The Fourteenth Protocol_A Thriller

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The Fourteenth Protocol_A Thriller Page 11

by Nathan Goodman

  “Wow. I didn’t think you’d do it. Man, that was ballsy. Okay, we’ve been in comm with HRT. They’re tailing your Jamaican. Were those footsteps I heard from the second subject?”

  “Yes, sir, I had to crouch behind the car to avoid being seen,” Jana said. She thought her voice cracked, but no one seemed to notice. “He stood there a minute and then got in his car with me right behind it. I was afraid he’d see me once he pulled away.”

  “Great work, Baker. Hey, your leg’s bleeding, are you okay? That’s a pretty bad cut. You need medical?” Jana stared out the window, ignoring the question. Stark continued, “The HRT guys said something about a tow truck?”

  “Yeah, some asshole towed away the car I commandeered. But . . . those HRT guys are pussies, anyway,” she said, smiling.

  Laughter erupted in the car. The male agents were impressed. Agent Baker was going to fit right in.


  Agent Stark fixated on the iPad’s map application as he watched two dots move across the screen on a detailed street view of Atlanta. The dot representing subject two’s vehicle trailed a faint white line as it traversed the map. Speaking to the driver, Stark said, “All right, keep your distance. With this tracker in place, there’s no need to get too close and blow our surveillance.”

  Baker spoke up, “Sir, I had no time to get that tracker into place sufficiently. It’s stuck inside the rear bumper. It’s not like it’s got a magnet or anything on it.”

  The other agents looked at each other.

  “It would sure suck if it fell out and we lost him,” said Stark, still fixated on the map. “This guy’s all over the place. Charlie, take a look at this, he starts out heading east on Ponce, turns south, darts into a neighborhood, weaves his way around it, then comes right back out. Now he’s heading back west again.”

  Charlie, another agent in the vehicle, replied, “Sounds like he’s trying to make sure no one is following him. It would be impossible to tail right behind him and not give yourself away as he weaves all over those neighborhoods. Damn good thing we have that tracker.” He looked over at Jana, his eyebrows raised in a slight nod of approval.

  The agents followed the tracker’s signal for half an hour as the car took turn after turn.

  “All right, looks like we’re headed into Buckhead. He’s heading up Lenox Road towards the mall,” said Stark, looking into the distance ahead of them. “He’s turning south on Peachtree.”

  The agents pulled into the mall parking lot. “Don’t go in the parking garage, we might lose the signal,” said Stark to the steely eyed driver. “He’s slowing down. He’s not half a mile from us. Okay, looks like he’s turned right down there.”

  Jana said, “He must be turning into one of those tall buildings. There’s no through street right there.”

  She was right. On the map, Stark could see the blip on the map pull in between two buildings, and then the signal went dead.

  “Shit. It’s gone. The signal’s gone,” said Stark, tapping the iPad.

  “Probably went into a below-ground parking deck,” said Charlie. “Don’t worry; the range on that tracker is excellent. And we should have a few weeks of battery life left. All right, let’s see what that building is. Okay, I have it. It’s that tall one down there. You know, the newer one they built last year? It’s the one that went up right next to Cheesecake Factory where an old 1970s bank building used to stand. Some software company was in that old bank building . . .”

  Stark interrupted, “Charlie, Jesus. Enough with the history of Atlanta development. What’s the building that’s there now?”

  “Oh, sorry. Thoughtstorm, it’s a company called Thoughtstorm. Anybody know what that is? I’ll pull the building schematics. We need to get down there, get into the underground parking area, and find that car. We’re going to need to affix a more permanent tracker.” Charlie was an expert in the technology of tracking and surveillance. His nickname around the office was “Hound,” a reference to his ability to track a suspect across any surface. Jana didn’t know if it was true or not, but rumor around the office was that he once apprehended a wounded suspect after tracking him across half a mile of cement. The specks of blood were said to be so faint on the darkened surface that Charlie crawled on his hands and knees to locate them.

  Stark turned around. “All right, we need to get on foot. Baker, what’s the subject’s description?”

  Jana’s stomach dropped. She wanted so badly to impress these guys, but the truth was, she had no idea what he looked like. She looked Stark in the eye and said, “Sir, I didn’t get a good look at him. He was in the shadows. I could barely see him.” She was making no excuses, and she wasn’t backing down.

  “But he walked within nine feet of you,” he said.

  Jana needed something professional to say. “I wasn’t going to compromise my mission by giving away my location, sir.”

  Stark looked at her, started to say something, but stopped.

  “Ten-four. How about photography—you said he was in the shadows? Did you get him on camera? Maybe we can enhance the digital images.”

  “I snapped several shots of him while he was in the shadows talking with the Jamaican. I don’t know if the photos will show anything. It was dark where he was standing, but I got a few of him when he lit a cigarette. There may have been enough light then. It all happened so fast.”

  “Roger that. Go ahead and wirelessly upload those photos to HQ right now. I’ll set a priority status on them.”

  The Thoughtstorm building loomed in the sky, towering over the surrounding buildings, like a Goliath to their David. Its shadow darkened Peachtree Road.

  “Pull in across the street, into the Atlanta Financial Center building. Take the first entrance,” said Agent in Charge Stark. “Let’s park and walk across.” He turned to the driver. “Joe, I want you to stay in the vehicle; we may need to get moving quickly.”

  “I’ve got an idea,” said Charlie. “These buildings are connected to the MARTA train below through a tunnel that runs under Peachtree Road. Why don’t two of us take the tunnel. It connects with that monstrosity across the street. Then we can come up into the building as though we just got off the train. It won’t look as obvious as three of us walking straight across the street and into the front door.”

  “Good plan,” said Stark. “Set your comm to channel six one five. You two head down to the garage levels. Find that vehicle, but look sharp. We don’t know what we’re walking into. I’ll get a surveillance team heated up. We’re going to have to build a camp right here and watch this place. You two act like you’re dating. You know, hold hands or something.” Stark took a good look at the two agents. Charlie, the tough and chiseled type, had too much gray hair for someone Jana’s age. “Well, eighty-six that idea. Charlie, you’re too, well, too . . . too old, and frankly, she’s out of your league.” Stark realized his lack of political correctness too late. “Baker, sorry. Listen, look sharp for this guy. Finding that car is critical, but we need the suspect identified.”

  The pair worked their way through the long, wide tunnel underneath Peachtree Street that connected the train platform to both the Atlanta Financial Center and the Thoughtstorm buildings. Once inside, they took the elevator down to parking level B. Charlie removed his iPad from its case, hoping to find a signal from the tracking device. But there was nothing. Two floors below however, on level D, the iPad blipped a small alert sound. “This is it,” Charlie whispered from underneath a burly mustache, “your car is on this floor. Should be down that way a bit.” A sound echoed from the floor above as a car moved up the ramp, its tires squeaking across the painted surface.

  “We have a problem,” said Jana.

  “Holy shit,” replied Charlie, surveying all the cars on level D. Every car was exactly the same. All of them were identical, black, four-door Ford sedans. “I’ve never seen so many Crown Vics in my life,” said Charlie. “Looks like a Ford parade down here.”

  “Who in the hell is stupid en
ough to have a fleet of Crown Vics besides the government?” said Jana. “And how are we going to find a dark Ford sedan in a sea of dark Ford sedans?”

  “This tracking signal isn’t going to get us that close,” said Charlie. “We’ll never know which car it is. But, we’re going to have to find it, somehow.”

  The two were walking down the long rows when they heard the loud screeching of tires.

  “Move it!” said Charlie, grabbing Jana’s arm and yanking her behind a car. The vehicle rolled past. “Whew,” said Charlie, “that was close.”

  As he stood up, Jana grabbed his hand. “Charlie,” she whispered, “this is it. This is the car. This is it!”

  “What are you talking about? There’s a hundred cars in here. How could you possibly know that? The tracker isn’t that accurate.”

  “Because this is my blood,” she said, pointing at the bumper. Jana positioned her skinned knee against the darkly smeared blood stain. It was a perfect match.

  Charlie looked at the blood then glanced at Jana, his head shaking back and forth. “Well good God. They’re never going to believe this one.” He pulled a radio from underneath his gray canvas jacket. “Stark, this is point, over.”

  “Go ahead, point.”

  “The eagle has landed, over,” said Charlie, grinning. Bureau agents had a long running joke of always using code-speak. The team hadn’t planned any code be given, but Stark knew what he meant.

  “It’s landed, has it? You’ve been looking for thirty seconds, and large birds of prey are landing? Can’t wait to hear this one.”


  Within hours, three sets of surveillance teams took up position. One was assigned to the Jamaican. Another was situated outside the walk-up apartment of Waseem Jarrah, the suspected terrorist. And a third camped across Peachtree Street from the Thoughtstorm building. All three subjects were somehow interconnected, and pressure mounted on Agent in Charge David Stark and his team to find out everything.

  Stark placed a flash message to Washington, signaling he was sitting on a case of epic proportions. The safety of the American people was highly compromised, and national security might be at stake. Washington responded and responded with vigor. One hundred and seventy-five agents were flown to Atlanta over the next eighteen hours. This was to become the single highest priority for the FBI as the bureau now faced off with a terror cell that had slipped into the country and apparently pulled off eleven bombings. Up until now, nothing was known about who was behind the spate of attacks. These weren’t the large-scale attacks of 9/11 which took years of planning, a huge, unencumbered budget, and dozens of jihadists. In recent years, with all the work of the FBI, CIA, NSA, US military forces, and intelligence services all over the world, most organized terror groups had splintered. It was much harder for them to obtain large-scale financing without attracting attention. Now the jihadists regrouped under a new plan: to bring the US economy to a crawl through the use of small-scale terror attacks. These attacks were easier to pull off and required far fewer resources and manpower. And yet, since the American media swarmed on any terror attack, every man, woman, and child in the country would be made aware. And if Americans were afraid to leave their own homes, the repercussions to the economy would be catastrophic.

  The effectiveness of these attacks could further be magnified if the terrorists followed a predictable pattern. After that precise pattern and timing became common knowledge, the media would propagate a nationwide countdown to the next attack. People would be terrified as the countdown neared. Not only would they be afraid to leave their homes, they would have no idea where the next strike would occur. And, since each attack occurred sooner than the last, the anxiety of the collective consciousness would intensify.

  Since May, there had been one bombing each month. The body count was piling up. People were afraid, angry, and they wanted action. The attacks hit different targets in different cities of different sizes. Some were in major metropolitan areas like Chicago, where a bomb detonated in a crowded shopping mall. Then there was the smaller town of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, where a bomb ripped apart a city bus. Bombs had detonated in each corner of the country. And each time, although the bombs were small-scale, they targeted the highest number of people possible.

  Americans began to feel they were not safe anywhere. Subway trains, ball games, hospitals, schools, restaurants, theatres, and airports had all been targets. And the epicenter of the entire case seemed to hinge on Atlanta. The FBI hadn’t had a single break in the case until now. They’d exhausted every avenue of investigation, but each bomb had been different from the last. The explosive materials were different, the casings were different, the targets were different, the time of day was different. Nothing seemed to match. And this last bombing in Tucson was different as well. The explosive was laced with toxic residue, which meant anyone with even a superficial wound was dead within hours. The use of toxic residue was highly advanced and required significant training to implement.

  At the highest levels of government, concern was immense. The president ordered a full-court press. The CIA began leaning on its sources in the Middle East for information about Waseem Jarrah, and information flowed in. The two other subjects, however, were drawing a blank. No one had any information about the Jamaican. The bureau didn’t even know his name at this point. Making matters worse, the FBI could not identify the subject in the photos taken by Agent Jana Baker. His face was visible in the enhanced photographs, but facial recognition software had failed to come up with a match. He was the proverbial riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.

  The president was already being briefed daily by the FBI on the bombing investigation. But with each event, his mood darkened. He was determined that no bomb would go off on his watch ever again. To that end, under an executive order, the president directed the NSA to do something illegal—they were to spy on an American company. Not since the days of FBI director J. Edgar Hoover had a government agency been authorized to use this level of investigation on American citizens. Every Thoughtstorm employee would be scrutinized. Every home phone, business phone, cell phone, or VOIP phone was wiretapped. Every social media account like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and more were tracked. All e-mail addresses, both work and personal, were hacked. Every one of the over three thousand employees in Thoughtstorm’s Atlanta office was under the microscope. In the name of terror, everything in their lives became known to the government.


  A crowd gathered in the dusty little field just north of Shelby, Montana. The Lake Shel-Oole campground was a small, flat place whose only notable feature was the distinct absence of grass—or anything green, for that matter. The grayish soil was beaten and barren. Old wooden fence posts leaned in different directions lining Highway 15, each held upright by the light tension of wires adjoining them. Across the road from the entrance to the tiny park was what appeared to be a Gomer Pyle-style barracks building. It looked like a giant barrel, about forty feet long, that had been cut in half and laid on its side. It had been there since the 1960s, but the shoddy tin structure held its shape well. For snow country like this, a half-barrel-shaped building was ideal in the heavy winters. Several farm trucks were parked nearby with nothing under their wheels but the burnt earth, trampled under years of wear. A few small buildings stood adjacent to the old Highway 15 and 67 North sign markers.

  The sky was big, and the flat landscape rolled, bleeding into the distance. A sparse, yellow light leaked out from the last few street lamps that terminated this far north of town. The street lights were dimmed by the burnt glow of the setting sun, having just dipped below the horizon, like the melting of an ice cream cone. The evening was crisp, and the last vestiges of daylight were giving up their fight and yielding to a darkening eastern horizon. The mild breeze too gave up its efforts and became quiet.

  But the campground was anything but vacant on this particular evening. Dozens and dozens of cars and trucks parked neatly along the small roadway. The event was
known as the largest annual bonfire in Montana; its golden orange light brightly illuminated the crowd of smiling faces.

  Toole County Sheriff’s Deputy Brian Norton was working traffic at the entrance to the park. He turned his cruiser’s strobe lights off and walked over to the activity where the smell of home-cooked food and laughter hung in stark contrast to the night air. The steady stream of traffic coming to the cookout had slowed, and Deputy Norton was joined by several other sheriff’s deputies.

  “Hey, what gives?” said Norton. “I thought the old lady put you guys on town patrol tonight.”

  “Well, she did, but then she told us to come on up and join you. She didn’t want you eating all the food,” laughed Deputy Tom Watkins.

  Most everyone in town was already there. It was Shelby Township’s annual “Welcoming of Spring” cookout. Having been cooped up in their homes for much of the winter, third- and fourth-generation Shelbians gathered each year to mark the beginning of the growing season. But mainly they were here to just have a good time. Men gathered in large groups around the fire, backing away as the bonfire grew hotter and hotter. Women busied themselves around folding tables, stretching blue and red plaid tablecloths of shimmering plastic across each one, alternating the colors. Others arranged the abundance of covered dishes, sorting where each should be placed, and even fussing over whose homemade pie would get front billing on the dessert tables.

  At the far left of the long span of tables, mountains of barbequed beef brisket lay nestled in large, disposable aluminum trays. An entire cow had been dedicated by the county for the event. The middle tables were weighed down under all manner of glass dishes filled with coleslaw, barbeque beans, corn, green beans, and snap peas. Half of one of the tables was covered in store-bought bread, stacked five loaves high.

  Four boys, all wearing worn jeans, blue jean jackets, and baseball caps that advertised farm equipment of one type or another, spread out on opposing sides of the great fire. A football flew between them high across the top of the bonfire, the flames licking the old, cracked leather before being caught by a boy on the other side. They dared each other to catch the hot ball, each believing the other would chicken out.


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