by ZN Willett
When we entered my suite, I went straight to the sofa and sat down. Andrew took off his sport coat and poured a glass of cognac for him, and a glass of white wine for me. "Do you want me to go first?" he asked as he sat next to me.
I shook my head. "I need to say this. My mind and heart didn't agree on what they saw in that trashy magazine. But, my heart knew that I could trust you, despite what things looked like. I do love you, Andrew, but not telling me everything about you and Brittney wasn't right."
"I know. But, I did eventually—"
"You should have told me that she came to see you that night. In fact, you should have explained how you felt about her in the beginning."
He moved closer to me. "Yes, I should have shown better judgment that night. But Brittney, and her manager, Hailey surprised me. The only reason I agreed to go to dinner was that Frank was in town. I needed to confront both of them as to why there was a lack of urgency in dealing with the press lately. When they stepped out for a smoke, that's when it seems those pictures were taken."
How convenient, I thought, as I watched Andrew ponder over his words.
There was a subtle headshake as he continued. "Andria, what was I supposed to say in the beginning? My ex-girlfriend and I have a complicated friendship? We dated, things didn't work out, but we stayed friends? She helped me sort my damn mess out, and I feel like I owe her for that?"
"Yeah. That would have been a start."
He chuckled to himself. "Yeah…and you would have run. It wouldn't have helped me at all being Andrew Hughes."
I wanted to tell him that he would have been wrong, and I would have understood, even if he was Andrew Hughes. I took a better look at him, studying his face for the first time. It looked as if he hadn't slept in days; dark, sunken circles surrounded his eyes, as his lids grew heavier. His cheeks were drawn, and he had lost weight. Andrew was a very handsome man. His looks were unreal at times, but the man who was sitting in front of me was broken. I thought, did I mirror him? Was this what people saw when they looked at me?
The two of us weren't too much different at that moment. It was evident that we loved each other, but we both had no clue as to how to fix things. "Andrew, I need you to do something for me."
"I'll do anything," he sounded hopeful.
"Just be honest with me, okay? No matter how hard or how difficult it may be for me to hear it. Just tell me the truth. If you think I'll be upset, or you get angry with me or if I do something that agitates you, whatever." Then I choked out, "If you stop loving me…tell me, okay?"
He looked at me before placing his forehead to mine. "I promise I will tell you everything. You are the first woman I have trusted in a very longtime, outside of my family."
We stared into each other's tired eyes before I surrendered, and placed a kiss on his chapped lips. He leaned in more, absorbing every part of me as he hungrily captured my mouth.
Exhausted by everything, I sat back as I searched for air, looking into Andrew's tired eyes. "We're both exhausted. Let's go to bed." He raised his brow. "We both need to sleep, Andrew. You look as bad as I feel, and I want to have a clear head when we continue this discussion in the morning."
When we were settled into bed, I laid in Andrew's arms. It felt like I was home again, and we both fell instantly asleep.
It was warm, and I felt a scratchy, prickly substance on my face. That's when I remembered Andrew. He was scraping his unshaved scruff along my face as he slept. I looked, for a moment, at the fallen angel that was sound asleep. Before I slowly moved out of bed, and made my way into the living area shutting the door behind me.
Restful sleep didn't come as easily for me. My dreams turned to nightmares that were filled with images of Brittney and Andrew together.
I called down for breakfast and coffee, while sending Keira a text that I didn't want to be disturbed. We were off today, and I knew she would want to use the free day to see more of London. I also texted Erin, and asked if she wanted to join Keira for the day. She was heading back home tomorrow. Erin was happy to get to know her better, and she told me good luck with Andrew. Lastly, I called Rebeca. "I just wanted to say thank you for everything before you left."
"Andria, no need. As long as you and my son talk things out, that's all I can ask. Oh, and Andria?"
"If my son hurts you again, you have my permission to slap the stupid out of him. See you soon, dear."
I laughed, "Have a safe trip."
I was surprised that Andrew wasn't going home with them, but I didn't ask. I knew they were concerned with Taylor's pregnancy, and then I thought about Wade. Of course, he came with Andrew.
Our food had come, and I was showered, dressed, and pouring my second cup of coffee when Andrew walked out of the room. "Why did you let me sleep in?"
I swear it didn't matter how mad I was at that man, he was sexy as hell when he woke up. He had lost weight, but he still looked like walking sex in his boxers. "I thought you needed the sleep. The time change is a bear to deal with.”
He smiled before walking over, and hesitated before placing a kiss on my lips. "I was umm, going to get dressed. Do you mind if I have my things brought over? I just need to get some clothes.”
That felt awkward even if we had slept together last night. "No problem."
He walked back into the bedroom. I took my time sipping the coffee, fumbling over what to say to Andrew, when I heard a knock on the door. "Andria." Wade's dimpled grin was a pleasant surprise. "I heard you ladies had a good time?"
"We did, come in." He had a suitcase in his hand. "Andrew's in the bedroom," I nodded in that direction.
I made myself comfortable on the sofa, flipping through the stations on the television. Wade came out after a while. "Well, I have to head to the airport, but it was a pleasure as always, little one."
I smiled. "It's always good seeing you too."
"Can't wait for you to move closer."
Andrew walked in now fully dressed. "I'm excited about that too, Wade."
"Well, I'll be seeing you." He smiled, winked at Andrew, and walked out the door.
As I stood up and started to pour Andrew a cup of coffee at the table, I felt him before I knew he was there. His chest was extremely close to my back. I felt the warmth of his body everywhere, and his hot breath saturated my hair. I looked down, and saw that his hands were curled over as if they were in pain. It was obvious that he was fighting an internal war with himself. To touch or not to touch? "Andrew…"
"I can't do this right now. I know I invited you into my bed last night, but I was being selfish. I needed you."
"And what about now?"
"We have a lot of crap to sort out."
He pressed in closer. The heat radiating from his body was burning my soul. I leaned forward over the table as his entire body dominated mine. I knew that if he touched me, I would cave. "Andrew…please…give me a moment."
Andrew's searing breath climbed up my neck until he whispered in my ear. "I need you."
I closed my eyes, willing my body to not give in. "It looked as if Brittney needed you as well."
I heard a sigh of frustration blow out from him. "It's over."
"For you, maybe. How did Brittney's lips get on your neck?"
There was a pause before he answered. "She said I had something on me, and began to wipe it off. She leaned in closer to see it—I thought—and before I knew it…"
I laughed to myself. "You are such a dumbass."
He touched my shoulder. I glared down at his hand as he moved it away. He started to run his hands through his mess of hair, as I turned and looked at him. "I made a mistake. I didn't listen and ignored all the signs. But, I made it very clear to Brittney that if she wanted to stay my friend, she had to respect the fact that we are together, and nothing was going to happen between the two of us ever again."
"Trust in me." I actually did trust Andrew. Just not Brittney. I wasn't s
ure how to proceed with Andrew staying friends with her. "I wasn't thinking clearly. Work has been brutal, and I was physically, and mentally exhausted. I barely had time to sleep. When Brittney showed up at my hotel room and insisted that I come join them, I was shocked that she was even there! She said her new director wanted her to join them in scouting out locations. He's that kind of director. Involving the lead actors with pre-production ideas to get a sense and feel of how things will develop." I couldn't help thinking that there was more to it than that. Yet, Andrew still didn’t see it. I became me even more frustrated with him. "What?"
"When will you get it? That woman doesn't do anything by chance. Look at how she used her Mother's death to get you to be with her."
"Andria! Brittney didn't cause her Mother's death to see me."
Do we know that for sure? I cringed, before shaking that absurd thought out of my head. "Andrew, I'm not saying Brittney caused her Mother's death. I'm saying that she used it to her advantage. It seems she's been using a lot of things to control you—manipulative bitch…" I mumbled the last words under my breath.
"No one controls me. Except you," he said sternly. "It's been hell being away from you. I know that we've talked to each other daily, but sometimes I need more. The video chats were starting to make me go mad. To see you, and not be able to touch you, Andria…it was as if the monitor was holding you hostage behind the screen. I felt like I was in a prison being kept away from the woman I loved."
I remembered thinking the same thing. My heart ached every time I had to say goodbye to Andrew. Seeing him used to make things easier, but it started to mock me. The moment the screen went black, I felt the pain of his absence down to my soul.
Andrew took a step closer to me. He slowly brought his hands up to my face as he cupped it. "Andria, if you let me, I will spend every day making this up to you. You are the only person I want. The only person that I love."
Looking into his pleading eyes softened my heart. I knew what I was getting into when I fell in love with Andrew. I knew that he would be photographed, and his life scrutinized and picked apart. I wanted us to stay in our bubble, but when that bubble broke, the reality of what it all meant became painfully clear. This was Andrew's life. If I was going to be with him, this was my life now—as long as Brittney wasn't a part of it—and I was sure as hell going to make sure of that.
"Andrew, I forgive you for being a dumbass." I smiled. "I love you, and I do trust you. But…honestly, I can't accept Brittney..."
"I told her I couldn't work with her again."
I looked up at him confused. "What?"
"When we were at dinner, she also wanted to tell me that she was offered a part in the next movie I am slated to begin."
I stepped away from him, and took a deep breath before stating as calmly as possible. "If you work with that…woman again, I won't be around to watch!" I growled out that last bit.
He nodded as he approached with caution. "I thought you would feel that way, so I told Frank to make it clear to them that I would not be working on the project if Brittney was involved."
I sighed in relief. Thinking about them working together again would have been a deal breaker for me. "I hate that she makes me doubt us."
"Never doubt us again, Andria." He stepped in closer, pinning me between the table and him. "May I kiss you know?"
I narrowed my eyes before nodding my head as he placed his lips on mine. After Andrew kissed me, he thought sex was soon to follow. You should have seen the look on his face when I stopped him—cold. I needed time before we became intimate again. I reassured him it would eventually happen, but my heart needed a little more time to mend.
He understood, and said that he wouldn't pressure me. Until, I told him that he wasn't sleeping in my bed again until further notice. That's when he started to question if I had really forgiven him. Of course I had forgiven him. He made a poor judgment, but I blamed Brittney more. Men seldom realize just how crafty and cunning women are until it's too late.
That night, I debated over the idea of Andrew staying friends with her. Could I really give him an ultimatum? I knew Brittney would never concede to defeat and leave Andrew alone. I hoped with a little push, Andrew would cut all ties with her, but I may have to push a bit harder. The fact that she still had lips was a miracle. If I were back in the States, I would have cut them off by now.
We had two more days of book signings and personal appearances in London. Then we head off to Paris for a few days, ending the tour in Italy. There was a total of eight days left, and I was determined to make the best of it. It was a once in a lifetime experience, and I heeded the girls advise to take things slow, and soak it all in. Which was easier said than done. No matter how I looked at it. I would once again be away from Andrew, and that thought clouded my mind.
He was supposed to head back the next day, and I would see him again when we made a detour stop in Canada. If we were going to make things work, we needed to spend more time together, so I decided to take a few months off. I could use the time to finish writing my next book, as well as prepare for the move to Virginia.
The next day, I rushed back from the bookstore later that afternoon to see Andrew off. I went to drop off my things, when I noticed the surprise that was waiting for me in my hotel room. There was a new dress laid out on the bed, with a shoebox below. Yet, it was the jewelry box that captured my attention. The dress was breathtaking, and I knew Erin picked it out, but I didn't know why.
I picked up the jewelry box, which displayed a necklace identical to the bracelet Andrew gave me, with a card inside:
As I ran my fingers over the description, I thought about forever. Something about that scared me, yet warmed my heart at the same time. Then the oversized bouquet of flowers, which were sitting on the nightstand, caught my attention as I noticed the attached note:
After rereading his script, I looked over at the clock, and realized it was less than an hour until he would be here. I instantly picked up my cell, sent Andrew a text asking him about his flight. His only response was:
Have dinner with me, Andria.
Strangely, it felt like our first date all over again. I had butterflies in my stomach as I put on the final touch of my garter belt. I bought it for Andrew when I was in New York, and was dying to wear it. I thought tonight was the perfect night for it, as I played with the delicate necklace around my neck. The more I touched it, the more my will power was quickly becoming non-existent.
Andrew kept to his word, and hadn't pushed the sex, but deep inside of me, I wanted him too. I wanted him to take me in every way. It had been a very longtime; even his musky scent turned me on.
I snapped the dark blue thigh highs to the garter, and looked in the mirror at the blue-laced bra and panty set. I then put on the shoes for effect and thought, damn I looked good. That was how worked up I was. So worked up, I missed hearing the knocks on the door. It was when I heard my name from a distance that I threw on a robe, and opened the door to the sex god known as Andrew Hughes. He had on a black suit and tie, and his eyes sparkled when they saw me showing more of the green undertones. My heart melted, becoming a puddle of goo, and at his mercy.
I stood, obviously sizing up every inch of him as he leaned against the door; and he let me. When I reached that smirk…that was it! My girly bits literally started to growl and weep, while my breasts were fighting their way out of the form fitted bra. I moved the hand that was holding my robe together, and let it fall open reviling exactly what was underneath. The look on Andrew's face was priceless. The smirk was long gone, and his eyes darkened as they bugged out of their sockets.
Andrew started to fidget as his hand gracefully swept across the front of his pants. "Ah, Andria," he forced out as the other hand tugged at his hair. "Ummm, your robe, baby…"
I looked down at it, and back to him. "What about it?" I grinned.
Andrew stepped forward, pushing me backwards, as he closed the door behind him. I watched as he loosened his tie befor
e taking it off.
Hmmm, there was so much I could do with that tie.
As he continued to prowl forward, I stepped backwards, hit the sofa and slid over the armrest. I lay back onto the sofa, legs crossed over the armrest, as my stilettos kicked up into the air. Andrew focused on my shoes for a moment, before his eyes hungrily slid up my body, studying every last inch of it. I stayed still, watching while he unbuttoned his shirt, until our eyes met.
Sitting up, I pulled at his pant waist, bringing him closer in front of me. I unfastened his belt slowly, making sure that I brushed along every inch of him. My mouth watered in anticipation as to what I wanted next. I unbuttoned his fly, then slowly pulled down his zipper as I yanked his pants and boxers down, mesmerized at the sheer size of him. He seemed bigger, and I smiled to myself.
Without warning, Andrew pushed me back on the couch, and grabbed my ankles as he placed them on each of his shoulder. He then placed kisses up and down my calf, while his hands roamed up to the edge of my panties, as his fingers swept back and forth over the blue lace. Andrew carefully, and gently, scooted them down before positioning each leg to bend as he took it off. Placing my ankles back on his shoulders, my stilettos dangled behind him.
I looked in amazement as the most sinister expression graced Andrews face. "My mouth is going to remind you exactly what you mean to me. But my tongue is going to take what is mine." I arched my back at his words as he pushed me down. "Ah, ah, ah. Lay back like a good little girl, while I make you forget your name."
Andrew stood up taller as he lifted my body upward. Each leg in his hands, my lower torso came off the couch, as he brought me directly to his mouth. The lifting motion surprised me, while his mouth shocked the hell out of me.
He devoured me like a starved lion until I cried out. Again, and again Andrew feasted. His hands tightened as I started to writhe, and his strength felt inhuman as I tried to wiggle myself free. The sensation was too much, and I couldn't breathe. Climax after climax came, and each and every one deliciously ached more and more. After awhile, I couldn't sound out words. The man was determined to kill me with his mouth. The last climax hit me like a freight train. I screamed so loud, I knew the entire hotel heard me. Yet, I didn't care. My body went completely limp, and I gasped for air as I chanted Andrew's name over and over again. He gave me one last kiss, before setting my legs down over the armrest, as he walked around the sofa. I looked at him gasping for air as I asked, "Can you give me a minute?"