The bad cop presented Cameron with a ticket for failure to turn right at the corner and told Cameron to sign the ticket.
Cameron signed the ticket, but added the words, signed under protest.
The bad cop said loudly, that is not his signature, let’s take him down to jail.
The backup cop said, “That’s his signature, let’s go.”
Both officers departed in their vehicles.
With his ticket in hand, Cameron drove to the site where the officer claimed he should have made a right hand turn.
He noticed a sign that read: Due to construction activity, all vehicles may turn left, right or they may drive straight ahead.
Cameron drove straight ahead and noticed the dishonest cop again, no doubt writing his notes on the ticket that he had given Cameron. With the passenger side window rolled down, he approached the policeman whose window was also rolled down and said, “You are a very dishonest cop, and I think I caught you.”
Michelle heard what Cameron had said to the cop and said she was surprised that the cop hadn’t shot him.
Later, Cameron called the city highway and construction department to find out if the construction turn sign on the corner was valid. The sign was valid and had been placed in its space four days before Cameron received his ticket. The department engineer said he would send a letter with the pertinent information. Cameron also called the city’s police department internal affairs office to report the police officer misconduct. Cameron, called and left messages with the police chief, mayor, and governor. He went back to where he was pulled over and put signs asking if anyone had heard the cop yelling at Cameron. No one called him. He did receive a call from the police department’s internal affairs later, who said they found nothing and considered the case closed.
“Interesting” said Cameron, to the Internal Affairs’ officer, “You are closing the case and I have a bombshell of a letter indicating that your cop was lying.”
“Oh, please Mr. Price, send us a copy of that letter,” asked the internal affairs officer.
Sensing corruption by internal affairs to protect all of the officers of the police department, Cameron said, “No, Let’s let the judge look at it and make the decision,
Several weeks passed and Cameron stood before the judge as his case was about to be heard. “Your honor,” said the bailiff, “Neither the charging officer nor anyone from the police department are here. We just have a note indicating the police department does not wish to pursue the infraction.”
The judge said, “You won Mr. Price.”
“Excuse me, your honor, this is not a win. I want to have a full hearing where I can bring to light the misdeeds and activities of our police department,” said Cameron.
“You don’t understand, Mr. Price, you won and there is nothing more for you to do.”
Cameron was upset about these chains of events until he received a letter from the mayor’s office indicating the mayor had reviewed the case. He indicated that he had looked at the construction activity report. He also found two neighbors who heard the cop screaming at Cameron, and he saw where the cop had lied on the ticket.
“Mr. Price, we do not want this type of individual serving in our community and as such, I have fired the police officer effective three days ago!!
So, the moral of this relevant story is to live to talk another day. You may be wrongly accused of a crime, but don’t let the feeling of being a caged rabbit kill you. It doesn’t matter what color you are.
Keep searching for the truth, which will set you free.
Lastly, the ‘Ten Golden Keys’ to success:
1.Study Karate.
2.Work hard: You can achieve anything you desire, if you are willing to work exceedingly hard and smart for it.
3.Go to college.
4.Dress for success at interviews, looking exactly like the person doing the interviewing.
5.One’s aspiration is predicated by using your mental and physical abilities.
6.Never get divorced.
7.Pick your friends by the action of their minds and their hearts.
8.Be a great leader by being smart, honest, having a strong charismatic character, loyal to the team, and developing the team to win.
9.Know true love: For a man, it is when time stands still, an irresistible magnetic force moves you to that special someone, and both your heart and mind start dancing in your body, anything short of this is a play date. A woman should take careful time to analyze her wants and desires in a man. True love has to not only fill each and every one of her desires, but her desires must be filled each and every day and night. A woman needs a man who can adapt to her changes.
10.Be Spiritual.
The Black Skeleton Key No. 1:
Never do drugs!
Character List in
Alphabetical Order
Beautiful high-fashion New York model who Cameron met in Italy
Beautiful Canadian lady who Cameron met in Italy
Cameron’s son
Cameron’s service friend made famous in Mexico
•Aunt Olive
Cameron’s aunt on his mother’s side
•Aunt Vine
Cameron’s aunt on his mother’s side
Big El’s State Patrol friend
Football player in the Philippines
Cameron’s step-brother
Susan’s mother
•Big El (Elston Royal)
Cameron’s best friend
Cameron’s corporate friend
Cameron’s corporate friend
Cameron’s cousin
Cameron’s cousin
Big El’s and Cameron’s victory high five sign
Main Character. Book based on his life.
Cameron’s father’s sister (aunt)
Fellow student and Cameron’s drinking friend
•Christian Sharpen
Big El’s groomsman
Cameron’s father
•Darlene Thomas
Calculus tutor
Cameron’s youngest uncle on his father’s side
Cameron’s Great-grandmother
Service friend, who he met in basic training in San Antonio Texas. He wanted to play the saxophone in the Air Force band
•Dr Avner
Gave Big El his first job after the Air Force
Cameron’s corporate friend
Cameron’s step-father
Washington State Bar Exam Study Partner
Susan’s grandmother
Service buddy who loved golf and women
Black waiter who served Big El his favorite food
Nelson’s wife
•Judge Boudin
Tacoma Superior Court Judge
•Katie Capriana
Cameron’s friend from high school
Cameron’s past girlfriend
Friend in stock marketing class and Law school
•Larry Junior
Susan’s brother
•Larry Senior
Susan’s father
Nelson’s girlfriend
Daughter of a friend of great aunt Mary
Cameron’s Italian landlord Michael’s wife
•Markr />
Cameron’s son
Cameron’s great aunt on mother’s side
•Mary Dane
Big El’s younger sister
Service friend accidentally stabbed by Cameron
Cameron’s landlord in Italy
Cameron’s wife
•Minister Robinson
Michelle’s family minister
Service friend (basic training through the Philippines)
Cameron’s step-cousin
Sharon and Cameron’s son
Cameron’s childhood friend
Cameron’s corporate friend
Big El’s neighbor
Stair climbing friend at North University
Cameron’s grandmother
•Quincy Noble
Cameron’a step-cousin
Law school friend
Friend from Italy
Cameron’s daughter
Cameron’s corporate friend
•Sensei Marshall
Cameron’s karate instructor
•Sebastion Rock
Cameron’s step-cousin
Cameron’s girlfriend before joining the Air Force
Big El’s girlfriend then wife
Arthur’s wife
Big El’s cousin-in-law
Cameron’s great uncle on mother’s side
Big El’s Canadian friend who he met in Italy
•Uncle General
Cameron’s uncle on his mother’s side
•Uncle Lionist
Cameron’s uncle on his mother’s side
•Uncle Lloyd
Preacher who married Michelle and Cameron
•Uncle Paige Jr
Cameron’s uncle on his mother’s side.
•Uncle Thas
Cameron’s uncle on his mother’s side
•Uncle Wyman
Cameron’s uncle on his mother’s side
Aunt Carol’s husband
Cameron’s uncle on his father’s side
Horizons of Heroes Page 16