Designing Woman (The Sloan Brothers Book 2)

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Designing Woman (The Sloan Brothers Book 2) Page 4

by Willow, Jo

  “Hey. Dufus. Romantic gesture here.”

  I swept my hand towards Austins on the back of my chair, making it obvious. Anton raised one eyebrow.

  “Romantic gesture? He doesn’t know you very well does he?”

  I turned to Austin, reached up and kissed him on the cheek.

  “Now you know why I’m in the market for a new boyfriend.”

  Austin looked slightly confused.

  “He’s your boyfriend?”

  Anton mumbled more to his phone than to us, but it was obvious he was paying attention.

  “She wishes...”

  I smiled up at Austin who looked like he was trying to piece something together.

  “Ignore his feeble attempts at humor. He adores me. I can even make him do magic tricks on a whim.”

  Austin cocked his head.

  “Magic tricks? What kinds of magic tricks?”

  I leaned in and whispered so that the distracted Mr. Sloan couldn’t hear.

  “I can make him disappear. Wanna see?”

  Austin leaned down and touched my nose in amusement.

  “This I gotta see.”

  I winked at Austin and looked at Anton, clearing my throat.


  He looked up at the mention of his name.

  “Yeah Mel’?”

  “I was just telling Austin that we’re soulmates. That about sums it up, wouldn’t you say?”

  Anton’s eyes darted around the room, canvassing for exits while he licked his lips and moved slowly back from the table. I lowered my voice and started edging towards the end of the table. I was having way too much fun with this.



  “I love you baby.”

  “I have to take this call. I’ll meet you guys at the car.”

  His phone never rang, but like a flash, he was gone. I turned to Austin who was unable to confine the laughter. He doubled over, pointing at the doorway. He clumsily followed me to the end of the table toward Pierce and Dorothy. Pierce was kissing Dorothy on the cheek and thanking her for a lovely meal and evening. When I got close, he placed his hand on my shoulder.

  “Melody you really shouldn’t tease him like that. He’ll be paranoid for a week now.”

  I shrugged.

  “Served his ass right. He’s been avoiding my calls since the wedding, the jerk. Now he has a reason to. If I were you, I’d be coming up with a reason of my own, Teddy Bear. Ayla’s been worried to death that she’s done or said something that offended you.”

  Austin stopped laughing and now his attention was riveted on Pierce. Pierce straightened his cuffs and started to follow Dorothy out into the foyer.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. Ayla is lovely. She doesn’t have an offensive bone in her body.”

  “Then you’ve got some explaining to do Pierce. I’d be lining that out if I were you.”

  He said nothing more and we all offered Dorothy hugs as we said our goodnights and left for the garage. Ayla, Chase, and Deacon were nowhere to be seen.

  Chapter Three

  “In your expert opinion, do I need to tighten security in the building where we work?”

  Deacon had stayed at Ayla’s insistence and listened to the entire story start to finish. His thoughts were twisted into knots as he tried to unravel and make sense of it all. Up until twenty minutes ago, he believed his only worry was helping his wife deliver a healthy baby.

  Chase was seated behind his desk, the thumb drive he carried in his pocket with Ayla’s file had been inserted into Deacon’s computer. He was downloading it, with Ayla’s permission, so that Deacon could refer to it as needed. Ayla had stayed silent after retelling the beginning of the story, allowing Chase to pick it up at the aftermath when his services became necessary.

  “If you can add security without it looking like a S.W.A.T. siege, then it might not be a bad idea. I won’t tell you how to run your business Deacon, but you need to fully understand that this man is dangerous, he’s angry, and he’s focused. His connections in New York are sketchy, but his connections in Boston are widely known.”

  Ayla shifted from foot to foot trying to prevent herself from pacing. She knew he wouldn’t give up searching for her, he wasn’t the type. She’d humiliated him and his entire family before she escaped on their wedding day. The Marconi’s might let her go with a slap on the wrist while they tried to sweep it under the carpet, but Anthony would never take it lying down. Anthony demanded obedience and she had blatantly disobeyed in the most visible way possible. Now he was in New York.

  Deacon might have been concerned, but when he glanced at Ayla, he saw terror. His hands clenched into fists and his jaw set. No man had the right to cause a woman to react the way Ayla was reacting.

  He moved to her side and put his arm around her, drawing her close and offering her protection.

  “Ayla, you’re practically family now and we’ll do whatever it takes to protect you. Once Pierce finds this out...”

  She looked up at Deacon with tears in her eyes.

  “You can’t tell Pierce. He’s already not speaking to me, Deacon. If he finds this out, he’ll never speak to me again. Promise me you won’t tell anyone else about this. Promise me.”

  Deacon knew how fond of Ayla Dorothy was. He’d grown rather fond of her himself. Pierce had come out of his shell when Ayla came into their lives. He knew why Pierce had pulled away from her, but the explanation wasn’t his to give. Pierce would have to man up and come clean in his own way.

  “Pierce isn’t angry with you. In fact, it’s more the opposite, but that’s not for me to elaborate on. You need to quit worrying about us and let us worry about you. The more people that are aware of him, the more eyes we’ve got watching for him. I think you should move in with Melody for awhile. She’s got more than enough room.”

  “I can’t impose...”

  Chase was watching them and jumped in.

  “He’s right Ay’. Tony will expect you to be near your brother. He’s your only living family, where else would you be? All it would take is one night of watching the bar and he’d know that the two of you lived above it. After that, all he has to do is find the opportunity. He’d never look for you in Manhattan.”

  “I won’t put Austin in harm’s way like that. There’s safety in numbers Chase, you taught me that. If he gets the jump on Austin, I’d never forgive myself.”

  Deacon took out his cell phone and hit a contact. The noise in the background made it difficult to hear.

  “Melody? It’s Deke. Get somewhere a little quieter, I need to talk to you.”

  We’d been standing at the bar waiting for Austin to finish his conversation with the bartender on duty for the night.

  “Deke? I’ll step outside. Just a minute.”

  “Take someone with you Mel’. Don’t go out alone.”

  So big brother Deacon thought I needed a bodyguard. Interesting. Whatever was going on back at the Penthouse was giving off bad vibes. I grabbed Pierce who happened to be standing next to me. He looked at my hand on his arm and then his eyes moved to mine. I motioned to the phone and mouthed, “Deacon”. He nodded in understanding and followed me out.

  Street sounds and the occasional laughter of Friday night city dwellers were all that could be heard once we stepped outside the bar.

  “Pierce and I are here Deacon. What’s up?”

  “For the foreseeable future, we need to get Ayla and Austin out of their apartment above the bar. Can they stay with you?”

  “Of course they can, but you’d better talk to Austin about that. He may not want to be that far from his business.”

  “I hadn’t considered that.”

  Deacon looked at Chase and then down at Ayla.

  “Is that where you are? The bar?”

  I was nodding as if he could see me, and Pierce rolled his eyes before he took my phone right out of my hands. The domineering pig. Next he’ll expect me to call him Sir or something.

nbsp; “Deacon, It’s Pierce. Mel’, Anton, Austin, and I are at Austin’s bar. What’s going on?”

  “I was telling Mel’ that we need to house Ayla and Austin somewhere other than over the bar for awhile. She’s agreed to let them stay at her place.”

  “Is there a problem?”

  There was a pause and he hoped his brother would realize he couldn’t talk.


  “Deacon say the words, ‘okay then’, if one of them is in danger.”

  “Okay then.”

  “Is it Ayla?”

  “It is, I know, and Ayla won’t stay at Mel’s without Austin.”

  I saw Pierce’s body tighten up and I knew that whatever was wrong, it involved Ayla. His posture and the set of his jaw told me that much.

  “Ayla will stay with me at my place.”

  I think I just swallowed my gum. Ayla at Pierce’s? Pierce never had anyone over. I’m not sure if Deacon or Anton had ever seen the inside of his place, he was that private. Whatever this was, it must be bad.

  “She won’t go for that Pierce, she’s worried about her brother. I think Melody’s place is the obvious answer.”

  Whatever Deacon said, it didn’t sit well with Pierce and he was not going to take it lying down.

  “Deacon give the phone to Ayla.”

  No “please”, or “If she doesn’t mind”, this was leather bear talking now buddy. Anton could’ve strolled out naked with a full below-the-belt salute going on and I wouldn’t have moved an inch. I was seeing a side of Pierce that I had a feeling only Ayla was aware of. Deacon must’ve handed her the phone, because Pierce smiled a really devious smile that had to have meant something to someone. Probably the lady in question.

  “Ayla, it’s Pierce. Are you alright?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. Are you alright?”

  He chuckled low and gravelly before he answered.

  “I’m fine as well. Deacon mentioned that you and Austin should move in with Melody for awhile. While I’m more than happy that you’ll no longer be living above a bar, I have an alternate plan.”

  Deacon watched her eyes shoot to Chase and himself before she answered.

  “What kind of plan?”

  “Austin will indeed move in with Melody. But you, will be staying with me.”

  I began to tug on Pierce’s sleeve, trying to get his attention. He shooed me off like an annoying insect.

  “I can’t do that Pierce. What will people say? Besides, Austin is my brother and we stick together.”

  “I understand and admire the sentiment my dear, but in this case, I think my plan will work out better. Will you let me tell you why?”

  “Yes Sir.”

  Alright. I don’t know what she said, but Pierce’s pupils dilated and he licked his lips. If they weren’t having phone sex, they were about to and it was my phone. Plus, we were standing in front of a bar called The Cheeky Monkey in Brooklyn on a Friday night. This was totally not the place for Pierce to be getting his freak on, if you know what I mean.

  Pierce leveled me with a look. Literally. When his eyes met mine, I saw a glimmer of something that was not the Pierce I knew. Teddy bear was gone, Grizzly bear was in residence. I shivered and stayed quiet.

  “Ayla, you’re with Chase and Deacon. Deacon must know something that I don’t and that something must be by way of Chase. Am I correct?”


  “Chase is a detective. If the recommendation is for you and your brother to leave your home, I’m assuming that there’s a reasonable amount of danger involved. If they’re not recommending that Austin close the bar, then it must be of a personal nature. Something involving danger from an individual. Is that also correct?”


  “Yes, or no.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  I was watching and listening and there went that look again. It reminded me of the time that I suggested chocolate syrup and whipped cream to Anton, and... that’s another story entirely. Pierce was fascinating the hell out of me. He was a Sloan alright.

  “Good girl. If there’s a threat from an individual Ayla, then that person will be expecting the two of you to be together. That’s why we’re going for confusion. I am perfectly capable of protecting you, trust me. I’ll have my driver deliver you to Melody’s every morning for work. You can ride with me and I’ll drop you on the way. Austin will see you every morning. You’ll both be in secured buildings less than five miles apart. If you’re worried about the extra driving distance to the bar, I can provide secure transportation to get him there as well. As an added bonus, my brother Anton can squirm a bit wondering what’s going on between Melody and Austin.”

  Pierce looked at me with eyebrows raised in question and it was my turn to give the sly cat grin. Damn right. Austin was a hot guy and if he wanted to live with me for awhile? Who was I to turn away my friend’s brother. The commitment phobe didn’t have to know the details. Shit, I didn’t even know the details. Sean was gonna wet himself when he got a peek at Austin. Yessiree, this was sounding better all the time.

  I nodded enthusiastically at Pierce and he leaned over to kiss me on the forehead. Teddy bear was back.

  “Pierce, I don’t know...I’ll need to talk to Austin about it before I can say yes or no. It’s his life too.”

  “I understand completely. I’ll go inside and talk to Austin now. Have Chase bring you here. To me. I’ll walk you upstairs and you can pack your things, then I’ll take us back to my place.”

  “If Austin is agreeable, then I am too. Thank-you Pierce.”

  “You’re welcome. And you’re welcome to stay as long as you need to Ayla. You and I have unfinished business. Correct?”

  “Yes Sir.”

  “I’ll see you in a little while. Be ready for me Ayla.”

  Pierce handed the phone back to me and turned to go back inside. I grabbed his arm and he stopped to look at me.

  “Do you need something Melody?”

  “An explanation would be a good start. How come Austin can’t stay with you and Ayla can’t bunk with me?”

  “Did you not hear the conversation? I assumed you were listening.”

  There was that “I’m a dick” Sloan attitude poking out.

  “I was listening. Are they in some kind of trouble?”

  “I have no idea. The only thing I know for certain is that Chase believes that they should move out of their apartment for awhile. Sounds like trouble to me, but I’m uncertain of the nature of it. Are you unhappy with the potential living arrangements? Is there something about Austin that you have a problem with?”

  I rolled my eyes and put my hands on my hips. I was calling bullshit.

  “For fuck’s sake Pierce. I don’t even know Austin! He could be into gay pony porn for all I know! Get rid of the holier than thou attitude for a minute and see this from my side. You get Ayla and I get the unknown entity. What if he walks around in his underwear? What if he expects me to cook for him? Or do his laundry? What if Anton gets the wrong idea?”

  He tapped me on the nose and smiled. I hate when men do that. It’s right up there with, “Don’t worry your pretty little head” with me. I wanted to kick him. Hard.

  “First of all, you know as well as I do that you’d love it if he walked around in his underwear. You’re that type of girl...”

  “What the fu...”

  “And second, you can discuss the rules and expectations with him yourself. And Melody? You’d love it if Anton got the wrong idea. Anton needs to get a few wrong ideas. The way you chase him around, it’s about time he did a little chasing himself. Wouldn’t you agree?”

  “Oh that’s rich coming from Mr. ‘Ayla, come HERE’. Tell me something Grizz’, have you ever chased a woman in your life?”

  “Did you just call me, ‘Grizz’?”

  “It’s short for Grizzly Bear. Teddy bear didn’t seem quite right at the moment.”

  He kissed me on the cheek and put his arm around my shoulders, leading me
into the bar.

  “Grizz’ can stay. I like that.”

  I ground my teeth to avoid replying, but before the end of the night, at least one Sloan was gonna have to have a size six stiletto surgically extracted from his ass. Pierce was high on the list, but Anton hadn’t put in his two cents yet. His assholery was legendary.

  The place was hopping and our friends were no longer at the bar. Pierce, having the height advantage, started scanning tables and booths. I stayed close to Pierce. I felt it when he found them. He still had an arm around my shoulder and he went stone still. I looked up at him and followed his eyes.

  They’d found a booth not too far away and the first face I saw was Austin’s. He was sitting on one side of the booth looking like he owned the joint. Which he did. He was relaxed and he was even more attractive than I thought he was when he walked into Dorothy’s. Then I saw Anton.

  Anton was seated on the other side of the booth with his arm around some brunette who appeared to have settled right in. She obviously wasn’t a stranger, I knew that much when he leaned down and kissed her like she meant something to him. Like he kissed me when we were alone.

  Pierce started guiding me towards them when I pirouetted right out of his grasp. He stopped and cocked his head at me. I shook my head no, and something about the look on my face told him he’d better not push it or try some lame explanation. First Cat Woman and now this. If he was trying to make a point, I’d received it loud and clear. Didn’t mean I had to sit near him and wallow in it though.

  I wiggled my finger at Pierce who leaned down to hear me better.

  “I’m gonna sit at the bar and wait for Ayla and Chase. You go on and talk to Austin. There’s plenty of room on his side of the booth. Tell him for me that I’d love to have him.”

  Pierce angled his head, catching the double meaning in my chosen words.

  “Say it with quotation marks Pierce.”

  “Melody I sure hope you know what you’re getting yourself into.”

  “I think it’s more like I finally know what I’m getting myself out of. Just go on. I won’t wander off, don’t worry.”


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