Sand Trap (Haunted Series)

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Sand Trap (Haunted Series) Page 27

by Alexie Aaron

  “What’s your name?”

  “Fred, Fred Talbot, I drive the tanker.”

  “Take it from me, it’s special water and that’s all I can say.”

  “No, it’s not. I filled the tank an hour ago,” Fred challenged. He pointed to the truck and his mouth dropped open. A man wearing a brown robe was at the top of the truck closing the top hatch.

  “It is now.”

  “Holy water. 2,000 gallons of it,” Fred said impressed. “So I take it we are dealing with something we don’t want to talk about without a few beers around.”

  Malloy nodded. “Homer, you ride with Fred.”

  Homely picked up a camera and headed over to the truck. Fred caught up to him and asked about the video camera.

  “We are going to use it to see the undesirables.”

  “Now you’re talking shit.”

  Homely stopped and said, “Come here. I’m going to show you.”

  Fred stood next to Homely and watched as he pointed the camera at the bar parking lot. He zoomed in and motioned for Fred to take the camera to see. Fred looked in the viewfinder and saw shadowy figures of men and some that looked real as he was. He looked at the scene with his own eyes and there was nothing. “What the hell?”

  “I’m going to use this to be able to aim the hose to take out any booger that’s strong enough to cross the salt line. I’m not going to use it unless it’s necessary cuz it will melt the salt. What we’re doing is dangerous.”

  “Hell, not as dangerous as the poor fuck that’s going to be riding that ladder. I wonder who they got crazy enough to do that?”

  “Fast Eddie.”

  “No shit,” Fred said in awe. “He’s a crazy em effer.”

  “It’s going to take one to do the job,” Homely said sagely.

  Doc stood on top of the paramedic’s truck and started to film the rescue. He promised to get a copy to Ted, Burt’s friend who had instructed him on how to make the changes in the camera in order to see the paranormal activity. The salt truck started to move, laying a two lane path of salt. Burt mentioned that this would only hold off the ghosts for a short while as it wasn’t a solid unconnected line. Fast Eddie was in position on the ladder. It was against regulations to be on the ladder while they were moving, but the Chief waved the reg as long as Eddie signed a waiver.

  He wore a belt that would keep him from flying off, but there was always the chance of the ladder itself becoming disengaged as it swung around. Eddie was primed and ready. The ladder truck ventured atop the salt path. Homely sat, hose ready on the running board of the tanker. He had a camera hanging from his neck along with several chains bearing crosses and crucifixes. Doc added a Star of David to the collection just in case.

  The parade advanced towards the stone building. The noise got the attention of the kid on the roof. He started to inch his way towards the side of the building the trucks were headed for.

  As the salt truck turned, the ladder truck moved into position, and someone got out and directed Eddie towards the roof. As he connected with the tiles, the kid was there. Eddie grabbed the teenager as he vaulted towards him. Doc zoomed in on the duo as they backed down the ladder towards the fire engine.

  Homely scanned the area continuously with the camera. He saw the curious entities advance and stop when they hit the salt. A tall tattooed man strode over and pushed at the timid men. They parted to let him try the barrier. Homely saw the man move across the salt slowly and waved on his flunkies to join him.

  “Hit the pump, we have trouble!” Homely yelled.

  Fast Eddie was ten feet from the truck when he heard a shout.

  “Move it!” Fred yelled as he felt a thump on the far side of his cab.

  The pump started, and Homely aimed the hose at the advancing party of bikers. He waited until he felt he had sufficient pressure before opening up on the men. The water did more than connect with the entities, it knocked them back. Surprised, they struggled to their feet.

  The ladder truck moved away, turning in a wide arc. Fast Eddie moved up and put his body over the kid to keep him from falling. He looked back at the tanker and saw it started to move. He couldn’t see the man on the hose, but thought they must have picked some crazy fucker to stick around and get the shit kicked out of him.

  Homely felt the presence of the large entity before he located him in the viewer. He spun around and hit him full in the chest with the water from the hose. Momentarily the biker stopped, before smiling and walking full into the stream of the water. Homely banged on the side of the truck to signal he needed it to move. He dropped the hose, tossed the camera and reached for an axe.

  Fred cut a short arc and increased his speed, keeping an eye on the ladder truck in front of him.

  Homely slid off the running board of the truck but caught the ladder on the side and held on. He felt a tearing in his shoulder, but he didn’t let go. Soon the tanker and he were bouncing over the exit apron.

  Doc heard the sound of bikes being started, and remembering Burt’s tale, thought that he too should be getting the hell out of there. He hopped off the top of the truck and encouraged the driver to beat feet to safety before they move the iron girder into place.

  He jumped in the passenger seat and hung on while the EMT pushed the truck to its limit. They cleared the last roadblock as the crane swung the bridge span into place. Doc waited until the EMT found the ladder truck and parked. The EMT grabbed his trauma kit and jumped out of the vehicle. Doc slid from the vehicle and almost kissed the ground. He climbed the truck and turned the camera in the direction of the road behind them.

  He saw dust and dirt and men on machines approaching. They swerved to a stop just short of the iron barrier. Unfazed, they turned their bikes around and headed back to the bar.

  Doc pulled out his phone and dialed Ted.

  “Talk to me, pale rider,”

  “We’ve got the kid.”

  “Cool. Send me the footage. We’re heading down this afternoon, but I’ll be packing a Sony and a Mac so I’ll be able to download your data.”

  Doc ended the call and went in search of Homely.

  He found him rolling hose and muttering to himself.

  “Need a hand?”

  “Nah, good practice.”

  “How’d it go on your end?”

  Homely related his part of the adventure. “When the holy water didn’t have any effect on that behemoth, I thought I was a deader. I grabbed for an axe, wound one of them prayer beads around it and swung for home. Fred took off, and I ran for the truck. Last I saw was the axe bouncing up and down on the ground. I think I hit something.” Homely rubbed his shoulder. “Tore my rotator, I bet.”

  “There goes your serve,” Doc sympathized.

  “Don’t worry. I can still beat you with my backhand.”

  “Talk’s cheap,” Doc challenged. “You want me to look at it for you?”

  “Nah, I’ll get it looked at later.”

  “You get anything on film?”

  “Yes, but the tanker blocked your axe-wielding adventure.”

  “Too bad, that would have surely impressed that cute little PEEPs lady. I hear she hangs with a man who knows how to swing an axe.”


  Mia looked at Whit across the counter. “You want to run this by me again?”

  He told her about Burt’s call, filling her in on the desperate nature of things down on that stretch of Route 66. “They have it blocked off. The detour takes fifty extra minutes to navigate. They have the exit to the highway blocked off too.”

  “I bet the diner folks are pissed.”

  “Don’t know. I’m surprised you haven’t heard from Burt or Ted.”

  “Phone’s not on,” she said casually.

  “OMG, look at you, out of touch.”

  She smiled. “I didn’t want to be disturbed. I didn’t think that there would be an emergency.”

  “Go on, go get your phone.”

  Mia just placed her cup on the counter and l
ooked at Whit again. “Do I want to do this?”

  “Honey, a kid died, one is headed to the padded room wearing a custom shirt, and the other is too high for it to sink in yet.”

  “K.” Mia walked over to the desk where the phone sat charging. She turned it on and waited. “Where’d you get your info from?”

  “Tom, who got it by listening in to John Ryan’s phone call, by accident.”

  Mia laughed at the eavesdropping “accident.” Her phone chirped and cheeped, giving her the idea she may have a few messages to listen to. She put it on speaker so she could pick up the kitchen while she listened to the messages.

  “Three new messages,” the phone informed her.

  “Message one… Mia this is Burt. I know it’s early. I’ll call back.”

  “Message two… Burt Hick’s here. We are heading down to the site. Something’s come up, and we need to beat feet down there and lend a hand. Call me when you get this.”

  “Message three… Minnie Mouse, the shit has hit the fan in Pabst Blue Ribbonville. We need your eyes, Murphy’s brawn, and see if you can talk tall, light and blue-eyes into coming along, we need the help. Call me. I got stuck making the sleeping arrangements. Life sucks,” Ted said before hanging up.

  “Saved messages…”

  “Message one…“You whore! You couldn’t wait to get him alone…”

  Mia ran around the counter and headed for the phone.

  “You’re a cheap piece of trash, and I hope you rot in hell for betraying me this way…”

  Mia tripped over the couch and landed face down on the rug.

  “You cow! You’re just doing this because I took the research job away from you. You couldn’t research your way out of a paper bag…”

  She crawled to the desk and reached for the phone. Whit picked up the phone and held it out of her reach.

  “You fucking tramp! Who’s next, Mike? Are you going to fuck everyone you work with? Is Ted the flavor of the investigation? I can’t believe your nerve. Piece of gypsy shit.”

  “End of Messages.”

  Whit exited the menu for her. He looked at her and saw she was beet red and angry.

  “I am not a piece of gypsy shit.”

  He took a moment to remember his vow not to let jealously cloud his judgment. “She sounds mad. Insane maybe. Not like the Beth I met.”

  “I don’t know this Beth either.”

  “Am I flavor of the investigation?” he asked softly.

  She didn’t answer.

  “If I am, I want to be Black Cherry.”

  Mia looked up at him confused. “Why Black Cherry?”

  “Because you never grow tired of eating Black Cherry ice cream.”

  Mia moved towards him. “Let me explain.”

  “You don’t have to. I’m a big boy, and I think that your whoreness has been greatly exaggerated. Although, you do have some professional moves,” he teased.

  “And how would you know about professional whore moves?” Mia teased back.

  It was Whit’s turn to blush. Mia walked over and kissed him. Cupped her hands around his face and kissed him again. “Whit. I’m not an angel, but I never slept with Ted. I may have flashed him accidently, but part P never got anywhere near part V.”

  “If you were a robot woman, he would have so nailed you,” Whit told her.

  “Yes. But I’m not a robot woman.”

  “Good. Can I say you’re my woman?”

  Mia nodded.

  “Can I raise my hand when the guys ask who has fucked Mia Cooper?”

  Mia was a bit shocked, but nodded her head. “Care to enlighten me?”

  Whit told her about the guy time in the lab.

  “So you already knew, Ted saw me naked,” she confirmed.

  “Yes. But when Burt raised his hand and asked who has slept with you, only he raised his hand.”

  Mia turned scarlet. “Yes he has. Nice of him to be such a gentleman and point it out to the team.”

  “It’s guy stuff.”

  “Oh speaking of guy stuff.” Mia reached into her pack and drew out a crumpled piece of paper. “This I believe is yours. Ted found it in your loaner jeans pocket.” Mia read, “Don’t hurt her. She’s all I have.”

  Whit rubbed his face. “Guilty.”

  “It confused me. I thought you were mad at me at the time.”

  “Mad is such an overused emotion. I would like to say in my defense that I’m an ass and a moron. But I sense it may have stopped Ted from holding his hand up.”

  “Perhaps, I don’t know. I don’t think there was any real attraction. Just heat of the moment stuff, and Murphy was around to chaperone.”

  “Mia, we do have something here. I know that we’ve been hurt before. I think that what we have is worth hanging on to.”

  “But what about the craziness that surrounds me?”

  “I’ll be here to protect you when you need it. Sympathize, when you need to whine. And hold you when the nightmares come.”

  She turned her head to the side and looked at him a moment. “I love you.”

  “I know, what’s not to love?” Whit baited her.

  “I have a computer file with a list. Shall I go get the flash drive?”

  He laughed. “I think you need to call Burt and Ted.”

  “I think so too.” Mia leaned over and kissed him again.

  He reached and softly pulled her into his lap. He just held her to him for a moment before letting her go.

  Mia got up and smiled. “I need to do this. Go down and help. People will be in less danger if I can be their eyes.”

  “I know. I’m going too.”

  Her face brightened.

  “How else am I going to get the chance to raise my hand!” Whit got up quickly and ran to the bedroom and locked the door.

  “Chicken!” she called after him. She dialed Burt and waited for him to pick up.

  “Burt here.”

  “Mia here. Sorry, left my phone in the truck. What’s up?” She listened to Burt and agreed to come down. “I got a message from Ted. I’ll ask Murphy, but no guarantees. I’ll call Whit. I will pull the I-can’t-drive card. I’ll convince him to come along.”

  Burt laughed. “He’s a good guy. You might want to cut him a break.”

  “I’ll take that under advisement,” Mia said as she looked in the direction of her room. “I better go and pack. It will take me a while, as I have a deputy and a ghost to wrangle.”

  “Call when you get close. I’ll call Ted and get you a room, unless you want to share with Beth.”

  “No. I would like my privacy, plus Murphy likes to have me all to himself.”

  “I bet. Lucky ghost,” Burt said before ending the call.

  Mia looked over and saw that the bedroom door was open and Whit leaned on the doorjamb watching her. “I called John Ryan, and he gave me the time paid. Said he was loaning me to the stateys.”

  “Now all that’s left is Murphy.”

  Mia walked over to Whit and reached up and brought his head to hers. She kissed him before saying in a husky voice, “Murphy can wait.”

  Chapter Thirty-three

  Whit pulled the truck into the parking lot of Sunrise Drive Motel, a pleasant looking family operated motel with cabins. There was an outdoor pool with a slide that must have thrilled the kids in the summer months. Ted had reserved a self-catering cabin along with four extra rooms. He was in the command truck organizing their supplies as they pulled up. Ted let Mia check out all the rooms before he gave her a key. She came back smiling. “They are all clean except for the cabin which has a grumpy old ghost in there eating doughnuts.”

  “That’ll be Burt,” Ted explained, “He that live’th by the doughnut, die’th by the doughnut.”

  Mia crossed herself. Whit looked at the two of them and smiled. Mia took the key of the room on the end. Ted offered to share a room with Whit as he didn’t know he was coming for sure.

  “I already have a roommate,” Whit said, picking up his d
uffle from the back of the truck and following Mia. He turned back and pointed out, “He who snoozes… Loses.”

  Ted wasn’t surprised, but still was somewhat disappointed.

  Burt watched the exchange from the porch of the clapboard cottage. He waved Ted over. Ted closed the back of the truck and walked over saying to himself, “I am not boss. Burt is boss. Be cool.”

  “Okay we can check Mia, Murphy and Whit off the list. Any news on Beth or Mike?”

  “Beth’s grocery shopping on the way in. Mike should be here any minute,” he reported.

  “Good, once they’re settled, we better have a team meeting. Mia and company are invited. Run a little interference between the two ladies, please. I don’t want a cat fight on our hands,” Burt advised.

  “I don’t see the problem. Bethy is way out of line. Once she sees deputy dog then she’ll settle down.”

  “You don’t have much experience with women do you?”

  “I have sisters.”

  “Well, Beth may be relieved that you and Mia aren’t playing hiding the sausage, but Mia hasn’t had her say on Beth’s accusations.”

  “Mia’s too classy to bring it up in mixed company.”

  “True, but Beth’s not.”

  “You’re right. I don’t understand women.”

  Burt laughed. “Gee, Ted, being a sex symbol is hard work. Stick to the keyboard until you regain your strength.”

  “Yes Obi-wan.”

  Mia smiled as Whit closed the door. Murphy still hadn’t appeared, so she was at ease with Whit. They had discussed on the way to picking up Murphy that it may be wise not to have sex when they were sharing a room with the farmer. “Unless you want a three way?” Mia asked seductively.

  “Funny, I’ve always visualized a three way with me and two girls. Not me, you, and an axe-wielding farmer.”

  “He has an impressive swing,” Mia pointed out.

  Whit just blushed and said nothing.

  “Kiss me before daddy comes,” she begged.

  Whit pulled her into his arms and kissed her long and hard. He pulled her over to the bed, and they went around the bases, hitting home plate in record time. Spent, Whit lay there and waved at Mia as she went into the bathroom to take a shower. He curled up and slept.


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