Bourne to Love Emma (RED-Stone Operatives Book 1)

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Bourne to Love Emma (RED-Stone Operatives Book 1) Page 9

by Paxton, MacKenzie K.

  After a minute, I reached out and took his hand, letting him pull me from the bed. His arms wrapped around me and he rested his cheek against my head. I curved my arms around his waist until I feel the gun tucked in his pants. I slid my arms up so I’m not touching it.

  “Emma.” He cleared his throat and swallowed. “Remember me telling you that I don’t only do IT work for my job, right? I work for John’s security company and sometimes I have to be in the field – out of the office – to do my job. I’m a SEAL, Em. I know what I’m doing and I don’t use my weapons unless I have absolutely no other option – but I would never go out there to do my job without being prepared for the worst outcome. I’m armed to keep myself and my team safe….”

  He stopped. He was waiting for me to say something….


  “Okay?” He stared at me in disbelief.

  “Okay. I don’t have to know what you do. I know John well enough to know he would never have sent you to check on me if he didn’t trust you implicitly. And I trust you enough to believe you when you tell me what you just did. The guns were just a surprise.”

  I heard him sigh in relief against me. He cares what I think about him. That thought gave me giddy little butterflies in my belly.

  Jason squeezed me one more time and then turned toward the door. He held my hand as we crossed the living room so he could leave.

  “I’ll be back in just a little while. Don’t leave without me or at least until after you talk to me, okay? We need to figure out what happened last night – and if he’s a threat we need to handle.”

  I opened my mouth to argue and he stopped me with a raised hand.

  “Emma. It isn’t just you who could be in danger. What happens if he tries to get to you again while you have Mia with you? What do you think he would do to her? Do you think he would be willing to use her to get you to do what he wants? Would you risk it?”

  God. I hadn’t even considered any of that. He was drunk last night. But what if he was drunk when he ran into me with Mia?

  I nodded my head. “Okay. I’ll wait for you.”

  He pulled me close again and leaned down to bury his head in the crook of my neck. He kissed the spot behind my ear and I shivered. I can feel his smile against my skin.

  He let me go and opened the door. “Lock it up, babe. I’ll be back in a little while.”

  I smiled at him and he winked as he waited for me to close the door. Once it was locked, I let myself act like an idiot and do a little happy dance on my way back to my room. He called me ‘babe.’ I actually heard myself giggle as I headed to the bathroom to shower and get cleaned up.


  As soon as I walked in the door to my apartment, I stripped and got in a cold shower. Emma’s innocent exploration had nearly killed me this morning. I can honestly say I don’t remember the last time I’ve had to use that much self-control outside of a covert mission overseas. But waking up and seeing the bruises on her face and neck had given me the strength to say today was not the day we would move to the next level. Not when she had just dealt with that asshole last night.

  By the time my dick finally went down, I was chilled and shivering. I washed quickly and got out, wrapping a towel around my waist. I headed to my office and started running reports on Emma’s ex. Financials, criminal background, court record searches, tax history – one of those had to give us a place to start. Something had changed in his life, I just need to figure out what it was and how it affects Emma.

  Once that was all running, I sent a text to John to let him know Emma was doing okay so far. I plugged my phone into my rapid charger and went to get dressed and brush my teeth.

  I text Emma when I was ready to leave again.

  When do you want to grab Mia? Want to go grab breakfast and bring it back?

  A few minutes later, she replied.

  I’m ready to go. Not cooking sounds good!

  I smiled as I read her text.

  I’m ready, too. See you in a sec.

  My 9mm was back in its holster at the small of my back, but it was the only thing I was carrying today. I tucked my phone in my pocket and grabbed my keys and wallet off the counter. As I was walking out the door, I heard the chime on my computer letting me know one of the reports is finished running. I considered going back for it, until I hear Emma opening her door to leave. It will keep. I’ll see what’s what when we get back from eating.

  I locked my door and turned toward Emma. She locked her door and dropped her keys into the oversize bag she carries when she has Mia with her. The bruises on her neck are dark purple today and just seeing them makes me furious. When she looked up at me and blushed, I covered the space between us in a heartbeat and pulled her to me. Her eyes widened just before I kissed her. I rubbed my lips over hers twice before drawing the tip of my tongue along her lower lip, nipping it lightly to get her to open for me. When she did, I licked into her mouth and tasted her. She tasted like mint and green tea…my new favorite flavor.

  Her bag dropped to the floor and she wrapped her arms around my waist. She pulled back when she felt the gun at my back. She looked into my eyes for a moment before she pushed back up on her toes and kissed me again.

  My cold shower was for nothing. All it takes is one look from her and I’m hard as stone. My jeans were better at hiding it, at least. She pressed herself against me as her tongue stroked into my mouth and my hands slid down her back to her ass, pulling her tighter against me. She wiggled her hips, rubbing her belly against my erection and I pulled away.

  She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me in question. I pulled her head to my chest and pressed my mouth to her forehead for a moment. My heart was pounding and my dick was throbbing.

  “Shit,” I whispered.

  She pulled back to look at me again – but this time she was smirking.

  “You better think about something else or you’re going to give Carla a stroke putting that thing on display, soldier.”

  Without thinking, I corrected her, “Sailor. I was in the Navy.”

  “Oh. Well. Okay, then….” She paused and I was about to apologize for making her feel dumb, but she recovered quickly. “Maybe we should discuss that further when you dock in my port…but, until then, sailor….”

  She pulled away and grabbed her bag from the floor before walking toward the elevator. She glanced at me over her shoulder and I started to follow her. I swear she was swinging her hips just for me. Minx.

  Chapter 10


  We ended up joining Carla and Miguel for breakfast. As soon as she saw the bruises on me, she went into full-on mother mode. She sent Jason and Miguel to pick up pastries while she made fresh coffee and cooked bacon and ham to go with the sweets.

  After a dozen promises to call her if I needed help with Mia, we left Carla and Miguel to the rest of their Sunday morning.

  Jason walked us back to our door after breakfast with Mia on his shoulders with her little hands holding his short hair in a death grip as she squealed in excitement. When I opened the door, he ducked low to get through and then flipped her forward and bounced her lightly on the couch.

  “’gain!” she screamed. ‘Again’ was one of her newly acquired demands and she used it most often with Jason.

  “I gotta go for a while, baby girl. But we’ll play more when I come back, okay?”

  Mia pouted until I distracted her with the bucket of musical toys that I confiscate from her regularly because…noise.

  While she pulled the maracas and xylophone out of the box, Jason pushed me into the kitchen where he lifted me up onto the counter and stepped between my thighs. He wrapped his arms around my hips and kissed me lightly on the mouth before he rested his forehead against my own. I ran my hands up his arms to his shoulder and cupped his strong neck in my hands, my thumbs stroking softly behind his ears.

  After a moment, he pulled back. “I have some stuff I need to get done this afternoon. I don’t plan on leaving the buildin
g, but I can’t do it with just my laptop, so I need to be next door.”

  “Okay. Will you still come have dinner with us tonight?”

  He smiled into my eyes and kissed me softly. “Definitely. I’ll be back for dinner. Around six?”

  I nodded. “Six works.”

  He pulled me from the counter and put his arm around me while we walked the few steps to the door. “If you need to leave or you get a bad feeling about anything, call me, okay? I don’t want you alone out there yet.”

  “I won’t go anywhere. Promise.” We smiled at each other for a minute before he stepped out the door. We said goodbye and I locked it shut.

  A little while later, when I convinced Mia to go down for a nap, I called Heather. She had already text me several times that she wanted to talk. Yes, I’m fine. Yes, I do have bruises today. No, they don’t really hurt. No, I had no idea Jason worked for John. Yes, Jason stayed with me last night. No, Jason did not jump my bones and end my sex drought. Yes, we did fool around some. No, I’m not giving you all the details. Hooker.

  After surviving the third degree from Heather, she put me on hold while John got on the line, too. He told me that he’s already gotten a copy of Dan’s driver’s license and given it to security in my building, so I should feel safe when I’m at home. Then he made a case for why I need to file a police report about Dan’s behavior. We need to document what happened in case he doesn’t something else. He threw out words like ‘escalate’ and ‘harassment’ and ‘psychotic break.’ Finally, I agreed to have my bruises photographed and giving a written statement to John for safe keeping so that we can press charges later if something else happens. Heather told me that John already got a statement from Ian – the guy who saved me at the club. So, as soon as I’m ready to press charges, we’re good to go.

  I really don’t feel like it’s necessary. I don’t know what happened with Dan, but I was never scared of him before and think he just got drunk and kind of lost his mind for a few minutes. These thoughts didn’t get spoken out loud, though, because I remember Jason’s reaction to them and I imagine Heather and John would probably feel the same way.

  Once John said goodbye, I told Heather that Jason is coming over for dinner tonight, so I have to get moving. She moved right back into fangirl mode. Seriously, if I didn’t know how in love she was with John, I’d be worried for Jason. In reality, though, it’s the idea of me with Jason that gets her so excited. Now that he’s been ‘vetted’ by John, it’s like I’ve got the green light to move forward with him.

  Green light or not, I was already falling in love with the man. That John and Heather approve of him just makes it slightly less terrifying….


  Sitting at my desk, I could see that several reports were finished running, but a few were on hold until tomorrow. Some things would require an actual phone call or a manual hack to get into a private system. I did have his financials, though. I hit print on that report and turned to another screen to log into RED-Stone and see what the status of the Patzkowsky case is after last night’s discovery.

  The database hadn’t been updated for last night’s capture. Rubbing the back of my neck, I considered likely outcomes. The reason things weren’t updated previously was because we discovered we had a mole. Fucking Brody – the new guy who sent us out on bullshit missions until Tex and I both told John what he could do with the new guy’s ‘intel.’ Maybe Crash and John were covering our asses in case he wasn’t working alone in our office…. Shit.

  My phone chimed announcing a new message. I grabbed the report off the printer and walked to the kitchen where I left my phone to charge.

  You don’t have any food allergies, do you?

  I leaned against the counter and text back.

  J: Nope. Do you or Mia?

  E: Not allergies, no. I’m lactose intolerant, though.

  J: What?! How do you live without ice cream???

  E: LOL – there are other options besides cow milk.

  J: But cow milk is so good! And cheese!

  E: Are you trying to make me sad, Jason? I miss

  real cheese.

  J: Aw. Sorry, babe. Glad Mia doesn’t have those


  E: Me, too. Anyway, is there anything you don’t


  J: Anchovies. Brussel sprouts. Beets. Blue cheese.

  E: Haha. Yuck! I agree on all of those, so you’re


  J: Thank goodness! People who eat that stuff can’t

  be trusted.

  E: You crack me up. See you at six for dinner!

  J: Sounds good, babe. I’ll be there.

  I set my phone down with a smile on my face and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. Once I sat down in the living room, I start looking through the financial report I pulled. I’ve got several credit reports, bank statements for multiple accounts… and statements for an offshore account. Huh.

  After spending over an hour pouring over all the documents, I leaned back on the couch and closed my eyes. None of this is what I expected. Emma mentioned that he worked with a bunch of attorneys but we’ve never talked about anything else. He had multiple accounts and money moved through them too often – not paying bills, just being deposited a few days before being wired to another account. One of the accounts had regular payroll deposits, large payroll deposits, until about six months ago. About that same time, the money moving got bigger and the offshore account was opened. Until a few weeks ago.

  Less than a month ago, the money moved out but nothing moved back into the accounts. There was only a hundred and twenty three bucks in the account he used to have his paychecks put into – no deposits of any kind had been made into that one since the last payroll deposit.

  So, unless my reports missed an account – and I coded this report myself, so I don’t buy that answer at all – this dude is broker than broke. Based on his history, that is not something he’s used to being and it seems that he’s gone a little crazy because of it.

  I got up and walked back into the office, my mind still circling the matter of Emma’s ex-husband. At the window, I stared at nothing for a while, letting my brain turn everything over and around and checking for something that would point me in the direction I need to go. Movement below drew my eyes down to see a couple leaving the building arm in arm and walking down the street.

  And then I saw the car. Just like the other times, there was someone in the driver’s seat. I yanked open the cabinet next to my desk and pull out the GPS tracking unit I’ve had waiting for this opportunity. I ran to my room for a jacket and ball cap. In the kitchen, I snatched up my keys, phone and sunglasses. Jogging down the hallway, I sent a text to Emma.

  Gotta step out for a few minutes. I’ll be back soon.

  I pulled the tracking unit out of my pocket and palmed it. As I exited the building, I held my phone to my ear like I was talking to someone and I twirled my keys on the fingers of my other hand. I laughed and joked with the person I pretended I was talking to and made a show of playing with my keys. As I walked closer to the car, I checked the street and started to cross it at a diagonal that will take me close to the car, but not directly to it since I’m not looking for a confrontation today.

  When I was close enough, I ‘accidentally’ threw my keys and they slid over toward the back bumper of the sedan I was stalking. I yelled ‘shit’ and jogged over to pick up my keys while I was still on the phone. When I bent over to pick up the keys, I held the phone between my cheek and shoulder and slapped the tracker under the edge of the bumper. I stood back up, started twirling my keys again and walked down the street.

  Once I was a good fifty feet away, I called John and let him know we had a tracker on the car. I ducked into a coffee shop at the corner and ordered a green tea for Emma since it would look odd for me to come back empty handed. When I walked back to the building, I could feel the guy in the car staring me down. I tried to get a good look at him through my peripheral vision, but
he was in a hat and sunglasses, too, and behind tinted glass. He was definitely tracking me as I walked up to the building, though.

  That’s okay, fucker. I’ve got eyes on you now.

  I dropped off Emma’s tea – and stole a quick kiss – and came back to my office to pull up the tracking system. The screen showed he was still parked out front and the tracker signal was strong. I confirmed the recording settings for the tracker to be sure we would know everywhere he went when he left and closed it back down.

  A quick glance at my watch showed that it was almost three o’clock. With a sigh, I sat down and pulled up the surveillance footage I had been neglecting the past few days.


  I was in the middle of cleaning when Jason stopped by to bring me a cup of tea from the shop down the street. When I reached for it, he pulled it back and told me there was a price for every kindness. I laughed and leaned up to kiss him. Before things could heat up, he had pulled back and handed me my tea, telling me he had to finish some stuff before dinner.

  I had chili cooking in the crockpot, jalapeño cornbread in the oven and beer in the fridge when he knocked on the door at 5:50. The afternoon had crawled by – I checked the clock constantly anticipating when he would be back.

  As soon as I swung the door open, Jason pulled me into his body. He spun me around, pushed the door closed and leaned me against it and kissed me. The urgency just kept building between us. It was unreal. I wound my arms around his neck and wrapped one leg around his, rubbing his denim-clad leg with my bare foot. When his hands slid under my bottom and lifted, I wrapped both legs around his waist and moaned when I felt his harness pressed against me. I sucked his tongue into my mouth and rotated my hips. He jerked away from me and lifted me off of him, setting me on the floor.

  He hugged me tight and whispered, “dammit, Emma.” After a moment, he added, “fuck me.” I giggled and whispered back, “Hey, I’m trying to….” He swatted me on the bottom and pulled away. His face was flushed and I could see the pulse hammering at the base of his neck in the little hollow I felt the sudden urge to lick.


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