Blue Demon

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Blue Demon Page 5

by David Bernstein

  “Oops,” she said, covering her mouth with her hand. “I knew I’d forgotten something today.”

  He stood, his penis as hard as rock. He wanted her so badly, but purposely held himself in check. Waiting was part of the fun.

  He picked up a new scalpel, one not dulled from cutting fabric. He held it in front of her. Her eyes widened in feign shock this time. The small blade glinted under the soft lighting. She shivered and grinned.

  He motioned for her to get on the table.

  She climbed up and laid back, arms at her sides, legs slightly spread. He could barely control himself, wanting to take her there. Enter her and fuck her hard. He needed the release. But he held back, knowing it was going to be worth it.

  He removed his jacket and shirt. Undid his belt and let his pants fall to the floor. His underwear bulged. Carrie lay completely still, pretending to be his patient.

  He climbed onto the table, lancet in hand. He placed the blade to the underneath of her bra and flicked upwards. The fabric came apart easily. Her voluptuous breasts exploded free. He felt a wave of heat wash over him. He pressed the side of the blade against her left nipple. She shuddered and let loose a gasp. He circled the protruding pink flesh, causing it to further harden and stand tall.

  He guided the blade down, across her abdomen. He let the blade bite into her flesh now and again, producing half inch-long cuts. She liked it when he cut her. She moaned and trembled each time he sliced her, each incision making her wetter, sometimes bringing her to immediate orgasm. Nothing deep or dangerous, just small, millimeter-deep incisions that only bled a little. Droplets of blood came to the surface, but barely enough to satisfy a mosquito. He was that good. Perfection. There would be no scarring, just the way she wanted it.

  He came to her mound, her most private parts exposed to him, to his blade. He’d never cut her there, that area forbidden to steel, save the loop-shaped jewelry that pierced the sensitive flesh.

  Instead, he moved the blade to her inner thigh, just below her buttocks. He could cut deeper there where she liked it most and knew the scarring wouldn’t show. As he pressed the blade into the soft flesh, the lights above flickered. The action broke his concentration and he nicked her a little too hard.

  “Ouch,” she said.

  The lights continued to flash, complete darkness enveloping them for a second only to be replaced by overwhelmingly bright light. It was annoying and distracting.

  “Damn it,” he said, angrily.

  Movement from the corner of his eye—a figure?

  Something grabbed his arm.

  There was a tearing sound and immense pressure where his arm and shoulder met. A moment later, his arm was gone; sucked into the room’s blackness. He didn’t understand what had happened. He was seeing things that weren't real.

  Blood spewed, covering Carrie in glistening red.

  She screamed.

  The pain hit him and he screamed too. He saw flashes of movement off to the sides, and then the hideous, demonic face of a creature. He was imagining it. Such things weren’t possible. It had huge ears, sabertooth-like fangs and glowing red eyes. It grabbed Carrie by her neck and threw her off the table.

  He kneeled against the table in shock, blood continuing to gush from his gaping wound, waiting for the creature to come back.

  Then something grabbed him from behind, lifted him up and slammed him down in her place.

  He went to scream, but the monster—for that’s what it was—shoved the arm it had torn off him into his mouth, quieting him. It held up its long claws, shiny with his blood, and went to work.

  Chapter Eight

  When Cal woke up the following morning, he went to grab Blue Demon, but the toy wasn’t there. He glanced around the room, then down at the floor. Not finding it, he wondered if it had fallen during the night and was under his bed.

  “Mom,” he said, waking her.

  “What is it, sweetie?” she asked tiredly. She was laying back in one of the cushioned chairs, head back and eyes closed.

  “Can you check under the bed? I think Blue Demon got knocked down. I can’t find him.”

  His mother opened her eyes, stretched and yawned. “They have to get me a bed if we don’t go home soon.” She got to her feet, came over to the bed and knelt. “I don’t see it, honey.”

  “It has to be there.”

  His mother stood and searched the area, looking behind her chair and along the windowsill. She checked the bathroom, and then the bed adjacent to Cal’s where an elderly man was resting after hip surgery.

  Apparently, Blue Demon was nowhere to be found.

  “Someone must’ve taken him,” Cal whined.

  “Honey, I’m sure no one took him.”

  “Then where is he?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know.”


  Tired, Jackie decided to go for a cup of coffee and to get something to eat, assuring Cal that they would find Blue Demon when she returned.

  The hospital was abuzz with activity. Nurses and doctors bustled about and wore concerned-looking faces. She heard talk of murder from a few whispering employees and saw police officers walking the hallways, some with dogs. They were checking rooms and closets.

  “Excuse me,” she said, stopping one of the officers.”

  “Yes, ma’am?”

  “What’s going on?”

  “We’re advising all patients and visitors to remain in their rooms for now. The police presence is just a precaution. There’s nothing to worry about.”

  “Why, what happened?”

  “I can’t say, ma’am. It’s still under investigation, but we’re pretty sure it’s safe.”

  “My son’s in here and he can’t leave.”

  “The hospital’s full of patients that can’t leave. That’s why we’re taking this precaution. But like I said, we think everything’s now under control. Please, if you’d return to your room, stay out of the way, for the time being, so the police can finish things up.” The man excused himself and walked off.

  Jackie quickly made her way back to her son’s room.

  “What’s going on, Mom? There was a policeman in here checking out the room.”

  “I don’t know, but a policeman assured me the hospital is safe."

  “I’m scared.”

  She exhaled noisily, frustrated. “Let me see if I can find out what’s going on.” She was about to leave the room to find someone who could tell her the truth when Nurse Rhonda—as Cal called her—entered the room.

  “Do you know what’s happening?”

  “Everything’s okay, not to worry. And from what I hear, Cal’s doing great, isn’t that right, Cal?”

  “Please,” Jackie said, grabbing the woman’s arm and meeting her stare. “My son and I are scared.”

  Nurse Rhonda frowned, then looked over her shoulder towards the door. She faced Jackie and spoke just above a whisper. “Dr. Stetson was found in one of the ORs…” She took a moment. “I shouldn’t be telling you this, but he and a nurse were attacked.”


  “Someone tortured him. Cut off his arms and legs, but made sure to bandage him up—professionally. The nurse was unconscious during the attack. Didn’t see a thing. The police think a doctor might’ve done it, but Dr. Stetson told them that a man with blue makeup and wearing a monster costume had done it. Said it was some type of devil man.”

  Jackie covered her mouth with her hand, her eyes unblinking.

  "Like I said, the police assured us that there's no danger anymore. Whoever did it is gone." She smiled and patted Jackie on her arm before checking Cal's bandages and exiting the room.

  The news was horrible, but truth be told, she wasn’t sure how she really felt. She’d hated the man, wanted him to pay for what he had done. Have him fired. But brutally maimed? No, she would never wish something like that on anyone. Regardless, she couldn’t help but feel the world was a safer place now. There’d be no court to decide if he shoul
d practice medicine. The man was done playing surgeon.

  Justice had been obtained.

  “What is it, Mom?”


  “Does it have something to do with Blue Demon going missing?”

  “No, sweetie,” she said. “It’s adult stuff. Nothing to do with you or Blue Demon.”

  The woman's words echoed in Jackie's mind and she stiffened. Talk about coincidences. Cal’s Blue Demon went missing and the man who butchered her son was disfigured by a man dressed in a blue devil costume. A shiver raced down her spine.

  Chapter Nine

  Cal spent the next couple days in the hospital. The prosthetics doctor paid him a visit and got him situated with new feet. Cal was up and walking on them right away with the use of a walker, but the process was painful. His wounds were still healing and it would take time before he was used to the mock limbs.

  After being released from the hospital, he spent time at a rehabilitation center not far from his home. He worked diligently, cried a lot, but never gave up. He built up his muscles, learned how to walk again, and a few weeks later, he was even jogging on the treadmill.

  He never found his Blue Demon action figure, amazed how it had simply disappeared. He felt cheated. Something important to him had come back into his life, and at a time he’d needed something special. It was as if his dad had been watching over him, letting him know everything was going to be okay. Then the surgeon—the butcher, he’d heard his mom say to someone on the phone—had been attacked by a blue man. His mother hadn’t said anything to him about it, but he’d heard conversations and asked one of the nurses what had happened before finding a newspaper and reading an article on the matter.

  It was as if a real-life Blue Demon had swooped in and avenged him. He wasn’t sure how he felt about the severity of the act, but at least the man wasn’t going to be able to hurt anyone ever again.

  His, and his mother’s, wish had come true.

  Chapter Ten

  A few days after feeling comfortable enough with his new feet, Cal decided to head up to the attic. His mother had found Blue Demon up there, and he wondered what other old toys might also be present. Ones he’d forgotten about. Maybe, if he could sell some of his stuff—an old toy now worth a lot to a collector, like Blue Demon—and save up his allowance, he could buy another Blue Demon action figure. That was of course if he could find one for sale. Currently, there appeared to be none available anywhere. But one day there would be, he knew. It wouldn’t be the same one, but he would pretend it was.

  He climbed the attic stairs, looked around a bit, and found his section—the area his mom had put boxes containing his things, from baby clothes to toys. He found the box with Cal’s Stuff written on it. The tape had already been slit open. He bent the box flaps back and nearly fell over when he saw his Blue Demon action figure resting at the top of his stuff. His breathing grew shallow and his eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets. Cal gaped at the toy. He stood there for a good thirty seconds before coughing from the dust he inhaled, the act shaking him from his stupor. He was dumbfounded to say the least, completely unable to come up with how the action figure had found its way back home and back into his box of toys.

  He picked up the blue fellow, needing to touch it and know it was real. Maybe he was dreaming? Or maybe his mother had found it, and for some reason she hadn’t told him so. But why give it to him only to take it away? He wondered if she had been awake the night he had talked to it. Maybe she’d heard him and got a little freaked out. Thought he was going off the deep end.

  Then it all made sense.

  The action figure had never gone missing because she’d taken it. Figuring it would be safe in the attic, a place he wouldn’t go to, for he almost never went up there. Once she knew he was all right—mentally—she’d give it back. She couldn’t throw it away. It was too valuable, both monetarily as well as emotionally.

  Not knowing if he should hide the thing in his room or show it to his mother—because maybe she hadn’t taken it from his hospital room—he took a moment, and then decided not to say anything. He would just put it in his room and see what she said when she saw it. In the meantime, he could keep an eye on it and it could keep watch over him. Protect him. He couldn’t help but think of what had happened to Dr. Stetson, the surgeon attacked by a blue man. He stared at the figure in his hands, then shook his head. No, it wasn’t possible.


  He started school mid-semester, having been excited to return. But at the same time, he was frightened. His friends had been over to see him at his house during his time away. The first thing he did was to show them his feet, wanting to get the whole thing out of the way. They had asked him questions, touched them warily, at first, and an hour later, had forgotten all about the prosthetics.

  The entire school had heard about what had happened to him, and knew he would be known less as Cal Langston and more as the kid who’d had both his feet cut off. But he’d prepared himself for the very fact. He knew it’s what they’d be thinking, what they’d whisper—the people who didn’t know him—but he’d most likely never get the chance to actually hear anyone call him the kid who’d had both his feet cut off, so he wasn’t going to worry about it. He couldn’t stop people from thinking whatever it was they were going to think about.

  Besides his own story having made the news, Dr. Stetson’s attack had as well. He was asked a number of questions about it, including if he thought someone from his family had gone after the doctor as revenge for what the man had done to him. As much as he wanted to believe Blue Demon was real, he laughed and said no.

  For the most part, after the first few days of school, the students, as well as a few teachers, left him alone, save a horrible bullying situation that turned out even worse for the bullies.

  He’d been in the boy’s bathroom on the first floor, washing his hands when Kyle Gilbert, Johnny Swaygo and Kenny Wilmore entered. They were mean, a gang of three that never got messed with. They ruled the hallways, classrooms and playground. Kids stayed out of their way. They had never bothered Cal before, save for Kyle, who two years ago, had tripped Cal in the lunch room. Cal hadn’t known why it happened, but that had been it. He guessed he was just a spur of the moment target, something to give Kyle and his friends a quick laugh.

  Kyle and Johnny stood in front of him after he finished washing his hands. Kenny remained at the door, the lookout. Cal knew they were there for him. He could scream if they did anything to him, just go nuts. But he decided to play it cool.

  “Hey, guys,” Cal said as moved to get by them, but instead ran into a pair of arms, the things like impenetrable gates. “Come on, guys, I have to get to class.”

  “I have to get to class,” Johnny said, his voice mocking in tone.

  Cal decided to beat them to the punch. He knew this confrontation could only be about one thing. “It’s my feet, right? They make me a target? I get it. I’m weird. I had a terrible thing happen to me. I’m different, so pick on the kid with no feet, right?”

  They looked at each other in surprise, then back at Cal.

  “Something like that, geek,” Kyle said, and looked over his shoulder at Kenny.

  Kenny nodded.

  “Come on,” Cal said. “We’re going to get in trouble.” He went to move past them again, but Johnny wrapped him up in a bear hug. Cal opened his mouth to yell for help, but Johnny’s hand clamped over it.

  Kenny came over, and together, they pinned Cal to the cold tile floor. He tried to kick and buck and flail his arms, but his attackers were too heavy. He didn’t stop struggling until Kyle punched him in the stomach and he lost his ability to draw in breath for a moment. The fight was completely out of him.

  “The more you fight us, the more it’s going to hurt, geek,” Kyle said.

  Kenny sat on his legs, holding them still. Cal couldn’t see what was happening, but a second later, he felt his pant legs get pulled up. He felt a painful tugging sensation on his legs
, and then nothing but open air across his stumps.

  Kyle and Kenny got up, each kid holding one of his feet in their hands. They disappeared into separate stalls. Cal heard water splash and knew they’d tossed his prosthetics in the toilet bowls. A few moments later, he heard the sound of them peeing.

  He closed his eyes, wanting to crawl away and hide.

  All three kids were laughing now.

  Cal’s bottom lip trembled. He was fighting hard to not cry.

  “Aww, little baby gonna cry?” Johnny said, and let Cal up.

  Kyle approached him and poked him hard in the chest. “You tell anyone about this and you’re dead.” The bully nodded to Johnny, who then grabbed Cal and shoved him hard against one of the stalls. Cal's head and back collided with the metal wall. He staggered, having almost no balance on his stumps, and then fell on his ass. The kids laughed louder than ever.

  “Get up, nerd,” Johnny said.

  Cal remained where he was, tears now streaking his face. The pain was nothing compared to how embarrassed he felt.

  “I said ‘get up’,” Johnny said.

  “Well, boys, help the geek up,” Kyle said.

  Johnny and Kenny came over, grabbed Cal by his arms and got him to his legs. They let him go and watched as Cal tried to stand. Pain shot up through his legs, the ends not used to being in direct contact with such a hard floor. He almost never removed his prosthetic feet, save when he was in the shower, and then he wore rubber soles over the stumps to keep the tender flesh from paining him.

  Cal winced and tried to not show how uncomfortable he was, but he couldn’t help it and cried out. The pain was traveling up his legs and into his thighs. Balancing was almost impossible. He didn’t want to go down, but he couldn’t stand much longer. The boys continued to laugh as he staggered back and forth, each step feeling as if he were stepping on hot coals. Unable to take any more, he fell hard to the floor.


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