Fatal Desires (Fatal Cross Live! Book 1)

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Fatal Desires (Fatal Cross Live! Book 1) Page 3

by Hissong, Theresa

  “On the bus,” I mumbled, walking past him. I didn’t need to talk to her cousin and my friend. I just needed some alone time. I wanted to write music or punch myself. I hadn’t decided yet.

  Inside, I returned to the room where I had left my computer. I sat down and updated the Fatal Cross website. We were striking out on another tour in a few weeks. I would be meeting my band in London the final night of the Glory Days tour and the night before our tour kicked off. Our tour in the states would be long this time, almost six months, and I was pumped to get it started.

  I had some unread emails from Cash regarding our new album and after replying to those, I looked up when I heard the opening band start up their set. I’d been writing and in my own little world for the better part of two hours.

  I closed the laptop and slid it into the backpack at my feet. Glory Days was doing a meet and greet with their fans, so I pulled a hoodie over my head and ducked out the backdoor, escaping to the bus to store my things in the spare bunk.

  The wind blew into my face as I stepped outside. Fall was approaching, and even though we were in Atlanta, they were experiencing unseasonably cool weather for September. I slipped my hands in my pockets and looked to my right, hoping Coraline was hanging out by the buses, but I was disappointed when she was nowhere to be found.

  A commotion to my left had me turning. Some of the temporary help that wasn’t part of the Glory Days crew were huddled together by the corner of the building. I knew immediately what the hell they were doing and I wanted no part of it. The stench of marijuana drifted across my face for a split second before I held my breath and climbed the stairs to the bus.

  “Hey, Rita,” I greeted, finding one of Ash’s regular crew cleaning up the bus. “Who are those men out there?” There were three in all. A short skinny man, maybe in his mid-thirties with black hair, another man who was a bit taller with the same color hair, and an overweight man with dirty blonde hair all huddled at the corner of the building, passing around a joint as they laughed and talked.

  “They are temporary help. They’re on for several shows with us,” she grumbled, gritting her teeth. “Assholes, if you ask me. Those bastards were giving Coraline and me a hard time a few hours before you got here. Made me want to take a bath.” She tugged on the trash bag, pulling the full one out of the can and tying off the top.

  “Wait,” I demanded, stopping her from reaching for another bag. My heart sped in my chest. They’d approached Cora? And Rita? “What the hell did they say?”

  “Nothing we don’t hear every time we are on the road,” she sighed, shaking out a new bag to line the can.

  “Like what?” I pushed, demanding her to tell me.

  “They think we are band whores,” she offered, rolling her eyes. “One of those jerks actually offered Coraline money to suck him off.”

  “What?” I cursed. “Is she okay?”

  “Oh, she’s fine,” Rita snorted out a laugh. The girl pushed a stray strand of hot pink hair behind her ear and pointed to the window, indicating the men. “See the one in the red and blue plaid shirt?”

  “Yes,” I growled, looking out the window of the bus.

  “Do you see his black eye?” she asked.

  “Well, not from here,” I admitted, squinting to see the big guy across the parking lot. I couldn’t miss which one she was talking about. The guy was huge, just barely larger than myself. Where I was muscled, this guy was overweight and he looked like he could use a bath.

  “Well, Coraline Maddox gave him that shiner, honey,” she laughed. “Don’t think they’ll be asking for anything from her again.”

  “Motherfucker,” I swore, staring at the asshole that had bothered Cora. She had to defend herself. Hell, I knew she could, but she shouldn’t have to do that. Glory Days had security guards everywhere. Where were they when Cora and Rita were being harassed? “I’m going to make sure they don’t bother you guys again.”

  “Thanks, Taylor,” Rita smiled. “But you don’t have to do that. Cora and I pretty much take care of each other when we’re on the road. We don’t bother the guys much because they are too damn busy with everything else. If it ever got bad, we’d talk to Eric and let him know.”

  “I would hope so,” I agreed. Eric was the band’s head of security and he didn’t take crap from anyone. I’d find him and let him know about the temps and their backstage antics. They wouldn’t be working with us for much longer. And no one was going to touch Coraline Maddox as long as I had something to say about it.

  Chapter 5


  “Damn, that man can play a fucking guitar,” Rita purred, walking up next to me. We were standing at the side of the stage as Taylor played his first night filling in for Gabe. He was currently standing with his legs spread, his silver guitar slung low. The back of the guitar laid against his upper thigh as he strummed the thing with expert precision. His head was thrown back and his eyes were closed as he played the song as if he’d written the music himself. Fuck! He was hot as hell.

  “Yes, he can,” I cleared my throat and admitted truthfully. The song ended and I watched as the lights dimmed, allowing everyone to get into their spots for the next song. Ash ran up the scaffolding to the ledge behind Kane’s drum kit. He looked over at me and I gave Kane a thumbs up, letting them know they were all set to begin the next song. I keyed the mic, letting the sound guy know to start the prerecorded instrumental opening for the song.

  “He also can’t keep his eyes off of you,” she chuckled, nudging me with her shoulder.

  “What?” I blushed, spinning around so she wouldn’t see the obvious lust I had in my eyes. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “Oh, Cora,” she laughed, almost in a scolding manner. I glanced over my shoulder when she let out an unladylike snort. “You know damn good and well that man cannot stop looking at you. You look at him when you think no one is looking, too. You just need to hit that shit and get it out of your system.”

  “No,” I objected, averting my eyes. “I don’t.”

  I didn’t know if she heard me or not, but I had to get the fuck out of there. I couldn’t watch him play any longer. I had to get my head on straight, because in about twenty minutes, it would be time to tear down the stage and load up the trucks. The last thing I need was to have amorous thoughts of the sexy guitarist causing me to slack on my job.

  I heard the roar of the crowd as they finished the last song in the set. I rushed back to the steps at the side of the stage and handed them all towels to wipe off the copious amounts of sweat they’d produced from exerting themselves so much on stage.

  Ash, Glory Days’ lead singer, tossed his sweat soaked shirt at me and I caught it before he rushed back on stage for their encore. Taylor cast a glance over his shoulder and frowned at something over my head as he followed the guys back up the stairs.

  I groaned as I looked over my shoulder at the men that helped with tear down. The one who’d propositioned me earlier in the day was standing amongst his friends, glaring at me with a hatred I was used to seeing from guys I’d put in their place.

  The guy, Doug, sneered at me one last time before turning his back so he could line up cases to put the equipment in after the show. I noticed the black eye was getting more and more pronounced since I’d decked him when he asked me to give him a blowjob. The asshole didn’t take too kindly to my refusal.

  As the lights went down, I stood waiting for the guys to walk off stage. Ash and Reed, the bassist, handed me their ear pieces and patted me on the shoulder. I still needed to let Ash know about the problem I had with the temporary help, but it could wait. I didn’t want to bother him when he was busy. My job was to keep them on schedule, and throwing a wrench into this well-oiled machine could very well screw up their entire tour. These guys needed to concentrate on their performances, not a small altercation with their crew. I was in charge, and it was my job to deal with the people who worked for the band. I just couldn’t bother Ash with that asshole�
�s filthy mouth at the moment. We had a job to do.

  “Move, bitch,” Doug grunted, pushing me out of his way with a heavy shoulder. I stumbled into a solid chest, a silver guitar glinting in my periphery.

  “What the fuck?” Taylor snarled, wrapping a protective arm around the top of my shoulders. I pushed off of him quickly and cringed from the hatred rolling off of his features. He slipped his guitar strap over his head and handed the guitar to Rita, who was standing there glaring at Doug. Taylor stepped right up into the jerk’s private space and snarled, “Did that black eye not teach you some manners?”

  “Taylor,” I gasped, pulling on his forearm to stop him from going after the guy. “Please, don’t.”

  “Don’t?” he scoffed, glaring at me like I had three heads. The noise of the crowd drowned out my growl of embarrassment. I’d already taken care of this guy. Now, Taylor had to put his two cents worth in on a subject that should’ve been closed when I’d punched the guy.

  “I took care of it,” I barked, glancing at Doug, who hadn’t backed down a bit since Taylor had stepped into our confrontation. Taylor was not small, not even when he was on drugs. He’d obviously been working out since the last time I saw him, because he didn’t have an ounce of fat on his bulky form. He was beautiful before…now he’s just stunning.

  “Doesn’t look like it to me,” he snarled, swiveling around to point a finger in Doug’s chest. I smirked at the fear that flashed across Doug’s face, but it was quickly replaced with anger…at me. “You do not talk to her or any other woman like you did earlier. I won’t stand for it. Do your fucking job or hit the road. Got me?”

  How the hell did he know what happened earlier? I had my answer when I looked at Rita and she had the gall to look apologetic. Clenching my teeth, I spun on my heel and headed for the stage, leaving them to argue. I didn’t like issues on the crew, and I knew my cousin would fire Doug or anyone else who caused problems. It was my job to handle this shit, but it looked like Taylor was taking it upon himself to reinforce that with the temporary help.

  Climbing the scaffolding, I distanced myself from everyone, plugging in my headphones and ignoring the people below me. I didn’t need to talk to Taylor, or Rita, or anyone else for that matter. We had only two hours to get this completely torn down and loaded up before it was time to head out to Dallas.

  My hands shook as I worked, because I’d caught sight of Taylor standing off the side of the stage, watching me. He needed to stop. I couldn’t get involved with him, and that damn kiss a few days ago burned me from the inside out.

  Thankfully, Ash came around and pulled him backstage for something. Hell, anything they were doing was better than him being around me. I’d been hurt once by him, and I refused to be his whore. He’d made our one night stand perfectly clear when he wouldn’t return my calls.

  It took about an hour and a half for the complete teardown of the stage. The regular staff that worked for Glory Days took over for me while I ran out to the bus to make sure the guys were all set to leave. I knew he’d be on the bus, but I had a job to do. Of course, I kept telling myself that I was doing my job and not excited at all to see him. I was an idiot and knew that any close proximity to Taylor Vaughn was not in my best interest.

  It was dark and the large lights overhead hummed as I exited the building. The noise was welcomed for the short time it took me to get to the bus. I knocked on the bus door and waited for their driver to open the door.

  “Hey, Cora,” Sam smiled, setting his book on his lap.

  “Are they all set?” I asked, nodding toward the back.

  “Yeah, they’re on the phone with their wives,” he laughed, shaking his head. “Never thought I’d see these guys settle down, but it happened.”

  “I’m happy for them,” I admitted.

  “When are you going to find a nice young man to knock you off your feet, young lady?” he questioned.

  “I’m waiting for your missus to give you up, Sam,” I winked, refusing to think of Taylor. “You know you are the only man to hold my heart.” I pinched his cheek, before planting a kiss to his forehead.

  “A girl after my own heart,” he blushed, shaking his head.

  “Let me check on them and we will head out in an hour,” I said, pushing open the curtain separating the driver’s seat and the living area of their bus. “Hey, guys.”

  “Cora,” they answered in unison.

  Ash was sitting at the small table with his laptop opened. He was the father figure the whole band needed and was the brains behind the number one rock band in recent history. Ash Martin was a powerful man and one hell of a singer. He smiled warmly at me as I took a seat on the leather couch next to my cousin.

  “We about ready to head out?” Ash asked, pushing his sun-kissed blonde hair out of his sparkling green eyes.

  “I’m about to crash,” Kane yawned, draping an arm across my shoulders. I turned my head and looked into hazel eyes that matched my own. Our fathers were brothers and total opposites. Kane’s parents were very religious and straight laced, whereas my father would rather find his religion at the bottom of a whiskey bottle.

  “When we get to Dallas tomorrow, you guys have an interview at the rock station. You’re scheduled to be there at noon,” I rattled off, handing Ash a sheet of paper with the details printed out. I always took care of them by providing a schedule for each city, letting them know when they had free time to do things on their own. I tried not to book them on too many appearances because I didn’t want to burn them out.

  “I really don’t know what I would do without you some days, Cora,” Ash beamed, looking over the schedule.

  “I told you I was going to be the best damn tour manager slash roadie extraordinaire you’d ever seen,” I giggled. That laugh died in my throat when Taylor came out of the bunk area.

  A lump formed in my throat, causing me to swallow two or three times…hard. Taylor had stopped in his tracks and just stared in my direction. He was shirtless, his hair was slicked back away from his face and his black lounge pants hung dangerously low across his hips. The deep V shaped muscle peeking out of said pants caught my eye as I tracked up his tanned chest. The barbells pierced through his nipples sparkled when the light over his head caught them just right. He had a cross tattoo down the left side of his ribcage that was simple, yet beautiful. There was no color in the cross; only a deep black shading within the outline. I shivered when I remembered tracing it with my tongue.

  “Okay,” I jumped up, stumbling over Kane’s feet. He steadied me and frowned, but didn’t say anything. “I’ll see you guys in Dallas. Call me if you need anything.”

  I said a quick goodbye to Sam and hurried down the stairs. I walked at a fast pace, pulling the much needed fresh air into my lungs. I tried not to admit that I’d smelled his unique scent on that bus, but I was also lying to myself. I’d almost made it to the back door of the arena when I heard his voice.

  “Cora,” Taylor called out. The hairs on the back of my neck were tingling in warning, but my heart was saying to just jump in his arms and let him know…everything.

  What good would that do anyway, really? He didn’t need to have something thrown in his face that he had no control over. Oh, who was I kidding? I wanted to cry and scream and throw shit in his fucking face!

  “What?” I barked, exasperated. My hand was on the door. All I had to do was pull. If I did, then I could escape to some dark corner in the arena and maybe, just maybe, I’d get out of his sight until the bus left.

  “Talk to me,” he pleaded. He almost sounded depressed. “What did I do wrong?”

  “Really?” I spat, spinning around to glare daggers at him. He was closer than I’d thought and my face was only inches from his broad chest. Damn, he smells amazing! The compulsion to bolt was long forgotten. “You have to ask me that?” Was he that stupid?

  “Other than not calling you?” he sighed, looking guilty as hell. “We have to work together, Cora. I’ve said that I was sorry. I had…I
was unable to talk to you.”

  “I don’t care, Taylor,” I stressed, clenching my teeth to keep the tears at bay. “It’s over. I just want to get the next six shows over and then you can go overseas. After this tour is over, we are done.”

  “So, that’s it?” he pouted, but his green eyes were shadowed by guilt. I had to look away from him or I’d give in and let him touch me. My skin ached to be held in his arms again…to let go of the control I had on my life.

  “That’s it, Taylor,” I answered, pulling the door open and leaving him standing there.

  I barely made it to the ladies restroom before the tears rolled down my face.

  Dallas was always fun. Rita and I, along with some of the crew, usually took off for a few hours of downtime after the show. We’d be staying in town tonight, before heading to New Mexico the next afternoon. The show had just finished and I was in a hurry to get out of the building and away from Taylor.

  “Cora,” Rita called out.

  “Yeah?” I asked, looking down from my perch in the scaffolding. “What’s up?”

  “Hurry the hell up! We are going to be left behind!” she laughed and wagged her eyebrows. She was up to something and I’m sure it had to do with Taylor. I really wished she’d give up on this hit it or quit it campaign she’d adopted over the past few days.

  “Okay,” I nodded. “Give me fifteen!”

  “I’ll be ready,” she smiled, throwing a wink over her shoulder as she hopped off the stage.

  I hurried along, gathering the last of the equipment, rushing out to the trailer to lock things up. A fast shower and change of clothes later, I was bouncing on the tips of my toes as Rita, Kane, and I piled into the SUV Eric had pulled around by the crew’s bus.

  “I knew you needed a night out,” Kane paused. He’d taken it upon himself to go with us to the club, saying he only wanted to make sure we were safe. I wasn’t going to complain, because he was alone and Taylor was nowhere to be found. It was time to let my hair down.


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