by ZN Willett
Rebeca gave me a moment to think about what she was saying as she took a few sips of water.
"Andrew's a smart man, Andria. But remember as most men, he’s clueless about love. Andrew will figure it out. Hopefully, sooner rather than later."
I thought about that for a moment. Amazed at how in tune she was with everything. "I think Andrew might have started to figure some things out already. I have noticed a change in him since I arrived."
Her eyes smiled brightly. "Good. All Nelson and I want is for our children to be healthy and happy. It seems as if you make my son very happy."
"I hope so."
"You do dear. Very much. Now, let's ditch these waters, and get some real drinks, shall we?"
And with that, we collected Erin and Taylor, and headed to the bar.
"I see you and Miles are doing well," I said as I washed my hands.
Erin stood in front of the bathroom mirror reapplying her lipstick. "Very. I think he's going to ask the question," she giggled out in glee.
She rolled her eyes. "I think he's going to do it this time."
She was right. Miles had called me a few days ago, and asked me to look over Erin's ring. I saw it this morning when he met the guys for the golf clinic. It was a simple platinum square cut diamond from Harry Winston's, which hurt your eyes from the glare off of the stone. It was perfect. He was going to propose to Erin tonight at midnight. They would first attend the Hughes's party, and then he was going to take her to a quiet restaurant and propose. It was taking everything to not tell her, but I played it as cool as I could.
When we returned to the house, I was disappointed that Andrew wasn't back from his outing. His last text stated he would be back by 2:30 p.m. giving us some time to spend together before the party. It was 3:30 p.m. and they weren't back yet. I received a text from him at 4:00 p.m. apologizing that they had lost track of time, and would be home shortly. The party started at 7:00 p.m., and it didn't leave much time to be together, but any time with Andrew was good.
The men walked through the door a little after 5:00 p.m. and Rebeca started right into Nelson. It was interesting to watch their dynamic. Nelson was the quiet one, while Rebeca was the life of the party. But the look that Nelson gave her, and the fact that she quieted down immediately, made me feel like a voyeur looking at them. Especially when he started sliding his hand up her backside. Nelson had another side to him, and I immediately thought that's where Andrew gets it from.
"What are you thinking?" Andrew asked me from behind as he wrapped his arms around me.
I laid my head back on his shoulder. "That your father reminds me of you."
"Huh? People say I'm more like my mother."
"I see that too, but you are definitely your Dad in other ways."
"Is that so? Have you been talking to my mother?"
I paused, not knowing if I should mention our earlier conversation. "She shared wonderful stories about you that I can use."
Andrew laughed in my ear as he placed a kiss through my hair. "I've asked her not too."
I turned my face to the side looking at him. "I really like your mother."
"She really likes you too. Do you want to take a walk?"
"Isn't it cold outside?"
"Yes, but I was going to take you to a warm place."
"Okay? I'll bite."
Andrew led me out the patio door, through the gardens to the pool. In the corner was a roaring fire pit that had two mugs and a bottle next to them.
Facing him, I squeezed his hand, pulling him into me. "This is romantic."
"I wanted to spend some alone time with you. Sorry, I was late."
He wrapped our entwined hands behind my back as he nuzzled through my hair. "Did you forget to wear your watch?"
"I didn't want to bring it. I was afraid it could get lost or damaged."
How cute, I thought. I did the same thing by leaving his bracelet—which I never take off—here. "You're forgiven."
We sat down on the outdoor couch as Andrew poured two mugs of mulled wine, and it tasted divine. We both leaned back, and I crawled into his arms as he placed a blanket over us. "This is nice."
Andrew kissed my forehead. "I thought you would like it."
"How was golf?"
"Great. It's always a good time."
"It's nice that you have traditions. When my mom and dad split up I lost a lot of our traditions."
"Maybe this can be a new one we can share, together?" he sounded hopeful.
I shifted my body so that I could look into his beautiful hazel eyes. "Do you really mean that, Andrew?'
He looked upset at first, and then calmly asked me, "Why would you ask that?"
"Well, I guess…" And then I realized this was it.
It was time to lay all of my cards on the table. There was no better time than the New Year. I couldn't see my future without Andrew and it was time he knew.
Okay, it may have taken a little more time. I watched Andrew's many facial expressions shift as he tried to figure out in his head what was going on. "Andria?"
I placed my wine down, turning back towards him, and his eyes were filled with worry. For some strange reason, that gave me the courage to go on. "Andrew, even though we haven't known each other very long, I feel a special connection with you. Obviously, I feel something more, I gave you a part of me I wasn't able to give to anyone else."
Andrew placed his glass down, curiously searching inside my eyes as he said, "I know, and that meant everything to me."
"Did it?"
"Of course! You're my world."
I took a deep breath. "I hope you mean that."
His hand cupped my face as the pad of his thumb began to stroke my lips softly. "I sincerely do, Andria," he answered with assurance and yearning in his eyes.
"What I'm about to say…I have thought about it for a while. I know it's soon but…I can't help my feelings for you…" I closed my eyes and said, "I love you, Andrew. I think I have for a while."
Then I heard Andrew pull in a breath, and sensed his eyes on me before I felt him capture my lips. I opened my eyes and stared into his as he passionately deepened the kiss. All types of jumbled thoughts entered my head, but all I could focus on was the love I felt radiating from him. I only wished he would say something.
I swear the man could read my thoughts. When he pulled back, looking into my eyes, he placed lingering kisses along my lips and cupped my face. "I love you too, Andria."
A sheer sense of euphoria came over me as Andrew placed chaste kisses along my face. Hearing those three words caused a state of being that I had never felt before. This was what love felt like, I thought as Andrew continued to express his love for me. My mind became muddled as my heart rate slowed down, and a presence of peace came over me. A feeling of joy consumed me as it wrapped itself around my heart as the realization of Andrew's love hit me.
We stayed wrapped in each other's arms; talking and laughing in our new-found knowledge until Rebeca sent Wade to let us know that it was almost 7:00 p.m., and if we wanted to wear what we had on that was fine. Rebeca was being sarcastic, and Wade made sure to reiterate that.
Wade looked spiffy in a black tuxedo with a red and black vest. It was a style you would see an older gentleman wear, but he was working it.
It felt as if a large weight had been lifted off of me that I didn't even realize was there. Andrew loved me, and as I thought about that giggles would escape from my mouth. Andrew seemed pretty happy himself, which made me even more giggly. Who knew I could giggle, but I did. That’s what the man did to me.
We made our way back to the house as the first guest rang the doorbell. Andrew walked me to my room, and gave me the sweetest kiss before saying he'd pick me up at 7:30 p.m. I floated around the room until 7:15 p.m., and texted Andrew that I needed until 8:00 p.m. I texted Erin the news, who came barging in and we hugged, kissed, and giggled like two schoolgirls.
After the love, E
rin helped me get dressed. She looked amazing in a short sequenced gown. She said Miles was wearing a matching green cummerbund and bow tie. When she took my dress out of the garment bag it was the first time I had seen it. It was a short strapless black dress with an overlay that curved along my body in all the right ways. It was beautiful and very sexy. Erin braided my hair into four sections and created a gorgeous updo that she pinned with rhinestones.
Andrew knocked on the door before entering, and the look on his face said it all. He was very happy with Erin's selection, and I must say, she had done an incredible job on him. His black tux looked amazing and Andrew in a tie was yummy. I could do a lot of things with that tie, I thought.
"Stunning," he said as his hand brushed down my bare arm.
Enjoying the feel of Andrew's fingers on my skin, I stepped closer. "You look very handsome."
Erin wiggled her way in-between us as she started adjusting Andrew's jacket. "I do good work, and Andrew is partial to Tom Ford suits—which I wouldn't change, because he looks so damn good in them. I chose one of his dresses from Gucci for you, and damn girl, it works." We all laughed. "Okay, my work is done. I'll leave you two alone." She closed the door behind her. Even in my new Louboutins, I had to stand on my toes to kiss him. I wanted to taste him. Andrew was like the finest piece of chocolate that you wanted to nibble from constantly.
"Are you ready to make our début, Andria?"
I didn't even think about that. "Are you sure?"
He had a guilty expression. "I need to apologize if in any way I have made you feel that I didn't want people to know about us."
I stepped back from him, guilty myself. "I did have some concerns, but now I completely understand. I spoke to Rebeca—"
"Is that so?" His brows furrowed.
"I did, and she said she had spoken to you."
He took my hand. "She did."
"Oh, and I love your Mother. She is a very smart woman."
He laughed to himself. "My mother has always helped me see things…mmm…clearer. And I warned you that I had many flaws. Or did you forget what you said in The Anchor about me being, umm, what was it? Perfect? ”He smiled leaning in as he pecked my lips with a warm kiss.
"I'm far from perfect myself, Andrew."
"You're perfect for me." I swooned at Andrew's words and gave him a thorough kiss.
A little too thorough. As our tongues danced, I wanted to strip him out of his tux and show him exactly how perfect he was for me. Hearing the mumbled crowd and music playing downstairs was a subtle reminder that we had a party to attend.
The house was transformed into an elegant affair. Candles flickered everywhere, and thousands of silver and black balloons hovered overhead in preparation for the midnight drop. The house was bustling with people as a small quartet played in the corner. Everyone was in after-five attire, and waiters in white coats served trays of libations and canapés. Andrew took two glasses of champagne from a passing tray and handed one to me, "What should we toast to this time, Andrew?"
He thought for a moment and then a smile graced his face. "How about to new traditions. Here's to us."
I was immersed in Andrew's eyes and lost in his words. My heart now only beats for that man, and everyone around us faded as our kiss lingered before we clinked our glasses.
"You two look happy." Nelson interrupted, smiling. Rebeca beamed next to him as she hugged both of us.
Andrew wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me in tighter. "Mother, you look beautiful tonight."
She placed a hand on his lapel. "You look handsome as ever."
She winked at me as I added, "Rebeca, you've out done yourself."
"She always does. The only credit I can take is deciding what perfume she wears. I can't even say I splurged on this little soiree. It's all my beautiful wife," Nelson said as he placed a kiss on Rebeca's cheek.
"Oh, Honey. You have the most important role. Being the man I love." They embraced each other with another sweet and loving kiss.
You could feel the love they had for each other from just being in their presence. They were high school sweethearts, and I made a wish to myself that Andrew and I could be that in love after thirty years.
"Rebeca, your dress is incredible." She had on a long sleeved black dress with a long folded V that exposed most of her back. Rebeca was in very good shape.
"All Erin." She smiled.
"Hey, guys! Mom, when can I get my jam on?" Wade started to do some sort of funky chicken as Taylor walked up behind him, horrified.
Of course, she looked incredible. She had an off the shoulder, short flowing red dress that looked as if it had been made for her. It was beautiful. Miles and Erin joined the group, and we all mingled and talked.
I nodded at all the right places, and laughed when prompted, but I wasn't truly focused on anything that was being said. I could tell Andrew wasn't either. I was preoccupied with the clasped fingers that drew circles on my back, and the way Andrew would lift our entwined hands to place soft kisses on the inside of my wrist as his eyes bore into mine. When he leaned over and asked me if I wanted to dance, I internally squealed for joy to finally be in his arms. Andrew walked me onto the makeshift dance floor in the living area, and pulled me in close as we swayed to the music.
One could live in Andrew's scent as the clean, crisp, sexy allure of him wrapped around my senses. I laid my head on his chest as we swayed unhurriedly to several songs. I didn't even realize who was dancing next to use until I heard Frank’s voice. "May I cut in?"
I felt Andrew’s protective hands pull me in tighter as Brittney added, "Come on Andy. We haven't danced in a longtime."
Andrew's eyes showed that he was mulling that over, trying to find some excuse. "Andrew, it’s fine. Dance with Brittney." I looked at her slimy dance partner before taking in a breath, "I would love to dance with you, Frank." That was a lie, but the sooner we danced the quicker it would end.
Andrew kept on his game face, but I could tell he wasn't thrilled with me, yet he smiled as he turned me to Frank. "Make sure your hands are at ten and two," he joked. But, I knew he was serious, and so did Frank.
Andrew placed a firm kiss on my forehead as Frank took my hands into his. They were wet and clammy, and felt disgusting. His whole being gave me the willies, but I could play nice. All I thought about was two more films, and he would be out of our lives.
As we danced, Frank stood a little too close, pretending to be unaware when I nudged him back. "Andria, I was a little surprised to see you here."
"Why is that?"
"Andrew never mentioned you two were…"
I looked him square in the eyes. "Dating? Why would Andrew mention that? I would have thought you of all people would know that Andrew likes to keep his private life private."
He was taken back before a sly grin appeared. "Oh, I do. But Brittney—"
"There is no Brittney." I challenged, wiping that grin from his face.
Frank didn’t say anything more while we continued to dance to the same slow song. The band seemed to be playing an extended version.
I looked over at Andrew who had his eyes on me the entire time—I couldn't help noticing him in my peripheral vision. Brittney was talking and Andrew nodded, but his focus was entirely on me; which made me want him even more.
The song finally ended, and I couldn't get away from Frank quickly enough. Andrew beat me to it when he popped up in front of me with Brittney trailing behind. "Are you hungry?"
I narrowed my eyes, pinching my lips together in order to not say, "Yes, for you." But instead, I answered, "That sounds good."
Andrew grabbed my hand, and before we could walk away, Grant stepped in front of us looking dapper as always. The man knew how to dress. The shiny specks in his tuxedo complimented his silver hair. He was always one that had flare. His appearance was a surprise to me, since I didn't know he was coming. I had actually never inquired about the guests. I had last seen the studio head when I was signing the final contract o
f our deal. Andrew kept his hand in mine and shook Grant's with the other. He gave Andrew a genuine smile at first, but it had an edge to it when he saw our clasped hands. "Andria, I didn't know you and Andrew knew each other?"
"Andria's my girlfriend," Andrew said proudly.
Well, alrighty then!
Andrew squeezed my hand, and his statement didn't surprise me. I knew we would talk more about our relationship, but I loved hearing the word girlfriend from his mouth.
"When did this happen?" Grant asked harshly, as his shaggy brows furrowed into his creases.
I looked at Andrew, confused as Brittney stood next to him, and Frank followed in with a look as if he had eaten the proverbial canary.
Grant then looked at Frank. "Is the publicist on this?"
Frank’s expression fell. "Ah, yeah. I'll see how they can spin it."
Spin what, I thought?
"No!" Andrew said sharply. "The junket is over. There is no need to spin anything. We don't need the added attention on us."
"What about video sales, Andy?" Brittney asked.
Obviously, I was missing something, as I looked between the four people.
Andrew looked directly at Grant, ignoring the others around him. "I've done my time."
Okay, now I was at a total loss.
I stared with the rest of them as Grant's face stayed fixed as he thought that over. He finally moved, nodding before directing his attention towards me, "You two make a lovely couple, Andria."
"Thank you?" I couldn't help the surprise in my voice.
Grant took my free hand and placed it between his as he said, "Now, I see why you suddenly renegotiated."
He said it sweetly, but I didn't appreciate what it implied. "It had nothing to do with Andrew. I wanted more involvement."