already been accepted into the dragon community.

  How long had I been out for?

  “Glad you could join us in the land of the living.” Foster punched my good shoulder but it still made me flinch.

  “Careful!” Rosie chided. “You’re going to hurt him!”

  “He’s an Alpha. I think he can handle it.” Foster answered with a grin. “Anyway, how are you feeling, bud. You gave us quite the scare when you passed out like that. Rosie thought you were dead.”

  “I feel… fine.” I lied, if only for Rosie’s sake. I didn’t need her worrying about me especially when she was with child.

  “Well, thanks to Rosie you should be good as new in a couple of days. She has been by your side since your fall.” He explained. “Practically refuses to eat and sleep.”

  I looked over at her and she blushed in response. “I wanted to make sure you were okay.” She said while replacing some of my bandages.

  “I don’t want you to overwork yourself…” I frowned while trying to sit up. With a forceful hand, she kept me on my back.

  “No.” She instructed. “You still need plenty of rest. Besides, I want you to be as healthy as possible when the baby is born.”

  Foster smiled, his lips stretching from ear lobe to ear lobe. “I brought her to the elders and they all agree that it’s going to be twins!”

  “Twins?” I repeated in disbelief. “But no one has had twins in over a millennium.”

  “I know.” Foster’s smile stretched even further. “It’s a blessing.”

  I pulled them both into my embrace.

  Rosie wrapped her arms around me as gently as possible.

  I chuckled and kissed the top of her head. “I hope you’re prepared for twins.”

  “Not in the slightest but at least there’s three of us and only two of them.”

  I laughed. “It’s not that easy. Three of us or not we’re still going to have our hands full.”

  “You can say that again.” Foster chimed in. “But I think it will be well worth it in the end.”

  Epilogue: Rosie

  Seven years later.

  Myles wasn’t lying when he said that the twins would be a handful. From the start, they managed to get into heaps of trouble. Even as babies, their tails would find each other and coil together until it resulted in a miniature blast. If I didn’t keep my eyes on them at all times then there was no telling what could happen.

  Now, at six years old, they were getting smarter and smarter. Which just meant they were able to come up with more ways to get into trouble. And to make matters worse, their fathers wanted to teach them how to hunt. I had the horrible image in my head of them shooting each other.

  So, I stalled as much as I could.

  “Eat all your breakfast, both of you,
and don’t you dare feed it to the wolf.” I wagged my finger at the boys.

  The wolf, before you ask, belonged to the pack Myles had killed all those years ago. When Foster returned to the den, he found one lone wolf pup still alive despite all the odds. Instead of killing it, Foster brought it home and we have raised it ever since. For the most part, it acted like the dog I have always wanted but, it just meant I had one more trouble maker to worry about on top of the twins.

  “Alright, mum.” They grumbled in unison. A dragon’s diet consisted mostly of meat but dragon children still needed a good helping of fruits and vegetable to keep them healthy and strong. But, like most children, they weren’t very fond of the taste.

  Myles and Foster walked through the door decked out in their hunting gear. I eyed them with interest mostly because their outfits consisted of very little. I grinned, imagining us in the bedroom making love. We had discovered a way to protect against pregnancy which meant the three of us could have fun whenever we wanted so long as the twins weren’t awake.

  The twins forfeited their meal and rose to their feet. “Do we get to learn how to hunt now?” Liam asked, eyes shining brightly.

  “I want to learn to use dad’s dagger!” Oliver shouted. He was so excited that he could barely contain himself.

  I chuckled. It was clear who took after who. Liam had his father’s patience and leadership, while Oliver took after Foster’s playful charm.

  “Can mum come with us?” Liam took my hand.

  “I don’t see why not,” Foster said with a shrug. “It’s probably a good idea if she learns. Never know what might happen in the future. Such skills might come in handy.”

  “Oh no, I don’t think…”

  “Mum, please! We want to see you shoot a bow!” Oliver pleaded. “We even promise to eat all our vegetables for a week!”

  “Speak for yourself,” Liam whispered under his breath. “I’m not eating vegetables for a week.”

  “You two should be eating your vegetables all the time.” I chided.

  “What do you say, Rosie?” Myles offered me a bow. It was impossible to deny him when he looked at me with those gorgeous eyes of his. So, I took up the weapon. It felt heavy in my hand. “Come.” Myles led everyone outside.


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