Savage Kingdom

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Savage Kingdom Page 6

by Deanna Ashford

  “I’ll kill you,” she snarled.

  She lunged at him, and this time her blade brushed a small table, sending it toppling, spilling a jug of red wine across the polished wood floor. The noise was enough to wake the dead, but still no guards materialized. He didn’t care what was keeping them away, because every moment that passed gave him even more time to find a way to disarm her, grab his sword and get the hell out of there.

  Danara swung her weapon, appearing even clumsier in her movements now as she hacked at him yet again. This time, as he twisted to avoid the flashing blade, the tip grazed his forearm. The cut wasn’t deep, but it bled profusely. Jaden backed away. His foot slid on the wine-soaked floorboards, putting him off-balance. This time he only just managed to avoid the lethal edge of her blade.

  He couldn’t let this fight go on much longer. He had to do something. Jaden chanced glancing back. Behind him stood a wall half-covered by a large tapestry. He refocused on Danara as stalked him, her lips curved in a menacing smile. “Say your prayers, barbarian.”

  “I’ve no need of prayers.” Trying not to reveal his intentions, he edged toward the wall. He’d use the thick fabric of the tapestry to help protect his arm as he made a grab for the sword. Twisting ’round, Jaden wrenched the tapestry from its hangings, revealing a narrow door. The gods were on his side after all. If his calculations were correct, the door would lead into the great hall.

  “No!” Danara screamed, slashing at him again. “You’ll not get away!”

  Backed up against the wall, he did the only thing he could do in the circumstances. With the tapestry partially protecting his forearm, he used the tiny dagger to parry the blow. It was a foolhardy and dangerous move, but something or someone was protecting him. The lethal blade slithered off the dagger and hit the chain holding his manacles together with such force that the steel blade severed one of the iron rings. Carried on by the power of the blow, the blade continued downward, the tip embedding itself in the wooden floor at her feet. He shoved Danara aside, grabbed the hilt, wrenched the sword free and turned toward the doorway.

  Danara went to follow him, but Jaden spun ’round and kicked her hard in the gut. Grunting in pain, she staggered back a few paces, then crumpled to the ground. Jaden pushed the door open and swept aside the tapestry to run into the great hall. It was empty apart from a pretty, heavily pregnant young woman. As Jaden, naked and bloodied, advanced toward her, she gasped in terror. She put a hand to her bulging stomach and, with a strangled moan, slumped to the floor in a dead faint.

  Jaden sprinted toward the entrance of the keep. He had to find somewhere to hide. Once the initial furor had died down, he’d find a way to escape this damn fortress and make his way home.

  Nerya had been in charge of the last patrol of the day, and it had proceeded without incident. She smiled to herself as she led her weary troop through the gates. Maybe she would visit Jaden again tonight.

  The bailey appeared much quieter than usual, which was strange. What was wrong? It was never this empty at this time of day. She spotted a large group of people standing close to the low stone building housing the coupling chambers. Dismounting, she tossed the reins of her horse to a waiting slave. “What’s happening?”

  “A whipping, my lady. A slave is being punished,” he answered in a tense, troubled tone.

  There hadn’t been a public whipping for at least a couple of years, so the slave, whoever he was, must have done something terrible to deserve this. “Take my horse to the stables,” she ordered.

  Nerya strode toward the crowd. Most of the castle slaves were well-behaved, and usually the few minor infractions were dealt with by the slave mistress in any way she thought fit. Unsurprisingly, this unusual event had drawn a huge crowd.

  Nerya noticed her friend Lorenna standing at the back, straining to see over the heads of the mass of people. “Lorenna,” Nerya said. “Who’s being punished?”

  “A slave. He attacked the queen. He’s being given thirty lashes.”

  The sickening crack of the knotted leather lash hitting bare flesh reverberated around the bailey. “Attacked Mother?” Nerya couldn’t believe a slave could be so foolish. “Is she hurt?”

  “Queen Danara is fine, so I’ve been told. Not surprisingly, she’s very angry.” Lorenna stood on tip-toe, but she was too short and had no chance of seeing anything. Nerya, being taller, could just see the tops of the slave’s arms and his hands tied to the crossbeam of the punishment stand. “They’ve even brought in the overseer to carry out the punishment.”

  “The overseer?” Nerya frowned. He was an ugly, brutish individual in charge of the field slaves here and in Gisor. His position allowed him some luxuries not normally permitted to male slaves, and he was well-known for gaining pleasure from the punishments he inflicted on those who dared to rebel against him.

  Nerya disagreed with Danara about such savage forms of punishment. She’d often argued with her mother, pointing out that whipping slaves was an unnecessary evil and achieved nothing. Lorenna had said Danara had suffered no lasting harm from the attack. The slave clearly had to be disciplined for his crimes, but surely not like this. In the past slaves had sometimes died after such whippings, and that was a waste. Why kill a man who could be of use to their society? Punish him by all means but not in this barbaric fashion. When she was queen, she vowed all this would change.

  “Thirty lashes, you say?” Thirty lashes was far too much, almost a death sentence. The next ominous crack of the lash was followed by a muffled grunt of pain. “How many has the slave endured so far?”

  “Eleven or twelve. I lost count. After the first few, the overseer stopped for a moment. I’ve no idea why, as I couldn’t see what was happening.”

  “Do you know which slave is being punished?” It was stupid to be concerned. Jaden was safely locked up and would never have been in the position to attack her mother.

  Lorenna frowned. “What does that matter to you?”

  “It just does.” Why did this uneasy concern niggle at the back of her mind? It couldn’t possibly be Jaden who was being punished.

  “You wouldn’t know him. I think he’s new.” Lorenna leaned toward Nerya. “I was in the great hall, and he came running in via the queen’s private doorway. You can imagine how terrified I was to be confronted by a stark naked, long-haired barbarian, covered in blood and brandishing a broadsword. The blood, I hasten to add, was his, not your mother’s.” She shivered. “It was pure luck, Nerya, that a group of warriors had just entered the keep. They pursued him and eventually managed to overpower him. It’s said he fought like a man possessed.”

  Nerya’s heart seemed to rise in her throat, and her chest tightened.

  “Long-haired barbarian, you say?”


  “It couldn’t be.” Nerya winced as the ugly crack of the whip assailed her ears again. “Wait here, Lorenna.”

  Nerya shouldered her way through the crowd, listening all the time for the ominous sounds of leather hitting flesh. She could almost see evil strands caressing the poor slave’s bloodied back as she fought her way forward. Fear consumed her. Lorenna’s description sounded just like Jaden. If it was him being flogged, then she’d put an end to this terrible punishment. How had this happened? He’d been safely locked away. Danara must have sent for him and questioned him, but that still didn’t explain why he’d attacked her. Nothing made any sense. The whip cracked again, this time accompanied by a loud, anguished grunt. Gritting her teeth, Nerya pushed harder, shoving women aside, hardly able to believe some of them appeared to be enjoying this terrible spectacle.

  Someone muttered her name. The crowd in front parted for her. She shuddered. Oh, no, not Jaden! He was naked and tied to the frame of the punishment block—his arms and legs splayed, his back covered in blood. The overseer, his huge belly wobbling, applied the next cruel blow, and the blood-soaked strands of the whip cut across Jaden’s muscular back and buttocks. He trembled, yet she did not hear him cry out. Nerya
’s heart pounded. Was he already insensible? White-hot fury consumed her as she stared in horror at his beautiful body. Ugly red wheals crisscrossed his dusky skin, and the flesh hung open in many places. Blood coated his back and dripped down his muscular legs, slickly staining the wooden podium at his feet.

  “Stop this now!” Nerya sprang onto the dais and grabbed the overseer’s arm.

  The ugly man, his features contorted by a long, puckered scar on the left side of his face, turned in surprise. “My lady?”

  “No!” Murana, who stood on the edge of the podium observing the punishment, shouted. “Don’t stop.”

  Nerya caught a stomach-churning whiff of stale sweat and a multitude of other foul odors as the overseer leaned toward her. “Mistress?” He peered in confusion at Nerya, then flashed a questioning glance at Murana. “What do I do, I—”

  “I give the orders here,” Nerya insisted with a regal toss of her head. She stepped closer to Jaden, trying to keep her gaze away from the ragged ribbons of blood-soaked flesh marring his beautiful body. “Jaden,” Nerya murmured. “This punishment is finished.” He turned his head, his dark eyes staring at her in bewilderment.

  “Resume!” Murana screamed at the overseer. “Queen Danara has ordered thirty lashes, and thirty lashes it will be.”

  Stumbling around Nerya, the overseer raised the whip again. She’d kill the bastard if he touched Jaden again. Nerya drew her sword and dug the tip of the blade in the overseer’s flabby belly where it bulged over the top of his ill-fitting breeches. “Try it and I’ll spill your guts all over this podium.”

  Lowering his whip, he backed away from her. “Please…”

  Murana strode to Nerya and grabbed her sword arm. “Are you insane? This punishment was ordered by the queen. No one, not even you, has the right to stop it.”

  “I am Princess of Freygard,” Nerya retorted. “How dare you countermand my direct orders?” Pushing Murana away, Nerya turned and addressed the assembled onlookers. “This is finished,” she shouted. “You are dismissed. Return to your duties.” Most of the onlookers obeyed her immediately. A few women remained where they were, probably curious to see what happened next. No one had ever dared countermand the orders of the queen before, regardless of their status. “Now!” Nerya yelled in a tone that brooked no disobedience.

  “Are you insane? You do all this for a mere slave?” Murana said as the rest of the crowd started to move away.

  “Open your mouth again, Murana, and I’ll have you thrown in a cell.” Nerya glared at her. “Or would you prefer a taste of the lash yourself?”

  Murana’s face turned ashen. “Have it your way.” She stepped off the dais and stomped off across the bailey.

  It wouldn’t be appropriate for her to cut Jaden down. She had to avoid any more unseemly public displays of compassion toward him. “Here.” She beckoned to a couple of nervous slaves who hovered close by.

  They hurried toward her, bowing as they reached her. “Princess,” one said.

  “Cut him down.” She handed him her dagger. “Then take the slave to the infirmary and tell them to treat and dress his wounds immediately.”

  The overseer stood to one side. His expression was sullen as he cleaned the blood-soaked strands of his whip with a grubby cloth. As the slaves departed to do her bidding, she turned to the repulsive man.

  “My lady,” he acknowledged obsequiously.

  “Return to your duties.”

  He frowned. “I was promised—”


  “Yes, my lady.” He turned and lumbered away.

  The slaves had cut Jaden down, and he was conscious. He hadn’t uttered a sound, despite the fact he must be in terrible pain. His arms flopped at his sides, but he managed to stand on his own two feet. Nerya watched the slaves gently supporting Jaden as they helped him toward the infirmary. She would talk to him later, but there was something she had to do first.

  Sheathing her sword, Nerya jumped from the dais. Lorenna hurried toward her. “Nerya, wasn’t that rather foolish?” she asked, her blue eyes full of puzzled surprise.

  “Foolish? You think so?”

  “You’ll be in so much trouble. The queen will be so angry, and you know what a temper she has.”

  “I have a feeling she won’t countermand my orders.” Whatever happened, she would find a way to protect Jaden and stop her mother from hurting him again. “There will be no more punishments for this particular slave.”

  Maybe one day Lorenna would understand why she’d done this. Now she had her mother to deal with. Nerya strode toward the keep.

  Chapter Four

  “Have you quite finished, Mother?” Nerya had endured the torrent of abuse, but she couldn’t bear to stay silent a moment longer.

  Nerya appeared icily calm, although she feared it would not be long before her fury broke through her rigid self-control. One of the royal guards had, after much probing on her part, told her they’d been ordered to leave Jaden naked and chained to a bedpost in her mother’s bedchamber. Nerya couldn’t allow herself to think of what might have happened to him there before he’d attempted to escape. She was no fool. She was well aware of all the unpleasant rumors circulating the castle concerning Danara’s strange behavior toward certain male slaves.

  “Me, finished?” Danara snapped, her face white with anger. “You dare speak to me so insolently. I may only be your adopted mother, but I should remind you I’m also Queen Danara of Freygard.”

  “Yes, I dare,” Nerya said. “I am not immune to your failings, Mother. You cannot carry on like this any longer. No one dares to say anything, but it’s common knowledge that you get some kind of perverse pleasure from abusing slaves. Some even believe you force them to perform intimate acts for your own sexual gratification.”

  Two high spots of color appeared on Danara’s pale cheeks. “That’s a lie.”

  “I think not.” Nerya gave a bitter laugh. “I find it even more troubling because you, of all people, should not be acting in this outrageous fashion.”

  “Think what you like, Nerya.” Danara arrogantly tossed her head. “I rule Freygard, and I do as I choose. No one can question my behavior.”

  “Maybe not, but as queen, should you not set a good example for your subjects?” She stared at Danara, filled with disgust. “I think it would be wiser if you forgot about any further punishments for that particular slave.”

  “You think it wiser! Why, may I ask, have you taken such an interest in this barbarian?” Danara frowned. “How can you even think of being so magnanimous toward him by stopping his punishment? He might well have killed me if I hadn’t done all I could to protect myself.”

  “I’d do the same for any slave in the circumstances. Now, I’ve no intention of discussing this further. I just wanted—”

  “No!” Danara held up her hand. “You are my heir, and will remain so, but that doesn’t entitle you to address me so disrespectfully. However, I will overlook this insane behavior of yours—just this once. But you will never countermand my orders in public again. Is that agreed?”

  “It’s agreed.” It might be wiser now to let the matter drop. She didn’t want Danara to look further into why she’d been so desperate to save Jaden. Murana was a blabbermouth. If Danara questioned her, Murana wouldn’t keep quiet about Nerya’s visits to Jaden in the coupling chambers. “Perhaps, in the circumstances, it might be best if I were to depart for Harn as soon as possible.”

  “A wise move,” Danara agreed. “Let us hope your mission is a success, and whatever you’re able to learn will help protect Freygard.”

  She had to move as swiftly as possible. She didn’t trust her mother, and she very much doubted her interest in Jaden would wane for very long. “Do you have the document?”

  “I do.” Danara picked up a parchment from a table piled high with official documents. Affixed to it was Danara’s personal seal. “Here.” She thrust it into Nerya’s hand. “This will allow you and your escort to leave Freygard

  Nerya strode into the infirmary, carrying the letter of safe passage. No one could leave Freygard without Danara’s permission, so this document was a necessity. However, when Danara learned what Nerya planned to do, it might well turn out not to be worth the parchment it was written on.

  The infirmary was run by Bethia, a kind woman who treated all alike, whatever their status or position in the castle. Nerya entered the small, sparsely furnished chamber to which Bethia had directed her and found Jaden sitting up in bed, his torso swathed in linen bandages. To her surprised relief, he appeared better than she’d expected, although no doubt he was in considerable pain.

  “Did you give him tincture of poppy seed to dull the pain?” she asked the slave who was busy piling blood-soaked linen strips into a leather bucket.

  “It’s there by the bed, my lady. He’s refused to drink it as yet.”

  “I need to keep my wits about me, do I not, Princess?” Jaden sneered. “Forgive me, Highness. I forget my manners.” He went to rise.

  “No. Stay where you are. You need to rest.” Nerya turned to address the young slave. “Go now. I wish to speak to this captive in private.”

  He picked up the bucket and hurried toward the door, pulling it shut behind him.

  “I am honored, it appears,” Jaden said in a cutting tone.

  “Jaden, I’m still the Nerya I always was to you.” She grabbed a wooden stool, dragged it to the side of the bed and sat on it.

  “Why didn’t you tell me who you were?”

  “Would it have made a difference?” What was wrong with this man? She’d just saved him from a whipping. She might even have saved his life. Why did he sound so belligerent? He should be grateful. After all, she’d just risked much to save him. Men were strange creatures, there was no doubt about that.


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