Savage Kingdom

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Savage Kingdom Page 10

by Deanna Ashford

  Maybe everything would turn out all right. After all, she hadn’t been confined in the dungeons, and she’d been treated well. A few minutes after she’d been brought here, a huge tub had been dragged in the room. After it had been filled with hot water, two serving women had appeared to help her bathe. She’d sent them away, telling them she was quite able to wash herself. At least she felt clean now, and her freshly washed hair hung in damp strands around her shoulders. She’d dried it with a towel as best she could, although she was too tense to sit by the fire and spend ages combing it dry.

  They’d taken away all her clothing. She was pleased to be rid of that stupid blue dress, but she would’ve liked something a little more sensible to wear instead of this white silk, loose-fitting garment which opened right down the front and had no fastenings apart from the tie at her waist. When she moved, she was forced to hold it together to stop the front of it gaping open.

  As the door opened, Nerya spun ’round, not knowing what to expect. Jaden stood there looking well, quite unharmed and as composed and handsome as ever.

  “Jaden, you’re safe!” She quelled the sudden foolish urge to rush into his arms and hug him. “I’m relieved to see you’re fine.” It wasn’t easy, but she did her best to sound somewhat uninterested.

  He kicked the door shut and stepped toward her. “The lieutenant in charge of my captors realized his mistake as soon as we reached the castle. No doubt he’ll get into trouble for his lack of respect toward an honored guest of King Tarn, especially as my arrival was expected.” Jaden paused. “You’ve bathed, I see.”

  “So I have.” Nerya clutched at the front of her white robe as she backed away from him, all too aware of the desire clouding his dark eyes. “It isn’t seemly, Jaden, for you to be in my bedchamber.”

  She might be relieved he was fine, but that didn’t mean she was prepared to be pleasant to him. She still desired him as much as ever, but she’d not forgotten, or forgiven, his brutal behavior earlier today.

  “I can’t believe this.” He grinned. “You’re acting like a coy virgin, and it doesn’t suit you at all. As it happens, you’re in my bedchamber.”

  “Then best you find somewhere else for me to lay my head. I’m not going to stay here with you.” She glared at him. “I’ll sleep in the servants’ quarters if needs be.”

  “King Tarn considers Queen Danara an enemy. Since you’re heir to her throne, he’s naturally a little suspicious of your intentions.” He shrugged off his doublet and tossed it on one of the chests. “You’ll stay in the castle as befits your status as a princess, but I have to take responsibility for your good conduct. Tarn has requested I ensure you remain close to me at all times.”

  “How very convenient.” She sneered. “If he doesn’t trust me, then perhaps he should house me in his dungeon?”

  “Nerya.” Jaden bent to pull off his boots. “Have you ever been confined in a dungeon? I assure you, it’s far from comfortable, and the guards…well, many of them take terrible liberties with female prisoners.”

  “Don’t try to frighten me. It won’t work. I know you too well.”

  “Perhaps not well enough.” To her consternation, he started to unlace his breeches. “Not only do I expect you to share this room with me, I expect you to share my bed as well.”

  “I’ll tell Rianna I’m her sister.”

  “Of course you must do so, when you find the right opportunity. But you’ve no idea how she’ll react. She may not even know she has a sister.” He frowned. “Would it not be better to get to know her a little first?”

  “Of course I would wait until the time was right, if I wasn’t forced to share a chamber, let alone a bed, with you. The idea repels me.”

  “You aren’t a good liar, Nerya.” He smiled and started to peel off his leather breeches. “You’ve never appeared at all repelled by me before.”

  She might not have forgiven him for his brutality toward her, but she had to accept that in a perverse way she’d been aroused by his roughness. There was no way she’d admit that to him. Nerya sniffed and wrinkled her nose, trying to pretend she was unmoved by the sight of his naked body. “You stink. The water in the tub will only be lukewarm, but it will have to do. I won’t share a bed with you until you’ve at least bathed.”

  “If I recall…” he said as he walked toward her, “…you didn’t smell so sweet yourself during our first encounter. I had no choice. Why should you?”

  “Circumstances were different then.”

  Jaden was far bigger and stronger than her. Without a weapon, she couldn’t defeat him; she had to accept that. He’d already shown her in the forest how forceful he could be when her actions annoyed him. Would it not be wiser to tread a little cautiously with him? At least until she’d made herself known to Rianna and consolidated her position in the castle. She sighed. Maybe for the time being she should just force herself to give in and share a chamber with him.

  Now that her decision was more or less made, it was hard to keep her gaze from straying toward his manhood. By the gods, he was already aroused! She knew that as soon as he touched her, she’d give in to her desires—she just couldn’t resist him. Part of her wanted to run, despite the fact she still lusted after him. Whether it was Jaden she wanted to run from or her own confused feelings, Nerya wasn’t entirely sure.

  “You look troubled.” Jaden stepped closer to her. Instead of grabbing her, as she’d expected, he lifted his hand and, with surprising tenderness, brushed a lock of damp hair away from her face. “Do I frighten you?”

  “Frighten me?” She gave a brittle laugh. “Why should I be scared of you?”

  “After what happened earlier today. I do regr—”

  “I don’t know what you’re going on about.” She turned away from him.

  “Nerya.” He grabbed her arm and pulled her toward him, reaching down to wrench open the waist tie of her flimsy gown. His hand brushed her shoulders and, almost as if it had a life of its own, the fabric slithered down her body and landed in a heap at her feet.

  Wrapping his arms around her, Jaden held her tight against him. Nerya’s skin melded to his as he ran his hand down her back. Lust flew uninvited through her veins, making her heart beat faster and setting her senses alight. When he drew her to the bed, she didn’t even attempt to resist him, and they fell together on the mattress in a tangle of arms and legs.

  “You’re beautiful,” Jaden murmured in her ear as his lips nuzzled her neck, then slid down over her collarbone to her breasts. He pulled one of her nipples into his mouth and sucked on it hard. Tantalizing shivers of delight traveled down through her breasts and slid into her sex. His hands followed the trail of those exquisite sensations, and her legs rolled apart of their own accord, her body silently pleading with him to thrust his cock deep inside her.

  Nerya gave up her useless attempts to fight her need for him as Jaden’s lips slid downward and paused to kiss her trembling stomach before moving toward her pubis. He buried his head between her thighs, his mouth exploring the valley of her sex with delicate tenderness. Nerya shivered with delight as his moist tongue trailed over her sensitive flesh and brushed against her clitoris.

  Any remnants of resistance fled as he lapped at the tiny nub of nerve endings. She uttered a soft groan of pleasure as he pulled it into his mouth. She arched her back, pressing her pelvis closer to his face. Nerya expected Jaden’s fingers to follow the same path as his lips, but instead, a hot, moist tongue wriggled its way inside her. She’d felt nothing like it before. It moved inside her like a tiny pleasure snake, sensuously stimulating her internal walls.

  “Yes,” she gasped, clutching at the bedclothes as the sweet sensations grew stronger.

  Jaden lifted his head. A lock of hair had slipped from the tie and brushed against his cheek. There was something about this man she couldn’t resist. Why did he move her so much?

  “You want me, Nerya,” he said in a soft, seductive tone. “Don’t deny it.”

  Not waiting for
her reply, he changed position and plunged his shaft deep inside her. His hard, male flesh filled her completely, the sensation almost too delicious to bear. His mouth slowly descended on hers, and she knew she was lost. Her mind might be confused over her true feelings but her body was not. Needing him as desperately as he needed her, she returned his kiss with unrestrained passion. There was something between them, something special she couldn’t explain, let alone understand.

  She adored the feeling of his shaft buried deep inside her. Men and women were designed to fit together like this, she realized in a haze of honeyed desire. Nerya grabbed Jaden’s shoulders, her fingers digging into his flesh. As he moved faster, employing a smooth seductive rhythm, she twined her legs around his haunches, rotating her hips in an accompanying beat. Sex with Jaden was so sweet so precious, transcending anything she’d felt before. Yet it wasn’t just physical, something inexplicable drew her to this man, and made her want to be by his side—to share his bed and his life. She had no idea what it was, but she was desperate for these cherished moments to continue. Her heart swelled with a multitude of conflicting emotions as every compelling movement of his hips, every captivating thrust, caressed the sensitive walls of her feminine sheath. Her pleasure rose as she climbed towards the summit, then it erupted in a surge of euphoria.

  If she hadn’t been clutching Jaden’s arm, Nerya might have been tempted to turn and run. She’d never felt quite this apprehensive before, but she held her head high, trying not to show how nervous she was as he led her into the great hall of King Tarn’s castle.

  She found the sight of so many finely dressed people overwhelming for a moment. There had never been a celebration of this magnitude in Freygard. A plethora of tall, wax candles illuminated the magnificent hall, making it nearly as bright as day. Judging by the number of richly dressed people and the copious amounts of food, they were having a special feast. Maybe it was always like this—she didn’t know. Tarn must be a wealthy monarch. The huge castle, furnished with an opulent splendor she’d never seen before, impressed Nerya. Panels of honey-colored oak covered the walls of the great hall, and elegant brocade drapes framed the tall arched windows. A cornucopia of elaborate dishes crowded the long tables, and so many delicious smells filled the chamber that her mouth would be watering if she wasn’t feeling quite so apprehensive and totally out of her depth.

  Queen Rianna, knowing they’d traveled light, had sent Nerya a dress to wear this evening. Made of dark green silk, it fit tightly around her bust and waist, then flared around her hips. The full skirt was so long it brushed the floor, hiding her matching slippers. The heavy gown was made even weightier by the rich gold embroidery around the low neckline, the edges of the long sleeves and even the hem. She’d never worn anything so elaborate. Nerya was forced to move at a slow elegant pace just to stop herself from tripping over the mass of fabric draped around her legs.

  “You look lovely. Hold your head high, Princess,” Jaden whispered.

  He must be well aware of how disconcerted she felt. She’d never seen so many males gathered in one place before, and not one of them was a slave.

  “You look quite presentable also.” Nerya did her best to sound lighthearted as she clung onto Jaden’s arm. Her remark was deliberately understated. To be truthful, she thought he looked magnificent in his form-fitting black leather breeches, a white shirt of the finest lawn and a black velvet doublet decorated with silver thread.

  The king and a number of courtiers, all clad in elaborate garments, sat at a table set on a low dais as the far end of the hall. All conversation ceased and the hall fell silent as she and Jaden walked forward. Everyone stared at them. Her legs trembled beneath her gown, and she had no idea why. She was a warrior; she didn’t feel fear.

  King Tarn, a well-built, remarkably handsome, blond man, sat next to the most beautiful woman Nerya had ever seen. This must be Rianna. Her skin was as pale as alabaster and her hair the color of the sky at sunset—a glorious reddish gold. Jaden had briefly met Rianna earlier today and he’d told Nerya her sister had green eyes the exact same shade as her own.

  To Nerya’s relief, King Tarn’s smile of welcome appeared genuine. As they stopped in front of the dais, Jaden executed an elegant bow, and Nerya, just as Jaden had instructed, managed a shy, rather clumsy curtsey.

  “Welcome to Kabra, Lord Jaden.” Tarn’s deep, commanding voice reverberated around the hall. “The queen and I have been expecting you.” He’d already spoken at length to Jaden, so she presumed these warm words of welcome were for the benefit of his courtiers.

  “Your Majesty,” Jaden acknowledged. “May I present my companion, Lady Nerya.”

  Tarn had decided it was wiser not to reveal Nerya’s true identity to the court, as most citizens considered Freygard an enemy of Kabra. “Lady Nerya, you are welcome. Will you both join us?”

  “We would be honored.” Jaden guided Nerya onto the dais and led her toward King Tarn.

  There was a spare seat by Tarn’s left side, and it appeared that was where she was expected to sit. Nerya knew she should be flattered as she perched on the delicate, carved chair, while Jaden sat next to the queen. He was only a short distance away from her, but Nerya would have preferred to be closer. These unfamiliar surroundings were overwhelming without him by her side.

  A page in dark blue livery hurried forward to pour wine into her silver goblet while a servant placed a fresh platter of food in front of her. She’d been a little hungry a moment ago, but now her appetite had deserted her.

  Tarn leaned toward her and spoke in a soft tone so only she could hear. “Princess, it’s not often we have a famed warrior from Freygard as a guest.”

  “As you may be aware, Majesty, we’re rarely allowed to travel to other lands. Our queen forbids it. I wager that never before have you had a warrior from Freygard as your guest.”

  “Then you lose your wager.” Tarn grinned. “My mother-in-law is from Freygard and she visits us often. You may know of her…?”

  “Danara spoke of her, but I know little about the Lady Kitara.”

  “You’ll meet her soon, no doubt.” Tarn’s expression was thoughtful. “I confess, Nerya, I found Freygard a somewhat disconcerting place.”

  “You have visited Freygard?”

  “I have indeed,” he confirmed with a wry twist of his lips. “Rianna and I were forced to take refuge there a long time ago, before I regained control of my kingdom. Perhaps, if the occasion arises, I’ll tell you about it one day.”

  He glanced over at Jaden, who appeared quite at ease as he conversed with Rianna. “There’s a matter we should discuss after the meal, Jaden.”

  Jaden paused midsentence. “Majesty?”

  “We depart early tomorrow morning to meet up with the other monarchs of the Western Kingdoms, and we expect you and your lady to accompany us.”

  Accompany them? She supposed she shouldn’t be surprised. Jaden had been involved in the treaty negotiations. It seemed logical for him to be present at the meeting. Tarn had said we. Did that mean Rianna would be going as well? If so, it might well give her the perfect opportunity to get to know her sister better. Also, she could do her part for Freygard and discover exactly what this treaty involved, and what it meant for the safety of her own kingdom.

  King Tarn and Queen Rianna traveled with a huge retinue, which consisted of a large contingent of soldiers, a fair number of servants and four fully loaded wagons of supplies. Nerya wandered around the busy encampment, unable to locate Jaden. She’d no idea where he was, but she presumed he was off somewhere talking with King Tarn once again.

  She’d not seen Jaden after the feast last night. He’d disappeared with the king and his advisors to discuss the impending treaty, so she’d been obliged to retire to their chamber alone. Despite her words to the contrary, she was relieved to be sharing a bed with him. Everything was confusing and very different here, and Jaden’s presence made her feel much more secure.

  Jaden had been in bed beside her when
she’d woken this morning, but they’d had no time for even a brief conversation, as they’d had to set out from Ruberoc soon after dawn. During the days on the road while they were traveling to Kabra, she’d found Jaden was never one for talking overmuch, but he’d been even quieter than usual today. Most of the time he’d appeared to be deep in thought. Nerya hadn’t wanted to trouble him, so she’d passed the time watching her sister and Tarn, who rode together at the head of the column, only a short way in front of them. She’d heard they’d brought their nine-year-old son Brion with them on this trip, but Nerya hadn’t caught sight of him yet.

  She’d expected them to keep moving at least until nightfall, but they’d stopped a short time ago and there were still at least two hours until dusk. Rianna had been a little pale, so maybe King Tarn had decided to call a halt because of his concern for his wife’s welfare. Nerya had heard one of the servants talking. Apparently Rianna was pregnant with her second child.

  Nerya couldn’t help being impressed by this camp. She’d not expected life to work so efficiently without slavery. The tents were already erected, fires lit and preparations underway for the evening meal. No one in Freygard traveled in such luxury. When on the road, Danara slept on the ground and shared the hardships along with her warriors.


  She swung round, recognizing Rianna’s voice. Nerya scanned her sister’s face, looking for a resemblance to herself, but apart from the green eyes she could see none. Rianna’s shiny red-gold hair flowed down over her shoulders, framing her delicate features and creamy skin to perfection. She was almost too beautiful to be real. “Your Highness?” Nerya tensed, unsure whether she was expected to curtsey or not.


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