Broken Prince (The Broken Ones)

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Broken Prince (The Broken Ones) Page 7

by Jen Wylie

  She did not hear Garen move behind her, his large paws somehow silent on the forest floor. She did hear his sudden growl just before he bounded past her. Staring at him in shock, she froze as he stopped directly in front of her, hackles raised, ears flattened back against his head. He snarled, his lips pulled back from his huge teeth.

  "What is it, Garen?" She stepped up beside him, resting a hand on his back.


  She looked down at him. His voice in her mind had quivered with fear, as if he'd struggled just to get that one word out. Yet he didn't look afraid, he looked ready to take on an army.

  "I see you have made a new friend," Damon said, walking into her view.

  She pursed her lips and glared at him as she stepped forward, putting herself between him and Garen.

  The Dragos was dangerous. He also had no qualms about hurting her friends. The last time he'd come Kei had attacked him, so had Prince. Neither had hurt him, he was simply too powerful.

  She glanced back at Garen, Do not attack him. It won't do any good.

  He growled in response, but his head lowered slightly, which she took to mean he'd actually listen to her. Hopefully the others didn't know Damon had come. If she could keep them out of it, she would. They tended to try to protect her too much. She didn't want them hurt at her expense again.

  "Hello, Damon," she said, struggling to make the words come out calmly.

  A smile spread across his handsome face as he stopped a few steps in front of her. "Arowyn. It's been a while."

  "Not long enough." She forced a smile, trying to make light of her words. She had to be careful. He could get angry so quickly.

  He chuckled. "Now, now. Last time I believe I was quite helpful to you."

  Yes, he'd come back, and answered some of their questions, mostly concerning Prince, who had left them. But Prince had only left because Damon had torn his glamor away and shown them all he was an Elf. This was of course after Damon had ripped through her mind, destroying all of her inner defenses, nearly destroying her.

  She didn't like him. Of course, she didn't understand him either. Though he mostly looked human, he wasn't, his true form being a monstrous dragon.

  He cocked his head to the side, his strange iridescent eyes with their vertical slits seeming to swirl. "I take it you didn't miss me?"

  "We've been busy," she said quickly. "Trying to get Prince home." She bit her tongue. She shouldn't have mentioned the others.

  However Damon merely nodded. Perhaps he actually remembered. He stared at her intently. "You seem stronger."

  She tensed, waiting for him to invade her mind, waiting for the pain of it. It didn't come, not yet, however she didn't know what to say.

  His gazed went past her, back to Garen. "You have them all now. Perhaps that is why."

  She had no idea what he was talking about. Not really. She guessed he referred to her friends being from all of the races, human, Elf, Were, Fey. However she didn't know how that could be important. She hoped there hadn't been something about them in the stupid prophecies he liked to prattle on about all the time. She doubted she'd be so lucky.

  "You're very quiet this time," he said, breaking her thoughts.

  "I don't really have a lot to say."

  "You just never know what I want you to tell me."

  She clenched her fists, trying to stay calm, trying not to say something sarcastic or stupid which would cause problems. "You should ask then, if you have a question."

  He smiled. It was a little smile, he was not amused. "That takes too much time, you don't say everything. I like to see for myself."

  "Stay out of my mind," she said sharply. The edges of panic crept over her. She knew what was coming, knew she couldn't stop it. No one could. She wanted to run, but knew he'd catch her. He'd probably love that, some extra excitement. She shifted slightly from one foot to the other, waiting.

  "You…" he paused and looked over one shoulder then the other.

  She looked as well, confused, until she saw all the others come forward out of the trees, even Prince. They had circled him. Idiots. She ground her teeth, furious they had come.

  She carefully focused a thought at Garen. Did you call them?

  Yes. I felt him to be a threat. Was I wrong?

  She tried to stay calm and to not yell at Garen. He didn't know. She'd never gotten around to telling him about Damon, about what the Dragos had done to them. No. It's fine. Just be careful. He's very dangerous. Try to keep your thoughts well-guarded.

  Damon looked back at her, apparently heedless of her conversation, and chuckled. "You've all been spending too much time with the wolves. You're starting to act like them."

  She stared at him and then she understood. He didn't know. He didn't know they had worked Were magic and become a pack.

  She wanted to keep it that way. She smiled a little. "They have some good ideas."

  "So they do," he answered. He turned to regard Prince. "You are holding up well. Under the circumstances."

  Prince gave him a faint nod, somehow managing to stand tall and straight and not look like he would collapse at any moment. Maybe the Were magic had done more for him than she'd thought.

  Damon cocked his head to the side, pursing his lips for a moment in thought. "Do you honestly think you will make it?"

  A small smile crossed Prince's lips and he looked over at her. "Aro seems quite determined I will."

  Damon turned his attention back to her, which she didn't really appreciate. At the same time, relief flooded through her that he had turned away from Prince. The Elf was in no condition to deal with any sort of fighting right now. "And so I imagine you will. She is a remarkably strong girl…for a human." He smiled that little smile she hated so much, like he knew things she didn't. It was a cruel, patronizing smile. It fit him perfectly.

  She wanted to ask him what he wanted, but was afraid speaking would cause something horrible to happen. Keeping her mouth shut seemed to be a much better idea.

  Damon frowned and then pointed a finger at her. "One of you is missing."

  She closed her eyes for a moment, sucking in a deep breath. Of course he'd notice. "Cain."

  "Where is he?"

  "He died."


  She swallowed roughly. "Arrow. Through the chest."

  "Ah. How ironic."

  She flinched.

  Damon continued to regard her thoughtfully and then gave a little shrug. Like Cain's death meant nothing. That he'd meant nothing.

  She wanted to kill him.

  Instead she clenched her jaw and forced herself to stay still, to stay calm. Somehow she managed. Maybe she was getting stronger, growing up.

  Damon took another step closer and smiled again. "I have discovered more about you. Would you like to hear it?"

  "No," she said promptly.

  "But it is quite interesting. It mentions in fact, all of you." He paused and then smiled again. "Well, perhaps not. Things do change of course and any one of you could be replaced. Prophecy is always so vague. Still, it is most interesting you have filled the requirements already. It's almost a shame really."

  She was having trouble following what he was saying. "What?"

  He grinned and shrugged. "You are too young yet. You will not be Queen for some time."

  Before she could stop herself she rolled her eyes and sighed.

  "You don't believe me?"

  "Does it matter?" She tried to cover her reactions. Why couldn’t she act more responsible? This wasn’t a game. She knew it, knew it so very well. Yet she couldn’t seem to stay out of trouble. So far, she'd thought she'd done very well, but she had to be better. Lives depended on her.

  Damon apparently found her amusing. He laughed and shook his head. "Not at all, of course. Do you really not want to know?"

  "No," she said firmly. "I don't."

  "Not anything?"

  She shook her head.

  "Not even where you will rule? How it will happen? Who will rule
by your side?"

  "Most definitely not."

  He seemed disappointed. "Perhaps I should tell you anyway."

  "Maybe that will change things." She smiled sweetly.

  He snorted, his mouth twisting in an ironic half smile. "Possibly."

  "Is that what you intend?" She had wondered if he was trying to help, or to hinder, the prophecy he so liked to talk about. Honestly she had no idea. Of course she only knew the one line he'd told her about herself, and the one about Kei. Perhaps the prophecy said she would kill him. She almost liked that thought.

  He smiled again, which was no answer at all. Not with him. She glanced quickly at the others. Everyone had been so still, so quiet. It surprised her, but she certainly wasn't going to complain. So far they had avoided fighting, and having Damon in anyone’s mind.

  Damon continued to regard her silently, as if waiting for her to speak.

  She didn't want to. Her mouth tended to get her into trouble with him. Counting her heartbeats she waited, staring at him, watching his strange eyes swirl.

  He smiled again suddenly, and took a step forward. She tensed. He had moved close enough now, he could touch her. In the past he had always done so just before he invaded her mind.

  Damon lifted a hand, but didn't touch her. He looked down, behind her.

  Garen whimpered.

  Turning quickly she saw her friend had lowered himself, his back arched, tail tucked between his legs and his ears flat against his head.

  Even as a wolf she could see how frightened he was. Whirling around, she stepped forward and smacked Damon’s outstretched hand away. "Stop it!"

  The Dragos looked away from Garen and turned his attention to her. He wasn't impressed.

  Clenching her jaw she fought back her fear and prepared to fight.

  He laughed. "What is this? Do you think you can stop me? I could kill you all with a thought."

  "If you wanted to kill us you've had plenty of chances," she said levelly. A strange calm came over her. This was important, standing up to him.

  He raised his eyebrows, clearly surprised.

  "You will not hurt my family," she continued. "No more of this. I will fight you if need be and I will fight until I die."

  "Aro, stop."

  She ignored Prince, keeping her eyes locked with Damon's. Placing her hands on her daggers she spoke firmly, "Do you understand? I will fight for them, and I will die for them."

  Damon tilted his head to the side, no expression on his face. She couldn't tell how angry she'd made him. She raised her chin, staring back at him defiantly even though her heart pounded frantically in her chest. She meant every word, and knew he could see that.


  Clenching her teeth she glanced over at Prince, then to Bo. Both had drawn their swords. She looked to Kei, whose eyes glowed orange, almost red. Carefully channeling her thoughts she put as much command and power behind them as possible. All of you stay out of this!

  Tightening her grip on her daggers she looked back at Damon. "Do you wish to fight? Now?" His silence increased her anger. "If not, I need to start cooking our dinner."

  She wasn't overly surprised when he burst into laughter. "Very well. I shall leave you to your cooking then, little queen. Today is not a day we will fight."

  Nodding her agreement, she took a step backward. She didn't relax, not yet. She wouldn't until he was gone.

  "If you keep moving, and stay near the forest boundary you should be able to avoid the Were." He turned slightly, looking at Bo. "They do not allow humans in their woods. They will kill you if they find you here." He turned and began walking away. "There is a human army massed north of the entrance to Rivenward. Do take that into consideration when you make further plans."

  She didn't thank him for the information as he disappeared into the trees. Removing her hands from her weapons she did let out a deep relieved breath.

  The others rushed up to her, gathering around and talking all at once, reprimanding her.

  "Enough!" She glared at each of them in turn, Bo and Kei and Prince. "I am not a child. Stop treating me like one. I’ve had enough of it!"

  "Aro..." Bo began.

  She shook her head vehemently. "Why can't you understand you're my family? You're all I have. I know you'd do anything for me, some of you have..." the words choked her and stole away her anger. "Some of you have died for me. I am not weak. I am not a child. Stop treating me like I am."

  They stood in shocked silence at her tirade. She turned and quickly headed back to the camp to cook dinner, escaping while she could.

  Chapter 7:

  The Story of the Queens

  Due to Damon’s unexpected and unwanted arrival, dinner was delayed. At least the meat hadn't been set to cook before he came, likely it would have been charred and ruined.

  While she prepared the meal she mulled over what Damon had said at the end. The human army could be a problem, but wasn’t an immediate threat. The Were, however, most certainly could be. The forest was their territory and humans knew well to enter it meant death.

  "Garen," she said suddenly. "How likely is it the Were will find us?"

  He took a moment before answering. It is possible. Few other than patrols travel this close to the border. I think one of us would sense their approach. Contrary to what the Dragos said, many will give a warning first. You being with me, and a Fey and Elf, would cause them to hesitate as well. Only humans are banned.

  "If they come, just cross the border as quickly as you can," Prince said quietly.

  Looking over at Bo, she nodded when he did. "We’ll stay close then? Not go too far in?"

  "You and Bo won’t, no."

  She didn’t like that, but certainly didn’t have any reason to fight it.

  Eventually they all sat down to eat and rest. She worried everyone remained so quiet. Perhaps she'd said something wrong, but she'd meant every word. They were her family. They did mean everything to her.

  She looked over at Garen, worried Damon had hurt him. He'd gone to do a quick scout of the area while dinner cooked and just returned. Did he hurt you?

  Garen raised his head off his paws. I'm fine now.

  She frowned. I know what it's like. He's been in my head before. He's hurt me, torn down my defenses.

  A growl rumbled from the wolf.

  There isn't anything we can do. We can't fight him. We've tried. He's a Dragos, the most powerful of creatures there is.

  He would be wise not to return.

  She smiled a little. We're never so lucky. We just have to be careful. He gets angry easily.

  He seems most interested in you.

  She nodded, and then told Garen of their previous meetings. How Damon thought she and Kei were someone special.

  What are these prophecies?

  She answered out loud, as the others had started to look at her curiously. "Mine is: find the broken arrow carved of stone, stolen from across the sea. It will heal the Fey and they will rise again."

  That doesn't make much sense, Garen said.

  "I know." She shook her head in frustration.

  Kei shared his, "Your son will make the Queen and he will remain by her side bound to her by three."

  Your son?

  "His grandmother was the Fey Seer."

  "There are more, a whole book of them. But he's never told us more than that. He just keeps calling me a queen. Of the Fey," she added, just to be clear.

  "I think he's just insane," Bo surprisingly cut in with a half-smile.

  She snorted her agreement. She looked back at Garen. "Across the sea, we have countries ruled by kings and queens, and nobles under them. How do the Were work?"

  The forests from the Elven lands of Rivenward north to Franua are split into pack territories. Each pack is led by its Alpha pair. We have a king who governs us all. His queen died long ago, before my time. He has never taken another.

  Good information to know, considering they currently traveled through the Were's forests. Sh
e glanced over at Prince, who was actually awake and paying attention. "The Elves have kings and queens right?"

  He nodded. "Yes, my parents."

  Her mouth opened and closed but nothing came out. Why did she often forget he was truly a prince sometimes? Flustered she scrambled for something else to say. "Well I hope the Fey queen doesn't hear about Damon’s rambling."

  The Fey don't have a queen. Not anymore.

  She stared at Garen in shock and then turned to Kei in surprise. How had she never heard this?

  "Her death caused most of us to go wild," Kei said, looking away from her. The pain on his face broke her heart.

  "I don't understand," she admitted. "How?"

  Kei simply shook his head. She turned to Garen, however it was Prince who answered.

  "The Fey have always been ruled by a queen. No king. If she took a mate, he became merely her consort. The Fey queen was very powerful, powerful enough to keep the fury of her people in check."

  "If she was so powerful then how did she die?"

  "Garen?" Prince looked to the Were.

  You may tell it, if you wish.

  "Tell what?" She looked back and forth between the two.

  "The story of the Queens."

  "Very well," Prince frowned for a moment. "First I should point out it was known the Fey queen controlled her people. Precautions were in place to protect her, and also she always had a named Heir, who could take her place immediately should something happen.

  "Centuries ago all our people got along well. The Queens would on occasion meet in secret. No one knows what they discussed. At their last meeting, the Fey queen also took her new heir, presumably to introduce her to the other queens. No one knows what happened at their meeting. Only that they all were killed."

  "Wait. All of them? All the queens?"

  Prince nodded solemnly. "Yes. The Fey queen and her heir, the Were queen, and the Elven queen, my grandmother."

  She blinked in shock. "That's...horrible."

  Prince looked down at his hands. "Yes. It heralded a horrible time. None knew where the meeting took place. It is still not known. There was no way to discover what happened or trace who could have committed the act."


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