Sand Trap (Haunted Series)

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Sand Trap (Haunted Series) Page 19

by Alexie Aaron

  “Any broken glass?” Ted asked.

  “No, but these cleaners were all men. I’ve been thinking that the lady in the glass doesn’t mind men so much. The only incidents of breaking glass have been when women have been involved,” Bernard pointed out.

  “Interesting observation,” Ted said and whipped out his phone and noted it on his notepad app. He finished and asked, “Bernard, would you mind if I downloaded some photos on your PC to send to my computer at home?”

  “No, but if you make my computer any more efficient, I won’t be able to use it.”

  Ted colored. “Sorry about that. It was a long night and…”

  “Don’t worry. It took me a while, but I caught up to the speed. No wonder you drink so much coffee,” Bernard teased him.

  Ted headed for the office and looked back at Mia who hadn’t moved and asked, “Coming?”

  “I have a phone call to make, and I’ll see you in a few minutes,” she explained.

  Ted nodded and entered the office. Bernard and Mary went back to work. Mia left the office and walked down the hall, looking for a private place to have a chat with Whit.


  His phone rang, and he took a deep breath before answering, “Hello.”

  “Whit, this is Mia.”

  “I gathered that from the caller ID,” Whit said, trying to appear cool.

  She laughed. “Thank you for looking in on Murphy. I’ve been dealing with this problem at the museum for Bernard. It’s complex, and frankly we are making it up as we go along.”

  “I know I’m just a dumb cop, but why don’t you tell me about it. Perhaps I can help.”

  “Cool beans.” Mia started at the beginning and was able to tell the whole story of the lady in the glass without interruption. “So what do you think?”

  “She sounds a bit like the girls Sherry went to school with. They are man hunters, looking to make a big score, aka land a rich husband. They then spend their time going to lunch and chairing charities. Your doll, Courtney, seems pretty ambitious and could be narcissistic. She likes to be admired by men. She hates competition. The dead guy was obviously showing too much attention to Clara. Then you arrive and challenge the broad. The gift shop lady too must have inadvertently challenged her. Was she good looking?”

  Mia thought back and said, “Yes, smartly dressed and pleasant looking.”

  “I think that perhaps you can use this to your advantage.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “When we worked vice, we used female cops dressed as hookers…”

  “As bait.”

  “Yes. Once Ted has perfected his trap, then you will probably have to engage her. Anger her enough to follow you into the trap. Ghosts move pretty fast though…”

  “I can move as fast if not faster.”


  “When I bilocate, my time there is faster than the people around me… Ah, am I making any sense?”

  “You move like Superman.”

  “Yes, you get it. I knew you weren’t just a pretty face. Anyways, I could stay ahead of her this way but,” Mia stopped, remembering the entity that attacked her. “I am also vulnerable to…”

  “Go on.”

  Mia told him what had happened the previous night.

  “Good thing Ted was around.”

  “I was lucky to get back,” she admitted.

  “What if you had Murphy there?”

  “I don’t know if he would be enough. He could help me in his plane of existence, but he’s not good on ours.”

  Whit seemed to be thinking and then offered, “What if I and Murphy were there to have your back. I could handle the flesh and blood stuff, and Murphy will have your spirit back?”

  Tears sprang to Mia’s eyes. “You would do that for me?”

  “I owe you. Besides we’re friends,” Whit said lamely, wanting to say more but afraid she would reject him.

  Mia pushed the tears off her face and stilled the excitement that was building inside her. “Murphy will have to be asked, and then you would need to extract the axe head from the mausoleum and bring it here with you.”

  “He and I don’t communicate that well. But I could try.”

  “I could OOB over there but…” Mia didn’t want to tell Whit about the last time Mia bilocated and walked in the woods with Stephen Murphy. He had kissed her, and she knew he felt something for her. She loved him, but it wasn’t, couldn’t, she wouldn’t… Hell, she needed a shrink.

  “I’ll give it a shot. I have late shift so I’ll stop by before I go on. I’ll give you a call.”

  “Thanks, Whit, I know how hard it is for you to do this.”

  “Ah, it’s nothing. Remember I’m a law enforcement professional.”

  Mia laughed. “I’ve got to get going. Thanks for the consult. You have given me some ideas on how to handle the situation.”

  “No problem. I’ll call you once I’ve talked with Murphy. I’ve got some personal days I can take. I’ll see if Tom will cover for me.”

  Mia thanked him again and hung up.

  Whit sat still for a moment, thinking about what he had just agreed to do. Part of him cringed, but the other part, the brave part, was proud of his decision. If he was going to stand a chance of staying in Mia’s life, he was going to have to put himself into situations he was most uncomfortable with. But she was worth it. He smiled and got up. He better shower and get dressed if he was going to get to the hollow and back before his shift started.


  Burt, Homely and Doc worked quickly to skim off the grass that had grown over the pile of pulverized yellow dolomite. Homely had thought ahead and brought a length of wire mesh to use to shift out the large rocks, worms and whatever else may have found its way into the pile of sand. They worked together shoveling, shifting and pouring the clean material into doubled, brown paper sacks. When they had five sacks full, Burt indicated that they had more than enough.

  “I don’t know how to thank you,” he said to the men who had suspended their disbelief and took a chance on the weird and helped him out.

  “Just give a holler when you get set to deal with the bar. I sure would like to hang around and see what you PEEPs do,” Homely said.

  “I’m very interested in meeting your sensitive. She must have a fascinating mind,” Doc mused.

  “Oh Mia’a fascinating alright, but I can’t promise more than a meeting. She guards her gifts like a dog’s favorite bone,” Burt said.

  “Fair enough.”

  The men loaded the bags into Doc’s car and headed back to the party which was now in full swing. Burt promised himself to restrict his beer intake, but the food was open to negotiation between his eyes and his stomach.

  He picked up his phone and called Ted.

  “Talk to me almighty leader,” Ted answered deadpan.

  He told him about the successful collection of what he thought was the dolomite.

  “Mia will check it out when you get up here. I take it you may want in on our little party here?”

  Burt winced, but quickly realized that Ted in his own way was telling him that the Field Museum investigation would be controlled by him and Mia. “Glad to play second banana, Ted,” Burt said, but wasn’t sure he meant it. “Third banana?”

  “Mia and I are Batman and Robin. You get to be Commissioner Gordon, capisce?”

  “Gotcha, fine. Who’s Batman?”

  Ted did his best Christian Bale impression, “I’m Batman.”

  “How’s Mia feel about this?”

  “No complaints so far,” Ted said and almost believed his own words. Facts were, they never did discuss who was leading the investigation. “Speaking of Mia, what the hell did you tell Beth to get her panties in a bunch?”

  “I don’t understand.”

  Ted told him about the message she left on Mia’s phone.

  “Whoa. I’m not positive, but I said you had rooms, plural, in the Renaissance Chicago. She must have only heard room. How’d Mia take
the message?”

  “She was irritated, didn’t like being called a piece of gypsy shit. She likes gypsies.”

  Burt winced. He knew that Mia probably took this to heart but buried it, as she did every hurt in her life. She wouldn’t act on it. But it didn’t mean that she wasn’t wounded. “I know better than to ask but…”

  “No, Mia and I aren’t in a sexual relationship. We have each other’s backs and share a respect for each other’s talents. Not to mention are sharing custody of Murphy. Just because you’re having a problem with Mia, and it seems it has now spread to Beth, doesn’t mean that she isn’t my friend. She shows up every time we call. She doesn’t want to be on camera, and I respect that. I, even though I am sexy as fuck, I’d rather be behind the scenes too.”

  “Gee, dad, some lecture, ouch,” Burt said in Ted speak to get his attention.

  “Sorry, but as team leader here in the Chicago Hip Entity Exposure Partners or CHEEP, I am going to have to insist that you play well with others. Do you think Mike will want in on this?”

  “I think he is halfway there. You should see him in a few hours at the museum.”

  “It’s going to be closed by the time he gets here, so have him call my cell and I’ll let him in.”

  “What about Beth?”

  “That’s a good question. Mia has no objections, but I’m a bit pissed. No, I’m angry. I am not a piece of meat to be fought over. I have feelings.”

  Burt couldn’t help it, he started laughing. Ted joined him as it was his intention to make light of the situation.

  “Seems to me that she has a lot of research work to do down here, and she’s not in a fit mind to be sparring with Mia. Let me call her and insist she stay out of Chicago for now.”

  “Remind Bethy that Mia saved her fucking life. Just saying…”

  “I hear you. And yes Mia’s saved my life too. You don’t have to remind me. Are you sure you’re Batman?”

  “Dude I’m wearing the cape.”

  “Gotcha. Talk to you as soon as I traverse the mine field,” Burt said and hung up.

  “Of course you’re batman. I look horrendous in black,” Mia said from the doorway.

  “How much did you hear?”

  Mia squeezed her fingers together and moved them out a small amount and said, “Most of it.”

  “How’d I sound?”

  “Very team leaderish. Very sexy.”

  “You are going to have to learn to control yourself, doll. Batman and Robin never slept together.”

  “Define sleeping…”

  “K. You made your point, but you have to control your urges.”

  “I’m working on it. Oh, let me run something by you. How would you feel if I asked Whitney to bring Murphy to the museum?”

  “Why are you asking me?”

  “Duh, team leader,” Mia replied with a little sarcasm.

  “Oh, you know that was just to needle Burt. Whit’s welcome, I think we could use his brute force, and axe man is family. So you think I can lead this investigation?”

  “I think it’s a great idea. You are more than capable, if not distracted by a new game. I know you have a life. As far as I’m concerned, you are the first PEEP on the scene here and you are in charge.”

  “K.” Ted smiled and winked at Mia. “So you wouldn’t mind getting me a triple espresso?”

  “Don’t push it,” she warned halfheartedly. “This time. The next round you get.”

  “How are the plans coming for our sand trap?”

  Ted filled her in on the amount of dolomite Burt was bringing. “Of course you will have to test it. OOB or something. Clara is coming by to help me to pick the right glass to use. I have security tapes to look through to see how far the bimbo can move between glass panes. You could help with that. Your eyes are better.”

  Mia nodded. When Ted was focused it was amazing what he could do. Bernard was right, if he would have headed into the corporate world he would be unstoppable.

  “Mike is on his way with the equipment van. When Burt gets here with the command truck tomorrow, we will see if we can flush out Courtney and see if we can contain her.”

  “Golly gee, Batman, I love when a plan comes together.”

  “Me too Robin, me too.”


  Whit pulled into the drive, pulled his car around and parked facing the road. He walked towards April’s house but stopped at the picnic table. It was about time for One Feather to make his ride. Whit couldn’t see the ghostly form of the American Indian riding his horse to save his village from the very same evil that took Whit’s wife Sherry. But it didn’t matter. He could hear the rhythmic hoof beats of One Feather’s horse. Whit felt a deep connection with the lone warrior. No matter how he tried, he could not save Sherry from her fate. She was hung, or convinced to hang herself, in the attic of one of the renovated houses in the hollow. Sherry haunted Whit for days, painting pictures on canvas and walls. Mia brought together professionals and the armature PEEPs investigators to help Sherry’s soul to break the grasp the evil woman had on her and escape to a heaven of her making, the Museum of Modern Art in New York City where her painting was still on display.

  He remembered unjustly blaming Mia for Sherry haunting him. This had pushed away the emerging feelings he had for the girl who screamed in graveyards. She was the pretty oddball that dogged his steps in high school, her crush barely hidden. He admitted to leading her on. It did his ego good. When he left for a stint in the Navy, he spent most of his time in port on the east coast, and he forgot all about Mia. He met Sherry at a party. She fell in love with the looker in the dress whites and he with the accomplished rebelling debutant.

  The marriage was rocky, with him trying to please someone who didn’t want to be pleased. All she wanted was New York and the art world. All he wanted was a wife, children and the easy hours of being a county cop. Well that was gone now. Whit pushed away those dreams and concentrated on listening for One Feather.

  There was a scraping of metal on wood.

  “Hello, Murphy, have a seat.” Whit patted the table next to him. “It’s about that time.”

  More scraping on wood.

  “Mia asked me to come here and ask if you would come help her at the museum in Chicago. Now before you say anything, let me tell you what has been going on.” Whit relayed all the information Mia had given him. He talked slowly and listened for any scratches that would let him know that Murphy had questions, objections or just plain wanted him to slow down. “I know she’s with those PEEPers, but I think that she needs us. Yes, I said us. I think I can get between her and anything I can see, and you can take care of the bumps in the night, if you get my drift.”

  Murphy tapped the wood with his axe.

  “If you say yes, I’m going to call her and get that combination to your crypt. I will take you to work with me tonight and to Chicago tomorrow. Mia and Ted have to stay there tonight otherwise they would be here asking you themselves. So whack that axe if you want to go.”


  Whit smiled and picked up his phone and called.

  Mia picked up right away. “Yes?”

  “Murphy’s in. We’ll be there after I get some shut eye after work. How does 2:00 sound?”

  “Great. It will give me time to take a nap and be there at the museum to greet you guys. This is so cool. I hope Murphy knows what he is getting into.”

  “He’ll figure it out. Here let me put the phone on speaker, and you can ask him again.”

  Whit put the phone on the table and Mia’s voice came over loud and clear.

  “Murph are you sure you want to do this?”


  “That be a yes, cool beans!” she said. “It’s getting that time. Hold up the phone, Whit, I want to hear.”

  Whit picked up the phone and held it so the mic would not be obstructed.

  They heard the horse, first quiet then loud and then quiet again.

  Mia sighed, “I know it’s an echo, but, damn, one t
ime I wish he would have made it.”

  There was a scratching of wood. “Murphy and I agree.” He took the phone off speaker. “You wanna talk me through axe head removal?”

  “Sure, why not.”

  Whit’s long strides had him at Murphy’s grave in a few minutes. He knelt down and punched in the code Mia gave him. He then opened the vault and put his hand in and found the bag containing the cast-iron cutting blade. He hefted it up and marveled at the way Mia just swung it around like it weighed nothing.

  “Whit,” Mia’s voice got his attention. “You may not sense him. It takes a lot of energy for him to move locations.”

  “I thought I would take him on patrol tonight.”

  “I hope he behaves.”

  “Me too,” Whit said and closed the vault and headed back to the car.

  “I have to go now. Thank you for doing this for me.”

  “My pleasure,” Whit said and listened to her breathe for few short moments before she hung up. “I wonder what she was going to say before she changed her mind,” he said aloud.

  The silence of the woods told him Murphy didn’t know either.

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Mary popped into the office and smiled at the eye-strained duo. “I have news.”

  Mia looked up, and Ted rubbed his neck and made a note before responding. “We could use it.”

  “I found Brent Masson.”

  “Really. Where?” Mia asked.

  “Well, he’s dead and buried. Entombed in Cleveland, I can’t see our Courtney wanting to spend eternity in Cleveland, can you?”

  “I don’t know, I think it’s pretty in parts,” Ted disagreed.

  “But Courtney?”

  “I see your point. You’re saying that luring her there would be a waste of time,” Mia explained to Ted.

  “Exactly,” Mary confirmed.

  “So that’s a dead end,” Ted said, flipping open a folder and crossing that idea off.

  “I do have his obituary though. Maybe it can be of some use. I’ve printed you off a copy,” she said, handing Mia the piece of paper. “He married young, had scads of kids, and they had tons of children. The family fortune was well diluted, but the Massons seemed to be a happy lot.”


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