Broken Prince (The Broken Ones)

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Broken Prince (The Broken Ones) Page 9

by Jen Wylie

  The speed the storm moved in rather shocked her. They hadn’t been searching long when the first buffets of wind began. Grey and black clouds soon rolled in the distance, moving quickly enough she ran more haphazardly from one outcrop to another.

  Stopping a moment to catch her breath, she jumped as thunder cracked in the distance. Someone cursed in her mind.

  Will the horses bolt? Should we each get our packs?

  Good idea, Bo answered. We’ll put ours on now. If you or Kei see us, come and collect yours.

  Her mind murmured with everyone’s agreement. She shook her head slightly. When everyone spoke at once it still got confusing.

  Thick clouds turned midday dark as evening as they continued to search for shelter. Rain started to spit down, not hard, but the now driving wind made navigating between rocks and trees more difficult.

  Half a dozen times she stopped herself from asking if anyone had found anything yet. They’d let her know when they did. This pack mind speech turned out to be rather helpful.

  I found a cave! Kei’s excitement made her trip. She barely managed to steady herself against a tree.

  A grin split her face, and then she winced as everyone tried to get a location from him. She moved south, raising a hand to shield her eyes from the rain as she searched for anyone else. Visibility continued to worsen.

  Worry began to knot her stomach as the rain fell harder. Finding the others might be harder than she thought. They didn’t know the area and landmarks were almost useless. The few they could use now they couldn’t even see because of the storm. Maybe splitting up had been a very bad idea.

  Her clothes were soaked through already, her hair a tangled dripping mess. Over and over she wiped water from her eyes. The rain fell harder and she had to bow her head against it as she trudged along.

  Boys, I’ve no idea where I am, or where you are.

  I see Bo and Prince, Kei said. As soon as they’re here I’ll come for you.

  I’ve the horses scent. For now. Garen’s annoyed growl echoed in her head. I don’t think I’m far behind though.

  She directed her thoughts to Kei only. How will you find me?

  I can always find you. Look for me with your heart and soul, Aro.

  His words made her stop in her tracks. They could find each other? Is that how he had tracked them last fall when the fury had taken him? Perhaps. Of course they hadn’t tried to hide either.

  She frowned. How did she look with her heart and soul? Kei spoke of the Fey magic they had done. Twice. They were friends, they were family. The Fey had a third binding, of mates, though she didn’t have any inclination to do that one. What she and Kei had done wasn’t really magic, at least not compared to what the Elves could apparently do. Fey bindings involved promises of intent. They were heart and soul magic. Whatever that meant.

  Standing against a tree, trying to stay out of the driving wind and rain, she closed her eyes and thought of Kei. Other than the pack mind link, there was nothing. She couldn’t get a direction from it either.

  I can’t find you.

  I’m coming. The others are here.

  You should have told me about this before. We could have practiced!

  I thought you knew. I’m sorry.

  The strangely sad undertones to his thought made her sigh. Shivering, she sniffed and got water up her nose. "Rotting rain!"

  The tree proved to be less and less of a break against the storm. Grumbling in annoyance, she carefully struck out again, moving in the direction of the next outcrop of rock she’d seen. If she moved to the other side, at least it might block the raging wind.

  Lightening lit the sky in the distance, but the worst of the storm hadn’t even hit them yet. Finally she found some shelter behind a rock and hunkered down to wait.

  I hope you all are nice and dry, she muttered at the others.

  Wait until you see the cave, Bo answered. It’s huge, we even got the horses in. Someone has used it before. There’s wood, and a fire pit. Even some–

  Kei’s thought interrupted Bo. I’m almost to you.

  Despite feeling like a drowned rat, and quite miserable, she smiled in relief. When he appeared out of the rain directly in front of her she still jumped and swung.

  He caught her hand with a laugh and pulled her into a wet embrace. "Easy!"

  Even with his mouth to her ear she could hardly hear him over the wind and rain. Squeezing him tightly to her for a moment, she then pulled back and slipped her hand into his. Let’s go get dry!

  He nodded and set off slowly, pulling her gently behind him.

  Is it far?

  Not very. Terrain gets much worse though. Watch your steps.

  Proving his words, the ground quickly became rockier. Her legs started to ache as they went up and down increasingly steep and slippery slopes. Despite struggling up and around the rocks, she kept a hold of Kei’s hand. For now, just having one free helped her enough.

  We’re almost there.

  Good! I’m freezing. At least her mind voice wasn’t affected by her chattering teeth.

  Just over–

  Kei’s thoughts stopped abruptly. Before she could even blink her hand jerked and the ground collapsed beneath her feet.

  Their wet hands slipped apart as the slope disintegrated beneath them into a muddy and rocky sliding mess. Screaming, she scrambled for something to hold on to, anything.

  Aro? What’s wrong?

  She didn’t have the concentration to answer Prince. Rocks and branches moved along with her as she continued to twist and slide. Just as a full blown panic began to set in she slipped to the left and stopped.

  "Kei!" He didn’t answer. Kei!

  Are you hurt?

  I don’t think so. Are you?

  I’m stuck.

  I’m coming!

  Spitting mud, she tried to wipe it from her face. Her eyes stung and she tilted her head up, raising her hands as well to let the downpour clean the mud away. Rubbing her eyes clean, she twisted and turned, trying to free herself from the mud and debris.

  "Wither me," she grumbled, finally getting free and staggering to her feet. She collapsed again as pain shot up her leg. "Rot it all!" She’d hurt her ankle again.

  Gritting her teeth against the pain, she stood again, keeping her weight on her good foot. She saw Kei not far from her and took a step toward him. She sank into the mud up her knee and fell again.

  Prince’s panicked voice startled her. Aro! What’s wrong?

  Letting out a sigh of frustration, she gritted her teeth for a moment. A slope gave way and we got washed down. Kei’s stuck in the mud.

  Can you get him out?

  I think so.

  Giving up on walking, she crawled over to Kei. His eye’s glowed orange, little beacons of light. She found him pinned between a branch and a rock, one arm stuck behind him, the other trapped to the side by the branch. With some grunts and curses she managed to free him quickly enough.

  Thank you.

  Anything broken?


  She smiled in relief. Silly Fey. You shouldn’t play in the mud.

  Not funny. His lips twitched as he held back a smile.

  With a jerk, she helped pull him upright and they both started crawling toward the sloped they’d just fallen down. Once they reached the bottom she looked up and laughed.

  A very wet and bedraggled Prince stood at the top, hands on his knees as he stared down at them.

  Need help up?

  She glanced over at Kei and raised her eyebrows.

  You didn’t answer him quickly enough. I told him where we were.

  Kei started to climb up the bank and then turned and offered her his hand. Limping and gritting her teeth, she managed to make it up. At the top Prince reached down, grabbing her other hand and pulling her all the way up.

  You hurt your ankle again.

  It will heal.

  She sputtered a bit when he slipped his arm around her, forcing her to lean on him and take weigh
t off her ankle.

  He frowned down at her but didn’t comment.

  Kei led the way and she pressed her lips together in annoyance to see, though he wasn’t really limping, he was walking stiffly. He might not have any broken bones, but he was certainly at least badly bruised from the fall.

  She felt pangs across her whole body as well. However, the burning in her ankle distracted her from them for the most part.

  Prince shifted, slipping his arm around her more, taking more of her weight. Resigned to being coddled, she didn’t complain. She would have done the same for him.

  She fell, so quickly she didn’t even have time to scream. The drop was much shorter this time, but she hit so hard her breath whooshed out of her. Everything abruptly disappeared.

  Chapter 10:

  Wake Up

  Wake up. Wake up. Please, wake up. Wake up…

  The words filtered into the calm darkness surrounding her. Wake up? Had she fallen asleep? She didn’t remember…

  Opening her eyes, it was startling to see a fortress before her. Her fortress, the one she’d built in her mind. Rebuilt actually. After the Dragos Damon had torn down the first one. Over the long summer months Prince had stayed true to his word and helped her rebuild her defenses.

  It was an impressive sight now, and even she was amazed at how large and daunting it had turned out. She frowned at the dark rolling sky and bleak barren landscape around it. How would she ever change that? If only she could find some happiness, if the people she loved would stop dying…


  She twisted around quickly. Garen? Blinking at him in surprise, she shook her head in confusion. What are you doing here? He hadn’t been in her mind since the time she’d needed to show him what Bo looked like.

  Please, forgive me for coming uninvited. He bowed slightly, but not before she caught the worried look on his young, handsome face.

  He looked older than the last time, or perhaps she just wasn’t remembering right? One day she’d have to ask him how old he really was. At first she’d thought near her age, but she doubted that now. Getting to know him, she’d realized he spoke like someone much older. He knew too much.

  You need to wake up, he said quietly, walking toward her.

  I don’t understand. Again with the waking up. She turned her head to the side, listening. As if from very far away, she could still hear someone repeating the words over and over. Do you hear that?

  His brows drew together and he frowned. Hear what?

  She shook her head and looked away. Nothing.

  Please, wake up. We need you. We need our alpha. Everyone is worried. Prince is… He paused a moment. He’s falling apart.

  Alpha? Prince was falling apart? Her mouth opened in surprise as she turned back to face him. She didn’t understand. Words finally made it to her mouth. I don’t know what you’re talking about.

  His face was so full of sadness it tore through her heart.

  Why didn’t he come? Garen looked away. She knew he understood she spoke of Prince. Garen?

  He is…too distraught. He won’t let you go, he won’t stop calling you. Wake up, wake up now.

  Before she could answer he faded away.

  Garen, wait!

  He was gone.

  She looked back up at her fortress and then the darkness surrounding it.

  Wake up. Wake up!

  That voice continued to repeat itself. Was it really Prince?

  Closing her eyes once more she concentrated on it, trying to grab ahold of it and pull herself closer.

  Pain flared in the darkness as consciousness returned. Perhaps waking up wasn’t such a great idea. The darkness didn’t have this pain.

  Wake up. Wake up…

  The litany continued, pulling her forcefully into wakefulness. A groan whispered from her lips and she squeezed her eyes more tightly together. Her head hurt so much she thought she might be sick.

  The faint sound of a sharply inhaled breath caught her attention. What happened? Her senses returned suddenly. She smelled wet wolf and smoke. Something heavy covered her, keeping her warm despite her soaked clothes. The sound of the storm was loud, but muffled. Closer to her she heard the crackle of a fire and murmured voices. Her head was pillowed on something that shifted beneath her.

  Opening her eyes, she saw an arm and blinked rapidly, trying to focus beyond it.

  Her vision finally began to clear and she tilted her head to stare up at Prince’s worried face. Heat warmed her cheeks as she realized her head rested in his lap. Very gently, his fingers brushed along her cheek over and over again. Her brows drew together as she noticed the arm next to her face led to a hand pressing against the side of her forehead.

  Aro’s awake!

  Garen’s voice startled her and she winced as pain ripped through her head again.

  "How do you feel?" Prince moved his hand from her cheek to stroke her hair, his touch feather light, yet…shaking?

  "My head hurts," she whispered. "What happened?"

  Someone took her hand and she turned her head to see Kei kneeling beside her. "You fell."

  "I fell?" She didn’t remember falling.

  "Actually, I fell," Prince said gravely. "You went down with me and hit your head on a rock."

  That made more sense at least. She raised her free hand, her fingers gliding up Prince’s arm to rest over his hand.

  "You hit hard," Kei said quietly.

  She tried to pull Prince’s hand away.

  "No, Aro. You are still bleeding. I need to keep pressure on it."

  "Is it bad?"

  "You’ll have a new scar next to your other one."

  Closing her eyes, she let out a resigned breath. "Wonderful." Just what she needed, more scars.

  "The cut is higher," Kei said quickly. "Your hair will still cover it."

  "Once the bleeding slows we’ll clean you up and take care of it."

  She blinked as her vision blurred again. "Are you hurt?"

  Prince smiled slightly. Was it just her imagination his lips quivered before the smile quickly faded? "Just a few bruises. Nothing to worry about."

  Her eyes closed on their own. She was so tired. Her head pounded and nausea twisted her stomach.

  "No sleeping," Prince said quickly. He pulled his hand back from her head and she gasped at the blood soaked cloth. "It is slowing. Sit up, slowly."

  Kei helped her and she gritted her teeth against the urge to vomit. Spots danced in front of her eyes.

  Prince placed the cloth back on her head. "Hold this." He got up and moved through the cave, gathering items from one of the packs. She watched him quietly as the room spun around her.

  Bo brought over their small pot filled with water. "How you doing, pup?"

  She forced a small smile. "I’ll be fine."

  "Good girl."

  Kei took the pot and another cloth, motioning for her to lower her hand. Bo took the bloody piece and Kei started cleaning her forehead. Closing her eyes, she held her hands fisted in her lap and concentrated on taking small, even breaths.

  By the time he finished Prince returned with a small bowl full of a purple paste. She almost smiled, remembering how he’d made it to treat their cuts when they’d washed up on the beach.

  "We should get her cleaned up, before you put that on," Kei said.

  Prince paused and then nodded. They all regarded her thoughtfully for a moment.

  She took in her soaked and mud covered clothes. "Help me up," she said to Kei, holding out her hands. He did, and she managed to stand without throwing up. Little breaths. "It’d be easier to wash up in the rain."

  Kei paused and looked at Prince, after a moment he nodded. His arm around her, Kei slowly walked her to the cave entrance. The ground seemed to tilt and move beneath her and she leaned against him, clenching his arm tightly. Leaning against the stone mouth of the cave, she stood patiently while he undid and then removed her boots, followed by her socks. The stone felt wet and cool beneath her bare feet. />
  "How’s your ankle?"

  She blinked down at him in surprise as he carefully felt around the area.

  "It’s not swollen."

  Now that he mentioned it, there was a dull ache, but it didn’t hurt nearly as bad as the first time. "It hardly hurts at all."

  Her eyebrows went up as he stood again and regarded her warily. A small, rough laugh escaped her before she could stop it. "Boys." She pulled her arms out of her shirt. "Help me get it over my head?"

  Kei nodded and did as instructed. He let her hold his arm as she shucked off her pants, leaving her just in her underclothes. Shivering in the cool, stormy air, she looked down at the pile of muddy clothes.

  "I’ll clean them later."

  "Thanks. Help me outside?" Warmth spread across her cheeks. "I’m feeling a bit dizzy."

  He was at her side again in an instant. She latched onto his arm and he led her out into the pouring rain. It didn’t take long to clean off the remaining mud. Kei struggled to hold her at arm’s length and still keep her upright. Though he helped swish the mud off her arms and legs he didn’t touch anywhere else. She checked that the ties on the wide band of cloth across her chest remained secure. The last thing she need was it falling off. Once finished, Kei quickly guided her back into the cave.

  Prince met them just inside and tucked a large fur around her. Bo had set up a pile of furs by the fire and gestured to them as they approached.

  "Where did they come from?"

  "They were here. We might as well use them. They seem fairly clean."

  Kei settled her down and draped another of the furs around her shoulders. The heat of the fire began to warm her immediately. She hoped her underclothes dried quickly.

  Prince knelt in front of her. His eyes searched hers for a long moment.

  "What are you doing?"

  A frown crossed his lips and then he shook his head. "How is your vision?"


  He nodded and then pushed some wet hair away from her face. Some fell back over her wound and he scowled at it. She watched in amazement as he got up and moved to sit behind her. Fingers slowly worked through her hair, getting the worst of the tangles out. It felt…strange. Strange and good.

  She kept her eyes on the fire’s dancing flames, hoping everyone thought the heat rising up her neck and across her face came from it.


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