Designing Woman (The Sloan Brothers Book 2)

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Designing Woman (The Sloan Brothers Book 2) Page 13

by Willow, Jo

  They were practically on me now and no one had bothered to look on the sofa. Mr. Smart-ass continued, but someone else had a dog in this race.

  “Want me to go up get her? I know where she sleeps.”

  Why did he have to say that? Why did he have to say it like it was a dirty joke or a lascivious secret?

  “You’re not going near her room. If anyone’s going up to get her, it’ll be me. I sleep right next door to her. If she has to wake up, she should wake up to a friendly face.”

  Go Austin!

  “Both of you shut-up. I’m on my last good nerve here. If someone has to go up, it’ll be Ayla or myself. Pierce, go make coffee please and why is the TV on?”

  Leave it to my sister (thank god they were all safe) to have a death grip on the obvious.

  I sat up, surprising them all. Anton turned beet red and knew I’d heard every word. I carefully maneuvered my leg and Ayla saw what my goal was. She rushed over to help clear the coffee table while Austin placed my pillow and helped me prop my casted foot up. Once I was situated, I winced in pain and blew out a breath.

  “The TV’s on because I was waiting for some news of how your exciting night was going. None of you were calling and I wondered if they would do a follow-up.”

  Austin sat down next to me and put his arm around me. I settled my head on his shoulder and he squeezed my shoulder in response.

  “We didn’t call because the plan was to come here and have a group meeting. We had to wait until the bar was secure and the police were done asking questions. I hope you don’t mind, I gave them this address in case they had more questions.”

  “Of course I don’t mind. This is your home. So we know for sure it was Tony?”

  Austin began stroking my hair and kissing my forehead. Partly to soothe me, and I think it was partly to soothe himself. Austin was naturally affectionate and our earlier conversation must have triggered something that let him know that I might be receptive to that affection.

  “We don’t know anything yet, but who else could it be? We think he was letting us know that he was tired of waiting and he was stepping up his game. The bar was packed Mel’. When that window caved in, glass flew everywhere. We got everyone out pretty quickly. The people that got sent to the hospital went with cuts from the flying glass. Luckily I’m heavily insured, but you know there’ll be lawsuits over this...”

  I kissed his cheek and he looked at me.

  “We’ve got this babe. No worries, okay? You’re all safe and we’ll deal with the rest as it comes.”

  Pierce set a tray down on the coffee table and started to pour coffee from a carafe. Everyone else filtered into the room and took a cup, then a seat. Pierce remained standing.

  Anton was glowering at Austin and I, making his unhappiness known. I decided to poke the bear with a stick.

  “So...”, I started, then took a sip of coffee before looking up at Anton.

  “Another date without sealing the deal. Tsk, tsk, tsk. You’ll get a rep as a non-closer if you keep this up Anton. You should go and find her. I know how much you hate to be here.”

  His words from earlier were coming back to haunt him and I felt Austin’s silent laughter rumble through his chest. He kissed my forehead again, but I could feel his eyes were on Anton.

  “Plenty more where she came from Mel’. Don’t worry about my sex life, I’ve never gone without for very long.”

  The dig was sharp and well aimed and I guess you could say I had it coming. Austin said it better though.

  “You keep looking for the ‘keeper’ Anton. Maybe one of these days you’ll find the perfect girl for you and you won’t have to keep lining them up. Some of us can vouch for monogamy. I happen to think it’s the way to go.”

  His hold on me got a little firmer and I snaked my arm across his waist, hoping I wasn’t making a colossal mistake. When I noticed everyone had gone quiet, I looked up and locked eyes with Anton. He looked lonely and lost. He looked as if he’d finally figured something out and he was silently begging someone to tell him it wasn’t too late. No one was saying jack-shit.

  Finally Deacon cleared his throat and broke the spell.

  “I called Chase and he’ll be here Monday. He’s taking the next two days to pull all of his information together and bring the investigators here up to speed. It looks like it’s gone past a restraining order now and that’s why we’re all here.”

  All eyes were on Deacon, who in turn, was looking at me.

  “Mel’, I want you and Austin to move in with Pierce and Ayla.”

  He put his hand up when he saw that I was about tell him what I thought of that idea.

  “It’s only until this blows over. That shouldn’t be too long now, because he’s proven that he’s dangerous. Everyone with a badge will be itching to find the lunatic. It’ll be easier to keep everyone safe if we’re all concentrated in two areas. Anton is moving in with us for the time being or I’d suggest you two come to our place.”

  His implication was out there for anyone to deny and I, for one, knew I’d blow a fuse if I had to continually be subjected to Anton’s parade of female flesh. If my choice was Deacon’s house or Pierce’s, I’d stick with Ayla and Pierce. I looked up and Pierce was smiling at me.

  “You’re cool with this?”

  “One-hundred percent. I’d much rather have you and Austin than Anton any day.”

  “Hey! Nice family loyalty there Pierce. Thanks a whole fuckin’ lot.”

  Pierce shrugged at Anton’s interjection of displeasure.

  “Sorry, but you haven’t been pleasant company lately Ant’. I know Ayla will feel better with her brother around and Austin won’t come without Mel’. It’s simple math.”

  Anton narrowed his eyes at Austin and I could see the wheels turning.

  “Since when is Austin’s whereabouts dependant upon Mel’s?”

  I stayed silent because it was as much a newsflash to me as it was to him. Austin answered the question himself.

  “Since she finally decided to walk away from constant disappointment and try someone that might actually be good for her. I’ve got something to prove and I’m not leaving her side until I’ve accomplished that.”

  Wow. I poked the bear, but Austin walked up and slapped it on the back of the head. The bear was now dissecting him with a glare. Mr. Bear was not a happy bear at all.

  Before Anton could reply and start full-fledged internal discord within our little group, Deacon scored with the distraction.

  “Mel’, if you could pack a bag and be ready to go soon, we can pull all of this together tonight. Wherever he is, he’s losing patience and not above hurting people. He knows you’re here and he thinks Ayla is here at least some of the time. My guess is, this’ll be the next place he hits. Chase agrees with me, we updated him earlier.”

  Ayla and Dor’ moved closer and helped me stand, then they moved towards the stairs to help me.

  “Give me thirty minutes and I’ll be ready to roll.”

  I heard Anton speaking to Pierce and I had to smile.

  “Pierce, don’t you dare put them in the same room.”

  Pierce chuckled and shook his head, leaning casually against the entryway.

  “I’d never presume to do that Anton. What they decide to do once the lights are out is up to them, they’re adults.”

  “Who’s side are you on?”

  “I didn’t know you had a side.”

  I looked at them over the railing from the second floor.

  “Me neither.”

  Four sets of male eyes shot to me and I tried to keep my eyes on Pierce. I was in a strange situation for sure.

  If I blew this shot with Austin, I’d never get another. He wasn’t Anton. Anton was perfectly content it seemed, to wander in and out of my life as the mood suited him. As long as I continued to allow it, he’d continue to wander. I told him that when I was ready to settle down, that was it. Was I ready? If I was, was I ready to attempt it with Austin?

stin was perfect. Seriously. He was my best friend’s brother, he had his head screwed on straight, and he owned his own business. I had a feeling that he wasn’t a “wanderer”. I’d be willing to bet he wasn’t a cheater either. He was everything that Anton wasn’t.

  Do you see the problem?

  Dor’ and I set about packing clothes and I sent Ayla downstairs to pack up some of the things we’d need to put a makeshift office together. That was my story and I was going with it.

  Once we were alone, I handed Dor’ a sweater and watched while she folded it and placed it into the large suitcase.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  Dorothy raised her eyebrows and looked at me, waiting.

  “How did you get Deke to stop chasing other women?”

  She stopped, cocked her hip and looked at me.

  “Interesting question. The answer is, I didn’t. He did that on his own.”

  “You didn’t lay down the law? Give ultimatums? Threats?”

  “No, no, and no. I told you. He decided I was the ‘one’ and that was it. Why are you suddenly curious about Deacon’s dating habits? Do you know something I should know? It’s because I’m getting fat, right?”

  I put my hands on her shoulders to slow the escalating panic.

  “Stop already. This is not about Deacon. He adores you. You know that. This is about the other Sloan.”

  She sat down on the bed and folded her hands in her lap. A telltale sign that she was going to say something that I wasn’t going to like.

  “What are you gonna do about him Mel’?”

  “I guess I’m gonna cut him loose.”

  I didn’t know what I was gonna say until I said it. It surprised both of us.

  “I think you believe you’re going to do that, but we both know you’re not. Neither one of you will ever let that happen.”

  I stood and hobbled to the dresser, pulling out underwear and shoving it into the suitcase.

  “You’re acting like we don’t have a choice Dor’.”

  She grabbed my hands and looked up at me.

  “I don’t think you do.”

  “I used to think that too, but then he hurt me for the hundredth time. At what point do I stop letting him do that, huh? When do I stop obsessing over him and quit being stupid? There’s a wonderful guy waiting for a chance and I’m letting him get away because of that Romper Room Romeo. I’m nothing to him but an easy lay and I’m sick of it.”

  “He loves you.”

  “So he says. Then he turned around and made me feel stupid and unwanted over Christmas. Enough. I’d have been gone a long time ago if I had a place to go, but my home, family, and business are here. I’m kinda stuck. Besides, why should I run? There’s no reason we can’t be civil at family events, why doesn’t someone give him a good talking to?”

  She released me and I went back to packing.

  “I’ve never seen you like this before Mel’. I’m at a loss here. Tell me what I can do and I’ll do it.”

  My sister was once again my rock.

  “There’s nothing anyone can do that hasn’t been done or said already. He is what he is and trying to change him is an act of futility. Thanks for offering, I appreciate it.”

  I zipped the suitcase and dragged it off the bed. It had wheels, saving us both from lifting or calling for help. We walked into the hall, me on crutches and her dragging the bag behind. When we became visible on the walkway, Deacon bounded up the stairs to take the bag from his wife. I smiled and he smiled back. Then I turned to my sister.

  “You wanna know what you can do? Clone him.”

  They both started laughing and I wished I hadn’t been serious.

  Chapter Eight

  “This is such a load of shit. I’m going home.”

  Ayla and Sean looked up at me over their coffee, Pierce and Austin had already left for work. Sean looked sympathetic. Ayla looked terrified.

  “You can’t go home Mel’. It’s only been a little over a month. Look! You’re even in a walking cast! No more crutches. That’s a plus, right?”

  “Ayla, knock it off. The Sally Sunshine thing is getting on my nerves. I want my own bed and my own workroom back. I want privacy and alone time. I’ve got an atrium and a garden to plan. The baby will be here in a few months and I’ve got a baby shower to host.”

  I was moving down the hall and they were hot on my heels. Sean hadn’t said a word yet. He was my ace in the hole. When I turned into my room, they followed.

  “Sean, get my suitcase from the closet please.”

  He did as he was told and I gave him a genuine smile. He straightened his posture and smiled back. He was my new rock.

  “Melody think about what you’re doing please. Pierce and Deacon will have fits over this. We’re not safe.”

  I turned to Ayla who was now wringing her hands as I filled the suitcase.

  “Says who? Chase and Austin have been trailing the guy for weeks and they haven’t found jack shit. I say he’s gone. He made his grand gesture and now he’s back home. Mark my words. You wanna stay? Stay. Pierce likes you here. Austin and Chase are back in the apartment above the bar, I know they are. Austin doesn’t come here hardly ever and he has to be sleeping somewhere.”

  “He’s overseeing the repairs on the bar. It’s easier if he sleeps there.”

  “See? Tony hasn’t attacked him and he’s back home, I can go home too. Sean? Empty my closet please.”

  Sean moved to gather the reset of my things and I limped to the bathroom, gathering my toiletries and shoving them into my small travel bag. When I returned to the bedroom, Sean was folding my clothes and placing them in the suitcase. I tossed the travel bag on top. I looked over at a too quiet Ayla and she had her phone in her hand, agonizing over a decision.

  “If you call anyone named Sloan, you’re dead to me Ayla.”

  Sean rolled his eyes and spoke in an exaggerated stage whisper to Ayla.

  “She doesn’t mean it. No one’s been dead to her since a model stepped on a hem at a show and we had to staple it back together. Don’t worry.”

  Ayla looked at me with huge eyes, unsure of who to trust. I narrowed my eyes at her and she sat down, her call temporarily forgotten. I turned to Sean.

  “Grab the bag and come with me.”

  He grabbed the suitcase and followed me out the door.

  Sean came home with me and I wasn’t sure if it was out of duty or fear of letting me go alone. We were under strict rules not to go anywhere without a “buddy” and for the most part, that was one we followed. I still felt like a six year old on a field trip everywhere I went.

  When we walked into the condo, it smelled musty but felt like home. The cleaning company had kept everything dusted, but homes are meant to be lived in. Without air movement, they quickly go stale.

  Sean started hauling my case up the stairs and made himself at home.

  “I’ll unpack your bag, you make coffee. If I were you, I’d have the locks on the door changed or every Sloan and their cousin Tito will be here within the hour. Ayla’s sweet, but she’ll rat you out in a heartbeat.”

  “Good plan. Thanks.”

  I called a locksmith then ordered lunch. The phone rang twice and I let it go to voicemail. I wasn’t in the mood to be nice and I didn’t feel the need to explain my actions. I was Melody-fucking-Lincoln and I was an adult. I hadn’t explained myself to anyone in years.

  With my attitude firmly in place, I yelled up at Sean.

  “Could you do me a favor while you’re up there?”

  He came out and looked over the railing.

  “What do ya’ need?”

  “Look in the room next to mine and tell me if Austin’s things are still here.”

  He disappeared and reappeared a few minutes later.

  “Nope. It’s cleared and clean. He’s gone.”

  That was all I needed to know. He’d stayed exactly three nights at Pierce’s and then Chase showed up. They both disappeared and nobody said didd
ly squat about it. It was okay for them to be sitting ducks above a bar the asshole had already firebombed, but I wasn’t allowed to be alone in a secure building when I’d already kicked his ass once. What a crock.

  I hadn’t heard from Austin or Anton in weeks now and I felt free to make assumptions. Austin was too busy to give me and our fledgling potential relationship the time of day, and Anton was being, Anton. Man, I sure knew how to pick ‘em.

  Sean came skipping down the stairs as the doorbell rang and he held up a hand to me when I stood to answer. I sat back down and watched look out the peephole. He smiled and pulled out his wallet. I watched him take a box of food from a delivery guy we’d used before, pay him, then close the door.

  “Deli sandwiches. Good choice. You grab drinks and I’ll unpack lunch.”

  By dinner time the new locks were installed and I had five keys in my hand. I gave Sean one and he threw the old one away, replacing it with the new one. One would be for Ayla, and one for Dorothy. That conveniently took care of all the Sloans except for one, as well. That left one left over and I tossed it in the bowl where I tossed my own keys, on the small table near the front door. I was curious who would discover the change first.

  Sean left a little after five, leaving me alone for the first time in over a month. The walking cast made it easier to get around and I was glad to be rid of the crutches. The new cast would come off right about the time Deacon and Anton left on their trip. I was more than ready.

  Since there wasn’t much left to do, I went upstairs and out into the atrium. I pulled out my cell and settled in to listen to my friends and family rip me a new one. I’d have to face the music eventually and I’d rather do it on my terms.

  The first one was, of course, from Pierce.

  “Melody, Ayla called. Call me back as soon as you get this. It’s Pierce.”

  Delete. Next came Deacon. Oh my. They decided to pull out the big guns since Pierce got nowhere.


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