The Forbidden Room 01 - The Forbidden Room

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The Forbidden Room 01 - The Forbidden Room Page 15

by J P Barnaby

  I felt Lexi moaning around me in her mouth, and I couldn’t help but do the same. Ethan was moving his hips gently with one of his hands in my hair, and I could hear him groaning, almost whimpering against Lexi’s soft skin. It seemed that this level of intimacy was well out of his comfort zone, and his concentration was slipping. Incredibly, it was Ethan who lost his control first, breaking the circle by rolling onto his back, pushing his hips in the air. I got to my knees with my forearms on either side of his hips while Lexi moved back to watch as I moved my hands under him and rubbed his buttocks as he pushed up into my mouth.

  “Mmmmm….Jayden….Oh, God…That feels….” he moaned, and I was taken aback by his sudden vocalization. Usually, he only swore or talked dirty. Was he starting to feel something behind the sex? I sucked harder, trying to get another reaction out of him, but he took my head in both his hands and fucked my mouth, crying out unintelligibly as he came. As he recovered from the intensity of his orgasm, Lexi pulled on my shoulders, pushing me down onto my back.

  “My turn….” she said with a wicked grin and her mouth closed around the head of my impossibly hard cock. I felt her soft tongue twirl around the head, then down the sides before she began to suck.

  “Wait….” I said quickly, and pulled on her hips so that she was straddling my head. She moaned as she began again and I buried my face between her thighs, wrapping my arms around her hips, holding her, pulling her closer. I just wanted that connection with her, and it seemed that she felt the same because a minute later, I felt her arms wrap around my thighs. Her small hands massaged between my legs, and my hips began to move slowly of their own volition. I felt her moan, and then she started rocking her hips, grinding against my face, she was so close. I slid two fingers into her, stroking her as she rocked. Releasing me from her mouth, she concentrated on what she was feeling, and it didn’t take long until her sweet wet sex began to spasm around my tongue and she came hard. She rested her head on my stomach for just a second before falling to the mat beside me. I looked over at her and noticed Ethan watching.

  Crawling over, he lay on his stomach, stroking my legs and my hips before taking me into his mouth. The sight of his soft hair as I looked down caused me to push my head back into the mat. I couldn’t watch. His mouth felt so fucking incredible, I couldn’t look down to see his lips sliding over me. As I dug my fingers into the mat at my sides, he continued to rub my thighs, up to the curve of my hip as he sucked me hard. A deep guttural moan escaped me and I exploded into his waiting mouth. I fell back against the mat panting, and he crawled up beside me and kissed me on my sweaty forehead. Then, he lay down next to Lexi, pulling her into his arms and holding her. We lay there talking for several minutes, and I watched as he kissed her forehead, her cheeks, the top of her head, but oddly, never her lips.

  “I’ll be back in just a minute; I’m going to get a bottle of wine,” Ethan said, and I pulled Lexi to me, rolling her so she was facing me and I kissed her softly.

  “Mmmmmmm….” she whispered into my neck. “I miss kissing,” she giggled.

  “He doesn’t kiss you?” I asked.

  “No, he’s never kissed me. Why?” At that moment Ethan came back into the room carrying a tray of fruit and cheese, wine and glasses. My mind was reeling, remembering the kiss Ethan and I had shared, the kiss he had instigated when I told him I was staying.

  We sat talking, laughing, and eating. The one thing we didn’t talk about was Lexi’s impending departure. Ethan poured three glasses of wine for us, a very nice red wine, and we continued to talk. It wasn’t until Lexi started eating grapes off of Ethan’s stomach that things began to turn sexual again. But, it was inevitable really; we needed that connection tonight. Ethan set the tray aside, and the lay down on his side facing Lexi as she lay on her side facing him, and I lay behind her. As we became a writhing tangle of limbs Lexi threw her leg over Ethan’s hip and he held it there. No foreplay was needed in this round, only the promise of a loving bond that would not soon be broken. I reached behind me and grabbed the tube that had been placed there. Just as Ethan entered Lexi, she wrapped her leg more tightly around him as they became one.

  I used the lubricant to prepare myself for her, and slid in easily, hearing her gasp as I entered her very slowly. Moaning, her hand came back to my hip, not to stop me, but to pull me closer. In that moment, I felt that I could never be close enough. We were all moving in unison, it was the sweetest lovemaking I’d ever had, and it broke my heart. I felt the tears start to fall as the intensity grew. This was so much more than just sex to me, and I wrapped my arms more tightly around Lexi. She let her head fall back to my chest, and I could see that her eyes were closed, and her face was wet. As we neared our climaxes, Ethan’s hand came off of Lexi’s hip and rested on mine. reached down, holding it there as I felt Lexi’s orgasm begin, crying out first my name, and then Ethan’s, as the feeling overtook her. Soon after that, I heard Ethan moaning ‘my Lexi’ over and over into her neck, and his grip tightened on my hip as he came. Finally, it was my turn, I hadn’t intended to be the last holdout again, but I couldn’t let it end. When it was over, she would leave. I cried quietly into her shoulder as I came, my breathing punctuated by soft sobs.

  I took a deep breath as she rolled over to me, and was able to calm myself. She kissed me deeply, and I didn’t bother looking up to see Ethan’s reaction, as this moment was just about us. She whispered softly to me, “Will you take me to the airport in the morning?” I nodded into her shoulder, and we just lay there in each others’ arms for several minutes. I stood up, and held down a hand to bring her with me. I looked around, half expecting Ethan to be gone, but he was leaning on a nearby table. She walked over to him, and he opened his arms to her, holding her for a long moment.

  “Goodbye, my Lexi,” he said softly, and she reached down and removed her wrist cuff.

  “Goodbye, Master Ethan,” she whispered as she handed him her leather cuff, and then quietly left the room.

  Chapter 8

  Rising early, I wanted to take a shower before driving Lexi to the airport. As I stood under the spray, I listened to the piano music coming from upstairs. Every so often, I would hear a few missed notes. Ethan was playing, and he was upset. I went downstairs and thought about breakfast, but couldn’t make myself eat anything. Instead, I sat at the breakfast bar, playing with a glass of juice until it was time to pick up Lexi. Briefly, I considered not going, then she’d have to stay – but all that would do was complicate an already awful day. I headed out to my truck, and made the short drive to her house.

  When I arrived, she was standing out front with only her carry-on bag, as everything else had already been shipped to her new apartment. I got out of the truck and took it from her without a word, putting it behind her seat while she climbed up into the cab. I closed her door with a heavy heart. The drive to the airport was quiet; neither of us seemed to want to talk about the elephant in the cab. She reached over and held my hand, a simple gesture, but it helped the sadness that was gripping me.

  I parked the truck in short term parking, and grabbed her bag from behind the seat. Carrying it for her, I walked her through to the security checkpoint. I wasn’t allowed past this point, so this would be the scene of our farewell. I set her bag down between my feet, and wrapped my arms around her waist. She smiled up at me, wrapping her arms around my neck. To any passersby, we would look like a normal couple saying goodbye. How I wished that were true.

  “I’m going to miss you, Lexi – so much,” I whispered into her neck as she held me to her.

  “I’m going to miss you too, Jayden,” she murmured, and squeezed just that much tighter. I pulled back slightly and dipped my head down bringing my lips to hers. The kiss started softly, but quickly deepened, and I felt my heart clench painfully as her lush lips responded to mine. I couldn’t be sure, but it felt like she was kissing me with the same intensity, the same desperation that I was using to kiss her. Suddenly, it occurred to me that we were probably maki
ng a scene, so I stroked her face gently, and pulled back just a little. Her eyes met mine, and then closed as I kissed her forehead. We looked up at the clock and saw that her flight would be boarding soon, so I picked up her bag.

  I couldn’t stand it; I pulled her to me, and nearly crushed her in my arms. “Please…Don’t leave,” I whispered to her in a broken voice, she pulled back with tears in her eyes.

  “Don’t do this to me, Jayden,” she said, and took her bag. Putting it over her shoulder she turned to go, but I grabbed her hand.

  “I’m sorry….” I said quickly. “Please, have a safe trip.” She nodded and headed for the metal detectors.

  All of a sudden, I heard running footsteps behind me. turned to see Ethan running full out towards us. I was too shocked to say anything, but he called to Lexi and she turned. Skidding to a stop next to me, panting, he bent and put his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. Lexi watched him with a look of absolute shock on her face.

  When he got a hold of himself, he stood up looking at Lexi. Then a look of sheer determination appeared in his eyes, and he bridged the distance between them in three long strides. He took her face into his hands, and kissed her. It was long, and sweet and full of meaning. Her hands came up and rested on his shoulders as their kiss began to fade, and he pulled away slowly, pressing his forehead to hers. Then, just loud enough that I could make it out, he whispered, “I love you, Lexi.” My heart sank as she stretched up and kissed his cheek, then whispered in his ear. I knew that she was returning the sentiment, and it hurt – more than I would admit, even to myself.

  “Please, please be safe,” he whispered, and then pulled out of her arms, and turned. He walked away without looking back, and Lexi watched him leave with tears on her face. Without another word, or even a glance in my direction she walked through the security checkpoint and down towards the terminal. All I could do was watch her leave.

  When I left the airport alone, I headed to the shore. There was no reason to return to the house, and the thought of being there without her made me feel sick. I had been sitting on the beach just watching the waves for hours when my phone chirped with a text message. I didn’t really want to look, but I did. It was from Lexi.

  I am here safely. Please take care of him, Jayden – for me.

  I sighed and stood up. Walking back to the truck, I typed out a quick reply and decided to head home. I did care about Ethan, and I knew he had to be hurting as much as I was. As I pulled around that last corner, I saw that his car in the drive, I decided that maybe beer and pizza was in order. Looking around the first floor, I didn’t see him so I headed up to his room. I knocked, but there was no answer, either he didn’t want to be bothered or he wasn’t in there. Then, it occurred to me that he might be in the room. That room was where he and Lexi spent most of their time together. Did I want to disturb that? I told Lexi I would take care of him, I might as well start.

  I opened the door of the room, and looked around, at first, not seeing him. He was sitting in the back corner with his back against the far wall and his knees pulled up to his chest, holding something in his hands, his eyes were blank, like he was looking right through it. As I got closer, I realized that it was Lexi’s wrist cuff. I sat down on the floor next to him, but he didn’t move. He looked…broken, there was really no other word for it. We sat like that for a long time, and then abruptly he stood up while I sat on the floor looking up at him.

  “Take off your clothes, Jayden,” he said in a low stern voice. I blinked up at him, but he turned and walked over to the wall with the ropes hanging. Stunned, I stood up and headed for the front of the room. I removed my clothing, and assumed my position on the floor, watching him as he picked up seemingly random things, and then walked over to me. When he looked down, I saw that all of the emotion was gone from his face, like he’d just turned it off, but what struck me the most were his eyes – his eyes were wild. He was Master Ethan now, not my friend Ethan, and he was in control. I started to get hard thinking about being controlled by him.

  “Come with me,” he demanded, and I followed him on my knees. He turned me roughly, and bound my wrists behind me of me with a short piece of the rope, tight, but not too tight.

  “Open,” he said tersely, and I opened my mouth as he shoved his hard cock in roughly, and I nearly lost my balance. Grasping my hair in his fingers, he fucked my mouth steadily. I closed my eyes and worked to please him. “That’s it. You love sucking my cock don’t you?” I moaned around him, trying to convey my answer to him since I couldn’t speak. Groaning, he moved his hips faster. “God, it’s almost like you were made just for this. You’re so fucking good.” Suddenly, he stopped and pulled out of my mouth, tugging me up by my hair, he forced me to bend over the table.

  With one hand pressed against the back of my neck, he held me on the table and used one of his feet to kick apart my legs. I was spread wide for him as he did something behind me that I couldn’t see. In the next instant, he thrust himself roughly into me. I cried out from the pain of it, but didn’t use my safe word. It fucking hurt and my eyes watered as I felt his grip tighten on my neck, but he didn’t slow as he took me over the table. He slid the hand not on my neck down between my body and the table and began stroking me. My cock hardened in his hand, and the pain slowly started to subside as it mixed with the pleasure of his touch. The lubricant still on his hand from getting himself ready make his fingers glide over my skin.

  “So fucking good….” he groaned and stroked me harder.

  Then his lips were at my ear, his body pressing me harder into the table. “You are my little whore aren’t you? I wonder what your dear sister would think if she walked in now.” I was too shocked to say anything. How could he bring that up? After all that had happened, he would use that to degrade me? However, there was nothing I could do about it pinioned to the table as I was, being driven into harshly.

  “You’re spread wide for me on this table, grunting and whimpering with my cock buried in your ass.” He growled as he stroked me faster. I moaned, not only because of his touch but because of his tone. I felt ashamed, but it fucking turned me on when he talked to me like this. “You’d beg me to let you come right in front of her wouldn’t you?” I groaned, feeling my orgasm start to build. I started distracting myself to delay it as he fucked me harder. “Beg me, my little whore. Beg me to let you come.”

  “Please…Please Master, it feels so good. Please let me come for you.” I cried, totally lost to the overload of sensations he was causing, entirely devoid of shame. I would beg, plead, anything he wanted if he would just let me come. “It’s all for you Master, everything, please.…”

  “Yes, your orgasms are mine. Do you want to come for me?” I knew that he must be close too. I only hoped he would grant me permission.

  “YES! Master Please! I want to come for you!” I pleaded, nearly screaming in my need and his hands both went to my hips and he pulled me against him as he came. Crying out savagely, he held me still against him, filling me. Then, almost as an afterthought, he granted me permission.

  My head came off the table as my back arched sharply. “Master…Master….Oh, God…Oh, FUCK!” I cried as my orgasm took hold of me, so strong I could almost see my semen spraying onto the hardwood floor as I found my release, and I felt him panting against my back, his forehead pressed against my shoulder blade as my orgasm started to subside.

  Then, I started to feel other things. As he pulled out of me, I felt the pain and soreness from him taking me so roughly. I felt stiffness and cramping in my arms and shoulders, and my legs were starting to ache from my position.

  He straightened up, and untied my hands, but I didn’t move from the table. I wasn’t sure I could move, everything was stiff and sore. I heard him move to a nearby cabinet, and I thought he was going to get something for the pain, but he only grabbed towel to clean my release from the floor. He returned quickly, and knelt next to the table.

  “Master, I…” I started, I wanted to
hear his voice, get some kind of reassurance from him, any measure of affection after what just transpired. I would receive none.

  “You may go,” he said brusquely, cutting me off.

  “Ethan.…” I tried again, putting my hand on his shoulder. In my lust induced haze, I hadn’t noticed that his eyes were still wild, out of control.

  “I said GO!” He roared at me, and I picked myself up off the table. I could feel his semen trickling down the back of my leg as I shuffled to my room. Not having bothered to grab my clothes, I entered my room and fell onto my bed in a heap, lying on top of my blankets, completely naked.

  I was asleep within minutes.

  * * *

  It had been three weeks since Lexi’s departure, and Ethan had not mentioned another session, but I wasn’t sure if it was because he realized that he may have lost control in the last one, that he did actually hurt me, or because he missed Lexi so much. Since it had been the three of us for the last couple of months, I’m sure that being with me reminded him of her. I wanted to talk to him about it, but how do you approach your Dom and talk about such things? Perhaps I should have emailed Lexi and asked her advice, but I didn’t want to tell her about him having lost control. I couldn’t admit how I felt about it – the pain, the humiliation.

  We had a rare day home together, and we were in the kitchen sitting at the table, both having just finished a light breakfast, and I threw a napkin towards the kitchen trash bin. Of course I missed, so I got up and bent over to pick up the paper when I felt Ethan grasp my hips and pull me against him. He ground his hardening erection slowly against my ass, and I stiffened, pulling away slightly, a reaction to the last time he had taken me. I had been sore for a couple of days after our last session; I wasn’t in a hurry for a repeat of that.


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