Need Us (Make or Break Book 4)

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Need Us (Make or Break Book 4) Page 13

by Amanda Heath

  Then he reaches down to guide his erection into my body. I arch my back at the entrance because it’s been so long and it feels so fucking good. He uses his hand to raise my leg against him so he can penetrate me harder. His hips thrust, gliding him in and out of me. I feel everything and it sends me higher and higher. Our eyes stay locked the whole time, never once leaving the other’s. It feels like the closest we have ever been and maybe it is.

  “That’s it G. I wanna feel you milking my cock,” he says as he sinks into me and stays to grind his hips against mine. It sends my clit into overdrive and I find myself rolling my eyes into the back of my head.

  “Court…” I whimper into his neck because he’s used his hand to bring me closer to his body. He pounds into my body until his orgasm takes over and he stills inside of me. I’m still coming down from my own climax so I just lay there still and content. I can’t believe I ever thought for one second I could actually cheat on Court. It doesn’t make any sense at all. No one could ever make me feel this way.

  He nuzzles my face, never stopping skin-to-skin contact. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

  "Don't ever leave me again."

  "You kicked me out," I laugh.

  "Yeah, don't listen to me. I'm a fucking idiot."

  We lay like that for a while. Just the two of us, always touching. But I finally start to feel uncomfortable and he lets me get up to clean up. I leave the bathroom door open so he can see me. This is a little known fact but we chose this house because the bathroom door sits perfectly in the room so the bed can be seen.

  I like it when he looks at me. I feel beautiful and sexy. The more and more I think about it, I know I made the biggest mistake of my life and luckily everything turned out okay. I don’t know what I would do without Court. I don’t think I would ever have been a normal sane person again. He’s the other half of me and I should never have forgotten that.


  Court told me how yesterday Channing and Paisley stayed in Channing’s room all day. Court had to take care of both kids and get them ready for bed, so he decided we are going to do the same today.

  So that’s what we did. We made love, we watched TV, and we talked. We got back to being us instead of being him and me. We found a way to live with what happened. Though we will always have it out for Donovan. And hopefully the day will come where we get to confront him about it. I’m going to beat the shit out of him.

  Women are precious. I mean come on, we give birth to kids and we aren’t built to beat off attackers. You are a sick, stupid asshole if you take advantage of a woman, but since I’m a woman, my opinion might be biased. I’m just saying, it’s seriously hard to rape a guy, and it’s not so hard to rape a woman. As much as I hate to admit that, it’s true. And as women, we shouldn’t have to take special classes to defend ourselves against men; the men should be protecting us. But instead they are hurting us more and more every day. Maybe one day a woman will be president and she’ll make it a law that every man convicted of rape has to have their dick cut off. It’ll serve the assholes right.

  I know I wasn’t raped but it’s scary how close I came. Channing will always be a little more precious to me now. He saved me from a lot more pain and he didn’t even have to try. I’m happy I made the decision to let him live with us.

  Court and I are laying in bed watching Game of Thrones when there’s a banging on the wall in the next room. I look up at Court to see him smothering a laugh. That’s when my lip curls up. “So we have to listen to them fuck now?”

  Court finally just lets the laugh burst out of his mouth. “Yeah. It was horrible last night. I’m happy I let you talk me into this bed with the entire base on the floor. It doesn’t rock like his bed.”

  I purse my lips and I go back to the day I told Court what happened with Donovan. Channing was banging on the wall because he thought we were fucking, instead of arguing. I climb out of bed and cross the room. I start banging my fist against the wall. “Hey, asshole! I’m home now! I’m not going to let you get away with all this noise!” Then I bang some more.

  I hear Channing and Paisley’s smothered laughing behind the wall and that just pisses me off more. I bang again. “You have a fucking house Paisley, that no one else lives in! Why must you torture me?”

  Court sneaks up behind me. We’re both naked because putting clothes back on seemed pointless. I feel his erection hit me on the butt and I gasp. He starts kissing my neck, sending tingles straight to my sex. He snakes a hand around my body and starts playing around until I’m wet for him. Then he knocks my legs apart and slowly enters me.

  “Fuck,” I gasp out, laying my head against the wall. He moves slowly, way too slowly. “Harder,” I yell out in frustration.

  Court molds his front to my back, pushing me into the wall. Then he gives it all he’s got, causing me to slam into the wall over and over again. I throw my head back and let out a shout when I come, hard. Court is right behind me.

  We lay against the wall breathless and sweaty. “I think it’s time to take a shower. We’re starting to stink,” I say.

  Court bangs against the wall. “How you like it up close and personal, Channing?”

  Channing bangs against the wall and I laugh. “You two are fucking sick,” comes muffled through the wall.

  I think we’ll have our house back to ourselves quite soon.



  A little foot kicks me. I pop open my eyes and look down to see Wes’s stomach pressed up against me. I smile at one of my kids even though I know they can’t see. She’s gotten big the past couple of weeks. But there are two kids in there instead of one. Grayson has been hovering over her like a mother hen. I have been too so Wesley is about to go crazy.

  This week marks her thirty-four weeks pregnant. Or however you say it. Wes is a bit peeved since Paisley and Rach aren’t as big as she is. You can’t explain to a pregnant woman, especially one with twins, that she’s going to be bigger because there are two kids in there.

  “Hi,” she says while I’m looking down at her stomach.

  I look up and grin at her. “Royal junior kicked me. I guess he decided it was time to get up.”

  Wes rolls her eyes at me. “We aren’t naming one of our kids Royal junior. They’ll have their own names. I just haven’t decided what those are yet.”

  She gets an ultrasound every week but the babies refuse to get in the right position to tell what sex they are. It’s a lot harder to pick out four names than it is to pick out two. Wesley wants to wait anyways considering she wants to meet them before naming them. I guess I can see the sense in that.

  “You can take your time. You still have six weeks.” I kiss her on the temple and climb out of bed. The carpet is nice and soft but cold so I race over to my dresser to pull out some socks. I seriously hate the cold.

  “Dad said I’ll most likely go into labor early. At some point there really won’t be any room for these babies to move around.” She rolls around until she gets into the right position to get off the bed. I move around it to help her but she waves me away. “I can do it. All the hovering is really starting to get under my skin. I’m not an invalid.”

  I grab her shoulders and use a finger to make her look up at me. “No one thinks you’re an invalid. But you are a tiny woman and you’re pregnant with twins that come from half of me. They are big and you’re more at risk with twins than you would be with one kid. I know you don’t like all the hovering but I’m scared shitless. Remember that, please, girl.”

  She blinks up at me and then the tears start rolling down her face. When Wes and I first became friends she used to cry all the time. She thought she was hiding it from me, from everyone, but we saw it. So her crying all the time now brings back horrible memories for me. She’d gained enough weight to be healthy before the pregnancy, but I remember when she was stick thin and gaunt. It took everything in me not to force feed her eight times a day. Then I remember seeing her in the hallways at school after she
had her breakdown. She was covered in Band-Aids and she was limping because her feet were fucked up. Not to mention she looked haunted. I don’t blame her for all that because losing Trey like she did would fuck anyone up. I just don’t want her to end up in that place again. She doesn’t handle strong emotions all that well.

  “You don’t have to worry, Royal. I’m not going to go nuts simply because I have a lot of hormones in my system right now.” She takes a deep breath and leans in to kiss my shoulder. “Right now I’m just happy. I love it when you get all-stern with me and put me in my place. It lets me know I’ll always have you there to fix me.”

  I swallow down the tightness in my throat and pull her into my arms. I hold her for a little while and then I start swaying in a slow dance. I sing “Make You Feel My Love” the Adele version. It’s Wesley’s favorite song.

  It’s true though, there isn’t a thing I wouldn’t do for her. I’d cut off my own foot if it made her happy. But with her sweet gentle personality I doubt she’ll ever ask me to do that.

  “I love that song,” she whispers when I’m done. “You do Adele such sweet justice.”

  I bark out a laugh and bend down to kiss her cheek. “I don’t know about that. That lady has some pipes.”

  “Yeah she does. But you love the music and it shows when you sing. It makes it so fucking magical.” She beams up at me while she heads into the bathroom. We have a baby shower to get to. The girls decided to have a huge one for all four babies. At least Paisley and Rach know what they’re having. Unlike us.

  “Come on, I need you to wash my legs!” Wes shouts from the bathroom.

  I shake my head and walk into the room. She has pulled her nightgown over her head and is now completely naked. She’s sexy as fuck when she’s not pregnant but while she’s pregnant? I guess since they’re my kids, I find her irresistible. I want to do it more now than I did when we first got together. And back then it was a lot. I remember the weekends we used to get away with staying in bed all day.

  I take off my boxers and climb into the shower behind her. I wash myself as Wes washes all the places she can reach. When we’re done I get down on my haunches and wash her feet and then her legs. While I’m down there I decide she should have a very happy morning so I stick my face right at the apex of her thighs.

  She gasps above me and her hands go right into my hair. It took me months to get her to let me eat her out. I didn’t understand why she didn’t want to try it. Turns out, Trey wasn’t a fan. Back then I had to remind her that Trey and I are different people. I’m only glad she knows the difference now.

  I throw one of her legs over my shoulder and use my mouth to suck on her clit. I hear her panting and moaning above me. I use a finger to sink in and out of her tight channel. It helps speed things up. I use my other hand to stroke up and down on my dick. Her hands damn near rip the hairs out of my head when she comes. Pregnancy has its advantages. Like Wes gets off faster and harder.

  I stand up and watch as she opens her eyes to smile up at me. “Did you like that Duchess?” I murmur, splaying my hands on her hips.

  “Yes,” she replies as I slowly spin her around. It’s difficult to have sex with her belly but we make it work. Most days we end up standing up in the shower because it’s the best fit for both of us.

  I place my foot on the side of the tub and slowly enter her from behind. She’s bent a little at the waist so her belly doesn’t slam into the wall. She’s wet and hot and it feels so fucking good. I feel her all over and it brings tingles to my spine. I’m worked up real good this morning. I thrust into her gently because I don’t want to hurt her.

  “You can…you can go faster…you won’t hurt me…I promise.” Her hands leave the wall and reach behind her to reach for my ass.

  I stick my face into her neck and thrust faster. She starts crying out and I clench my teeth to stop myself from coming. I move my hand down her body and end up right between her legs. I flick her clit back and forth until I feel her convulsing around me. Then I let go, throwing my head back and everything.

  We lean against the wall in the aftermath, panting and trying to catch our breath. “You’re going to kill me,” I state, nuzzling into her neck.

  She chuckles and rubs her hands up and down my sides. “You started it. You can’t just stick your face near my vagina and expect nothing to happen.”

  I laugh hard at that one and finally move to turn the water off. “Let’s go get ready. If we’re late to the shower, Rachel might bite both our heads off.”

  My sister has gotten quite bitchy during this pregnancy. I think all the stress of what happened with Donovan is a part of that. Add in the fact that no one has heard from him, makes her even more unhinged. She isn’t scared if that’s what you’re thinking. More like she wants to plant her foot up his ass and cut off his sack. I don’t blame her one bit. He could have destroyed her relationship with Pierce and Asher. He could have done a lot more damage than he did. Hell, he almost did. I never thought she was going to go home to Pierce. Even after she found out about the new baby it still took her a month to get back to him.

  “Do you think Donovan will ever show back up?” I step out of the shower and grab Wes’s towel. I look at her while she bites her lip. I won’t get mad at her for asking the question we’ve all been asking in our heads. He used to be her friend and they are cousins. It’s only natural for her to worry about what will happen to him. I just know she’ll never stop what’s bound to happen nor will she hide information from the rest of us.

  “You’ll be the first to know. You know you’ll be the one he contacts first.” And that’s true. Wes will be the only person in his family that will handle him with care. She won’t accuse him of anything and she won’t fight him. But then again she was never in any kind of danger from him.

  “That’s what I’m worried about.” She starts chewing on her fingernail and I smack her hand away. “Sorry. I just get so nervous about the whole thing. I want to tell him to run away and stay away, yet I want to beat the shit out of him. It’s all very conflicting. Plus, I want to watch Rach hand him his ass. That should add up to some good drama. We haven’t had any of that in a while.”

  I wouldn’t say that. Channing and Paisley are still at odds even though they are bringing a kid into the world. It seemed they were going to make it work and they were together all the time when she first found out, but now they barely speak to each other. Between Wesley, Rachel and Channing it’s a wonder I haven’t run screaming in the opposite direction.

  “I think we’ll have plenty of drama today. Channing said he was coming to the shower. Who knows how Paisley will take that, since he won’t answer her calls anymore.”

  Wesley sneers at me. “Those two need to grow the fuck up. They have a kid on the way. So what she won’t marry him. We have that figured out. Kiss and make up because we all know neither one of them will ever love anyone else. I’m about fed up with all this stupid shit.” She tugs on her shirt with a little more force then she should have used.

  I cover a laugh and sit down on the bed next to her. “One of these days, they will figure it all out. Look at what having Asher did for Rachel. She got all mature and shit real fast. Plus, she’s had enough of it herself, so it’s bound to get fixed by her. There’s only so much crap she’s willing to let them put themselves through.”

  It took Rach and I a long time to forgive Paisley. I don’t know if we truly have. Channing has been a huge part of our lives for years; he’s like the third to our triplets. And Paisley hurt him more than he’s ever been hurt. But she’s come back and asked for forgiveness. She’s put the effort in to making everything alright. Channing just has a stick up his ass, not that I blame him. I just know I want him to be happy and he needs her for that. Plus, we don’t need another tragic story like Lily and Channing’s dad. The circumstances are different but if either Channing or Paisley chose to move on, they would only hurt that person. Those two could never stay away from each other forever. They’d
die of a broken heart.

  We finally get dressed and I play Candy Crush on my phone while Wesley does her makeup and hair. Then we head down to the car and drive over to my parent’s house. The driveway is full of cars so we have to park on the street.

  “You want me to go get the golf cart?” I ask once we get out of the car.

  Wesley huffs. “You’re supposed to walk while you’re pregnant. It helps when it’s time to give birth. So no, I do not want you to go get the golf cart.” Then she starts striding up the driveway like it’s nothing.

  My girl is crazy. But I love her no matter what she throws at me.

  My mom greets us at the door and she gives Wesley an extra long hug. She knows what it’s like to be pregnant with twins. They have a bond the rest of us can’t understand. So I guess I share one with my Dad since he had to go through it too. He knows it too since he hands me a beer the second I see him in the living room.

  There are three chairs in front of the fireplace. One is pink, one is red and the other is green. They have balloons tied to the armrest and each one has a name. The pink for Rachel, the red for Paisley and the green for Wesley. There are pink and blue wrapped presents everywhere plus three huge cakes made out of diapers.

  Channing heads right for me when I walk into the room. I nod at him and he stops to stand next to me. “I thought there would be actual cake. Not ones made out of diapers. I’m disappointed.”

  Channing chuckles and points to the other side of the room. “The real cake is over there. It has the girls standing with their feet on our stomachs while we lay on the ground.”

  I make a face at him and move over to the other side of the room. There is in fact a cake with Rachel, Wesley and Paisley standing over Pierce, Channing, and Me. I try to figure out how that makes me feel but I guess as funny cakes go, it works. It certainly does make me laugh.


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