Wanted: Wife 4 Navy Seals: A Military romance

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Wanted: Wife 4 Navy Seals: A Military romance Page 16

by Dee Palmer

  Toxic returns, and I grab the shower next.

  I’m back in time to help let the mainsail out, kick back and let this baby fly. Toxic has his hand either side of Finn on the wheel and steers us hard into the wind. The boat heels, and the angle is perfect, but it makes Finn scream and grip with white-knuckled terror to the wheel.

  I’m winching the sails and making sure we can maintain this speed, or more, but keep casting a glance back at Finn. Her color may have drained again at the first tilt of the boat, but her grin is so fucking wide, I know she’s enjoying the thrill. The spray from the waves we plow through drenches her and every squeal of delight and shocked cry makes my cock twitch and blood fire. I can’t wait to be the one pushing her to make those sounds.

  She relaxes after a while, enough to release her death grip on the wheel, and come and help me with tacking.

  By lunchtime she looks like a natural, dipping under the boom and moving confidently from the bow to the stern, howling with laughter every time she gets drenched by a wave. After an hour or so, we lower the mainsail and drift into a secluded cove just north of La Jolla Cove. There are no other boats anchored in the bay surrounded by high sandstone cliffs. The place is peaceful and, above all, private.

  Once I drop the anchor, Toxic starts to lay out the picnic lunch, and I hand Finn a couple of large towels. She’s soaked through, and I know it’s not just her attraction to us that has her all goose bumped and perky. Taking the towels, she walks off down the left gunnel to the bow and lays one of the towels flat on the deck. She peels her wet shorts down her toned, tanned legs, revealing the skimpiest bikini bottom known to man. A glance over to Toxic proves he’s fixed on the same vision I am. I need to cool off.

  “Do you want to take a dip before lunch?” I cough as I try to even out my voice. “We’ve got snorkeling equipment.”

  “Oh, yes, that would be great.” She skips back over to me, bouncing excitedly on her toes.

  “Okay, sugar. You’re going to need to stop moving like that, if you want to do anything except fuck.” My voice drops with sensual intent.

  “Tug!” Toxic bites out, his gruff tone thick with warning

  “What?” I lift my shoulders and hold up my palms in innocence. “She knows us well enough to know this situation isn’t all about sex, but damn, Toxic, she has to know she’s off-the-charts sexy as hell.” I turn to Finn. “You know that right? It’s not all about sex, but Toxic pointing my comment out like that makes me look like a douche, when I know for a fact his balls are just as blue as mine.”

  “Jesus, Tug.” Toxic slaps his forehead and drags his hand slowly down his face.

  Okay, tact might not be my thing, but I’m still speaking the truth.

  Slapping her hand on my chest, she giggles, but I wasn’t joking. “Come on, sweetheart, this way.” I adjust the stiffness in my shorts and see her catch my action.

  “Oh, God, you were serious?” Her face screws up with disbelief.

  “About the blue balls? Yeah, pretty damn serious,” I confirm, watching her eyes flit to my hand-covered crotch.

  “Please stop talking, Tug, before you put her off us completely. Just get in the water,” Toxic admonishes with exasperation.

  “Really? How could you not know that, Finn? We’re trying not to be monsters here, but if we had our way, you wouldn’t leave the bedroom. You’re smoking-fucking-hot, sugar,” I reiterate, shaking my head in confusion as her face draws a blank. She even casts a worried glance down her delectable body, and her arms creep across her middle, and a deep frown dims her light.

  “Um…you said something about snorkeling?” Her voice is barely above a whisper as she changes the subject, and I look over to Toxic. What the hell? His confusion mirrors mine. It’s like she’s never been told how fucking sexy she is. Has never seen raw desire in front of her because of her. I don’t know if Toxic is reading my mind, but I’m making it my mission to erase that self-doubt, starting today.

  “Sure…we don’t have fins that will fit you, but the mask and snorkel will be fine.” I adjust the straps so it’s a better fit to her size, and then I lower the ladder into the water. She climbs down and drifts out onto her back, treading water and swilling whirlpools around her, puffing at the change in temperature. The crystal-clear water does nothing to hide the fact that her nipples could cut glass.

  I stand on the bow and dive in, surfacing flush to her body, and she gasps and turns against me. Her skin slick with suncream slides against mine, her nipples the only abrasive part of her body touching my chest. A loud, shrill whistle breaks my carnal thoughts.

  “Hey, you forgot these,” Toxic shouts, throwing my kit into the ocean. Shit. The snorkel may float but the rest sink right away. I twist round and dive, chasing the fins, and my mask, all the time mentally cursing my friend. By the time I have surfaced and managed to put everything on, Toxic already has his hand out, pulling Finn along and swimming off toward the rocks. I slice through the water and catch up, diving below them and turning upside down to wave, swimming beneath Finn for a moment. I can see her lips widen around the snorkel and, yes, that image did equate in my mind to her sucking down my cock. I’m not making a great case for this being about more than sex, but, fuck, this girl is hot.

  After we spend an hour or so exploring the rocks off the cove, we make our way back to the boat. Toxic quickly prepares lunch, or more accurately empties out plastic boxes Charge had prepared: a fresh green salad, cooked chicken, olives, cheese, and some other antipasti Finn seems to love. Charge must be going soft; there was even a small, white baguette, and I know it’s for Finn, because we haven’t had bread in the house for years. Damn that looks good.

  “You can have some if you’d like, Tug. Bread really isn’t the devil food it’s made out to be.” Finn leans over to offer me a chunk of bread with a spread of soft cheese on it.

  “Devil food?” I query, taking the food.

  “Moment on the lips, Finn.” She rolls her eyes, but it’s like she’s taking code.

  “Sorry, I’m not following.” I chomp down on the food, emitting an appreciative moan; it’s been a while.

  “Your fridge looks like a health farm. If you’re anything like my ex wanting to eat white bread and pasta is akin to shooting heroin into your eyeballs.” Her laughter is flat and short.

  “We are nothing like your ex, sugar,” I point out through clenched teeth, but soften my tone to clarify. “I thought you knew that by now. You can eat what you damn well like. We don’t tend to eat bread because Pink has a gluten thing. Makes him shi—”

  “Yes, I get the picture!” Finn interrupts with a slight gagging motion. “Oh, I thought because you were all so…” She waves her hand up and down, and in the general direction of our half-naked bodies. A shy smile creeps across her face.

  “So?” We both ask, leaning forward with keen interest. She draws in a slow breath and her cheeks pink up.

  “You’re all really fit. I assumed you were crazy health freaks, and it would be only a matter of time before I’m squirrelling away tea cakes and crumpets.” She laughs, but Toxic and I remain unamused.

  “You don’t get it, do you?” Toxic sits back, crossing his arms. I straighten but don’t mirror his intimidating posture. I chip in, “We want you to be happy, Finn. That’s all we want, and however you achieve it is fucking fine with us. One thing you never have to do is hide.”

  “I hate that this so hard for you to understand.” Toxic drags his hand through his hair, sighing.

  “Ten years of conditioning, guys.” She shrugs lightly, trying to dismiss the dark cloud that has settled over Toxic and me; anxiety and tension radiate off of her in waves. Damn that fucking guy.

  “Here, let me clear this up.” She abruptly changes the subject and starts to stack the plates. Toxic takes them from her, and I raise my hand, halting her from touching anything else.

  “No, we’ve got this,” I confirm.

  “What am I supposed to do?” Her face scrunches, and her
bottom lip sticks out in the perfect pout.

  “Relax,” Toxic says at exactly the same time the word leaves my mouth. Giving a resigned nod, she flashes a sweet smile. Grabbing a bottle of beer, she walks off to the bow. It takes us no time at all to clear everything away. Having had her tight little body swimming around us, nigh on naked, for over an hour, we are both a little preoccupied, focused, and driven.

  “Finn, sugar, we need to take this below deck.” She has just lain down in the sun, stretching out in the rays and sighing is the absolute end. I look to Toxic and his carnal glare reflects my own desire. She flips onto her tummy to look at us. I’m shoulder to shoulder with Toxic, and we couldn’t be more blatant if we both had our hard dicks in our hands. Her little tongue darts out, and her eyes widen. She jumps up to her knees, and I stifle a moan at her obvious eagerness. She’s so fucking perfect. Toxic holds out his hand, and I step down into the galley.

  Her bare feet hit the top step and I swoop her up, pulling her into my arms, my lips too needy to wait a second more. My mouth collides with her soft one, salty from the spray of the ocean. Sighing, she molds her body against mine. The floor shakes as Toxic jumps down behind her, and when he steps flush against her back, it causes her whole body to shiver. I break the kiss and grab her hand.

  My voice raspy, I utter, “Cabin,”, and pull her to follow my long and rapid strides to the Skipper cabin. I open the door, tugging her inside and Toxic follows. Finn’s smile is shy, sexy, and tempting, her soft, pouty lips tipped up at the corners. Toxic looks like the devil himself with a grin so wicked, I hate to think what mine looks like; it’s a wonder she’s not burning up from the incendiary glances we rake over her body.

  “You’re so damn beautiful, you know that?” I cup her cheek, pulling her toward my mouth again. Gasping at the force, she matches my urgency with the twists and turns of her demanding tongue. My cock feels like it’s going to explode. I push my leg between hers and feel her tense against my rock-solid length.

  “Shhh, sugar, we’ll take care of you, okay?” I whisper against her lips. Her reaction isn’t unexpected, but this won’t be fun if she can’t relax.

  “He’s not that big.” Toxic rolls his eyes, and I chuckle.

  “Hell, yes, I am, but this isn’t about me.” I brush my lips over hers, and she sucks in a little breath. “This is about making you feel fucking amazing. Okay, sugar?” I coax.

  “Okay.” She gives a tentative nod. We both have no intention of making her first proper threesome anything but out of this fucking world.

  THIS IS IT, THEN? MY mind races as fast as my heart beats in my chest. I get a moment of peace when I feel four hands on my body, holding me to this point, this pivotal piece of time. I search myself and wonder if I should feel shame, regret, or guilt. I would never in a million years have dreamt that I would be lovingly cosseted between two hotter-than-Hades men in the Skipper cabin of a luxury sailing yacht. Not that the location has anything to do with it; we could be anywhere. I rack my brain and search my soul for any sign of those feelings I’m pretty sure Dave would throw in my face if he saw me now—if he knew. Even so, I try, and all I feel is wanted.

  Strong hands guide me to the bed, sweeping my skin and leaving a blazing trail of tingles and desire coursing uncontrollably through my veins.

  I run my hands down Tug’s cut chest, through the mass of soft dark hair on his lower abdomen, and steady myself, holding his sturdy hips. Toxic maneuvers behind me, pressing his erection hard against my bottom as we all kneel on the bed. Toxic’s mouth is on my neck as Tug’s lips brush mine, his tongue sweeping out as I open my lips to grant him access. He needs no further invitation. One of his hands threads into my still damp hair, and he pulls me firmly into an urgent, demanding kiss. I can feel Toxic trail kisses across my shoulders and down my spine, his day-old stubble grazing the soft skin of my bottom as he playfully presses his mouth to take a bite of the round flesh. I shudder and moan into Tug’s mouth. I feel the string on my bikini bottoms loosen and then fall away. I shiver and burn up at the same time, a riot of desire and emotions bombarding me, and I struggle to breathe through the reverent kisses.

  Tug breaks our kiss and leaves me gasping; his arms surrounding my waist prevent me from melting into a molten puddle on the sheets. My heart pounds so loud, I’m sure they can hear it. Tug places a finger under my chin, his hazel eyes glowing with passion and promise, his smile tender.

  “You okay, sugar?” His raspy voice is filled with so much concern and compassion, my heart skips a beat, and I take my hand from his hip to press it against the sudden surge of warmth.

  “More than okay,” I exhale with a soft whimper.

  “Good, that’s what we like to hear. Anytime you want us to stop just say so. Okay, Finn?”

  Toxic shifts so he’s more at my side than behind me, his eyes searching my face, looking for any telltale reticence he won’t find. I want this so bad.

  Tug steps off the bed and drops his shorts. I would be lying if I said my eyes weren’t out on stalks, but I don’t get time to voice any concerns about how the hell that’s going to fit, because Toxic sweeps me onto my back and inches down my body, one playfully tortuous kiss at a time. Nestling between my legs and pushing them wide, he inhales loudly. I look down to catch his carnal gaze just before his tongue does this amazing swirling drag from my clit to my entrance. I throw my head back and scream. Holy shit, that feels so good! I try to clamp my legs shut, but his strong hold keeps them pinned to the bed, wide and open. I try inching away, because the onslaught is so intense, I can feel my toes twitch. He’s relentless and divine, and I can’t seem to get enough. My hips tilt, and I shamelessly grind against his mouth, even though with the next breath I try to clamber away. It’s too much and not enough.

  My head rests off the edge of the bed, and when I open my eyes, two thick thighs block my vision.

  Tug is stroking his considerable length mere inches from my face, his large hand barely making contact around his girth, his dark gaze is fixed between my legs, but when my hand reaches for his leg, his eyes focus solely on me.

  “Something you need, sugar?”

  His voice is hoarse, and the roughness sends a shiver through my body. I lick my lips and smile, wide and welcoming, my fingertips squeezing harder on his thigh but barely making a dent on the steel-hard muscle. He steps closer, and one hand cups the back of my neck supporting the weight of my head, the other places the tip of his glistening cock against my eager open mouth. I think the angle helps, because he’s massive, and I can drop my jaw really wide. My hand doesn’t even come close to reaching round his thickness, but I use my other hand to help, and I think he likes that by the way his knees buckle when I suck him down, squeezing and working my hands to at least give him the impression I’m taking more in my mouth than would be physically possible—unless I had a flip-top head.

  “Oh, fuck, Finn. Yes!” Tug chokes out as I swallow again and again, before I need to pull back for some air. His balls are tight just above me, and I switch my grip to hold and massage them as I pull and suck him deeper into my mouth. My jaw aches with the stretch, but the appreciative rumbles coming from his chest keep me going until I almost bite down with a surprising, sudden hit of unbelievable pleasure which crashes through me like a fucking tidal wave.

  “Shit!” Tug pulls back just in time, as every muscle in my body spasms and contracts. Toxic has his devious tongue pressed hard against my clit and two fingers buried inside me, curled and pumping the very last ripple of my orgasm from my core. My legs are tense and locked around Toxic’s head, and my fist is clamped tight around Tug’s cock. Tug’s hand is hovering over mine for his protection, judging by the concerned look on his face. My eyelids flutter open as I suck in some huge gulps of air and slide back onto the bed. “Thought you were going to bite my dick off, you came so hard.” Tug exhales, and some color returns to his face.

  “It wouldn’t have been intentional.” I grimace apologetically but snicker.

/>   “Oh, well, that’s all right, then.” He climbs onto the bed, pulling me up and lifting me high so I’m straddling his waist. Toxic is kicking his own shorts off, his shit-eating grin still wet and glossy from my arousal. He crawls onto the bed, wrapping his arm around my waist, pulling me close and kissing me deep and slow. Tug eases me up onto my knees and positions his cock at my dripping, wet entrance. My eyes widen with panic at the first push, and Toxic deepens the kiss, cupping my cheek and murmuring sweet, sexy pleas as he helps me ease down. I sink lower but whimper and pull back from the kiss, placing my palm flat on Tug’s solid, heaving chest, taking a much-needed moment.

  “You’re so fucking tight, sugar. Take me slow, okay? There’s no rush.” His strained voice almost makes me laugh out loud, but I worry what muscles would contract and where, if I did. I’m not convinced he’s right; however, I do know with his size, it feels fucking tight—fucking torture. I give a sharp nod and a tentative smile, and with that cue he rolls his hips, and I sink further down, my legs spreading a little wider, causing me to hold my breath a little longer. Holy shit, he’s going to split me in two.

  “Let that breath out, sugar, and kiss Toxic. Focus on him and just relax this sweet, tight, little body of yours. I’ve got you.” His soft, encouraging words make my breath hitch. Before I do as he says, I push out the breath I was holding and will myself to relax. Toxic is kneeling beside me, his lips brush mine, and his sweet, minty breath washes over me. He pushes my long hair from my face and fists the length, hauling me in for a kiss, which will distract as much as devour me. My body relaxes with his ministrations, and inch by very careful inch my body slowly accepts Tug’s massive cock—the human barge.

  I take another moment when I have him fully inside me and sigh when he starts to roll his hips, which feels pretty amazing. His hands move from my hips to my breasts, and he wastes no time working my nipples into hard, aching points, which makes me frantic for more, not sure what more I’m yearning for, but I feel unbearably insatiable. Toxic stands on the bed and deftly slides his cock into my mouth, with no effort and a considerable amount of pleasure by the growl that escapes his throat and the way he drops his head back. I rest one hand on Tug’s chest and the other on Toxic’s tense thigh as he picks up pace, fucking my face. His thumb strokes my jaw and I look up to see deep, dark desire and a sexy curl of his lips, which makes my heart clench.


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