Matsushita, 600
Matsuya department store, 319, 390, 402
May Day 1952, 473-75, 474
mayors, 48, 94, 95, 254, 368, 372, 374, 444, 573
Mears, Helen, 405
meat, eating of, 111-12
Meguro Ward, 328, 515
Meiji Confectionery Company, 267
Meiji constitution, 36-37, 49, 105, 202, 404, 462
Meiji emperor, 24, 31, 40, 44, 50, 67, 137, 159, 230, 236, 516, 546; funeral of, 114, 243, 248-50, 306 and illus.; illness and death of, 252-3 247-48 and illus., 292
Meiji Gakuin (school), 170
Meiji Restoration, 40, 99, 600
Meiji Shrine, 49, 137, 254, 273, 306, 348, 376, 417, 504, 509
Meiji University, 212
Meijiza theater, 159, 191, 265, 449, 450
meitengai (shopping center), 424, 499
Metropole Hotel, 58
Mikado, The (Gilbert and Sullivan), 44-45, 155
mikoshi (god-seats), 139, 220, 383
military barracks, 325
milk bars, 341
Minamoto Yoshiie, 116
Minato Ward, 439, 440, 557, 560, 568, 603
Mine, Dick, 384, 453
Ministry of Justice, 228
Minobe Ryōkichi, 526, 572-74
Minobe Tatsukichi, 404
misdemeanors, 102, 478
Mito Tokugawa estate, 236
Mishima Yukio, 16, 110, 466, 479, 536, 548-50 and illus.
Misora Hibari, 524
Mitsubishi enterprises, 88, 109, 235, 294; bombing of, 585-86 and illus., Londontown, 90, 332, 405, 422-23, 436, 514-15
Mitsubishi Meadow (Gambler’s Meadow), 87-91, 93, 95-96, 98, 123, 133, 158, 169, 199, 228, 254
Mitsui Bank, 86, 94, 187, 192 and illus., 192-93, 479, 515
Mitsui building, 551, 553
Mitsui Club, 83
Mitsui dry-goods store, 119
Mitsui family, 243
Mitsukoshi Department Store, 25, 86, 94, 190, 448, 476, 477, 565
Mitsukoshi Theater, 448
Miura Tamaki, 267
Miyatoza theater, 158-59, 260, 265
Miyukidōri street, 516
Mizutani Yaeko, 449
mobo (modern boy), 260, 309, 323-24, 325
Mochizuki Yūko, 356, 357, 393
modeling business, 324
modernism, 244
“modern life”, 323
moga (modern girl), 260, 309, 323-24, 325
Molotov cocktails, 585
Mona Lisa, 589
monorail, 500, 507, 551
Monroe, Marilyn, 451, 589
Mori Arinori, 202
Mori of Nagato, 42
Mori Ogai, see Ogai
Morita Kanya, see Kanya
Moritaza, see Shintomiza theater
morning glories, 135, 137
Morse, E. S., 59, 63-64, 78-80, 81, 102, 143-44, 154-55, 190, 215, 237, 264
Morse, W. B., 214
motels, 438
Motomachi Park, 299
Moulin Rouge, 366
Mount Fuji, 142, 353, 559, 599; miniature, 128-29
movies, 267, 349-52, 410, 450, 451-52; see also specific movies
movie theaters, 128, 260, 350-51, 394-95, 452, 566
Mukōjima district, 84, 215, 219-20
mulberry trees, 231-32
murderesses, 154, 231, 266, 401, 586
music, 167, 172, 320-21, 366, 411-12; see also opera
music halls, 128, 261, 325, 349; see also Yose
musumegidayū (theater music), 167, 263
My City (railway station), 552-53
Nagai, Frank, 453, 498
Nagai Kafū, see Kafū
Nagoya, postwar reconstruction of, 422
Nagoya Tokugawa estate, 236
Nakamura Kichiemon, 446-47
Nakasu Island, 70
Nakayama Shimpei, 277, 321, 351
Namba Daisuke. 301-02
Naniwabushi, 366
Nara, 45, 383, 519
narikin (nouveau riehe), 199
Narita airport, 596, 602
Narushima Ryūhoku, see Ryūhoku
nationalism, 170, 171, 358, 397, 548
National Museum (Ueno), 127, 312-13, 406, 519, 589
National Theater, 161, 486
Natsume Sōseki, 9, 62, 93, 124, 238, 266
Negishi district, 210
Nemuro district, 48
neologisms, 323, 403, 453; of Taishō period, 269
“Nesoberu Asakusa” (Takami), 390-92
neurosis (noiroze), 493
New Chronicle of Yanagibashi (Ryūkyo Shinski), (Ryūhoku), 182
New Otani, 550
New Shimabara licensed quarter, 54, 152
newspapers, 203, 302-03, 345, 558
New Year, 139, 142, 144
New York, 574-75
Nezu district, 175, 181, 237, 238
NHK (Nihon Hōsō Kyōkai), 348, 349, 399, 451, 452, 510, 533, 558
Nichigeki (Nihon Gekijō) (Japan Theater), 309, 395, 410, 457, 559, 560
Nichinichi (newspaper), 303
Nihombashi Bridge, 86, 94, 122, 186, 188, 192, 194, 196, 370, 499, 577
Nihombashi River, 188-89, 190
Nihombashi Ward, 28-29, 32, 33, 39, 62, 71, 77, 91, 98, 186-97, 191, 226, 227, 232, 240-41, 293-94, 325, 329, 332-33, 435, 450, 516, 592-93; as financial center, 472, 193; fish market in, 94-95, 189, pleasure quarters in, 191, 195; pride of place of, 196; shrines and temples of, 191; during Taishō, 258
Nihon Hōsō Kyōkai (Japan Broadcasting Corporation), see NHK
Nihon University, 478
Nikolai Cathedral, 51, 84-85, 132, 194
Nikkatsu Building, 436, 437
ningen dokku (physical exams), 494
Ningyōchō, 324, 325-26, 450
Niwa Fumio, 569
Niwaka dances, 176
Normanton incident (1886), 110
Nō drama, 133, 292
Nogi Maresuke, Gen., 114, 306
noiroze (neurosis), 493
Nosaka Sanzo, 475
Occupation, American (after World War II), 128
Odakyū, 352
O-den (murderess), 154, 165, 166 and illus., 209, 231, 401, 491, 534
Oe Michiko, 455
office buildings, 435-36
office lady, 272, 533
Ogai (novelist), 9, 156, 238
Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands, 47
Ogawa Isshin, 90, 227; photographs by, 86, 104
Okawabata (The Bank of the Big River) (Osanai), 69-71
okiya (geisha residence), 592
okushon (condominium), 597
Olympics, 381-82, 399, 495-96; 1964, 437, 496-508, 505
Olympic Stadium, 517
O-kinu (murderess), 165, 231
omnibuses, 60, 193
Omori, shell middens of, 63
Omura Masujirō, 45
Onna Kengeki, 454, 455
Ooka Shōhei, 334, 401
opera, 261-63, 353-54; Asakusa, 261, 263-64
operetta, 262, 263
O-sada (Abe Sada), 401-03 402, 586
Osaka, 44, 48, 53, 98, 134, 150, 158, 302-03, 315, 339, 340, 345-46, 366, 595
Oshima, suicides on, 320
Osanai Kaoru, 69, 160, 171, 184, 224, 265
Ota Dōkan, 371, 517, 519
Otemachi Building, 436
Otsu Incident (1891), 301-03
O-tsuya, murder of (1910), 89-90
O-ume (murderess), 154, 191
, 231, 236
Oya Sōichi, 378, 545
Ozaki Yukio, 48, 94
Ozu Yasujirō, 451
pachinko (pinball), 463-64 and illus.
palanquins, 37, 60
panic of 1927, 300, 378
“panpan girls,” 459
“papa,” use of term, 270-71, 385, 403
Parkes, Sir Harry, 113
Parco department store, 561-62, 562-63, 565 and illus.
Park Avenue (Shibuya), 561-62 and illus.
parking-lot business, 537
parks, 96, 124-32, 299, 434-35, 435; see also specific parks
parties, during Rokumeikan era, 109-10
peach blossoms, 136
pear blossoms, 136
Pearl Harbor, 537
pedestrian paradise, 581-82 and illus., 583
Peers Club, 83, 110
people’s saloons, 412
“pencil buildings”, 500
peragoro (Asakusa opera devotees), 263-64
performers, street, 509
Perry, Commodore Matthew Calbraith, 40, 132, 182, 218, 451
Peter coffeehouse, 394
Piss Alley, 429, 483-84 and illus., 552
place names, 526-28
planning, city, 602-06
Plantain café, 200-01
plastic surgery, 494
pleasure centers (or quarters), 55-56, 163; of Edo, 30, 36, 37, 39, 151; in postwar period, 457-58; Shinjuku, 334-36, 335, television and, 511-12; see also licensed quarters; unlicensed quarters; and specific quarters and districts
plum blossoms, 135-36, 139, 154, 215
police, 358, 363, 367, 396, 442, 453
police boxes, 148, 247, 585
political parties, 255, 298, 378
population, 49-50, 52, 232, 576; of Edo, 32, 42; during Taishō, 253-54; following 1923 earthquake, 327; 1932 expansion and, 373-7; in postwar period, 440-41
ports, opening of, 40
Portsmouth Treaty (1905), 147-48
post-stations (Five Mouths), 178-81
postwar period, 422-494; black markets and, 425-29 and illus., 427, 428, 433; crime and, 476-77, 478-82; emperor and, 446; gangs and, 429-30; geisha and, 458, 460; government and, 442-45; homelessness during, 431 and illus.; housing and, 433-34; population during, 440-41; rationing and, 432, 433; see also American Occupation
preaching thief, 401
prints, 65-67, 75-76, 110
private detectives, 105
produce market (Kanda), 211
professorial neighborhood (gakusha-machi), 239
prosperity, naming periods of, 493, 537-38
prostitution, 37, 117-18, 173-74, 206, 461-62, 462-63, 487, 529-33; outlawing of (1958), 178, 180; see also brothels; courtesans; geisha; geisha districts; licensed quarters; pleasure centers; pleasure quarters; soaplands
public transportation, 60, 332, 376, 417, 493; see also specific types
Pu-yi, 382, 535
rabbits, 112
radio, 349, 450-51, 472
ragpickers (bataya), 379, 380 and illus., 598
railroads, 62-64, 178-80, 220, 294, 315, 324-25, 329, 331, 332-33, 352, 476, 492; prints of, 65-67
“Rainbow” (Kawabata), 358, 359
Rakugo comic monologues, 345, 346, 349, 351, 450, 451, 535
rationing, 425, 428, 433
reading from left to right, 105
real estate, 576, 595-99, 602-06
reconstruction (after 1923 earthquake), 295-96, 308, 312-13
restaurants, 316, 412, 543
retail business, 294, 314-16, 507; see also department stores
reviews, 354-67, 355, 361, 385-87, 593-94
rice riots (1866), 40-41, 42
rickshaws, 58-60
right, radical, 549-50, 589
Rigoletto, 263
Rikidōzan, 470-71, 508
riots, 473-75, 474, 520, 536, 548, 549; of 1918, 255-56, after Portsmouth Treaty (1905), 147-48; rice (1866), 41-42
rivers, 68-72; see also floods
River Sumida, The (Kafū), 72, 136, 159, 174, 213, 215
Robun (journalist), 166
Rokumeikan, 67, 82-83 and illus., 108-10, 229
Rokumeikan era, 107-10, 113
Roppongi, 147, 242, 325, 510-11
Rossi, G. V., 261-62, 267, 354
Royal movie house, 262
Rule Assistance Association, 384
Russia, 114
Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905), 147-49
Ryōgoku, broad alley of, 214-15
Ryōgoku Bridge, 214-15
Ryogoku district, 568
Ryokuu (novelist), 127, 224
Ryōunkaku (Twelve Storys), 27, 84
Ryūhoku (journalist), 182-83
Ryūkyo Shinshi (New Chronicle of Yanagibashi) (Ryūhoku), 182
Ryūsei (painter), 163, 253
Sadanji (Kabuki actor), 265-66
Saigō Takamori, 127, 433
St. Luke’s Hospital, 56
Saijō Yaso, 321, 343
Saionji, Prince, 158
Saitō Ryokuu, see Ryokuu
Salvation Army, 117-18
sakariba (bustling place), 324-25, 353, 355, 392, 393, 400, 497, 507, 567, 580; see also specific places
Sakurabashi (Sakura Bridge), 582
“salaryman”, 328, 344
San Francisco Treaty, 334, 459, 461
Sanger, Margaret, 267-68
Sanjusangenbori, 424
Sannō festival, 141
Sansom, G. B., 259
Sanya, 521-23, 522, 528, 603
Sanyūtei Enchō, see Enchō
Sanyūtei Kimba, 535-36
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 589
Satō Hachirō, 452
Satomi Ton, 234, 418
Sawamura Tanosuke, 106
scandals, government, 49, 369, 371, 442, 525, 572
Scarlet Gang of Asakusa (Kawabata), 297, 342, 353, 355, 359, 379, 389, 397, 498
schools, 98-99; missionary, 202; Taishō, 273
school uniforms, 111
sea bathing, 114, 223, 403
seasons and seasonal observances, 134-44, 273-74
Seibu enterprises, 485, 490, 562, 590
Seibu Parco, 567
self-image, national, 495, 506
Seiyōken Hotel (now restaurant), 58, 126
Senjū (post-station), 178, 180
Setagaya Ward, 419, 441, 497, 504, 591
sewage disposal, 95, 274, 503, 574
Seward, William H., 114
sexual equality, 317, 319
sexual mores, 343-44, 354, 357-58, 363-64, 449, 454, 554
shadows, Tanizaki on, 92-93
“shan”, 323-24
Shiba Detached Palace, 114, 223
Shibaguchi, see Shimbashi
Shiba Park, 223, 224, 349, 420, 479, 501, 519
Shibaura, 223
Shiba Ward, 178, 221; temples and cemeteries of, 222
Shibusawa Eiichi, 80-1, 85, 153, 254; mansion of, 86
Shibuya, 242, 315, 336, 337, 376-77; as chic, 561-63; as fukutoshin, 488-89; Hachikō, 400-0 and illus.; naming of, 375-76; Olympics and, 497, 498, 504, 507-08; public transportation and, 332, 336; as sakariba, 324-25, 393; Shinjuku compared to, 488-89
Shibuya Station, 64, 400, 497, 561
Shiga Naoya, 463
Shigure (playwright), 16, 35, 49, 62, 101, 102, 103, 160, 185, 194, 195, 197, 211-12
Shimamura Hōgetsu, see Hōgetsu
Shimazu Saburō, 60
Shimbashi Club, 169
Shimbashi district, 69,
76, 220-21, 225, 592, 593; geisha quarter in, 183-84, 225
Shimbashi Embujō, 396, 410, 417, 446, 447
Shimbashi Incident (1946), 429
Shimbashi Station, 27, 63, 64, 83, 94, 114-15, 121, 203, 224, 225, 226 and illus., 498
Shimizu Kisuke, 54
Shimooka Renjō, 66
Shimoyama incident, 476-78
Shinagawa district, 175, 178-80, 376, 457
Shinjuku Central Park, 551
Shinjuku Daiichi Gekijō, 486
Shinjuku district, 47, 95, 175, 178-80, 232, 315, 443; air raids and, 419; as city center, 329, 557-58; as fukutoshin, 483-85; growth of, 333-36; literature and, 569; moving of government offices to, 292; Olympics (1964) and, 513; pleasure quarters, 334-36, 335, 560-61; reviews in, 366-67; as sakariba, 324, 324, 393; Shibuya compared to, 48-89; slums, 335; street stalls, 433; strip shows, 453, 454; see also Kabukichō district
Shinjuku Eastmouth, 514, 567
Shinjuku Southmouth, 429, 483-84
Shinjuku Westmouth, 288, 515, 519, 523, 551, 552, 557, 559, 564, 583, 602, 603, 605
Shinkabukiza, 486
Shinnittetsu, 600
Shinobazu Pond, 11, 124, 125, 126, 137, 138, 466, 467, 566, 571
Shintomiza theater, 116, 151-52, 153-54 and illus., 155, 157, 158, 159, 204, 265
Shinto religion, 134
Shioiri, 522, 603
Shirokiya (Tōkyū) department store, 118, 120, 121 and illus., 258, 294, 315 and illus., 319, 357, 510, 516
Shiseidō (cosmetics firm), 200, 252, 418
Shitamachi, see Low City
Shitaya gang, 210
Shishi Bunroku, 569
Shitaya Park, 209
Shitaya Ward, 25, 205, 208, 209, 210-11, 298, 317, 419
Shōchiku, 158, 394-95, 448, 449
shoes, 110-11
shooting stalls, 84
shop girls, 62, 120, 319
shops and shopping, 118-23, 314-17, 333-34, 424, 432-33, 472-73; see also bazaars; black market; department stores; supermarkets
Shōriki Matsutarō, 255, 302, 369, 466
Shōyo (novelist/dramatist), 266, 341-42, 349
Shōwa, meaning of term, 305
Shōwa Avenue (Showadori), 298, 312, 313, 317, 423
Shōwa emperor, 307, 308, 421, 445-46 and illus., 475, 546
shrine festivals, 141-42
shrines, 132, 139-40, 162, 191; see also god-seats; god-seat festivals
sideshows, 75, 209, 342, 363, 397
Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895), 142, 146, 147, 175, 200, 488
Sixth District (Asakusa), 128-29, 350, 356, 357, 388, 390, 391, 432, 529
skyscrapers, 550
slang, see neologisms
slums, 221, 236, 521, 540, 579
Tokyo from Edo to Showa 1867-1989 Page 76